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1.5k · Jan 2019
zebra Jan 2019
the worm burps crasanthyums
like hypnic ****
matter becomes metaphor

thats how the beast works with in us
we are a book of masks
and i'm up to my neck in
mirrors of the marvelous

midnight music beguiles like a blizzard of whispers
flaming candles heat like ovens
burning finger by finger
i melt flabbergasted in dark linoleum clouds

blood gluttonous
tender bites
lips like red rain and trussed thighs
she grins
a face of needles and mice

i think she wants me

this old man, soggy eyed mop
linen wrapped
before aortic aneurysms
i'm a living tarot card
the falling tower and the lovers
break downs and break throughs

my groin a slobbering clot
dreaming ******* drenched
straight jacketed on her knees
***** willow shadows
drooling exacerbations
a caffeinated candy
licked thickly
twitching blinks; rem ejaculations

her face; a tattooed ****
**** mouth smiles
brown one eyed gnome
**** the stinking cyclops
*** talk lubricates
a raspberry crumble
looking for god

even in *****

the white swans utterance
dressed in a ****** negligee
her belly a thousand ******* mouths
and i press into her thunder
shattering dawns gravity
a pinhole of empty cups
1.5k · Sep 2017
zebra Sep 2017
do you like to ride me
tingy mingy ***
screaming lady noodles
she said with lots a sass

you can ride my tuk tuk
while your nose drools snot
its yummy yum
spicy ***** hot ***

in shorts and sandals
bingles and bangles
hot and sweet
lips kissy tangles

she cooks the dish
and kiss you sweet
peppers and fish
i love her feet

beep beep
pretty little miss miss
lemon grass soup
honey **** tisk tisk

tan tan girl
does the fuckarochi
licks sweet sticky ****
he always buys her Gucci

how about a jet ride
all the way to **** ****
i want to be in Thailand
with tingy mingy tuk tuk
1.4k · Jun 2019
The Hotel Panspermia
zebra Jun 2019
angel's can shout through demons
if they have to
here in the valley of time slips and air borne rock
land of meteor splash and ufos

sprit friends
a fantasy gift you give yourself
but if you see some of them
its the worst day of your life
those streaking trajectories
as straight as a pencil path
sending a migration of aliens
weird ovoid's with ****** binocular vision
like Helix pomatia
****** crawlers
while eight legged locomoting moss piglets
that look like a thousand blinking
one eyed gob worms
hurtle in decent
perhaps landing in the Yucatan

barbarian headed asteroids, critter ridden
mixed of spirits and denizens of deep space
from the parametric edges of Bals  
glittering kingdom
shoot suns down from the sky
far flinging those crater bashed demons
into predatory gardens
elixir's of war and death
wave screaming reveries
through red cities
of nightingale floors

nautilus agents plummet
into brawling plots of ash
shattering a million spines
of **** ***** monsters
in a bulls eye break neck rodeo
1.4k · Jul 2018
No Words For Emptiness
zebra Jul 2018
i have no words for emptiness
i'm a bulwark of clots and knots

death is a *****
in a party mask
her seduction a cruel bite
we have always lived for

nakedness on a pyre
makes the man

the bodyless are toasting at a college breakfast party
in the netherworld
of new birthed astral lights
the dead living
somersaulting like fantasmal flux

while we the living dead
gimp through labyrinths time-space
marking spired hands of a clock
that *****  
like a black glove
 towards endless white-knuckle struggles
no matter our destiny
in a dream of forms
like run on *****

a truth only the dead know
1.4k · Jun 2020
*Ritual of Endings
zebra Jun 2020
between the umbilicus of limbo,
and the theater of cruelty
the rational world remains a derelict

welcome are hallucinations
abolishing reason
that give meaning
to blood shot
gazing walls
beyond  the limits
of sanity
where madness can not be opposed
in a world
of tug a war aberrations

a lyric breathed voice
shoots through
nerve membranes
while marching
an infantry of
squat shadows
and false memories   
that move like flames 
in a vacant lot
of burning violets

she goes hungry

a snake head
eats its tail
in graves
scattered voice
and speechless tongues

arteries pulse vermillion
naked and wanton
waiting to be pierced
for schitzo's release
in a lyric of dreads desire

a tidal force
lifts a dirigible of hell
in a fountain of blood
while Jesus has a cheeseburger

moonstruck in torn *******
a spreading bride
dissolves hoop-armed
around a formless shadow
her beloved killer
foot stones kiss
It is not lost on me that the meaning of much that I write is not well understood. Some say if you have to explain a poem its failed.
Id flip that around and say what of the readers responsibility to be culturally assimilated, familiar with surrealism and the writings of visionaries who constructed and promulgated altered realities some of which great movements of literature and culture are built upon, such as Artaud among many others who inspire the subject of my darkly exotic intersectional writings.
Let it suffice to say then at the very least these poems are streams of conciousness that give expression through the relentlessly imposing or suggestive bizarre mental constructs of the mind unmoored by convention
zebra Aug 2020
a mishap fudged together in a blur
by the onerous fate autonomy
a throw away girl
death addict
in a racket of echoes
******* and spit
for relics of witchcraft
in a foot licking satanic ritual

she picked him
like a con mark
for the realization
of her shadow dream
to escape from form
in a shaking bed
spread herself wide
feeling the black sound
like musical water
to drown in
with weight
that holds immovable storms
of brazen villain's and glistening *****
who pumped her mouth like gas
for obliterations throat bashing she loved
causing the hideous end of herself
splayed straddled a ****** archaeology 
of kisses withering in an ancient pudding

razor peeled ******* blooming 
betrayed whorish curdling screams
in a deviant propulsion

glitter mucous and blood
drizzled from her lush red smeared lips
with tears of mascara 
in a ghoulish basement
an object of desire for demons 
on the ceiling

she abandons all hope
lubricated her **** and ****
opened her thighs
for a freakish novelty
of soaked vibrating machine gun tongues
for a hemorrhaging orgiastic suicide

her blade slit tongue
still undulating
and pinned it in bits 
to a **** toy 
for valentine's day

her love and guts like a buffet 
glamorously featured 
with photo pics
in Mademoiselle magazine
smiling cockeyed
drugged and staggering

she put a rope 
around her neck
as if in an embrace
and blew her brains 
a spiraling horror
of diabolical appeal
in a ghastly enterprise of roulette 
of pants off dance off 
scattered gauze bikini  
and a head wreath of hair 
glittered like a half-eaten pomegranate
under disco lights****-why-getting-spanked-and-tied-up-makes-you-feel-high
1.4k · Apr 2018
Dark Jazz
zebra Apr 2018
i could taste her with my fingers
feel her sweltering tongue
like a red field burning
until our lives fell to snow
grottoes icy labyrinth
dismantling us
a bone at a time

we studied each others
shifting decrepitude
watching each other rot
naked, twisting to white ashes
like a fiction of flickering transparencies
drawn faces ***** downwards
every day
a dark-eyed Halloween
and i cant hear her voice

still a giddy pig
with **** talk
floundering in the mud
laughing about death
my heart is a secret terror
my breath tangled in your words
every syllable like a pound of grain
breathing black pebbles

I'm facing destiny
a dark jazz
like all before me
and you
my beloved
until all is parched dust
one of us still left standing
haunted by the absence of the other
1.3k · Jun 2019
Black Dust Orbit
zebra Jun 2019
do you know
how much light you have to have
to play in the dark

ask the lady of the moon
my trilling lover of comatose dreams
**** queen dressed in fallen roses
on her knees

her head a cocked jaw
throat; a giraffes
for shirts of skin and magic wands

she prays to be broken
split saliva jewel
kink clutch
little crying angel
hugging her ball and chain
shawled ***; a trussed cathedral
bound in silk
a vomiting flower of *******

her feet bound
puddled black crimson
crumbling at every teasing cuddle
and darkened bite like ghost fire
flame on flame

her ******; buttered Kasbah dark fruit casaba
i take a bite
red teeth and stretched tongue
adorn the hood of lust
and sink flying
into blood scape's womb
she screams hooked on satin's *** nail
wailing; hideous mirth
and folds sweet and sour
siracha tang

her mouth a gagging river
of ***** and oleo tubes
eyes gazing globe video games
****, brewing perfume's of delirium
**** star ships at apogee
riding the glitter rim

my ****
a rabid swoon of towering babble
is full tonight
brimming with white blood
red and trembling milk
to fill your mouth my love
and the bitter honey of my soul
1.3k · Jan 2017
Perverts R us
zebra Jan 2017
i know you think im joking
but a pervert saved my life
she came to me one day
to **** me with a knife

i said oh no no no don't do it
ill do anything you say
then she said im a perv
and i want your love all day

but to love a perv is icky
your a creepy girl
she made me smell her feet
and dance a spinning  twirl

wow she said you did that well
why don't you stand on your head
look up my dress and say im hot
or for sure you will be dead

i realized she was very odd
and asked her what was wrong
she said i was married forever
and couldn't have his ****

so i went off my rocker
not getting what i needed
but made believe for years
that i was never ever cheated

then one day i snapped
and cried for lust all day
so they called me purvy *****
and tried to keep me away

the more i went with out
the hornier i got
until one day in torment
i loved the smell of rot

i fell in love with filth
and to this very day
i have no scruples at all
ill do anything for a lay

now pull your pants off
and show me your little ****
dam its so cute
ill lick your lolly pop

she used her tongue like a twizzler
it was really fun
and then i realized i was like her
and my life as a perv begun

so if your starved for love
and craving ***** lust
you might as well join the ranks
of pervy folks r us

99% Switch
96% Degrader
94% Rope bunny
93% Dominant
90% Rigger
89% Degradee
88% Sadist
87% Brat tamer
83% Submissive
83% ******
81% *******
79% Master/Mistress
76% Primal (Prey)
74% Primal (Hunter)
74% Experimentalist
73% Brat
62% Non-monogamist
50% Owner
47% Vanilla
43% Slave
42% Daddy/Mommy
38% Exhibitionist
10% Ageplayer
100% Girl/Boy
7% Pet....meow
1.3k · Oct 2016
Mad Mistletoe
zebra Oct 2016
we made a terrible mistake
standing under a mad mistletoe
while we kissed
the ceiling turned to metal heaven
your teeth gleamed like needles
your mouth like dark jam
your eyeballs went white
like empty bottles
your lips turned to knives
my throat your Jello
your embrace was steal
your **** set my pants on fire
your saliva melted my lips
my tongue was chewed
my legs trembled and flexed
my hands turned to fluttering birds
my feet where scorched
as if  soaked in hot sugar
the floor molten
your *** turned to warm butter
you ripped at my throat
i was dissolving
a man at dis-juncture with himself
there is only you
oh thank god for mad mistletoe
1.3k · Aug 2017
zebra Aug 2017
she sat quietly in a cafe
freckled with only one arm
and a missing foot
always shaking invisibly

from the curse of desolation

facing downwards  
she read the couplet

"her maiden voyage was a lonely one
and it lasted all the days of her life"

she wept silent tears
through interminable silent days
and starless nights
fearing her resemblance
to that ode of the forsaken

her countenance
a broken heart

i've come for you
i murmured

i'm a busted doll she said
see my pretty stumps
do you like them

strangely yes very much
i wept softly

no one wants me
she whispered
i'm a blight of horror
a castaway to be avoided
my life a nightmare
of dark estrangement
a walking wound in tears
a torn doll
to crooked to be loved

looking into the depths of her soul
i called
i've always wanted a lopsided girl
with flaying stumps
and a brooding heart
to save
to love
to heal
to cuddle
and adore
to cry over
with wild warping hugs
always aching
for my darling
little *******

we kissed
wet mouthing clamors
lips and tongue
like oleo spread

i picked her up
and tangled her in my arms
as she thawed like heated oil

i ran off with her
tears streaming
and visited upon her
every kindness and pleasure of heaven
and it lasted all the days of her life
1.2k · Jul 2020
*Criminogenic Journal
zebra Jul 2020
i write from a dark crotch 
of the unthinkable
and hot breath
to crucify and feed
with my **** 
red ink **** pen
inside you
i'm a bathing delirium
a bloodletting poem
in sonorous 
vampire hieroglyphics
that boils
and exquisite liqueur
oiled and drunk with her moans
a dropped fruit panting
Barbie ******* 
waiting for a tower of *****
heals over head
a stretched flower
every hole an open mouth
just asking for it
a **** can be sad music
like a shower cap with a dead head
especially in the web of a dream
that leaves your whole body
a hissing *******
she she 
poodled up
improbable modernist
on the verge 
of awareness
with a dim eye
drooling for 
scapula's torment
a ghastly sacrifice
beast up her gut
a dire mental construct
a curse of pain
for pleasure
reborn of shadows
yet a banana shimmer's
like a smoldering door ***
her name 
in the mists of Venus
like a Siren of sparkles
a sprawling tangle
and bright eyes blue
in a molten hold
broken and healed
churning blood red moons
convulsing a *** blizzard
bed of rain
1.2k · Jun 2018
zebra Jun 2018
when i met you
you were at the hands of ghouls
a gimping coterie of Satan's
who pleasured at the torments they inflicted upon your innocents
who bound your feet
bones in a vice
making you
their Chinese fantasy
a delicate *** trinket
a manacled smooth petite beauty
in agony
bending you into twisted branches
those heartless devils,
drinking red ice cocktails
you put your heel on their throats
by craving death
that will teach them!
gloating at your fear
filling their emptiness
with your trembling
your dreams faded
into the body of a wounded kitten
has God
given us the cold shoulder?
hacked angels wings to stumps
and left the doors to hell wide
leaving your soul a torn crag flaming?
little ******* fire
screaming in the cave of self
would he weep at your alter
and kiss your scarred tissue
begging your forgiveness
lamenting his snide toys of fate
sweet cursed apples
and sly snakes
twisting raptured seductions
your life, cross and curse
a burnt offering
a blood light blinking
with no fire escape
blamed by the idiots of religion
for everything
only a child
who sank her pink mouth into a serrated moon
now always weighing death
bathtub ******, red ribbon glamour
dreaming paraphilias tide
eyes a ghastly vacancy
floating like a feather
tabernacles grave
a buoyant shell
in crimson clouds
a smiling dread
what does it take
for God to redeem himself?
must we storm paradise
before he fills you
with perfumes bliss
and effulgent lights embrace pours through your soul
like lanterns rose sky?
A poem partly based on a true story of a girl in the care of a foster Mormon family

This poem is based on a true story of a dear lady friend of mine who yearns for death. Who poses dead like a strewn corpse as an expression of masochistic love and lust, photograph after phonograph. Lament is a poem about the cruelty of her childhood that transformed her into a woman with an extreme masochistic obsession, a gnawing hunger for voluptuous ****** horror and her own demise.
1.2k · Jan 2017
Her Anus
zebra Jan 2017
your ****
like zaftig butter
in a silky pool
i kiss it with tender love
without it life is cruel
1.2k · Dec 2016
Zim Zum
zebra Dec 2016
Spirit is a unified field
in a state of perpetual expansion
seamless bliss
beyond the slings and arrows of creations drama
pain and pleasure
disappointment and gratifications
we live
in the
zim zum
A cauldron
hollowed out
of the the self effulgent light
the source
the theater of creation
a dark space of dynamic geometry
of fractious binary forces
a merciless churn
an atrocity for the evolution of individuation
pistons in motion
a cacophonous feng shui
a tangle of webs
a grand illusion
of energetics
kamikaze planets
hideous cruelties and voluptuous pleasures
a swarm of form
hydras in heat
countless lights casting inestimable shadows
a war between heaven
absolute order
and hell
absolute chaos
our lives
a medium
for the gods of struggle
until our heads a stone

the exit door
is pure spirit
breathing made conscious
the big hush
the royal yoga
waiting for the guileless
1.2k · Mar 2017
zebra Mar 2017
she viewed the sword blade
coming out of the floor      
and whispered      
i need this            
pulling her ******* down      
watch me drill my self to death
for you my beloved      
her ***** swollen      
******* and eyes radiant      
as she sauntered to the upright blade      
carefully placing her **** over it      
looking at me sweetly      
i should do my ***      
don't you think      
yes please do it slow my love      
i want to savor you my darling      
at first she stood over it      
on flexed tippy toes      
careful to position herself just so      
running her soft fingers over the blade      
willfully cutting them      
and slowly bringing her slender slit hand      
to her lips          
with pink tongue licks    
like blood diamonds      
in cherry red saliva      
and then smiling      
standing over the tip of the blade      
she said      
holding my self up is such a bother      
im sure if i let go      
gravity will help      
this blade  
slide right through      
tender little me      
i asked      
do you want drugs for pain      
no she  protested      
i need to feel  
every stitch      
every tearing inch          
she lifted her arms      
like a ballerina      
forming a rainbow arch      
looked straight ahead      
and descended slowly upon the blade      
our eyes transfixed upon each other      
her face resolute      
giving way to a hideous twist        
she a contorted kabuki      
a raging storm    
in hooked embrace    
of Eros and Thanatos    
a charmed grotesque        
trussed in a gauze wrap      
**** the little *****      
she called to hell      
blood and a little excrement      
slid down her milky thighs      
a helpless resignation          
am i pretty yet      
she quivered      
as she released her stance        
and let gravity      
do its ghastly work      
shall i finish this she asked      
for dark thrills embrace          
yes do it i called out          
tears falling like sapphire mist    
undo yourself with grace    
she extended her arm towards me        
with her sweet blood drenched hands      
and then in slow motion      
she fell through the blade      
up her center      
like she was      
buttery gruyere      
blood gushed      
face ivory white      
the floor washed    
in pomegranate and rust      
puddling at her feet      
she whispered      
im dead soon      
let me have      
jelly ****      
i slipped in her mouth        
she looked up tenderly
aglow like      
midnight on fire          
i grabbed her drooping  head,
forcing her downwards      
impaling tremulous mouth and throat      
her eyes fluttered      
and blinked      
as she drank me      
and then a long stare      
eyes wide    
a grateful gaping horror  
before leaning into the blood stained floor      
a slumping spire  
thumping like an echo      
im hypnotized      
as she looks on blink-less  
a mesmerizing shell        
as if to say        
ohhh my darling      
am i not your sweet clamoring      
***** of death          
still loving you  
in my reckless way      
use me my love            
devour me          
she dissolved      
like white sugar    
in the heat of summer balm      
her last words      
as if pure spirit      
there are those who dare      
to give themselves permission    
to entwine      
desire and death    
an eroticism rooted      
in the irreducible discontinuity of life..      
i consumed her entrails      
i licked the blood and excrement from her tender feet      
i ate her tongue and eyes      
i pulled her off the sword      
dragged her leaking corpse    
over my naked  body      
like a blanket          
to drown my self      
in her death      
caressing her till darkness came over me      
let them find us i whispered      
in her sloping      
hollow mouth      
our bodies fused in each others      
her corpse melted over mine      
like blood butter      
dread on dread      
o so dead      
princess perfect and i in bed
My poems remain explorations of the subconscious ******
If i where a film maker or a novelist  you  would see me telling a story, although i admit to my paraphilias
These poems  are lunar anamorphic streams of consciousness from the deep chaotic subterranean glitz of transgressive  impulses we all share
Read them if you dare...You might find that part of yourself that you don't want you to know about and then again  you may feel more complete some how if you do....I always loved that dark thing that sleeps with in me
#death  #***  #adult  #explicit  © zebra    love poems • death poems • sadomasochism poems • ****** poems • explicit poems
1.2k · Jan 2019
Annihilation Point
zebra Jan 2019
blood blot
a hideous music
like fixed stars
a chaos of shattered glass
you can hang your hat on

bamboo shards make a ****** wound
gold spun hair
on floral linen
blemished soaking red
like a shaking rat in a cats mouth

Hazels glistening ******; a pretense
salutes celibacy and high end moisturizer toilet paper

to shock simplicities morals
of an excretory affair
a dark chandelier hangs in the balance
torpedo runnels through chambered knots
unleashing treacherous sanity
sins crib
theater of purgation

father forgive her
she took a ****

an idealist without ideals

the grand masturbator
a simulacrum of a lubed god
in nights dragging shade
oracle of a  ruddy opera  and legs over head
flexed crimson wattle rolls

theories invite anti theories
light invites darkness

silence yields
shadows throat
and cacophonous whispers
a grind house temple of gods and demons
in horrendous geometry
of inflicting malice

until the serpent ascends
from black pitch hells
like a bomb through the skull

lusts antidote
waterloo of the soul  
annihilation point
the cadaver smiles
surreal ….a poetry of fragments
1.2k · Feb 2019
zebra Feb 2019
over the eyes
beautiful vacancies
and folded hands

our true home
land of inanimate flesh
gray skin
in sunken grave beds
and operas
theater of mice
while tumbled hair still grows

we are already dead
waiting for the flaming barge necropolis; to
shuttle seas raven
vanishing point

age; a slow erasure
the mind still wreathed into the torrents of life
morals transmute into desires lost
every inhalation
a going going gone

the only savage kisses;
crypt tongues slow unwinding

allusions of a destiny abandoned

from niggling chatter
and the price of a chicken

bathing in a tide pool abyss
of inked black teas
i hold fast
losing steps
a worn animal, waiting
till sanctuary comes
1.1k · Nov 2017
zebra Nov 2017
i hate you
you twisted little *****
show me your ***
thats disgusting

come here
your gona get it hard
until your cross eyed
and brain dead

shut up
on your knees
open your mouth
don't say a word
i hate you 'to pieces
your my little
nasty ***** thing
come here

kisses kisses kisses
ill never let you go

tears and mushy
i die for your touch!
*** adult explicit
1.1k · Aug 2018
God Reads
zebra Aug 2018
God came to me one night
and said i'm reading your ****** up poems
don't you think your kinda sugar coating this stuff, gag head?
if your gonna write filth
you need to get a little more ***-centric

i like it raw
with hella lottsa kink
lottsa squealing
more squirting
blood tears mucous saliva
gag why don't ya
and remember ******* are used relatively infrequently
so don't get all hygienic on me
what did you think they are for the rest of the time
besides what's a little **** between friends
and what the hell do you think i sent the devil for
the little *****

if you really wanna be reborn
slide up in that goddess ******
and you'll be surprised
how much better you'll feel

im God for god's sake
i already thought of every
deliciously disgusting
sick thing
you could possibly wanna do
so get the **** on with it

thou shalt not ****
leave the fun stuff for me

is it trending?
1.1k · Feb 2019
zebra Feb 2019
her body a sack of tubes
open wounds
like wet braided mouths
muttering thunder tunnels

she watching Friday night frights
of a cruel image,
a man; with sledge hammer genitals
looking at her through a shivered mirror

desire holds her transfixed
like a blink less eye staring
at a pinned butterfly

her hunger panged tongue
locomotes side to side
in fidget spirals
brewing red lipped bubbles
like gagged
weeping cuneiform tears
an immortal portrait of lusts tribe
while downy mists of dancing worms
eat scattered apples

with love that moves destiny
disobediently grinning
like a jeering peninsula
she imagined a coil of swollen barbs
a sea of *****
rapturous arched tongues
licking ******* urethra tornados
and flooding night music
like witches whistle through cat bones
zebra Aug 2020
there is a door
in my mind

a black ocean
that smears alizarin mist

between love
and the dissolute

i hear
a storm of thick whispers
a breath calling
in free fall

my malleable lover
plays voodoo poppet
carousel of lady buddhas
diagramed unholy ***** *****
with scumbag eyeballs
contort for eager ruin
an ornamental cadaver
in a lake of tears

give me flesh
smell my rich ****
bouquet of **** the *****
transfixed eyes of flames
******* wide
thigh spillway buttered

loving the snag
and strangle
of a silk tourniquet
watch me shunt
and glassy stare
a glittering doll shimmies
blood bauble
and flapping tongue
torrent of curving jaws
clever teeth
to tear
and lips to be torn
a cockeyed brain
drowning in
illegible consciousness
for foot slaves
in a sweat and ****
magick show

body of irresistible horror
in descending spirals
to love
in the grotto
of furies
imbued with prayers
that fill the spaces
in her throat

martyr of transfiguration
she falls as
dust falls

i depend on her

tapestry of shuddering lust
in moist air
locked behind
a blood stained door
marked no exit

this savage pageant
"Blessed be You, oh Our Lord God,
King of the universe, who allow what is forbidden"
[Mattir Issurim]
zebra May 2019
slash, gay, romance, grind house, love, boyxboy, ****, fanfiction, angst, horror, death, ******, fantasy, race play ****** sadist ladies friendship, lesbian, school, fanfic, hate, lgbt, music, sad, adventure, alex, boys, cut, emo, harry, humor, hurt, lgbtq, magic, mental, anorexia, aris, axl, blood, blue, boy, boy love, boyfriend, ******* ******* boy on **** spank me daddy burn, cute, dark, drama, edward, fan fiction, pom pom **** dance, femslash, fiction, fluff, gay ***** fun love, toilet slave, hula hooping hula
Because you're worth it
1.1k · Sep 2016
Giving Phone
zebra Sep 2016
the very sound of her voice
some where between
a warm summer rain
and inside a blue crystal jar
smooth translucent, atmospheric
like soft ****
swelling roses  
tender touches
yet separated by oceans
her voice like hot tote
swaying me
feeling the contoured interiors
of souls ache
a bending ridge pole

hearts brake open
voluptuous milk
like a tapioca
its beads
bulging blood bells

drink **** lick eat
drown if you can

we speak
rocks in the throat
hello how are you
im choking on desire
fine she says
i want to *******
we start with a phone kiss

yes she says
take me open me up
pour me into your mouth
soak yourself in me
show me your raw hunger
i will eat your dark edges

im shaking apart
with tenderness
may i touch your ****
yes she says
her ***** like wet silk
can beauty bring tears
mouths touch tentatively at first
and then mouths eat mouths eat mouths
and tongues become fiends
cherry red pugilists
bites excite
im in the mood to bleed for her
eyes  smiling radiant
and souls rapture
hearts dissemble
and fuse
at a braking point
long hard years
of vibrant abundance

trying to hold together
on broken wheels

now finding warm mud
to go bare foot in
to slide in
between the toes
to love you in
to roll around with you in
like fat little piggies
playing in butter
to fill you with slippery kisses in
and voluptuous caresses

that even our dreams can not apprehend
skin to skin
soul to soul
**** to ****
so eager
fire engine red
tongues licking tears
beautiful ******* to bury my face in
like baby eating cup cakes
making us whole

we continents apart
from each other
having never met
wow wow wow
yet alive again
what a phone call

we say
good night
sleep my love
oh yes
have to go
love you
more soon
oh yes
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss

then stillness
a cornucopia of emptiness
hollow husk

tomorrow may be we will give each other phone again
and the land will turn fertile green once more
kissing holding
talking ***** ***** *****
happy in loves fire
and the heart ever resounding
like tintinnabulating bells
1.1k · Oct 2020
Private Video
zebra Oct 2020
wild night videos
for the dark web
3 Atlean men
and a girl

she got it
by a mob
of Moroccan **** rockets
and will pine
for the rest of her days
screaming to the hells
in a reimagined language

the regression to Lilith
**** *******
the world
when hell touched paradise
***** and man handled
shot by shot
mouth to ****** to ****
split and folded
tooth and nail
to drive the ****** tides
of the world

***** monsters like
T Rex
force a ritual infliction
butter meat of dreams
pain sensually
reworked into pleasure
blister-hot and oh so sweet
married to a paradox
like feeling bad
about feeling good

give me your ankles *****
an unveiled immediacy

right off the bat
i got just the girl
confiding in me
so ready to die
like an Aztec princess
to be the star
like a peacock
in an engorged circus
blizzard of jealous snakes
strangled fanged and spewed

a swansong exhibition
in blood-soaked ponytails

a bobbing head
and choke throat ***** picnic table
with mayonnaise wounds
mediating power
in a psychoanalytic fetish

death is not death
but performative submission
her body ransacked
in tooth marks
and red tipped *******

steaming eraser head
a **** soaked
chicken on a plate
eradicating reality

are you gonna eat that?

pass the ***
collapses time
of human archeology

**** piñata
bearing gifts
of squirty pork gasms
******* and cuchifritos
corpus of ****** horror
as liberation
and breaks the vessel of time
Nefertiti where are you

a tongue up the ***
Prada's Candy Perfume
**** blinking licks
up there where havoc lives
in ******* farm country
1.1k · Sep 2020
*KiLl sHarE
zebra Sep 2020
princess blood cult
throne of tethers
rumor's of frazzle drip murders
and blood spatters
on a bed of grinning hooks

marks the *******
she bled they fed
in love in bed

torn dress and flutter ******
form her squandered torso
as bare feet dangled
while skies shrieked knotted eyes
watching her get it hard

wet **** drunk
she tumbled
in this little black house of madness
****** her in a sack of sins
while **** buckarooed  
in a wood shed paradise

welcoming death by sexicide
she backstroked head over heels
flirting in the graveyard hacked and black

beckoning orchards that
caressed her by squirming *****

she adored the mole that snuggled her
while thighs shuddered with anticipation
hurricane tongued
she licked grinning *****
for pudenda's pillow
shimmed black light disco daggers
down her lips
to ****
to thighs
to drooling
raw lips

her ****
like a shucked oyster

whimpering disciple
of enticing wounds
bloom in gloom
she tasted like taffy panicked *******

from head
to lips
to feet
chanting squeals
of infernal opera
in the throws of blood *******
and weeping barbarous 
beezel blaba blaba

her body stained labyrinth floors
in soiled cathedrals of desire
while growing phantasm babies
he whispered death music
in grottos of legs over head
that made her hotter than
boiled fish eyes

chopped her in two
she  squirmed
shivering inkblots of madness
cu cu cu cu cu cu

swing the scythe
get the knife
she shrilled

pump the ****
split the bone
smudge the lips
spit and blood
moon eyes turn blood gauze
and heads swivels hula

the **** yields
a spooled mouth contortion

her *** crack
a smile of accomplishment
and tormented ballet feet
stretched tickle toes
for heavens edge

she panted rolling away dark air
in an uneasy creeping
and widened thighs
she lost her head
like a chopped carrot
for the miracle of oblivion

you could hear the last thump
falling as silence falls

she spread like bat a wing umbrella
1.1k · Jan 2017
Konx Om Pax
zebra Jan 2017
the man of light
knows darkness all to well
he possess sacred knowledge
of source
a living experience with in
and self effulgent

he knows all is permitted
in the acculturated labyrinths of mind
rooted in bias
and incalculable distortions
a hell house ride
constructed of warbled mirrors
Leprechauns gold
an abusement park
of crepuscular
subconscious ethers
and concertized form
on shape shifting sands

creativity gone mad
where time undoes all
its weary inhabitants worn
they are the color of sleep
attaining misguidance
oh the vacuous business
of guided meditations
through azure skies and verdant fields
while the certified uninitiated
their pale voices against sonorous winds
as if they could lever boulders with broken twigs

stone churches
gothic crosses
temples of man
monoliths to the imaginary
fantastical man god
re-pleat with beard and **** quaint

adulations and prostrations
to there man made deity
through myth that binds
group think
other directed
un-individuated individuals
like tribal ants
a world of shattered light
a white knuckle ride
on a spinning mud ball

yet who knows the secret
of the inner light
the illuminated door
the portal through which
Scottie will really beam you up

The man of the mystic light
in a darkened freakish world
is he not an inconvenience
like a mentor to the deaf dumb and blind
he is rarely recognized
almost never believed

the light is not a metaphor
the source that emanates all
although formless and self effulgent
it is not a religion yet all abide with in it

in the dark funnel of conceit
man turns everything into a noun
as if naming is claiming
when what he seeks is beyond
for it is a great dimension of another order

konx om pax
light in extension
1.0k · Mar 2017
zebra Mar 2017
there are some folks living in my bathroom
from the in-between world
like a trailer park
for toilet home bodies

it is where some
of the the dead living habitate
gnomish broods who feed
on the mist of mold
and fecundating aberrations
of **** and excrement

where the difference
between objects and souls
sinks and toilets
flapping opinionated vortexes
of gloom brooding
walls wave and warp
like angry water
and howling wind

they are living creatures
animated bodies electric
crying mouths
without breath
fierce undulations
animated denizens scowling
rattling like bricka bracka
used shaking chairs
always steaming
daring you to fight them

sometimes between sleep and wake
i enter their dimension
unable to break free of my sleeping self
held down
like a narcoleptic slug
inching its way
through a puddle of warm oatmeal

last night i found myself
in the in-between world
to discover some desperate hollow woman
barricading the bathroom

i pushed hard against the door
and heard her sonorous groan
as she collapsed
into thin air

i think i love her
1.0k · Jan 2017
zebra Jan 2017
for some
their sexuality
is intimately tied
to curves and licks of pain
and their own
abject destruction
trussed, ornate
for a brutality
that accentuates
****** lucidity
in the dark caverns
of a perforceive mind
and o so willing body
like bruised piano keys
in a triumphant concerto
of ecstasy
to be played hard
like Rachmaninoff's
beaten ivories
finding immense pleasure
in constant crises
between the entwined
demand of desire
and the need
for a
a depraved ritual
of exquisite subservience
by an idyllic master

sweeten the world
my darling
honey machine
industrious slave
bend my beloved
like the weighted ridge pole
are you ready to break
oh princess
of cruel inflictions
that intoxicate
with onerous dark thrills
the sway of your writhe
where pleasure is piqued
by perfect suffering

blood glitter paradise

she beckons
from hells shadowed doorway
enter my love

1.0k · Mar 2018
Free Will
zebra Mar 2018
i live in a shell of bones
voodoo in a beer can
my mind a twisting smudge
that mar's the night
and that thing cries
in screaming syllables

withering and being born

a pyromaniac in flames
running from its cold charred center

all faces and bodies
an endless geometry
of cast shape shifting shadows
open doors closing
every lid a coffin

dropping dead
from my own evil eye
false alarms
and deep ruts

i am meat and spirit from the abyss
a blood shot eye ball floating in mud
in search of shelter
while fighting off
The stings of
red earth worms
by furious blinking

a destiny
with out a future

free will
zebra Aug 2019
i'm unwinding my head
honey moon belly
******* carnivorous lozenges
falling in love with glazed
eye ball devils
hypnotic stare

a tunnel of fiendish odysseys

blood drooling eel
vomits gush white
daddy long leg threads
in honeys wet cage
to wither
writhing spit hot
in fat muscle and bone
head first
like a mindless falcon
after scattered mice

i feel her teeth tearing
syringes of ecstasy
ransacking swollen motion spirals
and ***** like bronz buckaroos
at a fancy pool party
crimson *** macabre
****** roast bon bon fire

licking her lump of desire
a rousing boogyman sermon
speaks in incinerating tongues
swallowing a hideous parfait

**** growl
girl squat
**** ****
mint julip throat
choke symphony
abducting lascivious pollinated gulps

take me in like reckless bull sap
through your red
dada warp land
pit of the brain
undulant flesh landscape
of shapeless ovule spume
mouthing night blows

Incised flagellation's
devour buffet spread maiden derelict
arched and trembling
drunk and drugged
like a buttermilk sky
groaning hysterical
in feral muck stained beds 
of puce and slime ochre pigments 

stunned umbra
a famished
deep veined jutting peninsula
longing for princess ***** dynasties
with vast thighs radiating inferno hearths
and rolling hill **** hieroglyphics
decipher rug pugilist lap songs

my goddess i long for your
bruised fruit
crawling like the dead of night
on pitch vanta shadows
where love becomes a savage
**** manga anime
1.0k · Jul 2019
Black Eyed Venus
zebra Jul 2019
black eyed Venus
your lascivious confessions
a voice of thorns
made the priest *******
and for seconds he felt close to his god

i burn for you on this
iron jawed fire escape
crying on your thighs
as if landing on a dream
like a canon
that could take out the moon

feel me fickled fingers
I am potters clay
prom queen
*** goddess
luminous dusty winds
of the miraculous

everything is about death
even being born
clouds like asphalt flowers
and ancient monks

her mouth
wet like peaches and syrup
her beauty
an arrow in my throat
and the moon claims the light

i consume you a thousand times
before i die by your hand
oh so willing
tired of living in this dead house
of harsh destiny
palanquin of lust and blood
1.0k · Feb 2017
zebra Feb 2017
oh my darling
not a brain in your head
but your not silly
you care nothing of politics
you have no morals
no more then a finger or a toe anyway

every 30 days
you weep and gush
tears of blood
a sacrificial purge
for a missed opportunity
and i love that you don't give a dam
smudged ditz
blood jam lips

cant sing a note
or utter a sentence
yet a mind of her own
a *******
carnival of spice
oh yes butter cup
creative impulse no matter the sacrifice
a christ in *******
blood glitter paradise

always in search of you
pert yoni goddess
angel of love
whom hath no fury
cave of salvation
woven love cup
tantra koota
seductive violet
honey tulip
tigress lily
***** heaving
with a killer ***

i am **** man
solar phallus hero
yet two brains
and they both agree with each other
i am ruler of men
loving sadist
wanting to impale you

have we not made history ?
i love *****
973 · Apr 2019
Long Season
zebra Apr 2019
darkness falls from night
i am still here waiting
after you are gone
azure veined seraphim

i think of you through this long season of my life
like swallowed ivories

you always said you did death best
and haven't made a gasp since
laid out in the field face down
my grey goddess of the wan sinless moon
smiling vacant
mud mandible
while a tempest beats the grass

are you here
shrouded wave
is the wind your voice?

a perfumed music plays

are you a smatter of molecules
a floating eye
a voluptuous ghost shaken din
in a sea of burning nights
sleep and wake
the living dead
and the dead living?

i could swear you hover
arches over arches
a continent of form
like heaving clouds
red legs and wafer thin shoulders
dancing ballet in a prismatic wilderness

flaming tongued angelic heads
burn lanterns of lust and gloom
969 · Jan 2017
Masochists Erotica
zebra Jan 2017
take the blade
dancing cutters
into your belly slow
******* unpeeled
red plush butter melting
kisses my beloved
silken tangle
around swan throat
lips numbing
growing cold
hold tight
eyes bright
legs opening
grace in submission
grateful for another wound
ooow love hurts
an exquisite intrusion
blood gush
pain for pleasures sake
a self exorcism
haunches poised
to welcome
**** and death

her noble head
mouth a knit of determination
paraphillias soul
that says
i do
sizzling binocular vision
glassy eyed
flexed muscle trembles
hot sweat
torso lilting towards the floor
worked down hard
into a dark hive
until hell
feels like a humming bird
with a fluttering tongue
My poems remain explorations of the subconscious ******
If i where a film maker or a novelist  you  would see me telling a , and yes i admit to my paraphilias  
These poems  are lunar amorphic streams of consciousness from the deep chaotic subterranean glitz of transgressive  impulses we all share
Read them if you dare...You might find that part of yourself that you don't want you to know about and then again  you may feel more complete some how if you do....I always loved that dark thing that sleeps with in me
zebra Jul 2019
her tongue rattles a smoky gauze
wet lipped licks a velvet *****
holding her slavering heart

tin tin deo

while she finger painted her inside
thighs  honey glazed red
hot as a fever
her mouth pours out of itself
a flagellating tongue    fluent
*** blizzard

tin tin deo

dumb founded happy cross-eyed
her head like a carved moon
swaying asylums of shrieking beds
curved slick as a honeymoon ****

tin tin deo

a storm of purple
blowing wind  of violets
from her warm kiln belly
zodiac    ancient *******
ravishing flame
ruler of ever dreams

tin tin deo
954 · Sep 2020
Side Effects
zebra Sep 2020
Chapter 1
two aspirin  
a coke and bed pan
puzzled a chronic *******
and an upset stomach

Chapter 2
a thirteen year old Jewish boy
gets ****** off
by his mother, sisters
and the ladies in the neighborhood
to celebrate

just bar mitzvahed

Chapter 3
her blow jobs are Shangri-La
while sky shadowed eyes flutter
a slumber party ******
shimmers lips of **** confetti
finger ****** good
hoping to marry  
eight inch packin
tattoo boy

Chapter 4
she married a stingy man
and her hopes of love
turned into a book of
standard operational procedures

Chapter 5
she masturbated
eyes bulging
into a scrapbook of horrors
thinking you're so handsome in a mask
with that rusty blade

her **** burned
like hell

Chapter 6
the amputee pouted
your knives
look great in a stained basket

go ahead
take an another arm
and a leg
as she sold off her
last gloves and footwear

Chapter 7
a starved crocodile
has his belly pierced
by an annoyed lion
the meaty peach abomination
into cat food

Chapter 8
God and Satan
makin deals
for souls
burning cigars and incense
just more backroom politics
and strip-poker

Chapter 9
a  mantra
on a subsonic level
liberates from the ravages of nature
beats back the ugly
of home made sin

when tragic turns magic
947 · Feb 2017
Fuck Pie
zebra Feb 2017
warm ***** pink
plush **** pie
wish i could love you
and thats no lie
til the day i die
come hold me close
you make me cry
934 · Dec 2016
sex gadget
zebra Dec 2016
have you met my friend gadget
she really is a pill
when it comes ****
she gives a hella thrill

loves it hard in the mouth
gets it from demon boy
he loves it when she ***** and licks
she is his toy and joy

she has her own electric chair
loves a glass of wine
turns it on and fries her self
does it all the time

shuck me like an oyster daddy
she would beg and plead
i really need it now
please make me cry and  bleed

she collects multi colored vibrators
and keeps them under glass
she saves the biggest one
for her little ***

has tubes and lubes
and a gothic torture chamber
cuffs,muffs and toxic drinks
but nothing seems to faze her
926 · Nov 2017
zebra Nov 2017
after a week of dried paint chips
and plastic shoe laces
the starved little mouse
ate the dainty aqua blue food pellets
near the big red door
through spider webs
behind the refrigerator

finally full
his guts in a knot
he keeled over hemorrhaging
but at least he wasn't driven mad
with hunger anymore
although he was tormented
with writhing and choking up ****** tidbits
towards his final destination
a knotting rigor mortis

he could be seen
laying flat on his back
frozen in a suspended flutter frenzy
his little limbs clawing frenetically
to the heavens

having dared the sin of gluttony
he paid his penitence
and last absolution
for living large
as a house mouse
in the cruel wilds
of a treacherous world
on the crucifix of the human kingdom
land of the roaming
where solace and kindness has no quarter
for a starved hard lived little mouse
who died
as providence would have it
by Gods infinite wisdom and glory
like a rat
when we make a mistake its called a sin
when God makes a mistake its called nature
922 · Sep 2017
zebra Sep 2017
in a veiled world
i am light like a feather
lightening in a bottle
everything here is alive with madness
wild walls and chairs chatter
like wise cracking gangsters
always sporting for a fight

blood tulips cry and sing
rise and wither
and rise again
loop dancers move from rhythms of light
there are many kingdoms here

in a broken terrain of night
an obsidian ash sky howls
and we are shut in
to a starless and opaque sky
behind an impassable slate black gate
the ground a curse
all teeth and rocks
bones and weeping flesh

vampires live here
like clans
all blood porphyria
their mouths a beautiful rust
a tempting visage
half seduction, half terror

needled fingered hematologists
prepare our dinner

her name
all body candy
tattooed with a snake ****
her ******* pierced
with rose paved sparkles
and *******
stabbed with bat shaped studs

nurses sharpen knives
while quack doctors
tend to
little plastic dolls
blood bathers
with crossed femurs
in hospitals beds

a naked lunch
and willing betrothal
in a pearl satin gown
black lips glossed
hair red and purple
thighs and belly trussed

******* scorched and punctured
from incensed flames, teeth and ravaging kisses
eaten with panicked jaws
her **** torrid
a gushing river banquet
of blood black jam
chained and strapped
legs stirrup wide
feet silky glisten
for tongues and kisses

a candle light ritual
as she is copulated
by both sexes
and fed upon

laughing like a loon
eat the feast
you lovely beasts

and half devoured
a blood perfume delirium
she all
writhing wet mouth drools
saliva like diamonds and pomegranates
back arched
withered from a blistering frenzy
her eyes a white glaring tempest
gone vacant
her mouth like licorice slur
frozen in a ghastly shriek
her belly nectar
as the very last of her
a rattled blood moon
her remains
a crimson splat
in a wasting lament

matted hair
warm languishing mucous
scattered teeth
and a single smoldering
finger still  in flames
on a worn blood stained porcelain buffet

wolfed down
in the

skull on a stick
black candle wick
draining her soul
cant let go

Dragool drinks deep
legends red teethed
burial chamber
prayers bequeathed

its all blood day
dark kisses bite
his ghastly bride
waiting for night
****** HORROR
904 · Oct 2018
zebra Oct 2018
I cover my head in stony burlap
a hair shirt fleece
for humility I do not possess
a praying preying paradox

climbing upwards
to the heavens
while being dragged
by every hate and love
in a gravitating decent
with huddled wings
pulled into fires and maws gag
a terror terrified

like a bird
waiting for a spider
waiting for a fly
885 · Aug 2019
zebra Aug 2019
she kneels in a fire place
******* off a midnight entity
of deformed shadows
and hinged erections

rickety tickety tin
sang clutching muffin
in Neolithic fires
tinker toy femurs *** deep

a dark heaven chants
**** ghosts and gorgons
while sea witches and dwindling waves
like goat steps
edge twilight princess

Zex depraved lord
and lick my lips
crucify her spread wide
coiling vacant maidens
yielding angel hemic tides
in rituals of *******
skinned on scarlet pavement

as she is dragged
on her knees
where moaning thighs perch
on nailed sticks
like white picket fences
and invisible doors burn
she communes with oracles of lust
that incinerate rafts of solitude
windows slam shut
like shuddering robes of thunder

and a headless god
pours her glistening tears
over his arterial bludgeon

resurrection of eros
in the Golgotha
of swarming incubi

she called to hell
i am prey
876 · Oct 2020
Following the Red Pig
zebra Oct 2020
I'm following the red pig
ziggety zag
i can smell her blood **** & *** 
whipped and wet
thick as jelly

bouncy bouncy
belly gut trampoline
oodles up **** hole bazooka

her mind lavishly corrupt
nothing pained her but emptiness
her soul a poem of lust's dissolution

so give it
my red hot pig *****
gag hag
**** bag
valedictorian of kisses

i love the sweat wet
cascading dark waters
that run so raw

your lunch the history
of projectile salad and pizza
over glistening ***** and thighs

the ******* knows 
pain is not punishment 
but pleasure
spawned by unfulfilled intentions

i like it when you close your eyes
you appear so blameless
i pray looking up to your ******
that yields its delicate shade of feeling
like a bomb

blinkity blink puddle and squeeze

come my love for a frantic ****
and flapping jowls
on the frig of treasure
in the land of dungeons and ******

i bay at your ankles for attention
and a toe to kiss

many wish they lived here 
especially the love sick
from whom all is withheld

i know i owe you tenderness
meet you in the bathroom
for a midnight date
where gawking tongues putter
inhaling White Widow Cheese
bound in straps and wide
for a lady business nose dive

neck bone lassoed
mouth gaping
like a twisted black coat hanger
shes out of her rolling marbles
ready to ****
boogie woogie raw
in broken maiden paradise

lovely beast of submission
she wobbles
dead cat bounce
Widow Cheese is a slightly sativa dominant hybrid strain (60% sativa/40% indica) created through a potent cross of the infamous White Widow X Cheese strains. This bud brings on the classic flavors and lifted high, bringing the best of both of its parent strains to the game. Widow Cheese packs a super pungent creamy cheese flavor into each ****, with a spicy skunky exhale that sticks to your tongue.

Brand: Widow Cheese
871 · Jun 2019
Spit Shine
zebra Jun 2019
hi bloodline, blood warm, crush kisses
red as a dress
chewable dandelion
interstate of honeybunches and grinning stars
over night lily light
and forever thighs
spit shine your moon beam
864 · May 2017
zebra May 2017
we inscribed poems on each others souls
in ink at first
but ink did not touch the magnitude of our love
so we wrote in the wettest kisses
and snaky tongues
undulating pink spells
but still we needed more

we wrote with the unguents from our *****
and while it was as lush as paradise
still, we craved

so we wrote in pain and blood
we suffered for each other
and at each other's hands
we drank each other's tears
consumed each other's emptiness
till arteries darkened
and our life force
ran through each other's veins
like vermilion claret
until we died each other's deaths
and felt the shadow of each other's ancestors
and then we fell in love again
true initiates of adoration
and everything each other
a rapturous yoga
fused like thrice folded metal
living silent incantations
ethric urns
gold frankincense and myrrh
enshrined in the heavens
rapturous mouths
in a tangle of kisses arcadian.
861 · Dec 2016
girl alone
zebra Dec 2016
she does the bonga bonga
knife dance
hips sway like tornado winds
she does the come **** me
***** *****
shakea shakea
kiss my ***
dancy dance

out comes the blade
cutter cutter
hurta hurta
shimmie shimmie
cuma cuma
ooow it burns
she eats her own ****** cake

video recorded on her i phone
for the world to love her
in the age of net works
sit on my face book
**** book
*** book
***** ***** instagram
pin her on pinterest
google her googie
twitter her ****
virtual sucky fucky

better use your own hand
if you want feel o rama
water water everywhere
and not drop to drink
My poems remain explorations of the subconscious ******
If i where a film maker or a novelist  you  would see me telling a story not judge me  although i admit to my paraphilias  
These poems  are lunar anamorphic streams of consciousness from the deep chaotic subterranean glitz of transgressive  impulses we all share
Read them if you dare...You might find that part of yourself that you don't want you to know about
854 · Sep 2016
Hello Xeno
zebra Sep 2016
are you from outer space
perhaps a rocketeer named Xeno
a galactic traveler
from a long time ago
who we mistook for god
imbued not with supernatural powers
but technology

did we take your decrees to seriously
not to worry
we failed miserably to abide by them anyway
and apparently you did to
hows the celestial war raging

are we dupes
of a deceptive slaver alien race
from the planet Sirius
looking for a source
of grunt labor
miners and builders

ufo oligists theorists believe
perhaps our god is 4 ft 2 in
with gray opaque paper mache like skin
bulging black ball cat eyes
stick gumby arms
and a cratered moon for a head
or are you a projection
of a terrified humanity
with a thunder stick
and a ray gun ******* finger

they say
have faith or else
love you with all our hearts
or else
is that love under duress
what kind of love is that
are they saying your a tyrant
or are the social engineers
who made you up the tyrants
using coercive confabulations
so that we live a myth of lies
and white knuckle terrors
in dark nights of the soul
under threat of
burning in  hell for all eternity

or are we made in your
human image
all man
well muscled
good looking
well hung
and ****** all the pretty slave girl angels
perhaps self abasing Subs
who get all drools doing what ever you say
you the ultimate Dom
a masochists dream
i have to admit
submission is hot
given it hard
to those baby doll goddess angels
i bet
impregnating them with universes
one hella ******
wow what fun

the church and temples of the day
say you don't like queers
abominations you call them
are we sure a bunch of homophobic sheep herders
didn't make that up about you

well inexplicably
you created legions of homos
creels of **** lovers
especially the priesthood
your very special goody two shows lover boys
of course they did marry a male god
and they thought
we are all woman compared to you
your the one with the biggest *****
and the well hung magical **** wand
apparently they perceive  you in each other
how spiritual
those sheep herders are gona freak
if they find out your bi

could it be
that after all this
you really have a soft spot
for  little ***** *** dump
in her pretty
pleated knit dress
twinkling tiera
jutting adam's apple
party girl eye shadow
and clod hopper sized
come **** me pumps

you where less explicit
about lesbians being abominations
i don't blame you for that
i love ******* girl too
***** to *****
**** licking euphoria
honey soft machines
silky tongues
**** to ****
with pink painted toes
wiggly hips
and shimmering lips

oh god i love it when they slow kiss too
us guys could learn a thing or to
from lesbians
when it comes to *******
ay god
there you go working in mysterious ways again
849 · Aug 2016
Do the Dance Taboo boo
zebra Aug 2016
do the dance taboo boo
shake your hips for bongo
move your **** feet
eat you like a taco

shake that pretty ***
**** all over the place
im crying for it baby
put them in my face

do the chooka booka
ill eat you on the rag
lick your little ***
im your ***** stag

can you do the rumba
to the pelvic beat
drown me in your *****
i *** on lovely feet

oh your *** is candy
hair like wild fire
my **** does the cha cha
to your mouth it does aspire

owwie i lick your ****
your **** starts to squirt
i catch it on my lips
***** is so pert

do the dance taboo boo
there is no death like ***
spread wide your wings my angel
dissolve in butter ****

kiss my big *****
lick up all you can
better then a plumbers plunger
you love your big cocked man

i didn't mean to start a blaze
the house is embers burning
well you danced the taboo boo
and now your always yearning
843 · Nov 2020
zebra Nov 2020
i watch you inside my head
with eyes like binocular surveillance
spinning bulls
dancing widdershins
in mind erasing rituals,
from witchy book
voodoo tropical itch  
that spits a mudslide

and who are you in this poem
maybe a hungry ghost or
just a girl who has a kink
for shadows burn
from midnight suns
algorithms of bleated conundrums
and luminous smiling star eyed teeth

your undulant music
melodically bleeds desire
aching worm tongued clitori
in teary shredded *******
that bows her head like sinking stones
to touch blood silent puddles
of Pomegranate Martinis encircled by  
drunken Pentecostal Lucifer's

better than a kiss could ever be
you would **** to die goat horned
pink as dingo ****
and held down by storming arms
that stop you dead past memories blur
a martyred fruit darker than night
in a leg show
scumbag halo resurrection

under threat
ankles bound
split wide and trussed
she panted
"I hate pain
but love being forced to take it".
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