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Alek Mielnikow Jun 2019
The sun is napping behind a cloud,
though loud plane engines call her awake.

Pollen is prancing around the patch,
and tiny critters follow their lead.

A big dog lies on the patio,
his smelly body absorbing heat.

You rest here with a pen in your hand,
tossing small diamonds into the sand.

by Aleksander Mielnikow
(Alek the Poet)
Alek Mielnikow Jun 2019
I keep seeing your shadow everywhere I go.

By the lake, on the road, in the city, on
the porch, across my bed. Everywhere, you are
there. I can tell it is you by the shape of
its body, every inch I knew so well. And
it won’t go away. But I’m being selfish.
I know the shadow wishes the sun wouldn’t move,
that it would offer the gift of staying in
place. Or you wish the darkness of the new moon,
the cruelest moon, would not drown you like I did.

Aleksander Mielnikow
(Alek the Poet)
Wait... what?!
Alek Mielnikow Jun 2019
I must attest
to just one thing
to help evolve
your muss and health

I just suggest
that you don't need
to love them all
to love yourself

by Aleksander Mielnikow (Alek the Poet)
I am filled with so much love! And in more ways than one. I'm in love with my friends, my family, my dog. I'm in love with people in general, and strangers ("the stranger the bettaaa..."). I'm in love with my new video games and books. I'm in love with the wonderful venues I frequent. I'm in love with dancing and singing. I'm in love with someone who is so kind and sweet and smart and warm and caring and **** and cute and strong-willed and skillful and something that I can't explain but I feel it when I see them. And this poem is helping me love one other thing.

This may sound like I’m a comedian who laughs at my own jokes, but this poem made me tear up. I didn’t cry while writing it, though. When I work, I’m too focused on performing surgery to take all the emotions in. But once I sat back and read it as it is, it hit me like a 16 ton weight.

I've suffered, and still live with, such debilitating depression I've tried to **** myself four times. I've lied to friends about how I got bruises on my face while I hid the bite marks on my arms. I've pushed so many beautiful people away to make sure I don’t drag them down and unintentionally yet inevitably, rip them apart. I've drunk enough in one sitting to **** a person, without the hesitancy that a sense of self-preservation should bring. And I’m so ashamed and disgusted with myself getting my thoughts stirring in the morning is like jumping into a hurricane.

While I wrote this poem for you readers to take in, I ended up saying something to myself I didn’t think I could. It feels otherworldly. It even seems wrong, like I’m just waiting to sabotage every syllable. And I've spoken words like this before, only to throw them into a fire I've lit with hate. But I wrote this without hesitation. It flowed through my fingers, through a pen onto a page and then through a keyboard onto a word processor.

And I’m crying from the pain of remembering my destruction, and the joy of thinking I could be my friend. One who will listen and validate and soothe and advise and cheer me on when no one else is there.

I’m sure this mood, too, shall pass. But I’m holding on to this weird feeling of self-love for as long as I can.
Alek Mielnikow Jun 2019
A Lazarus body litters the sidewalk
outside a well-lit, desolate lobby.

On the left is a mexican restaurant,
with a line reaching to the
entrance. They should stamp
the grey and scratched up
plexiglass with a light and
dark purple neon:
Welcome To America.
It would be reinforced
by every delicious crunch
one hears on the way out as
cheap crumbs garnish concrete.

On the right, there’s a bar
alive on a Friday night.
Friends share hearty laughs
and pats on the back.
The bitter and the perishing
pretend they want this
when they should be
somewhere or someone else.
And mingling singles look for
compliments and numbers,
or maybe just someone to
take back and **** the **** out of.

But in the midst sits
a throne for ghosts.
Ceiling fluorescent reflects
off porcelain, paler than a farmer tan.
There are no other colors besides
the receptionist, bored to death,
leaning on the wall behind
the porcelain reception desk,
reading a copy of Ebony.
No ottomans or chesterfields
or benches. No consoles or cocktail
tables. Nothing adorning the walls.
Not even a stain.
Just a white hole, a bright
***** in an otherwise colorful
street on gray canvas.

I rise from my slumber
and mosey on out the lobby
in my purple linen suit.
The impoverished scrag,
his dog lapping his sores, asks
if I’d spare some change.

“Sorry, I only have card tonight.”

“That’s alright, sir. God bless.”

And I walk on, aware of the
Abrahams rubbing up against
a ****** in my wallet. I take a sip
of whiskey hidden in my empty
can of a drink that can never
satiate me. I wait for traffic to pass,
and then I jaywalk across Sticks St.

by Aleksander Mielnikow
Luke 16:19-31
Alek Mielnikow May 2019
The echo of a hollow space
strained against my head
An empty cry of deception
and pain inside my mind

Of words not said
Of tears not cried

My fears ****** inside
my broken heart
Strong winds eroded my will
with no mercy

There was no clear path
There was no way out

But when all seemed lost
when all the roads had closed
and my eyes could no longer cry
I heard a sound in the distance

Like thunder

It mended a bleeding soul
healed a broken heart
awoke a dormant warrior

The tender noise
this gracious voice
told me
I am me

Written by CZ
Edited and Revised by Aleksander Mielnikow (Alek the Poet)
This is a poem that a friend of mine wrote and asked me to edit. I thought it would be less work for me this week, which would’ve been great since it’s my birthweek (my 25th on May 25th). Nope, it was just as much work. Maybe even more because crafting someone else’s work is not the same as doing your own. But they loved the finished version so much they asked me to share it with their name under a pseudonym. So, here you go!
Alek Mielnikow May 2019

how would you like it

the bartender
sighs the lord’s name in vain
understood the slurred wittiness

wobble onto stool
****** over
joining the rest of the line


the sound
system jests that one song
about a breakup
puke on the sofa next to your carpet

it’s yellow
swayed hips
shoulders give way

diluted In and Out closed
turn over


to the Devil’s dance floor
where a pretty ugly Frenchie took your wrist
foot strikes a patch of ice
popped cherry on a yellow wheel stop

get up dizzy
scrape on forearm
the impassionate spring fever

wrapped around neck
constrains body against


hands stroked rock hard back

she asks if she could have a stick

reached into baggies
pulled out a yellow
she takes halo
you took halo

got into the convertible

a silent triumph when you insert your key


by Aleksander Mielnikow (Alek the Poet)
A fragmented memory
Alek Mielnikow May 2019
You were never
there. The gentle
hum of sugar.

On the tables
are magazines
but they’re blind in
the dark. White coats
and expensive
ties in and out.

You were never
there. The last gasp
unheard before
the vanishing
tone. Wrinkles.

by Aleksander Mielnikow (Alek the Poet)
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