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Zack Ripley Mar 18
We always search for meaning.
We always ask for reasons why things happen.
But we can never seem to agree.
What if that's because meaning is an extension of our perspective?
They say beauty is In the eye of the beholder. What if we considered meaning the same way?
Zack Ripley Mar 3
Everyone who's ever lived, ever dreamed, is a gambler. You have faith that your health and your youth will still be there tomorrow, and it seems like a safe bet, so you go all in. Again and again. And you're right. You win every time. But what they say is true. The house always wins eventually. So, maybe you start to slow down. You're worried your dream has changed from a hand of blackjack to a spin of the roulette wheel. So you kneel down, and pray to lady luck for guidance. She replies "taking care of your family doesn't mean you can't keep your dream alive. You just have to make more calculated risks."
Zack Ripley Feb 26
Consider this:
at its core, a ghost is typically described as little more than a restless spirit.
Given this description, it's not too much
of a stretch of the imagination
to suggest that you don't have to die
to be a ghost.
After all, things change every day.
It would be concerning if you didn't feel lost or anxious at some point. The question then becomes "what do you do if you feel this way?" The answer: remember who you are and all it took to get you to where you are today.
Zack Ripley Feb 23
I don't know how to explain it,
But somehow, it seems like the world
Has gotten louder AND quieter
At the same time
Zack Ripley Feb 16
Love. Life.
Birth. Death.
Cancer. Pain.
Something I hope you keep in mind
is how you react to stressful events
is not necessarily a reflection of you
as a person or guardian.
Zack Ripley Jan 20
Sometimes, it feels like life
would be so much easier if I could just believe. Believe that it's all going to be alright.
Believe that it's worth it
to fight for what you want.
That it makes a difference if you stand up.
That there's a heaven,
and we know what it's like there.
Hell, if I could believe in myself.
But life can only rock your boat so many times before that little voice in your head whispers "what's the point?" The point
while it can be redundant,
there is so much uncertainty. Unpredictability. It's no wonder so many people
struggle with anxiety.
But if you believe,
at least you have something to hold on to.
Zack Ripley Jan 10
Life is like a battery.
It will present you with more possibilities,
more opportunities than you could ever dream. But in exchange, the more you take advantage of them, the more energy it will take from you. Like any battery, they can last for years
if you take enough care.
But also like any battery, it will stop eventually. So rest, recharge, and take care of your battery. Because you deserve every opportunity
it can give you
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