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 Oct 2020 Dante Rocío
 Oct 2020 Dante Rocío
When I was a child,
I was taught poetry wasn't mild,
It was deep as the sea,
And it seemed truly unachievable for me.
I was taught poetry had to rhyme,
Every single line, every single time.
So poetry seemed out of my reach,
Like chasing a seagull down a beach,
Jumping ever so slightly away,
Or soaring into the sunny day.

So I never thrived for what I thought would,
No, Could
Never be.

I guess now I'm fixing the mistakes of past me.
You smell like a wet wood-
Freshly watered with rain;
Dried up by the crisp of the wind;
And golden shade of sunlight peeking through the leaves.

You reminded me the sonnets of Shakespeare-
Classic, romantic, and deep.
I swam into your thoughts but was drowned-
A renaissance man; I cannot fathom.

You sounded like a heavy rain-
Pouring carelessly on the hot tin roof;
I could listen to it, ceaselessly-
Under the white blank sheets on a lazy Sunday.

You tasted like the last drop of coffee;
Dripping through my throat, s-l-o-w-l-y.
Wanting for more-thirsty for the unknown.
A strong bittersweet addiction.
This is the continuation of my first poem called "The Prologue".
Zeus bothered the sleeping summer

And left the moon bewildered-

Dancing around earth clockwise,

Stars fell in complete mayhem.

And there came Poseidon in rage!

Waves reached the mighty sky

And never returned to its abode,

Abruptly, it stopped kissing the lonely shore.

Hades crawled out from the underworld

With the three-headed Cerberus

Wiggling its tail, mouth wide-open-

Summer was doomed.

Screaming to the deserted forest,

Echoed voice answered the call

Autumn turned silver from gold

Spring battled with Fall.

Turmoil awakened the sun

Stretching out its rays to the skyline

Coating the universe with warmth

Hope sprouted as the birds sang.

The gods went back to Olympus-

Left the earth in yellow embrace

Filled the clouds with pink and orange hues

Behind this milieu, I found you.
As a bricklayer's assistant
he was a farmer's son first:
by result of a school mockery
he has been extracted
from the roots.

Location between distances
to yourself in a safe mode is
the perpendicular engineering
of toughening.

I am looking

at the holy picture as
he breathes calmly
during sleep

my father
a present day under my armpits –
oh, what a singularity it is not

aluminum ****** out of mother's milk is a spice
from day
     to day
          becomes bread
This is not just
A career opportunity
It's an eternal call for
The background visual poetry
Model (Spirit)
Who will stay eternal
No less than the oldest star
No less than the solo sun

It's not about the pretty face
Or the latitude
And longitude of the body
We're concerned about
It's not about the education height
We have nothing to do with
It's not about your background
Where you are from

It's about the vibration
Grace and inspiration
It's about the energy
And the balance
It's more about
Your inner self
Everything who is you

All it takes is to sense the air
Go with the flow
Keep the mind at rest
Lost in time
Don't ever stop
Be inevitable
With each passing day

The rightful spirit
Drop your CV
Vibe with us
Genre: Experimental
Theme: Vacancy Announcement
 Oct 2020 Dante Rocío
as rose-tinted glasses
into a million smithereens

I saw the world
in shades
A hundred fireflies trapped in a glass jar...

Beautifully vulnerable...

Begging some uncommon empathy from the watching world...

Soft light faded with perpetual sadness of being exiled...

In their minds they imagined a kindred spirit releasing them...

Dissolving into the earthly air they would have made sunsets look even more beautiful...

Yet they lay... Hindered... longing liberty... and a toy of some wild spirit in search of fun...

That banished their liveliness at the stake of one's happiness!
Thank you for reading this! 💖
Late at night as I disappear from the public eye of the world
and leave behind all my worries and fears,
I take to the sky like a silent kite soaring in silence towards the stars
entering the sanctuary of a quiet moon;
With arms outstretched  I long for the sliver of dusk to bathe  me anew
and to clothe  me with her shimmering gown of shedding pink;
O'er by the sea I watch the urchins as they whisper to the mermaids
Captains christening their ships with  spy glass devotion,  
into the mysteries of night they go, gliding towards new horizons;
I lay on a hammock of woven cotton tucked between two hefty clouds of white,  no one here to sing to me except angels with their bugles and golden voices...
This is (my private universe) and only the stars are privy to my smiles,
as I glide into this daydream in the middle of the galaxy
Late at night I disappear from the world awash with eyes of stardust
in the morning I wake up and realize that the world is not my place ,
its only a parking lot for the human race, and I don't belong in it...

October 3, 2020
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