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To feel something
Is to know something.
To know something
Is to believe  something.
To believe something
Is to be someone.
To be someone
Is to feel something.
May something be anything.  
As long as anything
Isnt nothing.
She couldn't express her grief
but knew this tangible loss,
felt affinity with old bones
a bond with lost loved ones.
She cleaved close to those,
it being in her very nature
a clan thing - family loyalty,
bridging a long span of years.
Her trunk trumpeted, mutely,
while lowering a sister's tusk
softly on the blanched shards
of the ancestor herds, tendered
in this final act of fellowship
from one gentle giant to another.
Is how I describe feelings
But not my actions.
I feel like I'm walking on the seashore
Some ground firm, some not anymore

Reality's clear when I don't think of you
But when my mind slips, I lose that good view.

It seems that I wallow in sand to my knees
When all I am doing is aiming to please

But when I look to what God asks
It's easier than struggling to fulfill my own tasks.

I feel like I'm walking on the seashore
And a lot of what fazed me can't anymore.
so this is that moment
you've dreamed of
worry free
happily serene
even if only temporary

so this is that moment
you've lied to achieve
dead hysteria
luckily tranquil
even if only temporary

this moment is
so complex
but the feeling is
so simple
it's so easy to
to discard old feelings
it's so easy to
when you're always tired
and sometimes
it's hard to wake up
when it doesn't seem
Her presence stole rooms,
and she knew it.
She walked the streets
with the moon in her pocket
and the stars in her eyes.
She had everyone on their knees
before her,
and she owned it.
She loved her lovers and she loved her haters.
Heels higher than New York skyscrapers
and standards to match.
She was no good,
but my god,
she was beautiful.
 Apr 2014 y i k e s
AD Sifford
Good job!
You went to church for Grama on Sunday

...And you texted the whole service

Good job!
You helped out and watched your siblings

...And showed them R-rated movies

Good job!
You wore a Bible verse T-shirt to school

...After buying it with stolen cash

Good job!
You got a purity cross necklace to wear

...Then "hooked up" that same night

Good job!
You got a brand new Bible

...And stored it under your bed with the rest of your " junk"

Good job!
You visited your church's website

...And bookmarked it right beneath *******

Good job!
You went to that Bible-study group

...And afterward, to a party

Good job!
You turned down a smoke while you were there

...'Cause at the time you were just thirsty

Good job!
You prayed at the dinner table

...To get your turn over with for the week

Good job!
You call out to God before falling asleep

...To blame Him for your problems

Good job!
You plan on going to church again tomorrow

Just don't forget your cell-phone

Good job, Christian
Keep it up.
|Written 2010|
*from my Emerge collection, being poem #7. Please see the collection page itself.

This poem is one I've never felt quite satisfied with, yet it's a concept I want to address in this same basic form. Now that my poetry and mind has matured more, I may re-write this as a new poem addressing the issue I intended to in this one, in an improved, or heavier, more emotional, or more clear way. I'm not sure.
Line 18 originally said "under *******", but I thought that could come across as the bookmark bearing that name, rather than the new bookmark being beneath it in the least, to signify lesser priority as added weight to the hypocrisy.

© 2017 A.D. Sifford.
I'm okay with you sharing my poetry, I just ask that you show courtesy by being honest and attributing it to my name. Thank you,
- Sifford
 Apr 2014 y i k e s
Allen Wilbert
She Said
Fire burning out of control,
inside my heart, inside my soul.
You captured part of me,
it brings me down, to one knee.
Been dating for some years,
the ring I got, put her in tears.
Sweating, waiting for that yes,
my head she gives a caress.
She said sorry, but answer is no,
I smacked that *****,
like a rapper to a **.
How could she turn me down,
and in my own **** home town.
She said, I wasn't worthy,
now she's laid out on a gurney.
I flipped out and kicked her ***,
using knuckles made of brass.
This is my worst ever nightmare,
sometimes life just isn't fair.
As she laid ****** and bruised,
my brain became dazed and confused.
Cops came, took me away,
now I eat on a prison tray.
I can still hear that ***** scream,
merrily, merrily, merrily,
life is but a dream.
 Apr 2014 y i k e s
 Apr 2014 y i k e s
It makes me feel
Lightheaded and fluffy
And makes my cheeks
Turn bright red
To think of my hand
In yours.

It's such a unique gesture,
Holding hands.
So intimate
Yet innocent.

Our hands will fit perfectly
Our fingers interlocked
Like the right pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

My heart will beat faster
Your cheeks will turn redder
And we will feel so much closer
To each other.

Your grasp will be so tight
It'll be impossible to let go.
Just like having the world
On my fingertips,
Surely I deserve to dream such fluffy cute things every once in a while?
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