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Ali Harati Jun 2022
Everything is a moment
Of silence in design,
Of rage that is burning
With passion behind.

Everything is a feeling
Of sorrow when it rains,
Of letting go the tears
That hold you in your cage.

Everything is a touch
Of the hand upon your cheeks,
Of love that is fainting
But not failing to persist.

Everywhere is a space
Of solitude in form,
Of where you would be
If everything is yours.

Everywhere is a pursuit
Of wanting to be seen,
Of all being for nothing
If everything would cease.

When everything is something,
And everywhere is there,
You’ve found it all at once,
Which you’ll wholly embrace.
This poem was inspired by the movie of the same name. It just moved me so much I had to write it.
1.9k · Jun 2022
The Woman Inside
Ali Harati Jun 2022
On a lonely ride
on a silent night,
Going through a high
hitting deep inside,
With eyes open
and sensations wide,
Filling the mind
with questionable thoughts,
It took only a touch
to know what feels right,
What I had lost
through hate and disgust,
In the ******
of overflowing cries,
A door opened
and stepped out a fright,
I know longer knew
If I could feel right,
With another me
so deprived of life.
On a lonely night
in a lonely high,
I found the hidden woman inside.
1.6k · Mar 2022
The Blue Smile
Ali Harati Mar 2022
In a dark night
With a violet sky,
Stood a lovely girl
With a blue smile.
I wanted to ask
Why her smile was blue,
I wanted to know
If she was lonely too.
Then she turned to me
With her fading smile,
And she answered me
With a teary eye,
No matter where
Or who youre happy with,
Hapiness is just
Riding on the wind;
Just when you get it
You devolve in ease,
Then it goes again
Solely on whim.
So I stand here
With my weary smile,
So may hapiness
Comes without a cost.
I'm afraid this time
Even if it reaches,
My fears and scars
Will drive it to the wind.
I began to think
What then could be done;
Would the lovely girl
Again truely smile.
It then came to me
If I never leave,
Maybe I can hold
The hapiness she needs.
As I held her close
All through the night,
I could see that her
Face began to shine,
And through her light
I began to smile,
With her lovely shine
Came along a thought;
She was hapiness,
All that I would need,
With her lovely smile
I would feel at ease,
With my happy thought
Came along a breez,
Which then suddenly
Took her off her feet,
With her rising high
I began to fear,
For the me without
The happiness she bears.
I reached for her feet
But the heavy wind,
Threw me to the ground
Scaring me deep.
With the sun setting
She could not be seen,
It was then that her
Words began to mean.
On a dark night
With a violet sky
Stood a lovely boy
With a blue smile.
992 · Mar 2022
The Journey Within
Ali Harati Mar 2022
The ride of the seas
in the mouth of the beast,
The joy and release
of beginnings with ease.

You set off on a path,
with the light in your eye,
But when it’s setting in
you’re attacked by a mist.

You keep sailing away,
with your hopes and your dreams,
But the mist gets thicker
and resolve suffers with.

You question your depth,
and the things you can reach,
The path that you chose
and the means that you bring.

If you can persevere
isolated in the mist,
You’re reborn once again
and the light is released.

Now you set sail again
with new ways and means,
On the way to the way
to the life, you have dreamed.

But beware of the mist
cause it’s lurking ahead,
Once again, you’ll be gripped
Once again, you’ll be ripped.

It’s the cycle for who
enjoy experience,
But when doubt leers in,
you’ll be missed
in the mist.
This poem signifies the never-ending battle between our need to rest and our drive to better ourselves.
959 · Apr 2022
The Sight of the Mountains
Ali Harati Apr 2022
Looking towards the mountains,
In the ceaseless hike of living,
Is it us who's taking step,
Or are we self deceiving?

The raging winds in sorrowful snow,
And fear shaking beneath,
Are we feeling it all,
Or are we sightseeing?

The high mountain summit,
Where we look to feel alive,
Is it the sight that we need,
Or what lays underneath it?

To play upon our burden,
To act as if it's myth,
To make us be the things that
we don't see ourselves being.

We need to look deeper,
We need to reach further,
We need to embrace it,
we need it, to receive it.

Or if we just ignore it,
Cover it up with being,
We lose sight of our self,
and sight of our beginning.

Lets hope the lone hiker,
Looking towards the mountains,
Can reach the deepest heights,
And see what needs seeing;

And what there is to be seen,
Gives him a farther sight.
Lets hope he keeps seeing,
Lets hope he keeps reaching.
The path towards self-understanding and acceptance is not an easy one.
587 · Mar 2023
Ali Harati Mar 2023
La vie qu'on cherche,
Les larmes qu'on verse,
L'élégance de la main,
Étendue sur notre tête.

Un sentiment toujours,
Déchiré par un être,
Ou par une âme trissée,
Dont le corps reste,
désormais inerte.

On vient tout seul,
Espérant qu'un jour,
Où c'est temps de partir,
On a vu l'amour d'autre,
Ou du moins qu'on a senti,
L'amitié d'un homme,
Dont la vie est rempli,
Par l'expérimentaion.

Cependant, ils vienent
Parfois les vents haineux
Immergeant la joie,
Dans les eaux du fléau.

Ainsi ce qui demeure,
Pour ceux qui survivent,
C'est la connaissance d'avant,
Et la lourdeur des souvenirs.

Mais il faut qu'on reprenne,
La poursuit de nouveau,
Désirant l'avenir,
Où nous attend le bonheure.
This is my first poem written in french, it talks about the obsecurity of a life in search of hapiness.
573 · Jul 2023
When I lost you
Ali Harati Jul 2023
Seldom I had ever seen
Of beauty and design
A creature such as you
How did I leave you behind

From the moment we met
Where you sat lonely and weak
I knew I had felt a love
Of which I could only dream

On the first night when you slept
Laying on me as support
And I whispered in your ears
I'll be there forevermore

In the evenings, when I fell
Beaten by sorrow and grief
It was then you who I saw
Consoling me with your means

Of the cold nights
Where you layed
Right beside me on the bed
And we knew that both of us
Had each other to protect

Of the times
where you were there
By the door with joy and light
To greet me from the day
Which had drained me of my life

When I think of all the moments
We had shared
And could have had
The images of the day
When I lost you drives me mad

Maybe If I fought harder
Maybe if I was strong
Maybe if I was something
Which could have saved our bond

I could still now embrace you
And feel your warmth on my skin
I could still now feel your love
Instead of this frozen scream

If I ever hurt your soul
From the deepest part of me
I wish only you can forgive
And you could be happy still

If there is another life
Another me, other you
I will never let you go
Promised this to my soul
Loss is at times felt like a flood of emotions
378 · Oct 2020
The blooming flower
Ali Harati Oct 2020
When a flower rises
By the bloom of our emotions
Quickly withers away
The momentary illusion
Like a passing of the leaves
You came and then went away
For the pain of your emotions
Was simply too hard to bear
It doesn't hold a meaning
It doesn't hold a stake
As the bloom of the flower
Was simply, just a flake
183 · Jun 2020
Codependent Solidarity
Ali Harati Jun 2020
What’s a friend
Is it a sheat for your emotions
Or a sword for your predicaments
An everlasting essense of your endevors
Or a means to your goals
Are we needed in ones life
Or is it us who need them
Do they last cause of our bond
Or for our sense of reason
Why are we codependet
Cause we’re built to survive
What happens after surviving
We presist to thrive
And what comes after thriving
Then we are born anew
And what of the people we met
The people we owe
The people we loved
Do they join the fragments of our memories
Or do we always collide
Do we celebrate our success along them
or do we toss them aside
Life is cruel
Human is flawed
Emotion is momentary
And trust is built of glass
What are we left with at the end
Ourselves, a solitary codependent brat
Some thoughts on friendship and the inate codependency in human nature

— The End —