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Naomi Chevalier Jun 2018
I don’t think I’ll ever grow used to your eyes.

The way they see into my soul.

Like amber pools, what mysteries have bathed there. Rinsing the deceit and lies that rise in my mind.

Emerging clean, new and ocean blue.

I never want to hide- but whisper the truth only for your ears to hear


I didn’t know that love was tangible, real and true- till I laid my eyes on you.
Naomi Chevalier Dec 2017
Peace like a river flows
from my heart and to my mind
cleansing the doubt from my body
washing the dust from my eyes
causing me to see again -


Love, that really had never left
but had waited patiently
with outstretched hands
and a warm smile
praying for my safe return home.

I remember
my potential, my Saviour

I am not forgotten.

upon your palms
I am engraven

Stand firm in the knowledge
that you are never alone-
and in the darkest night
that eternal light shines the most bright.
Keep fighting for life, and strive to become who each of us are truly meant to be
Naomi Chevalier Sep 2016
These demons have outstayed their welcome
They have made residence in my atoms
I feel them dance among my molecules
And sleep in my cells
They move around my tissues
And are anchored steadfastly to my organs
A corrupt system have they formed

And I assisted them at every turn
Protected them, hid them, and fed them.

And now, after they have learned my secret places
And know me from the inside out
Their claws are in deep
And they will never leave

But that is fine by me,
Without them,
What would I be composed of?
I am at peace with them. I don't remember how to truly live
Naomi Chevalier Aug 2016
As I wander, grows the chasm
From my heart to yours
Home beckons me
But this body has been sculpted to roam
Attachments made of tenuous fiber
Beside her, they stay
An anchor to what once was
Forgiveness that you keep close
I can only but hope with me you would share
Impart to me the desire to feel
Awaken and inspire my heart to love again
I, like clay, moldable and true to the shape of your hands
Would remake myself for you
Just say the words
Naomi Chevalier Aug 2016
Empty houses
Leave violent echoes
Of the choices we made
But the throes of death
Will eventually subside
And we are left with
More reason to hide
I cover myself in truth
And then bide my time
I know you are ruthless
But so am I
I will pass this test
And let my feelings for us die
Naomi Chevalier Aug 2016
The thought of you holds sleep at bay
Do you ever think of me?
I think of you
In landscapes I wander
Dreamless and weary
Searching for that familiar face
Remember how we laughed the first date?
You smiled encouragingly as I opened up
I remember the second
And you opening the door not just the car
But the one to your soul
And the third when you held me close, and kept the cold at bay
When your lips first touched mine
I was shocked and felt so alive
It was that day. That evening.
That was the last day you
Shared your love with me
You were slow to respond
And I felt like a hit and run victim
You order me to move on
And I an obedient soldier,
Do my best
But I just wander lost in love or lust
I don't know
Visions of you flicker across my eyes
Painting the sky in shades of red and blue
I am shell shocked,
My pulse racing to unknown ends
And to make amends
Would it **** you?
To tell me why?
I am so tired of what was plaguing my mind, I want to move on. But you give me no closure.
Naomi Chevalier Aug 2016
I need you to feel alive
These dusty corners of my heart
Have no melody
I reluctantly fold my heavy arms
That offered no protection against your charms
I always will regard you
As a ghost
You haunt will my footsteps
As I pass through the lonely halls of life
You will never confront me
But your spirit of animosity
Will poison what was once pure
And now I can be sure
All we are is...
We crashed before we even left the ground
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