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328 · Nov 2019
The Loneness Machine
zebra Nov 2019
just a naked light bulb
with the swimming shadow i cast

slushy brained
with a ****** iota of a heart
driven by the loneness machine
that keeps me company

modernity grows black metal teeth
nothing quite works anymore
except the inflexibility of algorithm's

they are my slave
and I do what they say

my upload is down loading
to a disappearing file
marked nervous breakdown
on a blinking screen of high velocity electrons
apocalypse of endless virtual hysteria
in a spectrum of LiteBrite

my wife screams vomitus epithets
at the computer
every ****** day
***** **** stupid ***

on the other hand
i dont need to navigate
the complexity of human relationship's
any more

i like my new virtual girlfriends
***** with long legs and *******
with her lesbian friends
playing in a barrel of lubed ******
and **** thingamajigs
preggo, and *****,
having *******
licking edible *** beads
with her best friends
Hypno girl
Kink Ya
LiL Red
Toxic Candy
Slutty Bunny
**** Bait Bon Bon

a cabal of delicate feminine monsters
Subs and Doms
like a garnish of pimentos
red fire kimchee ****
and sweet butter pickles
and if i lose a girl friend 
the spiders will find me a new one

i'm just a man getting on with life
driven by the loneness machine
that keeps me company

i'm just a man getting on with life
driven by the loneness machine
that keeps me company
326 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
after trying different places
i finally put the fly paper by the garbage
the flies stuck there in droves
323 · Jan 2021
Psilocybin Eyes
zebra Jan 2021
i shot some **** and
wrote 15 poems
smoked some ****, took some acid
and then wrote 10 more finishing up
around 4 am in the mourning

                                          a ***** deed done dirt cheap

cumed like juke box music
playing "tonight's the night"
in a sea of big *** ****** Babylon's
playing dead with psilocybin eyes
looking like spilt eggnog
in some hyper metallic transcendental flash

                                         *** mutant ray gun ****

you're a serial killer in a good way
she muttered
after a long **** of gag and spit
from mouth to ****

                                            gregarious **** pistols

only to send me on my way
after cuming in multiples of various hazardous materials
with a how not to **** pamphlet
written by Bim Bim
along with her reverie
about the origins of the universe
and how black holes are just
future life giant *****

                                       **** poet martyr of the future    

her best friend
the ******* queen with a strangle fetish
slapped me on the wee wee
with a paddle after I filled her midnight madness
with a kiss and a jumbo jar of Vaseline

                                             dial a **** poem

"There's a hidden epidemic of men who are ***** by women.
According to a wide-ranging study, around two-thirds of men who report ****** victimization say their assailant was female"

"I met a man who who was victimized by a woman when he was a child. He is, to this day, afraid to be alone in a room with a woman."
The Cut-Up technique is to writing what collage is to visual art. Its recent use was pioneered by William Burroughs and Brion Gysin, and later David Bowie used it during the 1970s. The basic method is simple — write a piece of work, cut the paper up with scissors, and rearrange the pieces to form new phrases and new meanings.
320 · Aug 2021
zebra Aug 2021
319 · Jul 2016
Blood Mouth Fulls
zebra Jul 2016
she thought
could it be morality
thats got her depressed
not letting the devil out
being hemmed in
trying to be mommies
good little girl
no filth
no blood
no ****

no cries that call
do it, do it, do it
use me hard
make me Raggedy Anne
floppy doll
will less
from cruel moorings
of well
reasoned behaving

what if i loved you
in immoral ways
no one would have to know
will you love me back
like a fish
loves a worm
make me cry
take blood mouth fulls
from a cut neck
and tear at me
till i beg you
never stop
318 · Jun 2018
The Bitter Truth
zebra Jun 2018
our eyes burn brightly
in the darkness of forms illusion
and shutter blind in the light of effulgent consciousness

to and fro we go
life and death
life and death
life and death

freed only from vexing yogas
when forms dream
yields delimitation
"demonic frenzy, moping melancholy
moonstruck madness"
zebra Jul 2016
deep down inside
your brain is tied to your ****
and when you see a ****
you want it hard and grunt

theres some thing
about being used
face down hard and cruel
more voluptuous is pain
when mixed with love abused

when felt with kisses teeth
oh the excitement of pain
come bleed for me my love
its like a summers rain

warm butter ****
all over your goddess mouth
your ******* aches to be wounded
like BBQ  in the south

it thrills me to see you cry
and beg for **** all day
ill ******* sweet *****
and eat you where you lay

bent over broken and bleeding
makes you languid ***
your death is ****** ecstasy
oh love ive just begun
306 · Mar 2018
Better Than A Day Human
zebra Mar 2018
she drank her own blood
to nourish herself for the long journey
into darkness
dragged down
like a leaden black ball
to some distant netherworld
a scape of shattered moons
she a weeping mouth
for the synagogue of lusts cruelties voluptuous  

while being taunted
she beckoned hells demons
come hither
blazing tongues to lick
pretty hellhounds
telling them that they were incompetent
that they did nothing
compared to the evil humans wrought
shaming them to their cold dead souls
as they nailed her to wood
and confessed that
they where more terrified
of men
then Satan
especially the religious ones
do-gooders that spread
the evil machinery of war
unlike themselves
always willing evil
and spreading good

their black tongues
and slippery red shafts
all sticks and rattled storms
setting her on fire
penetrated every inch
like she was a bed of earth
all leaves in a spicy bog
oozing poked holes

an **** in hell
her haunches
splitting bones
ridden like a bucking horse

better than a day
she thought
in a rapture of shimmering kisses
thundering claws
***** shoved up to her lungs
zebra Nov 2022
Needled fingered hematologists prepare our dinner. Her name, Mercy, all body candy, tattooed with a snake ****. Her ******* pierced with rose paved sparkles and ******* stabbed with bat shaped studs. Nurses sharpen knives while quack doctors tend to little plastic dolls and blood bathers with crossed femurs in hospital beds where they are cultivated as condiments. Between the umbilicus of limbo, and the theater of cruelty the rational world remains a derelict void. Welcome are hallucinations that abolish reason, that give meaning to blood shot gazing eyes beyond the limits of sanity, where madness cannot be opposed in a world of tug a war monsters and gods. Lyrical voices of demons shoot through Mercy's nerve membranes, while a marching army of squat shadows move like flames in a vacant lot of burning violets. Monsters groan. A snake head eats its own tail in graves of scattered voices and speechless tongues. Arteries pulse vermillion, naked and wanton waiting to be pierced for sanity's release in a lyric of dread's desire. A tidal force lifts a dirigible from hell in a fountain of blood while Jesus has a cheeseburger moonstruck in torn *******. A spreading bride dissolves hoop-armed around a formless shadow hallucinating her beloved killers foot stones kiss. Mercy Kneels on the Dias subserviently. She is sumptuous and a willing betrothal in a gauzy white gown. Happily, headed for death, she disrobes and centers herself on the long knotty table spreading wide smiling, as if a performing dancer, a naked contortionist in a shadow that flickers. Her knees bent to her chest, ******* heaving, her red rose toes pointed, feet arched. She is ready for the final churning and dispatch. Vampires with moonish eyes crouch on all fours like ancient bushman with black wings like hovering capes to eat her with little teasing bites and licks before kissing hisses and insinuating their bifurcated tongues followed by needling punctures that look like spider holes with reddish volcanic mounds and a leaking web of blood rivulets on her pink primrose pudenda "blood on a sugar cube" mouths, feeding mouths, feeding mouths, licking each other's claret tongues mixed with foot kissing adorations and pinkish toes red blooms and  mad mumblings about the grace of Satan while burning black sabbath candles and incense, uncrossing themselves in cosmic Goetic rituals during devotional masturbations and copulations to give thanks and pay homage for fear that their god would take their girl away, their lovely girl food dressed in hemoglobin crystals, their sweet bleeding lover at fangs point, their peaches and cream, robe of blood and starve them.
Vampires are like the rest of us, hunger always wins, hunger for beauty, hunger for love, attention and shelter, hunger for every ******* thing. The vampires wept tears of gratitude licking torn sumptuous flesh like wild cats on the Savana. The pain of their bites excited Mercy, oh it hurt so, while they filled blood goblets of her, weeping and tumbling downwards in her honeymoon crypt like a spooling galaxy as they ate her belly, throat, eyes, and **** with their switchblade kisses. Mercy drugged on ketamine pushed passed the unendurable limits past limitless pain, like a burning witch laughing thinking in fractured clouds, and hot *** heaping ******* at the site of her depraved condition before sinking into an impenetrable dark water labyrinth of death. Her lips glossed black, the color of the grave, her hair dyed red and purple, her thighs and belly trussed in white gauze by ladies in waiting. Her areoles scorched and punctured as incense holders. Vampires coalesce, with fangs and ravaging kisses, biting Mercy like wild hyenas with panicked raw mouths of red saliva diamonds. Mercy gushes blood like a red river banquet, chained and strapped, legs stirrup wide, her feet beautifully arched and just so, glistening for fiendish kisses. In a candlelight ritual she is copulated by both sexes and fed upon. Mercy laughs like a loon screaming as she is lapped up by the wicked gift of ravenous tongues. Half devoured she emerges, a blood perfume delirium. Mercy arches upward and writhes in a blistering frenzy. Her eyes glare like a tempest then go vacant in loop tee loops in and out of focus. Her mouth, a red licorice lipstick smudge, gapes like twisted wire and pierced blood-soaked lips. In a ghastly shriek Mercy's belly oozes while the very last of her falters. Mercy surrenders her remains in a last hideous lament. Her hair looks like matted steel wool, her nostrils wet with mucousy brine. Her eyes bulge from their sockets, while a single smoldering finger in flames still burns as if it is a candle. Mercy tumbles downwards like a spooling galaxy as they eat her belly, throat, eyes, *** **** and nibble on her toes while she lays prone on a worn blood-stained porcelain Dias and spreads wide exposing whats left of her innocent bottom and smiling like a bewitched demon.
303 · Feb 2019
A Poem is Metaphor
zebra Feb 2019
I can **** you in a poem
and walk away scot-free
so, bend over
I got a gun in your ***
ready aim bang
I love you
zebra Jan 2022
Aside from my love of women who own their sexuality and being the spawn of the solar phallus dragon and ***** **** of fire, you know mom and dad, let's face it a lot of people are pent up about ***, so anything illuminating on the subject and its various forms, perspectives, sensual aspects and subculture is nothing but a good thing unless of course you are a die-hard *****.

Broadly speaking marrieds and long-term couples grow bored with each other, and singles very often go without *** or even being touched for extended periods of time. In both cases it ***** and not in a good way. Many singles remain fixated on the idea of finding that special person to alleviate their sense of loneliness and many if not most marrieds remain starved for a bit of novelty and are understandably afraid to transgress for fear of the jealousy and pain of betrayal with the loneliness and insecurity it often brings. Of course, there are some who work hard to disown their sexuality all together as a solution.  I see this as a kind ****** & emotional suicide, a moral masochism if religiously motivated and crime against the self.  There is in fact very few of us who manage to find a way to have it all and have it that way most or all of the time. In other words, the entirety of our society has a baked in structure that creates a sense of pervasive despair about ****** desire, not to mention the immense suffering that comes with loving and not being loved back.

Speaking of moral masochism, I find it ironic that the clergy who are sworn to celibacy and outwardly kowtow to the most rigid repressive codes of behavior have been and remain appalling in their rampant *******.

Perhaps whats left is to be driven into a labyrinth of hermetically sealed shadows that incubate a kind of sensual theater of transgression and taboo where simply everything goes.
Well, this writer has lived in those shadows like many others and consequently decided to explore those dark corners both in relationships, and those interior grottos of self through mental construct phantasmagorias and the language of poetry to spotlight this web of pathogens built into the very scaffolding of our psyches and culture.
As a poet I dont want to mimic the ruling culture. I want poetry to be like good ***, as in novel or intimate or perverse or underground like a creepy girl with a little blood on her pigtails in a fluttering dress with great legs just asking for it.
Poetry in its frail orbit is often only seen through the lens of genteel romance, social justice, of documentary, of collective resistance, or perhaps the propaganda of some other public iconography, a kind of literary imperialism in its lock step with the prevailing dogma trend lines while *** remains oddly off the radar? How could that be with so many barking and yelping genitalia, talk about repression.
Is the poetic form collapsing like a drooping mouth from too much pretentious baroque gentility in mildewed assure skies and verdant fields? Has Pandora been dethroned, and stripped of her gloomy yet torrid box of troves?
No folks shes under our bed's, in our brains and DNA disturbing us while we try to avoid her primal groans, groans mind you that manifest in the shadows and then erupt into arguments, tears and the rip apart lives.   

The reason I write about *** is I'm in search of a sacred space where language serves the psyche without artifice, and that makes plain the difference between the conservative public conversation and true innerness of the intersectional shadow lands of self towards a better way to live.
297 · Nov 2017
zebra Nov 2017
silent night
come **** me right
round young ******
***** and ripe

*** crazed
oh so tight
belligerent girl
high as a kite

she licks the hose
strikes a pose
butter and ****
twinkle toes

xmas is here
gooey galore
what i want for xmas
is a sweet little *****

if i don't have it
ill get all black
what the hell
no nook in the sack

holiday cheer
i love to be kissed
would you like some more beer
and a holiday tryst
295 · Feb 2022
Roulette and Justine
zebra Feb 2022
You can't talk about love without talking about its absence, deceit, desire and perversions.
Despite Justines intention to live a virtuous and moral life
she repeatedly encounters debauched and depraved individuals who demean her in every sense of the word.

Justine is brutally and incessantly violated, yet always eager and docile with big ******* eyes like portals of magic.
Using lunar rituals and oneiric transmissions she masturbates incessantly in alley doorways while imagining being backdoored in a bathtub of oiled men - and time will not take that away.

A queen of pinups and a scape goat without a safe word
She is held hostage by desire interlocking her with a **** vampire
living in a stone-cold chamber who texted pitiful Instagram posts about beautiful scarification, the pleasures of narcissism and beauty that left her always feeling like her own undertaker.

How does it work to protect yourself from yourself in this bitter city of the mind where silver flies, pocked faces and little worthless pennies in knotted dreams hum into the cells of your mottled brain?
293 · Jul 2019
zebra Jul 2019
come towards the bed
winged loneliness

her thighs
arches to the garden
a purple mouth flower
with pink steps and tears
for a priestly *****

this crying queen
whispers flimsy secrets that gnaw
that gnaw like malignity's orphan hood

her hips
a wigwam sanctuary
coagulations of crossed paths
fantastwatia - child of Aphrodite
stiff with threads of milk
like vast groaning plumage

and a soft kiss cantata
aborts sorrows
with red **** hammers
and acetylene ejaculations

butter fingered ******
point to heavens
silver eyed wet mouthed harlots
taste pumpkin cake
teeth white marble
*** spit

biting her blood crowded shadows
bikini trim hangs
from timber thighs
***** and mouths
rushing ambulances
for a **** emergency
to orchid ***** aviaries  

split grape gape
and sugar red throat tongue dance
with a smiling swallow
drooling mourning flower
and the violence of desire
like leviathan intestines
that drown the sun
292 · Oct 2017
Money Talks
zebra Oct 2017
when money talks
it says
good bye
291 · Mar 2019
zebra Mar 2019
mother kiss me like candles burn wax
i drink your flower petal milk

little fingers grasping ample flesh
rose of love

i have never known

in truth i never really knew you at all
not your loving heart
not your milk giving
not your abandoned soul
your sadness

nor understood
the betrayal of father

you're just a floating face now
except of course for your inner trembling
and white knuckle desolation

your bleeding heart is in me

mother your  élan pulses through my marrow
and i see you in so many women
through their soft eyes that breathe me in

those women dreaming of love
for a man they never knew
and hopes of a better life they never had

feeling you mother
and vapors coil from light
in the theater of your ghost
zebra May 2019
Artists easily feel,
the great flickering light,
the heat,
the breathing of living beings
the arrival and
the disappearance of things.
288 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
sometimes writing poetry
purges the brain
like the mourning toilet ritual
like shock treatment
or a whopping good lobotomy
gets the cockka demons
and snails out of my ears
refreshes like
sweet dreams dryer sheets
and gives one a sense of having
accomplished something
when one has not

i'm purging
the hobgoblins of deep grooved nuro patterns
a stunted caged mind
that keeps me safe
like a lidded box
for small entertainments
trivia and vast ****** ****** of *** prancing
girls on girls
leggy acrobats begging me for diabolical
**** and tongue gymnastics

a small time writer
haunted by picayune ideation's of craft
in the midst of nowhere
i seek the asylum
rangy jungles and great stone cities
that languish in depths
of word mists vainglory
as i hide from dark storms
fearing doom
and mythic hells
fumbling through
vacant, isolated
a crying mouth
283 · May 2017
Head Stone
zebra May 2017
standing at your head stone
baby did it hurt
i'm still crying over you
flowers in the dirt
283 · Nov 2017
Birth of a Poet
zebra Nov 2017
her name Hysteria
she cried a gutter of tears
in search of a rhythm
that meant something
a moral enigma
her soul a run on rant
her nights
tears and terrors
days nocturnal
stirring dreams
of dark shimmering
and charmed ruins
in her rose cove heart

her soul
a sun drenched cathedral
a great baroque opera

her mouth a plugged shadow
a dammed dark pool

so she talked with her chattering fingers
pecking away

the birth of a poet
278 · May 2018
I Live in Heaven
zebra May 2018
I live in heaven
but stoop to hell
for pleasures sake
277 · Aug 2017
zebra Aug 2017
father does not rule for long
he is the wicked child's plaything
id's robot slave
a sacrificial money machine
he is baby ghoul dressed
in a costume of culture
regulated by the iron fist of war
the world souls industry

he's made to ware a uniform
with little silver spiked buttons
drawn rigid to the throat
windpipes nag
and cruel shoes shinning
decorated in a suit of fire
that feels like a shredded
hair shirt
with a power choker tie
and a nifty haircut
a real cloths horse

he seeks the approval of the sold out
and had his wings pulled off
long before he had whiskers
another workin stiff
buying his freedom
one insult at a time

fathers loyalty rests with the child
that's where evil pleasures lurk
first comes the devil
daddies real father
he is
the old man
chaos his name
a bodiless monster
a disorganized dream work
with seething expectations
a somatic octopus
a grabbing insatiable hunger bucket

daddy was born tomorrow
to get along and go along
to listen and obey
a reluctant inmate

daddy says
you gotta suffer
so you don't have to suffer

we all end up
****** dry
like bone moths

cowards huddled
or homeless dread
and quickly dead
276 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
Satan's *** nail is pounded in the floor
sharp side jutting up
it glows like a diamond in flames
be careful to wear the thick boots
of God
its a crime if you step upon this gleaming nail bare foot

there are dagged blades voluptuous
spired and protruding from every wall
made of  black obsidian shards
be mindful to wear
Gods hair shirt
to keep from being pierced by edges so dark
they are the marks of Satan's lust

the stony land you inhabit
is torrid feverous
a world soul of scintillating rhythms
be careful to wear the warm woolly hat
of God
with thick ear muffs to shield you
from the rays
and Lucifer's
moans of seduction

don't take off your shoes
to cool and stretch crimped toes
or Satan's *** nail
will pierce your feet

don't remove your hair shirt
dagged cutlery
will score your torso

don't remove your woollies
the seductive rhythms
will set you dancing thread-less
a mindless dizzy sinner
shaking your ***

if you dare find yourself lewd
hungry for dark lechery aphrodesia
you will be aghast at first
a scourge even to your self
that you are not ashamed
to suffer the the protection of Gods garments any longer
thrilled dancing naked
your cut feet will be scorched with fragrant balms
and sweeten the earth with sensuality
your wounded torso
will be perfumed and fondled
with rich thickened unguents
the adoration of limitless love
your head will bob to the rhythms of the world soul
your raw mouth red slicked with creamy waters
***** ***** **** and ***
will fly like silky angels to gates of adoration
in the feral embrace of multitudes

and when asked
by men of God
why you dance naked
like a happy *****
clad in piercings
your torch a black fire
like a Babylon of harlots
you will realize horror of horrors
that you are hooked on Satan's *** nail
an abomination
to the good men of God
religion drinking piranhas
and as they ply their craft of wisdom and inquisition
with accusations of souls black heart

you may look around and realize
the God they praise
is a hard red fist
admonitions and threats
of endless purgatories and hells
to bind the lascivious heart delicious
a bean counter of transgressions
every pleasure a sin
every imprisonment a virtue
Commentary on religion
and the way it influences ****** attitudes
You may not wish to read this if your are a devout
supplicant of the synoptic religions
272 · Nov 2017
zebra Nov 2017
a poet of the id
i am shame
dishonoring myself gladly
a disgrace to clean thinking people
deconstructing the ramparts of a fake me
an obsessed child
desire without conscience
an ignominious plague
a broken bower
humiliated by holding back
the knot of obedience
and the abstinence of true will

this vile canker wants a kiss
i am mortified by nobility
why aren't people ******* in the streets
piling on like dogs
squalor in heat
evoking tender squeals and howls
like ear bleeding sirens on fire

oh genitals on a dais
a new spirituality
Aeon to come
myriad of divine liberations
and a new class of powers

wrend and weary afraid
while desolation pulverizes spirit to ash
my ******* tank is full
instead of taking my life
taking back my life
from the soul herders
ghouls of liturgy

i am
high minded
about being low minded

my scurrilous badge of courage
the ******* salute
spells freedom to flourish

have you seen death?

in the end
are we not all equal ?
271 · Jul 2016
His Story
zebra Jul 2016
is the story
of women
giving birth
to idiots
270 · Sep 2016
zebra Sep 2016

romantic *** adult
267 · Jan 2017
zebra Jan 2017
zebra Oct 2021
William Shatner
don't eat
Mexican Food
before lift-off
261 · Aug 2021
Her Eyes
zebra Aug 2021
260 · Aug 2017
SURFACES. an elegy
zebra Aug 2017
all that i see are surfaces
smooth and even
like looking through a telescope
a long vague view
a distant twinkle
but to feel innereness  
we need a close up
a mystery
at first glance
second glance
and still
a hundred glances later

finally we see the red army ants on the march
Gods cold shoulder
to the half eaten frog
still trying to get away

only slowly do we see
when intimacies tell all
one exposure at a time
our souls light casting its dark edges

zoo of dark moons
wrested by hope
yet decay and split seeds
covered by a smile

we are all children
of primal instability
dingies taking water
minds and bodies fleeting vessels
desperately trying to hold ourselves together
appalled by the roads of God
that **** our days
stamp out our lives
for heavens sake
Go out for Chinese to male you feel better
zebra Sep 2017
i'm sitting on the edge of a word
a buried secret
mud over my mouth
it feels like a snake crawled up in my brain
a flock of ravens
a slow dredge
a dark taboo, scintillent

oh scarred angel
your kiss
a scarlet tongue
259 · Oct 2017
zebra Oct 2017
she is LuNa
she called him
Mr hypnotic
maybe because
he practiced the subtle art of conversational hypnosis
or perhaps he was a night dragon
blink-less staring into her soul
as if she where naked
and her thighs were cradled in his amorous arms

she ached to be his love slave
on her knees, she wept
a mosaic of desires
her toes adorned with inlaid rings
her tongue in flames
wanting him thick in her mouth

her ******* heaving
like a black sea
******* sticky hot
her *****
a cracked ***
leaking buttery ooze
a mindless baby doll
in a chaotic embrace

all mad mans grasp
she would be his butter cup and blood buffet
to be buried
feet over her head
and spread wide

seized fingers entwined
a rose of ruin
a dark hazel with a wandering ******

her soul
on a ferris-wheel
from heaven to hell
a ****** odyssey
endearments and bites
a blood soaked mouth
lapping up his wet crotch fruit
raving red rage burning

eaten and licked like blood cherries impaled
used abused
and forever
gratefully amused
sweeter than a *** at a ***** movie
waiting desolate for her demonic lover
odalisque in love
259 · Oct 2017
zebra Oct 2017
oh, the poet
antagonist to the good and evil alike
a sobbing child
let lose in the world
with words and appetites piqued and sensual
transgressors of the middle class
and dull speak

their literary magnitude
sometimes perfume and sometimes stench
dripping on wet pages
written by electric brains
nimble figures and wet crotches
to relieve themselves of stupidities accumulations
wrought by their culture
mired in stink think
of either or

from the head up
high minded saints
from the hips down
undulating demons
each in denial of the other
a buffet of lies

the poet
purging private pleasures and torments
for the bemusement of the world
laid-out on the page
like public masturbations
for all to see in the theater of the ear
with mellifluent grace
and silver tongued appreciations
258 · May 2016
zebra May 2016
to tell you the truth im a liar
why you may ask it seems dire
its not that i hate truth
it's just to be loved that i aspire

i will do anything to save face
so i shine like problems i've solved
and i appear to have magnanimous  grace
but really i'm not very evolved

i've seen the map of my soul
and for every good moral feature
there's a black vacuous  hole
i'm just a short-sighted creature

my personality is stressed
i make up for it with guile
but i smile and call it finesse
if you knew me you'd think me a pile

then there's the struggle with money
i have a job in Satan's mill
i do it for ***** and honey
and work till i'm over the hill

you'll find that i'm a big talker
but really have nothing to say
secretly i'm a stalker
the women keep me at bay

then there's the place that i live
i'm not very clean or neat
its got lots of books and art
but this house it  smells like feet

how about creativity
let's throw it into the mix
oh yes i adore the minds diamonds
truth is i'm full of tricks

ok what about health
i really try to stay fit
eat right and work out
but sometimes still feel like ****

oh yeah i'm in a relationship
we love each other well
its often like porcupine wrestling
you'd swear it's a living hell

i covet secrets so dark and deep
i try to charm you with a smile
please don't find out i'm a creep
my claws i sharpen with a file

i crave long distance travel
to see the world by plane
i'm multicultural
but the French think i'm a pain

how about having a career
looking smart through all days
with my nose to the endless grindstone
i work blurry in a daze

ode to the  collective mind
a constant source of stress
floating in the amorphous field
there will never be any rest

oh finally the place i love the best
subjectivity  and the pleasures of bed
where all my dreams  glitter
and i think whatever i said

trapped in three dimensions
a cauldron of witches brew
im livin the dream, somebody else's
and who the hell are you
253 · Apr 2021
Mad House Venus
zebra Apr 2021
there's a  fire in this madhouse of Venus
where unattainable romance gives birth
to cunty darkness and pleading clawish fingers
to obsessions of strange mental constructs
something about blood and tears
birthing black ******* and vampires
with vermillion mouths shaped in circles
that gorge themselves on violent thrusting *****
and ***** resembling mushed faced pugs
just asking for it

a woman's eyes burn like cigarettes
and tongues snake into esophageal
swoon revivals of glorious deliverance
flashing souls flit like street lights
and flames of wraith hair
she begs to be strangled with a black chord
and kissed till her brain blurs fizz

she dances
wigwam wiggle and clutches
like a sliding oyster
licking my *******
**** ***** and ruby ***** 
gagging repeatedly onto the hilting root  
falling into submission
for her dark ******* god Faustian thing
a little doll with mythic eyes 
a ******* wraparound mouthy wigged ***** 
with a baloney-pony disco stick orifice

will you **** me with your **** sir
a dark hunger gnaws deep within
so bleed me merciless
like a gushing artery
make me red dead in love in bed
butter **** and properly spread
pound me like a hell ***** ****** 
in a burning five alarm 
emergency suicide ****
i corkscrew her 
into a writhing
murderous wreckage 
as she dissolves under me 
like a sugar cube in hot tea and blood
christened by a magic wand
that forces her round belly 
up and down like a toilet plunger

her ***** drools like runny yolks
a deep homework 
the shamanic decent 
an illusive weighing of the heart 
the sweet meat priestess 
who resuscitates abandoned legends
making my ***** click like castanets 
a Mr. Winkey party
spewing Icelandic yogurt
her teeth rattle
as her brains and one eyeball 
hang off my **** 
like pig trough slobber

her face smiles 
and vomits peaches

there's moon glitter
in your beautiful hair
my darling

God save the kink
249 · Nov 2017
zebra Nov 2017
what ?
i couldn't believe you would do that
do you really think thats a good idea?
despicable behavior
so dam low down
you have to learn about limIts
you have a lot a nerve!
are you an animal?
never mind
alright your forgivin
but watch your self
i don't hate you
but it was a filthy thing you did
lets forget it

come to think of it
i really didn't mind that much
alright i have to admit
i kinda liked it

that was so *****
lets do it again
249 · Oct 2018
Bending Towards You
zebra Oct 2018
I bend towards you ...hold your sweet head and bring my mouth slowly to yours searchingly.... your eyes brighten my heart ...its that perfect rare moment when two souls fuse...when time stops...when the world fades and that inexplicable undertow of feeling overwhelms.... lifts high... and then pulls down hard into waters of voluptuous pangs and smoldering ruins …. my brain in flames...I WANT EVERY MOLECULE...your flesh.... your blood.... your eyes burning naked....
******* DROWN ME ....
**** ME...
and i slip my swollen aching **** into your beautiful mouth....looking at you as you **** me falling falling falling through your soul like glitter
Apparently my intelligence is exceeded by my sensuality ;)
246 · Dec 2021
zebra Dec 2021
"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world - The master calls a butterfly".
Richard Bach
246 · Aug 2016
the Language of Ruin
zebra Aug 2016
what lives
are ruined
curled up
in that space
245 · Sep 2017
zebra Sep 2017
i may be a sick boy
with lots a bad habits
and neurosis
always writing evil poems
about women with twisted ideas
about *** and love
cause its more fun
to be a ***** creepy boy
cause im trans romantic
account of endless deprivations

but im beyond good
sinless really
as perfect as could be
better then god
who doesn't have to  put up with being finite
having to worry about stuff
like getting sick
money and payin the ****** bills
getting fat
body image
stayin regular
getting love and attention
emotional ups and downs
and reality distortions
putting up with poisonalities
trying to write right
tolerating ******* politicians
insults and death
and various other kinds of
**** hurt
245 · Nov 2021
The Poetry Problem
zebra Nov 2021
I’ve been reading a lot of poetry for quite a few years and maybe this is just me, as in some quirky bias I suffer, or misapprehension about poetry, but much of what I read doesn’t feel much like poetry at all. Now, one can rightfully argue that poetry can be anything, and that’s okay because if we take a look at poetry’s history what we see is a continuum of thesis and antithesis, flagging us who read the stuff that anything goes. So where does that leave us? I might argue that since there are so many distinct kinds of poems that a definition alludes us all together and when we hear the noun p o e t r y, we can only assign the familiar poetic shape as its definitive territory, meaning a few words in a line that are stacked up on each other, which we generally think of as verse with multiplied stacks fulfilling our expectation of poem. I’m thinking if we want to go with that poetry digresses to a linguistic charmless flat land characteristic of prose, relative to at least some of the poetic writing that is highly lyrical, sonically potent, novel, intonated, linguistically muscular, and dynamically connective to the reader. Poetry can take creative liberties that prose customarily does not or cannot take. Poetry may have different linguistic needs like different kinds of English. For example, articles may be absent towards a more concentrated synthesis for phrasing, a lyrical lilt, stream of consciousness boarding on the abstract et al.
Being a poet is born of a feeling that a face may be a liquid surface. That time is malleable, and that there is always something going on in-between the lines gleaned from inexplicable moments of inner disjuncture or a hesitating breath.
Poetry may facilitate that mind may emerge from the concrete objective into the mirrors of the marvelous or uncanny like a burped half avocado and fish head at 2 am in the morning transmuting into a torrent of dormice and angels in delirious avenues of falling stars and looking glasses.
Poetry may address intersectional dimensionality populated by visions and voices of primordial undercurrents, that stories may not lend themselves to. Poetry may be metalinguistic and a fragment of the inner life both collective and individuated. Poetry may work from the inside out without referencing the temporal, locational, and name it and claim it nouns and pronouns typical of prose. So, here’s the poetry problem. Why is it that 99% of the poetry I read here and places like it remain basically written just like prose, linguistically and sonically vacuous, largely bereft of similes, metaphors and all the other strategic devices that can make poetry progressive, inventive and deeply resonate, except of course that they are stacked and columned giving the appearance of poems?
Ballad in A
A Kansan plays cards, calls Marshall
a crawdad, that barb lands that rascal a slap;
that Kansan ******* scats,
camps back at caballada ranch.
Hangs kack, ax, and camp hat.
Kansan’s nag mad and rants can’t bask,
can’t bacchanal and garland a lass,
can’t at last brag can crack Law’s *****,
Kansan’s cantata rang at that ramada ranch,
Mañana, Kansan snarls, I’ll have an armada
and thwart Law’s brawn,
slam Law a **** mass war path.
Marshall’s a marksman, maps Kansan’s track,
calm as a shaman, sharp as a hawk,
Says: That dastard Kansan’s had
and gnaws lamb fatback.
At dawn, Marshall stalks that ranch,
packs a gat and blasts Kansan’s ***
and Kansan gasps, blasts back.
A flag ***** at half-mast.~~~~~
Ocean of Earth

To G. de Chirico
I have built a house in the middle of the Ocean
Its windows are the rivers flowing from my eyes
Octopi are crawling all over where the walls are
Hear their triple hearts beat and their beaks peck against the windowpanes
House of dampness
House of burning
Season’s fastness
Season singing
The airplanes are laying eggs
Watch out for the dropping of the anchor
Watch out for the shooting black ichor
It would be good if you were to come from the sky
The sky’s honeysuckle is climbing
The earthly octopi are throbbing
And so very many of us have become our own gravediggers
Pale octopi of the chalky waves O octopi with pale beaks
Around the house is this ocean that you know well
And is never still
Translated from the French
Source: Poetry (October 2015)~~~~~

On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous
Tell me it was for the hunger
& nothing less. For hunger is to give
the body what it knows
it cannot keep. That this amber light
whittled down by another war
is all that pins my hand
to your chest.
You, drowning
between my arms —
You, pushing your body
into the river
only to be left
with yourself —
I’ll tell you how we’re wrong enough to be forgiven. How one night, after
mother, then taking a chainsaw to the kitchen table, my father went to kneel
in the bathroom until we heard his muffled cries through the walls.
And so I learned that a man, in ******, was the closest thing
to surrender.
Say surrender. Say alabaster. Switchblade.
Honeysuckle. Goldenrod. Say autumn.
Say autumn despite the green
in your eyes. Beauty despite
daylight. Say you’d **** for it. Unbreakable dawn
mounting in your throat.
My thrashing beneath you
like a sparrow stunned
with falling.
Dusk: a blade of honey between our shadows, draining.
I wanted to disappear — so I opened the door to a stranger’s car. He was divorced. He was still alive. He was sobbing into his hands (hands that tasted like rust). The pink breast cancer ribbon on his keychain swayed in the ignition. Don’t we touch each other just to prove we are still here? I was still here once. The moon, distant & flickering, trapped itself in beads of sweat on my neck. I let the fog spill through the cracked window & cover my fangs. When I left, the Buick kept sitting there, a dumb bull in pasture, its eyes searing my shadow onto the side of suburban houses. At home, I threw myself on the bed like a torch & watched the flames gnaw through my mother’s house until the sky appeared, bloodshot & massive. How I wanted to be that sky — to hold every flying & falling at once.
Say amen. Say amend.
Say yes. Say yes
In the shower, sweating under cold water, I scrubbed & scrubbed.
In the life before this one, you could tell
two people were in love
because when they drove the pickup
over the bridge, their wings
would grow back just in time.
Some days I am still inside the pickup.
Some days I keep waiting.
It’s not too late. Our heads haloed
with gnats & summer too early
to leave any marks.
Your hand under my shirt as static
intensifies on the radio.
Your other hand pointing
your daddy’s revolver
to the sky. Stars falling one
by one in the cross hairs.
This means I won’t be
afraid if we’re already
here. Already more
than skin can hold. That a body
beside a body
must make a field
full of ticking. That your name
is only the sound of clocks
being set back another hour
& morning
finds our clothes
on your mother’s front porch, shed
like week-old lilies.
Source: Poetry (December 2014)
243 · Sep 2017
zebra Sep 2017
I keep getting banned
for writing **** filthy disgusting poems

some one made a joke about the size of my *****
and posted it on face book

someone posted kitty ****
and i was caught watching it
they called me a fat ugly man *****
while i was on cam

no girls ever respond to my private messages
finally a girl i thought liked me
turned out to be a guy or an FBI agent

i found arguing on the Internet  was usually pointless
but im so angry about everything
i cant seem to help my self
i have permanent mental scarring
because **** hurt
hurts like crazzzzy
**** HURT
zebra Nov 2019
Feet (Pisces) and death (Pluto) remain central to in born necro romantic impulses at the point of birth for certain souls.
Pisces rules the feet and it is classically speaking placed in the 12th house of loss isolation, slavery and spirit.

prepare for death
arms wide like a big hug
bend down low

a spreading wide ritual of slow submission
to better beg with kisses grotesque
as her jaw juts upwards

glassy eyed pupils posses me

i kiss the curving bottoms
of her tender feet
and lovely beaten skin
wrapped in cotton gauze
to sop the blood
shed like rip tides

puncturing  just to
watch the trembling

​scream my love
like charred dolls
in ribbon red molasses
how tender and desperate
as hemic tears
fall like prayers down
pink tremulous arches

i break you my darling
gashed pierced and scummed
with a vice of knives and strangling wire
till you give way
marrow and brick

my brave girl
in swaddled jack knife stockings
to the shapless groves
in a garland of lust
insane for the  destination
of glistening cocked Pharos

her lust
a moon struck gush
in a wind of spinning
fog and blood
241 · Aug 2016
less is more
240 · Nov 2021
Smegma, The Poem
zebra Nov 2021
you ever wanted to know
about yeast infections

Just kidding
but poems make you feel thoughts
236 · Aug 2021
zebra Aug 2021
I hope you learned a lot from that
I'm blessed
234 · Aug 2017
zebra Aug 2017
i live in a small clutch
where people seem to think in a discordant chorus
where beauty and eloquence
are lost
to small talk muling monkeys
and mute turnips

am i an old man
i feel like a bird in a forest of dogs
i am my own ancestor
haunted by the intimate sufferings
of the autumn years

i find my self
a teacher
a child
a satyr
in a temporal crisis
shifting my bones
feeling hollow
thinking i want to finish
more then i want to continue

it is my love of beauty and the exotic
that keeps me vital
as i age i learn the secrets of time
it's insults to the body
Gods replacement
for the unending labors of mid life
the lies and cruelty of youth

i ask myself
can i choke the haunting of age to come
was i born for a certain life that never existed
is memory an illusion

i look forward
to a new life
the one
i can't remember
234 · Sep 2017
zebra Sep 2017
mother of mysteries
love like water
spirit of life
puer and puella
arm and arm
a tangle of kisses
with fear and faith
they walk
tear blinded
230 · Jul 2017
zebra Jul 2017
she said
do you like the color red
red on pink
red and pink on
and cold stainless
red finger prints
like ink on a blotter
legs like shaking columns
red stains on porcelain
a tremulous buttocks

thats how i get off
she said
can you help
are you afraid
will you watch
will you stay with me
if i take it to far​
225 · Jun 2018
zebra Jun 2018
I'll eat you
while you eat me
whoever has a mouth left
gets the last bite
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