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CautiousRain Apr 2017
I've got to hand it to you,
the curvature of your palms
are so impeccable,
that they easily slip into
the palm of another,
with skin smooth or roughed
by work, and yet even those fingertips,
slender, stubby, even some missing or bent,
can delicately intertwine
as if all gestures could be made together
and your skin and fingerprints could merge
with each touch like a puzzle piece
offered in twos,
designed to craft and to hold on
Original prompt said to write about a body part so I chose hands. Let this poem lighten up the place since I'm spamming my feed rn.
CautiousRain Apr 2017
I have squandered so much energy
hoping to understand you,
that I regretfully left none for myself,
and anything learned is naught;
next time leave me a blank letter
since that gives more substance
than simply walking away.
Tired man, so tired. Nothing makes sense.
CautiousRain Apr 2017
Flash forward.

Progress isn't possible
without a little dip in the pool
so keep looking back;
trip over the wires,
set them off and see what happens.

Flash forward.

Drag me through the mud,
but don't let me look
at the mess I've made
in the mirror.

Flash forward.

Hear that voice.
Hear it.
Hear it and weep.

Flash forward.
Flash forward.
Flash forward.

*Please don't take me back there.
Tbh I am pretty sure I am not okay but at the same time???? not much I can do about it so gg life, thanks so much
CautiousRain Apr 2017
Lest we forget your mistakes;
they seep into mine
making us both cold sinners.
Reverse haiku challenge. 7/5/7 syllables.
CautiousRain Mar 2017
Stay with me, somehow,
and see the world as I see it,
pretty and dreary,
though more dead than alive,
and squint your eyes into the sizzling desert,
riddled with hollow bones,
and look further to the flowering cacti;
then maybe you would see me reflecting back
in its fruit and know that it is my life;
I tempt death's grip,
but he cannot reach one so destined to survive
regardless of such extremes of hot and cold
or of such arid landscapes,
but I musn't sip at the clouds searching for water,
and maybe I'd admit I've tried,
so stay with me, somehow,
and discover me for yourself.
okay so maybe I am in a bad state but at least I haven't died yet
CautiousRain Feb 2017
I'm the kind of flower
that grows out of concrete,
but with one look,
I appear just like a ****.

I've got a reinforced stem
and a will to burst through the cracks;
I don't wilt without water,
and I refuse to cut back.

I grow in adversity,
under the shade, in the dust,
in the hard rock pressing against
my roots, when it's rough;

but I'm not some simple dandelion
waiting for grubby hands to rip from the dirt,
I'm a flower, not a ****,
I cannot be deterred.
Feeling kind of...strong, but not necessarily confident wise, but perhaps a bit of irritation mixed in.
CautiousRain Jan 2017
I never knew I could feel so shattered,
simply by leaving your room,
by hanging up a call too soon,
having my throat burning and clogged with a vigorous pain,
something that boils inside me
every time we have to walk away,
and I never knew I could miss someone while being just a foot astray,
a step too far has me clenching my hands together,
biting my lip,
trying to understand why I feel so strained;
why did no one tell me I could miss you like this?
I wish so badly I could never leave, that I could somehow manifest more time from the very little we get to share, because hell, I can't stand this.
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