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442 · Jun 2017
Lament of Bazoozoo
zebra Jun 2017
accumulations of suffering
by patriarchs religion
and poverty
deprivations withered hand
self pity was converted
into a knot of emeralds
and stony unfeeling bones
that puncture and clutter the soul
with a blackened hollow
a quicksand of taboos
rendering her life limp
her only extravagance
free will
a choice within choicelessness
she resorted
to a rope around the neck
in a shanty
suicide her best friend
438 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
are you objectifying me?

i can bench 300 lbs ten times
im a rich artist with a graduate degree
sun tanned
good teeth

drivin a new BMW six series
with a rag top
big keen blue eyes
like a pretty girl
wavy hair
smooth *****
seven inch *****
nice ***
with the tender heart of a poet
and a square jaw

want to wine and dine you
always smiling
bay *** kisses
silky tee shirts
luau vacations

or is it off to my castle
in the

impeccable manners
i smell like lavender coconut butter cream
live in a grand house
beach front property
mucho bucks in the bank
nice as spice

you will never have to worry again
are you objectifying me?

because im objectifying you
and id rather not hear anymore about it
lets not argue with nature
its like a rock falling
arguing with gravity
all the way down
436 · Sep 2021
zebra Sep 2021
In some ways I'm finding myself wanting to subvert the sneaky ****** logos of post modernist contagion.
435 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
eyelashes like butterflies
her smiles felt like a slippery aqueous
tongue around tender pink ****
milk lover
she cut a curving line through desolations heart
her souls eminence
red lipped and smooth
her *** a bomb
shattering my heart
like splintered crystal

there is only her
beggar for naked kisses
she swayed her hips
like a fish net hammock
oh summer afternoon wind
i licked her warm musk ***
mauve slicked mouth
pink light
her seeds thick

so grateful
thanking god
who knew darkness
could be such a blessing
liberating souls
reconstituted psyches
spins the world
tender ******* bruised
weeping undulations
eager for bleeding
rainbows paradise
drunken angels copulating
on silver clouds
ravishing dreams

her **** my refuge
her warm belly caress
adorations scandalous
bent on knees
in worship
every tender
brush of the lips
a prayer

foot kissing
love slave
he is
hers always
435 · Aug 2016
Puppet Souls
zebra Aug 2016
the movers the shakers
the doers the bakers
the candle stick
and rocket ship makers

a race of captains
setting course
on circles of pyres
bereft of remorse

parsing madness with words
in reasons on reasons
giving life meaning
against inner treasons

founded on tissue thin
mental accumulations
biases and ticks
and vague assimilations

with subconscious shadows
over Palimpsest traces
we are convinced
we know our places

building the self
on struggling riffs
captains of the dual
navigating ships

occupying armies
assassins lens
horrible secrets
terrible rends

are we not in control
making choices
weighing and calibrating
hearing whos voices

thinking there our own
between good and bad
but outcomes are crazy
dragging mad

do we choose thoughts
from shrunken forms
from rotten gods
in darkest storms

or perhaps possessed
by invisible believers
pulp hearted  creatures
pulling our leavers

that possess our soul
choose for you
what you think
and what you do

emanations from spheres
through our core to our brain
ephemeral forces
a patinaed, puce stained

skyway of cruelty
kamikazes dread goon
gods crossing each other
poxed ash moon

can we stop reflexing
with brazen compulsions
can we stop lying
with wrenched emotions

can we defy the elements
make someone care
transcend all that harms
and bring love to bare

can we shed
all we know
choose to move on
and choose to let go

are we trapped
in space and time
will we not struggle
Sisyphean blind

or are we mere avatars
in a game from x box
acting out our program
like a hunted down fox

we have five senses
to get through the day
with infinitely more
we could smooth out our way

brains like thumb stumps
form violence and hell
hooves of dragons
we buy and sell

what is a puppet
it moves as its pulled
by forces beyond it
is that why we are fooled

are we deluded
that we are the doer's
could we be puppet souls
of gods that are losers
428 · Aug 2020
zebra Aug 2020
in a dark laboratory **** hospital
blood in the mouth
**** & **** thank you

bleeding milk cow
needle kissed
love enema
for a wild ***** monster in heat

***** of love

gnosis in action an anti path
fires of existence burning Sulphur

third eye bleeds light beyond existence
the left handed path

the creative gone mad

after the liberation
comes the revolution of spirit
through sexualization
of the human world
a life beyond the ritualistic gesture

dissolution into the abyss
containing all
comingling the divine
and human spheres

i consolidate my desires in her

addiction file
and thank you very much

the flesh of god
"melts with the one who
creates him"
In a universe created by the separation of Void and Chaos you are your Flesh – העין שמאלית
Q.309 is the definitive rite of exit from ritual and separation; represents the code of access to metabolic energy flows that are cognitive tools.
The atomization of the rite, the rupture of the chain of being.
The ardor of prostitution (πορνεία) is intended to solicit the dynamic contraction of the Divine.
intertexted from quadrato 309
V.L.F. Laboratories.
425 · Oct 2017
zebra Oct 2017
the dead shameless
a tender corpse
zig zag strewn
with matinée looks
and vacant eyes
staring yonder
a surrendered paladin
healing from life's endless clatter

i kiss her
adorations tender
on motionless cold lips,
so warm
she smiles without a smile
caresses with out a caress
loving phantom
a shadow glowing
her arms like scented lilacs
my tears like red wine

a silent concerto
wrapped in soft muslin
a gift to the gods
graves tremulous breath
all flames and burial

i read her deaths horoscope
an auspicious day
you will be bigger then a galaxy
my love,
i say

come to me
like nocturnes creeping
and wake me with sweet kisses
like a tongue of sapphire ash
and sharp teeth to drink
from hollowed throat willing
and we will love, and love, and love
like melting candles blessed

let the days bind me with gloom
that i may be consumed by you
behind castellated gates
in star studded shrouds
and cobalt black suns

come hither my love
to be consumed
i am necromancer waiting
loss love ***
422 · Feb 2018
Bread To The Bone
zebra Feb 2018
Ill eat you like a *******
and her dark little mad sister too

will you share my face?
just a little foreplay during corpse moon
all weeping kisses
as I lick your mouths last breath...
crimson smile's
for milky sheath

you lift your chin high
cheshire grin
a begging shell
devil girl in waiting
with every pulse of blood
drowning kisses
a torn shawl
and midnights sleeps caress
in shrunken gauze
my body your mausoleum

pomegranate ****
disappears while cooking dinner
for broods clamor

waiting drenched
for your ghastly desert
eaten raw
like bread to the bone
while others sleep
in flickering dreams
adult ....dark ******
419 · Sep 2017
zebra Sep 2017
Black agat cat
fire in a skull
a conjuring crone
grand mother of terrors
draped in black
the key hole to her door made of teeth
black salt queen
she rings the  alter bell
her curse
return to sender
address known
dancing alligator pendents
worry dolls
she dances on chicken legs

For many years now
I watched her son
"I have been trailing this old murderer,
this cunning ancient seducer,
this revolting old rake,
deformed by old age
yet disguising himself
time and again
as a youthful prince charming.
This crafty hunter
of the broken-hearted,
this vampire wooer with a voice as bittersweet as that of a cello on a lonely night,
a subtle, velvety charlatan,
a master of stratagems,
a magic piper who draws the desperate and lonely into the folds of his silken cloak.
The ancient serial killer of disappointed souls."
This Poem is taken from the mythology of Baba Yaga....Slavic Witch
and the writing of Amos Oz excerpted and put in poetic form from
A Tale of Darkness
404 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
looking down
its a zoo of keys
my computer spits out
another ****** poem
quizzical brain
racing fingers
on a keyboard
with the letters rubbed off
**** in the mouth
from lukewarm
bitter black coffee
thick as stew
like turgid dog ****
nitrous fumes sifting upwards
through broken floors

from the TV screen shrapnel
the news is leaking blood again
down the dresser drawers
red puddles float slippers
and the cat licks

my poems
always writing me
i'm their ***** typist slave
with time off
to be *****
by a savage delta of images
of women misbehaving
with their *****
tonguing my face
for an occasional *******
and *** drifting rainbows
in old ballet shoes

dogs died from blue pellets they ate today
their corpses were strewn in the yard
and the mice are quiet
403 · Jan 2017
zebra Jan 2017
you were a wild child
with a wet sticky ****
you played with it often
on a pillow you'd grunt

then mama betrayed
licentious you
with ruinous morals
don't play with your goo

girls keep their legs crossed
and don't talk to boys
*** is for grown ups
and ***** aren't toys

your hardened your heart
kept your *** in a box
to be a good girl
grew cold like a pox

emergent depression
sadness and cold
you had to say no
though the boys where so bold

soon there was rage
for no reason at all
your hair turned to snakes
cause boys wouldn't call

gorgons are demons
that turn men to stone
from endless denial
here comes the crone

then comes the fetish
she aches to be dead
she poofs out her ***
begs, please take my head
My poems remain explorations of the subconscious ******
If i where a film maker or a novelist  you  would see me telling a story not judge me  although i admit to my paraphilias  
These poems  are lunar anamorphic streams of consciousness from the deep chaotic subterranean glitz of transgressive  impulses we all share
Read them if you dare...You might find that part of yourself that you don't want you to know about
401 · Jun 2017
zebra Jun 2017
she thought who am i
there are so many of me
am i not veils and masks
even to myself
like a locked box
am i not peopled
with miscreant brooding hordes
of shadow selves
whispering gods and demons
taking space up within
like a coffin attic bedroom
to be rented out
for some wayward spectral family

oh children of the night
arguing like
black quilled throwing porcupines
players of dismal warbled music
that sounds like nails scratching floor boards
in the cold dread dead of night
at Holiday Hells Inn

see me she thought
am i not
an icon of responsibility
bright light
sweet and good
engraving angels on silver
making all sacred in the marvelous calm

wouldn't hurt a fly
oh no
me oh my
showered and smelling like
she the feminist
her favorite words

"thats disgusting
and no"

until her fingers sneak down her pants
feeling like a flowery beautiful woman
who weeps to be naked
raked over desires hot coals
and forced to worship
big cocked men
to be engorged voluptuously  
like a stuffed butter ball turkey
until her eyes roll back
like white moons shuttering

where gratitude is met
with bay *** and ***** tongues
a celebration of thanksgiving
and thanks is really given
with a star performance
leg show
lubricated for the baking oven
garnished with pineapple
tipping head over heels
at dizzying heights
hanging from a swinging chandelier
upside down girl
doing butter **** splits
to be scraped off walls and ceilings
like whipping cream whipped
and subsumed in the perfect power and glory
398 · Dec 2018
The Poem
zebra Dec 2018
the poem started with the word
it wasn't a good
it didn't sit on the page right
like a head with a bad perm
another poem started with the word

the the
had so much integrity;
it floated on the page like a sun drenched cathedral

i can only surmise the magic of a poem has in it the ineffable soul
of the writer

are the good writers nonchalant
talent dripping
or are they secretly *******
their the's

******* on
the the's
making them gleam
glowing hard
polishing them with a spit shine
so it sits on the page
with a sense of superiority

some poems are nothing but arm pit stains
no matter how good they are
black listed from love

sky-blue uniforms
with bright yellow kerchief's
you cant take your eyes from

they are
crowning glory

in the

God of the
peaked like a maraschino
with pastel and golden sprinkles
on a ball
of vanilla

a the
like a high end Mercedes
with the scent of lavender
and the magnitude of the

to **** for
397 · Apr 2017
zebra Apr 2017
of the teenage years
when parents become strangers
an emergence of a new self
orphaned by maturation
the old shelter of mommy and daddy
a dead wood forest
a leaky roof of annoyance
sharp elbows
in the hovel of mind
no more afterbirth dinners
we get our own food
pull off the wires of obedience
we are a new hat
eyes to the sky
no more being dragged through old valleys
step up and off the precipice of dependency
an upward sweep
to find shaky ground
in shadows labyrinth
holding roses
destination unknown
zebra May 2017
she lived in a bathtub
with a rubber duck
fished out of the ocean
by seafaring men
trawling for sirens to love
and mackerel

a murmuring mermaid desolated
only able to speak neptunium

i would have you believe
that i took pity upon her
but in truth i fell in love with a fish
a beautiful fish girl

it was her scent that drew me to her
a vaporis substance
like bouillabaisse

i inhaled her breath
i carried her back to the indigo sea
to swim with her

always wet
shriveled and shivering
glazed and fuddled
i drowned
seven leagues under

fish food
393 · Jul 2019
zebra Jul 2019
69 69 69 96

I matched the lips to the ***
I am not a robot
just dyslexic
zebra May 2016
what if a man and woman loved each other
in a most extraordinary way
and every mourning while they ******
they beat each other all day

black and blue and busted up
is how they looked to be
and all the neighbors shuddered
in the cafe by the sea

when asked by the cops
what the trouble seems to be
the man and woman looked over and said
none officer we are free

to **** and **** and hurt each other
any way we please
to cry in pain and *** *** ***
and yes it stings like bees
387 · Oct 2017
zebra Oct 2017
to some people we are all going to hell
because god made us all ****** up sinners
and we don't hate ourselves enough
to be worthy of redemption

well I'm ****** up for sure
and as far as i can tell your ****** up
but the good part is you have an ***
and I'm an *** man

you know
"the position of power"
don't you?
thats right, when you bend down low
and rhapsodically sway your hips
as an enticement
not that i need much encouragement

so all is not lost
that is if you don't get all ****** on me
and act like we have to be in love first
I'm pretty sure i do love you
I'm not just saying that to use you
i really do love you
how could i not
with an *** as lovely as yours
*** adult explicit
383 · Aug 2021
Keepin It
zebra Aug 2021
383 · Oct 2018
zebra Oct 2018
refined out of existence
i have nothing to say
so let me keep on saying it
381 · Apr 2017
zebra Apr 2017
ive been to singles ville
arguing with myself
in the midst of emptiness
a dinghy in a storm
scattering me
while masquerading as stupid happy
i am a hurricane through a hollow
a penumbra of echoes
hot house of desire
needing a fast *** fix
all fools day
praying for the sin of skin
oh bilious cloud
solitudes toil
bodies dread winter
aching to be touched
maybe a cold slap against plush lips

where friends mean the world
and every slight
dries the heart brittle
gnashes teeth from a rattling jaw
on the verge of panic
a spire a desire
trawling ***** for loves balm
an empty horn
381 · Jun 2019
Mortician's Kiss Goodbye
zebra Jun 2019
I'm not coming back
no more vain rebellions

hello to nothing
from the inquisitor of nothing
no ones home but shapeless shadows
cutting across mysteries
of multiple worlds

an empty head
so patient
ghost moon

my legs aren't tired anymore
here in the undergrowth
of slugs slides and slime
whispering hymns needle green

buoyant belly on the rings of night
libation of death
apprehending the void
dissolving doom broadens to immensity
like a light flicks on
wonder wave

no death for the dead
they could care less
nearby in endlessness
stretched out on a couch
spumed mouth
papyrus frail
creature of black steps

waking will not raise burnt wings

where I lived and was broken
noon day demons lost
I dangle from a nightingale floor
burning hair waves windless

linking one self with the other
like night with day
gales of dreams
falling lulls weave me together
like a thorne bridge knits fate
hand over red hand

mind of winter
now I inhabit you
slain and shaken
zebra Nov 2017
she had a tattoo
of a duck
on her ***

I ****** the duck*
adult explicit ***
for duck lovers only
zebra Nov 2021
Irrespective of the wonderful *** you might have with others, or any ideals you may have about who, when, and where to engage sexually, sometimes the *** that you have with yourself gives you something impossible to achieve with another.

To be specific: what I’m speaking of are the internal mental constructs of performative ****** acts that are unrestricted in the imaginative world, and that one would never be able to consider in real time. Those masturbatory shadows of the deep and deeply ****** that few are able to acknowledge about themselves, and certainly remain unwilling to talk about with someone they maybe intimate with, for fear of its destructive impact on the relationship.

A shape of language
for the secrets of the body
for the secrets of the mind
in the flow of matter
physical and etheric
cyber chronicles of ambulated hunger
the cult of the body.


Obviously moral sensibilities and the limits of temporal life dictate what we may do. We may be imaginative, bizarre, freaky and incredibly *****, but we are not crazy, at least not all of us, yet that doesn’t mean those shadowy ****** denizens of the deep don’t bathe in the great fathoms of our respective subconscious abyss.

My darkest desires
bloodletting streams
are a kind of ******
fetishy cognitive inventory
malformed denizens
of the subconscious.

“Paraphilia is the experience of intense ****** arousal to atypical objects, situations, fantasies, behaviors, or individuals.”
Current data supports that about one out of every 6 people, irrespective of gender or ****** preference, experience some kind of paraphilia.
Here is a list of paraphilias that is a focus of ****** interest:

Andromimetophilia: Trans men.
Anililagnia: Attraction by young men to older women.
Anthropophagolagnia: ****** and then cannibalizing another person.

Anthropophagy: Ingesting human flesh.
Apotemnophilia: Being an amputee.
Asphyxiophilia: Being asphyxiated or strangled.
Attraction to disability: People with one or more physical disabilities.
Autagonistophilia: Being on stage or on camera.
Autassassinophilia: Being in life-threatening situations.
******* asphyxiation: Self-induced asphyxiation, sometimes to the point of near unconsciousness.
Autogynephilia: ****** arousal of a biological male in response to the image of himself as female.
Auto-haemofetishism: Bleeding oneself (does not involve ingestion of blood). Type of autovampirism. [contradictory]
Autonepiophilia: The image of one’s self in the form of an infant.
Autopedophilia: The image of one’s self in the form of a child.
Autoplushophilia: The image of one’s self in the form of a plush or anthropomorphized animal.
Autovampirism/Vampirism: The image of one’s self in the form of a vampire. Involves ingesting or seeing one’s own blood.
Autozoophilia: The image of one’s self in the form of an animal or anthropomorphized animal.
Biastophilia/Raptophilia: ****** a person, possibly consensual **** fantasy.
Capnolagnia: Smoking.
Chremastistophilia: Being robbed or held up.
Chronophilia: Partners of a widely differing chronological age.
*******: Feces; also known as ****, scatophilia or fecophilia.
Coulrophilia: Clowns, jesters, and mimes.
Crurophilia: Legs.
Dacryphilia: Tears or crying.
Diaper fetishism: Diapers; considerable overlap with paraphilic infantilism.
*******: Trees.
Emetophilia: *****.
Eproctophilia: Flatulence.
****** asphyxiation: Asphyxia of oneself or others.
Erotophonophilia: ******, often of strangers (also known as dacnolagnomania).
Exhibitionism: Exposing one’s genitals to unsuspecting and nonconsenting others.
Feederism: Eating, feeding, and weight gain.
Formicophilia: Being crawled on by insects.
Forniphilia: Turning a human being into a piece of furniture.
Frotteurism: Rubbing against a non-consenting person.
Gerontophilia: Elderly people.
Gynandromorphophilia, Gynemimetophilia: Transgender women.
Hematolagnia: Drinking or looking at blood.
Heterophilia: Idealization of heterosexuality and/or people who are “straight-acting”, especially by non-heterosexual people.
Hoplophilia: Firearms, guns.
Hybristophilia: Criminals, particularly those who committed cruel or outrageous crimes.
Infantophilia: ******* with a focus on children less than five years old; a recently suggested term that is not in general use.
Kleptophilia: Stealing; also known as kleptolagnia.
Klismaphilia: Enemas, arousal and enjoyment in receiving, administering, or both.
Lactophilia: Breast milk.
Liquidophilia: Immersing genitals in liquids.
Macrophilia: Giant beings; the imagined growth of beings.
Maschalagnia: Armpits.
Mazophilia: Female *******.
Masochism: Suffering or humiliation; being beaten, bound or otherwise abused.
Maiesiophilia: Pregnant women.
Mechanophilia: Cars or other machines; also “mechaphilia.”
Melolagnia: Music.
Menophilia: *******.
Metrophilia: Poetry.
Microphilia: Very small people or small body parts.
Morphophilia: Particular body shapes or sizes.
Mucophilia: Mucus.
Mysophilia: Dirtiness, soiled or decaying things.
Narratophilia: Obscene words.
Nasophilia: Noses.
Navel fetishism: Navel.
Necrophilia: Corpses.
Objectophilia: Specific inanimate objects.
Oculophilia: Eyes and activities directly relating to and/or involving the eyes. Voyeurism does not meet classification for this term.
Odaxelagnia: Biting or being bitten.
Olfactophilia: Smells and odors emanating from the body, especially the ****** areas (as from breath, *****, feces, flatulence, etc.).
*******: Arousal from having a full bladder and/or wetting oneself, or from seeing someone else experiencing a full bladder and/or wetting themself.
Paraphilic infantilism: Dressing or being treated like a baby, also known as autonepiophilia or “adult baby syndrome”; considerable overlap with diaper fetishism.
Partialism: Specific, non-genital body parts.
*******: Prepubescent children, also spelled paedophilia.
Peodeiktophilia: Exposing one’s *****.
Pedovestism: Dressing like a child.
Podophilia: Feet.
Pictophilia: ******* or ****** art, particularly pictures.
Piquerism: Piercing the flesh of another person, most commonly by stabbing or cutting the body with sharp objects.
Plushophilia: Stuffed toy animals (“plushies”).
Pygophilia: Buttocks.
Salirophilia: Soiling or dirtying others.
****** fetishism: Non-living objects.
****** sadism: Inflicting pain on others.
Shoe fetishism: Shoes, such as high heels.
Somnophilia: Sleeping or unconscious people.
Sophophilia: Learning.
Sthenolagnia: Muscles and displays of strength.
Stigmatophilia: Body piercings and tattoos.
Symphorophilia: Witnessing or staging disasters such as car accidents.

Telephone scatologia: Obscene phone calls, particularly to strangers; also known as telephonicophilia and scatophiliac.
Teratophilia: Deformed or monstrous people. The term is also sometimes used in a more literal sense (from ancient Greek τέρας, teras, meaning monster) for attraction to monstrous mythical and fictional creatures such as werewolves.
Toucherism: Touching an unsuspecting, non-consenting person with the hand.
Toxophilia: Archery.
Transvestic fetishism: Wearing clothes associated with the opposite ***; also known as transvestism.
Transvestophilia: A transvestic ****** partner.
Trichophilia: Hair.
Troilism: Observing one’s partner engaged in ****** activities with another person.
Urolagnia: Urination, particularly in public, on others, and/or being urinated on. Also referred to as “water sports”.
*******: The idea of one person or creature eating or being eaten by another; usually swallowed whole, in one piece; also known as vore.
Voyeurism: Watching others while naked or having ***, generally without their knowledge; also known as scopophilia or scoptophilia.
Wet and messy fetishism: Messy situations, including, but not limited to, being pied, slimed or covered in mud.
*******: Animals.
Zoosadism: Inflicting pain on animals, or seeing animals in pain.
Primary Fantasy: Dehumanization, objectification. I love the idea of being kidnapped and converted into meat.
(Fantasy obviously!!)
I also enjoy preservation, taxidermy, dollification, weird stuff like that!
Other Fetish Interests:
Lab scenes
Lethal injection

There is much written in-depth psychology about ****** pathologies caused by repressed or shadowy disowned parts of ourselves and how those neglected forces may determine unwanted fate. Shame and self-deception is not our friend. Know yourself.

Pleasure is so close to ruinous waste
nakedness wrecks decency
degradation feeds the bonfire of hunger
and the wound of desire bleeds away within

leave nothing
but the bleeding edge
ruin me she said.
Beyond hearts mastery
hullabaloo crime scenes
like night jungles
of tooth and claw
in corridors of neuron ghosts
while **** licking succubae
*** livid pornographic hieroglyphs
fed by the dreaded
excesses of testosterone
towards some ruined
blood spotted
hanky-panky *******
just to remind me of you
and how it hurt just so
and how you loved me for it
whoever you are.
374 · Jun 2018
Rainy Day
zebra Jun 2018
it’s a rainy day
and all i can think of is
God watching me disapprovingly
brushing your pink soft feet
against my wet mouth and nostrils
entranced by the smooth curve of your arches

is that spiritual, i wonder
adoring their scent
admiring the cotton fluff
from your socks
white as angels
soft as indigo silk
floating like little puff clouds
on your shapely pinkish toes

your red nails
remind me of ****** daggers
while i bleed troupes of silvered tears upon them

a Christian sacrifice?
or is it
a Satanic Black Arts Ritual
wanting to feel them slit my skin
because i love you so much?

i devote myself
that you may be so kind
as to step carelessly upon my face
like a treading wheel
pushing in my eye sockets and lips
like stones in dirt

i get down on my knees
and prostrate myself
while you place a light of the world cross
around my neck
and carve an incandecent pentagram
on my skull
to sanctify

what shall i do with this
spontaneous impulse of spirits hunger
so ardent

am i dammed
to love so much
red angel?

will you extend your pointed toes towards me
to receive my tremulous lips
and cleansing tears?

i’m ever yours,
queen of love and pain
love adoration ******
371 · Nov 2016
my love sleeps
zebra Nov 2016
my love sleeps
i watch
a ***** ******
creepy creep
she subsumed in covers
i pull them off
her bare feet glisten
i think to smell them
caress them with my lips
sugar plumb toes
little pearl buttons
how sweet
i claim you
i want to see you wear the ankle bracelet
my name an engraved sigil
your my ****
delicious and o so willing
your *** a poem of evocation
that weeps and smiles
with coos and oooows
that adores tongues dark desire
oh lolly pop ****
adorations summer fruit

i float to bed beside you
like a shimmering cloud
my face a blur
a shroud
cuddles your warm *** crack
purges tears like crimson wine
that fall down cheeks of azure

im an astral specter
come to ****** you through the night
with ethric tongue and ****
that reach to your heavens
a shadow dream  
perhaps something you ate last night
that dissipates with mourning light
can you feel this brooding absence
ache for you
can you hear him whisper your name
like rushing air and ivory powders
have i not claimed your soul
****** nocturnal
360 · Nov 2019
Shambles: A History Of Art
zebra Nov 2019
Broke Artists break
looking at the art
of the rich and famous

you know
the worthy
the up town crowd

and thats the art history
you never hear about.
358 · Sep 2019
A Poem
zebra Sep 2019
A poem
a strategy of concealment
about epic development

a war between love and artifice
inflections and innuendo
imagining a fiction
or the absence of imagination
as in shed or replaced
a truth woven from reality and fiction
strangely mixed
like a wild flute song
and the distinct glitter
of floating perfume
358 · Sep 2017
zebra Sep 2017
Bind me up today, Sir.
I am begging you, now,
down on my knees.
Doe-eyed, sweet, looking up at you
I am your total love-slave,
through and through

trussed thighs  ******* and belly
on the alter of sacrifice
and drink from your warm plumb belly
dark mulberry waters
your bound feet held steady
yet trembling
as you are unwound
loved, furrowed
your mouth sealed
that your eyes may scream bright

I am here to do your darkest bidding
your basest perversions,
high morals slipping
my **** is soaked and my heart
on fire
I am quivering, so ready
with  unsheathed  desire

you, a melting candle
a  drooling ******* warped
opened and parted
on a white pearl alter
where you danced and prayed
cooing to be drubbed
your mouth wet and thick
from a thousand glittering *****

and so Sir. I plead in devotion
devour me tonight
consume my body of delights
I am your servant of appetites
both wild and bizarre
I crave what you want
and want what you are
and this savagery, piercing
will wash through my soul
as you penetrate my world
my secretions in flow
a fiery glow

your naked mouth begging
for slow mortal wounds
spread wide
you embrace dark snakes
for languid bites
who set you reeling
goddess forms
tremble and wither
a voluptuous agony
a confetti of *******
pain so dear
it only doubles ardor

Let us fly as we open
and you rip asunder
all silk shreds
and make me complete
I lay down my sword
polish me hard
reach the jewel
of my soul
aching pulsations
from labyrinths motes
and lighted palaces*

you tremble and perspire
the ordeal merciless
your legs lassoed and stretched
heals above head
a pungent fruit weeping

crying to be hollowed out
a gushing tempest
lover of the slow sword
oh, a naked chaos
your face a wild zoo
torso weak
a writhing stew

i cradle you in my arms
a conjugation of tender mercies
yet diabolical
crazed with greed to devour

you appeal
strike me
sure and determined
this very second
a whirlpool en-flamed

i bind you in spitting distance
you bare your throat
a dare
glare a nymphets smile
whispering come on
and as we pour our ******* into each other
i pull your head back hard
your face  bright for a wild paradise
as i wound you wide
oh oh oh oh you squeal
undulating underneath my grasp

i drink from pulsing arteries
consume frenzy spasms
milky pudenda howling
in heaping waves
staring at me
while spiraling into darkness
your hair drenched
a crimson baby doll
gone mad
a thousand eyes raptured
and then darken
you fall like silk off a foot
a broken oozing creel
the gorgeous breathless
to be wept over
anonymous collaboration
sadomasochistic adult *** explicit
358 · Jan 2017
The Big Bang
zebra Jan 2017
physics has it
space came from
that time came
from before time
while we have evidence of a past
old movies and old bones
we have no evidence of a now
what is
a now
a minute
a second
a one thousandth of a second
is it calculable?

they say
the universe is 14.5 billion years old
an ever expanding
in a population
of infinite universes
occupying multi dimensions
unimaginable realities

so why is it strange
if i go trans-gender
in my black lamet dress
and ziegfield pearls
dressed to the hilt
a glitter queen
in pumps
to an all lesbian
***** drooling
lip licking
***** bang bang
and surprise the ladies
gooey tipped
throat gagging
357 · Jun 2017
zebra Jun 2017
iv'e have not quite come to terms
with that dark thing that lives within me
oh lord
have mercy upon ophidian's soul
have you not enslaved me
with desires despicable
drawn darkness over me
with a black wands curse
feral gates castellation
as I sleep
towards mournings flaring sun
with aches infernal ****

i behold images of
hung women sway-less
heads pressed firmly against stone walls
legs and feet splayed behind
squandered treasures
******* yellow soaked with *****
so ghastly
my darling
so touching
oh lovely horror

she said
to die that way
in a little room somewhere
would be perfect
so easy
even pleasant
as lips brush caressed
she cooed whispers
protect me from
from the cruelty
of grizzled age
and heaped infirmities
like stones on threadbare silk
that unravel and tear souls
sorry and dull
until collapse

standing tippy toes
her head on my shoulder
arms around my neck
my soul her mausoleum
undulating as if a rounded wind
eyes like rushing poems

a bloodless brain
she mused
better than the delirium of
glittered fizz

we could do it in easy stages
all tender accommodations
as you lasso the rope
gently around my neck
and attach to a sturdy handle
then lay me firm upon white linens
with wet-lipped kisses
and let me drop weightless
like a slipper off a foot
into sweet
night tides
357 · May 2016
zebra May 2016
oh satanism in suburbia
its such a fun thrill
scare the **** out of Christians
goes down like a pill

god is good
satan is mean
but there both tyrants
oh what a scene

no god is mean
satan is nice
long as you love
fire and ice

are we not sinners
oh what a rap
live in fear
and don't be a sap

two back water religions
fighting it out
a testament to cruelty
no matter what you spout

trapped in 3 dimensions
blind as as a bat
they have  it all figured out
with the brains of a rat

god and the devil
now theres a choice
between two meanies
you have no voice

choice with in choicelessness
that is your path
its the wrath of god
or the black mass

give me a brake
what a sad cast
darkness vs darkness
look at your past

some ascend in darkness
and fall in grace
the path to god or devil
is such a dry place

life is complex
with myriad lore
forget about tyrants
and discover your core

there is darkness and light
they are both who you are
integrate them now
and be your own star
354 · Jun 2017
zebra Jun 2017
my beloved
i will come near
feel my hot red shift
as i stretch out
into the distance before you
do you resonate the pitch of my siren
may i expand your universe
flatten out your space time continuum
charm you into my gravitational pull
will you spread wide for the big bang
as i scatter your senses
with extraterrestrial interstellar *******
and tender clusters
of milky way kisses

will you?
348 · May 2021
Small Town
zebra May 2021
small town
big hell
zebra Feb 2017
do you know why i cant take my eyes off of you
because i know deep down inside
your so hot
you must be to good for me
i learned a long time ago
not to love people like you
even though
oh so do
your countenance is a weapon
maybe if i didn't love you so much
you would love me more

i pretend not to notice you
can you see me not noticing
can you see me smiling and talking
to others
like i dont care if your so dam charming
are you getting jealous
i hope you dont see me wanting you so desperately
noticing you
are you noticing me
but i didnt see you look over this way
whats the hold up?
guess im not your cup of tea
i bet your crafty
playing games

ill do a tarot reading
what NO
two of cups ?
lovers ?
maybe the i Ching
darkening of the light ?

the psychic hot line
seventy dollars
and the psychic is just getting some vibrations
one hundred and fifty more and counting
and we still haven't got to the last card

how about candle magic
new candles from pan pipes
red of lust
blue for Jovian expansion
green for goddess Venus
queen of loves trove

thee i invoke Dianna
we shall soon see
by the power of her glory
you will come to me
you have to now
tee hee hee

im shaking inside
and running from you
are you watching me run from you
are you asking your self why i run
does it make you want to run after me

i read a book on how to get you to fall in love with me
it says
imagine my head is a magnet
and your metal
and when i press the magic
imaginary button
your instantly magnetized
falling helplessly my way
like charged particles
**** over heals
yet every time you pass me
my head bends and twists uncontrollably towards you
finding myself standing so close
not knowing how i got there

my heart is murdering my mind
ive been talking to myself about you
like a self flushing toilet
that never stops

thee i invoke Dianna
we shall soon see
by the power of her glory
you will come to me
you have to now
tee hee hee

thee i invoke Aphrodite
we shall soon see
by the power of her glory
you will come to me
you have to now
tee hee hee

thee i invoke Astarte
we shall soon see
by the power of her glory
you will come to me
you have to now
tee hee hee

for i am the lord god
and every spell and scourge
shall be obedient unto me
till hell freezes over
so mote it be
for the star of six is fixed in stone
tee hee hee

i better go over and talk to you now
347 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
they were alone
and suffered the chill
of being untouched and unheard
mutilated by the anguish of desolation
and then
they got married
and dragged each other  
through misunderstandings
bludgeonious tedium
talking over each other
finishing each others sentences the wrong way
cutting each other off
tying each other's shoe laces together
finally touched and heard
sometimes to little
sometimes to much
mutilating each other with love
happiness is just a flower of a chance
346 · Oct 2021
zebra Oct 2021
women cause wars
by shopping
and my plane
has two right wings
346 · May 2017
zebra May 2017
enough about me
lets talk about you
what do you think
about me?
345 · Feb 2017
zebra Feb 2017
the soul
a collection of
thoughts aptitudes weaknesses biases predilections
a jumble of mind
and what of free will
and what of karma
are there not
fates pleasures and furies
yogas of myriad heavens and hells

we find our selves
a short stay in zombie land
are we not the living dead
have we not the freedoms of the living dead
to suffer innumerable casualties of mind and body
short lived pleasures and repugnant destinies
to be inducted into armies of labor and war
no work no eat
the mantra imperative
even rest exists for exertions sake
to fight with our intimates
or if alone to fight with our selves
about our desolation
divided by the chatter of inner confusion
reality distortions
so pervasive
we drink water from mirages

palimpsests voices
dubbed over lays
voices over voices over voices
a cacophony of whispers
our version of free will
driven by the  impulse
to get get get
and while we
lose lose lose

are we not
manure for an acid soil
destined for head stone city
all the getters
piled high
and buried deep
are we not  dim witted children
of the blind impulse
reflexive doll mannequins
in a world so muddled
that we only know what we
be LIE ve
344 · May 2017
zebra May 2017
im breaking apart over you
dark girl flaming
blond bomb shell
toe head
red dread
black coal heart
lime green nails
cherry lips
fire breather *******
that plays with me

im your top
spinning dizzy lolly pop ****
im on the floor
at your feet
you kicker
your a balabosta
that would feel so good
if it didn't hurt so bad

your foot
my crotch
high heels
and hop scotch
right in the labonza

better smoke some **** and recede
turn up the ****** music
to forget that
344 · Sep 2017
zebra Sep 2017
Some of us believe decency a is cruel hoax
It's a ghost.
a woman wearing a frilly dress
in a room of tinsel stars
and the leash of immortality
a big hush with searing looks
and knee knocking
that speaks,
across rooms and boulevards
in another language
between myth and truth
the myth of principals  
and the truth of primacy
still blood flecked from the last incarnation
and a twisted smile that dazzles
like nothing you've ever seen before.
340 · Feb 2017
Vanilla Verse
zebra Feb 2017
theres much about
every aspect of life
that is a violently alternating antagonism
of expulsion and absorption
love and hate
for half of life is an excretory rite

are we cowed
by subtle prohibitions
permitting only
a charmed
poetic version of the world
that stoops to be a projection
of unreality as superior
like pie in the sky religion
with an unconscious mission
to degrade ****** reality

poets affirmations of vainglory
buried in obfuscation
and ingratiating metaphors
word salad
poet as coward

unwilling to satisfy
souls in search of
there own buried parts
habitual secret bitterness
in avoidance
of elaborations
deepest inner desires
or worse yet

is to much of poetry
a guano infested dust bin
of niceties
an abandoned
mouldering hovel
spinster musings
literatures dark corpse ?
340 · May 2016
we met once
zebra May 2016
we met once
a brief exchange

are you a confection?

you so blond, silken
soft green eyes
you move like music
skin like milk
a smile like an invitation to the love boat
swimming pool after hours
admit two

your dangerous to a man like me
even superman has his weakness
beauty is your weapon
my kryptonite

you pulled the trigger with your countenance
one in the heart, the other right between the legs
i use to feel like electrical colored sherbet
and now im nothing but a mono-chromed grunt
only able to speak in nouns
just an ugly plant

im on the ground
if you took a moment
to console, to hold, to kiss
id feel better for a moment
and then start to shake apart all over again

i want you like heroine
addicted addicted addicted

your glance an entrancement
with it you can send me to heaven or hell

am i in trouble?
336 · May 2018
~ Anonymous
zebra May 2018
"To have someone give you control of their bodies and minds,
to be entrusted with the responsibility to take care of them,
to have someone willing to suffer for you,
to forsake pride and dignity to please you...
what can other gifts in this world possibly equate to that?
And more importantly, what makes you worthy to receive it?"

~ Anonymous

The Feminine Paradox

while i live for anonymous
do you think she is a freak?
does she not own her master
with the rarest of adorations
then those in the temple of thinning lust  
with mouths like twisted placards
"know your value"
"just say no"?

told by
Victorian prudes
what is permitted
full of pride
in shapeless days
yet counting the insults of puerile lovers
one moody scar at a time

a *******
could take a lesson
bruised titillated Lilith

with the sadist, the cards are on the table
fingers like
gleaming swords scented with ***** perfume
that drool for her quivers.

he melts with feral abandon from her cries
as she thrills exhilarated
to pains promise of pleasure
crucified and pitted
like spiced guacamole
on hot fire-tongues

his, bruising buttery shaft
her God
drooling yoni his salvation
her form a jeweled flame
a swirling constellation of blood and sweat diamonds
writhing undulations and ****** mouth
all chattering castanets

better than most
they give each other their truth
to take and to be taken
like pierced sparrows fluttering in paradise

with tender kisses and aftercare
quite like the watering garden

they are rinsed guileless
drenched flowers sweltering
in asylums
and made smooth
by the hand of God
"oh baby
i like it when
you do that dance
gonna stick my ****
through your underpants"
The first part was written by a woman in the life of dark sexuality and ****** masochism
a collaboration
A slave submits primarily to her own nature… That she requires a material, extrovert focus for her submission, i.e. the dominant, does not alter the fact that on the spiritual level her submission is essentially introverted. One could say that through the dominant she submits to herself by proxy… Each makes the other possible, tied together as they are in symbiotic interdependence.

~~ J. Mikael Togneri
335 · Feb 2021
The Bleeding Edge
zebra Feb 2021
Pleasure is so close to ruinous waste
nakedness wrecks decency
degradation feeds the bonfire of hunger
and the wound of desire bleeds away within

leave nothing
but the bleeding edge

ruin me  
she said
Influenced  by the writings of Georges Battaille
335 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
i was looking at you
and thought what a dear
what a sweet baby
i really do care

i hope all is well
in baby doll land
your face so kind
and there you stand

so strong and straight
so brave and true
a gracious soul
i do love you

i adore your talk
we may never meet
but if we did
it would be so sweet

we would kiss a lot
and talk all the time
your little girl smiles
are sublime

no one knows
what will come to light
but one thing for sure
your soul shines bright

i feel your heart
it haunts me deep
better be careful
love is steep
zebra Aug 2016
Whats worst of all s when hes alone at night
but shes there, she hasn't gone
He recalls the time when they where one
Which is the only paradise we can presume
to try for
Though of short duration
lasting not long as a rose in bloom
So now there not in the Garden anymore
Like he was the only boy in the world
and she was the only girl
but sitting in opposite chairs in the living room
And maybe hes reading the paper or pretending to
and she has a book or a bible
and between them they have nothing to say to each other
Except to try to coordinate their doctors
If he took her in his arms now
She would flinch and pull away
Totally frustrated by this bizarre behavior
And perhaps in his reverie he gazes out the window
And sees some lovely slender young girl passing by
and thinks in words of the poet,
"Once i knew one lovelier then any of you."
Which is not much consolation
No more then the sight
of the stars of night
which shine big and brightly enough
but are dying embers
in the ashes of his lethargy
333 · Jul 2016
Garland of Memories
zebra Jul 2016
just because your dead
doesn't mean
i don't love you any more

at 69 i stand before a trail
of dead women i have loved
beautiful women
break your heart

ive watched the years
grind them down
turn silk to hay
cherries to mulch

sickness unraveled
there beauty
can you see
my garland of memories
and each flower
an absence

so when
i say i love you
you couldn't possibly
know how much
332 · Oct 2017
Blood Moons
zebra Oct 2017
i just wana be
your sweet dreamy demon lover boy
nocturnal emissions crimson puddle
a storm brewing over your body
blood moons kissing
your eyes in my mouth
your *** a sanctum
spired kicks
and hot spit licks

Satan and the Saints weeping
like naked torrents
i play her like a cello
a languid dirge
licking deep deep
with utterances  
wild caress
like black tea
steep steep

mouths gaping like
cherry blood raw
and dark jam
a vampires moistened lips

till **** drooled and pooled thick  
muscles flex taught
we are voodoo dolls in flames
all falling red ribbons
i am a pole of lightning
you all *** smog spread
your tongue a flogging lolly
spilling sparks

the body of this woman
a crying wound
red sun streaming
freaky kisses
flesh eater drinking
beaten bones and skin
marrow melting

*** crime
who did what to who
is it bad
are we sad
where we've  been
is it a sin ?
adult sadomasochism *** explicit spicy
330 · Sep 2017
zebra Sep 2017
Lets get over the stupid **** about God and the Devil
Satan is the serpent power
originating at the base of the spine, this is primal power corresponding to the id
With out Satan you would be dead
This power regulates primal autonomic excretory and ****** functions, ie. survival and supports the higher activities of the body mind and soul
corresponding to the ego and super ego, your God
The ego is and integrative mechanism that stands between Id and the super ego ie Devil or Id and God or the super ego
The id is the original primal survival mechanism and true will not to be ignored or denied
The light is born of the darkness and is born-less
The darkness is eternal  and the light is everywhere within her

The super ego is discernment ...principal ....reason...ethics and ideation's of mythic heroes , not to be ignored or denied  
In religion  aspects of the higher self are personified as a Christ, Buddha, Krishna etc when God takes human form
and the Devil is personified as Satan, Asuras Beelzebub Demons or various miscreants in human form  

If Christians adhered strictly to total purity they would have to  insist on castrations and analectomies to purge their so called evil elements   and die because surviving with out the lower is undoable
conversely the Satanists would require lobotomies or being guillotined because living without essential principals is indoable 
God and the Devil are not mutually exclusive except when they're  viewed through the maw of religion...God and the Devil are different sides of the very same coin

In the royal yoga of the the east  when the serpent power ascends up the spinal column  the id, ego and super ego are instantaneously integrated and transcended into an all together different order and the fractured nature of self is over come by unity

This unity transcends all myth and concepts of god ie. religion ethics morality
It is a totally transcendent order..
In western terms as a human you stand between the the higher and the lower
Spiritual evolution is not about taking sides its about the integration towards a whole self
You are potentially the magician who mobilizes the lower to serve the higher
This may be an over simplification but
you use your demons to create a base ...they are work slaves to get money so you can go to your temple, your home...the higher self in effect and reflect on the beauty of life

CAN WE **** NOW :)
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