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Premji Dec 2011
Who cares for her shattered dreams when she is
Brutally ***** on the very first night?
Who cares for her preconception health when,
For him, the only activity is making her pregnant?

Who cares for her repeated abortions
Which results in cervical damage,
Which in turn makes her unable to carry
The weight of a later pregnancy?

Who cares for not to satiate his excessive lust
When she is pregnant, which can cause
Abortion and maternal mortality?

Who cares for prenatal care that can keep
Her unborn baby and herself
Healthy during pregnancy?

Who cares to relieve her excessive work load at home
And her ever expanding stress to provide
High-quality child care for her five or six other children,
From earlier pregnancies?

Who cares for her signs and symptoms of anemia,
Her fatigue, increased heart beat or palpitations
Paleness of inside of eyelids, gums and nail beds
Desire to eat indigestible or peculiar foods?

Who cares for her backache, increasing weight,
Change in her centre of gravity and powerlessness?

Who cares for her malnutrition, poor health,
Lack of education, overwork, mistreatment?

Who cares for her dental hygiene, her broken teeth,
For the baby grows within is another tyrant
Who grabs Calcium, even from her teeth and bones?

Who cares for her cramps and muscle spasm,
Heartburn and indigestion , insomnia?

Who cares for her needs to go to the toilet frequently,
As the growing baby reduces her bladder capacity?

Who cares her inability to get comfortable
When she has neither clean water nor safe sanitation,
And necessary support either from health services?

Who cares not to tense her,
Already she is suffering from all sort of
Tension and high blood pressure?
And her mother-in-law terrifies her again
The consequences if the newborn could be of a girl!
Sad, woman is the greatest enemy of
Another woman, in the most needed times!
If she dies, none is worried...
For he can marry once again!
More dowries, more *** and more kids!

Who cares for her post natal depression ,
As none to take care of the newborn and other kids,
She has to run for office and other workplaces
With heavy *******, pain and bladder infections?

Who cares that every pregnancy weakens her a lot
As she need some time to recover her health...
And on the very day she can spread her legs,
By force, he starts his activities again!
He knows how how to starve the newborn
Just by emptying her *******!

When things are like this,
Every religious clergy flays
The limiting of the family size by birth control!
Christians wish for a Christian world
Muslims dream for a new world under Islam
Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and
Every religious fanatic dreams of the same!
They offer gifts for women for bearing
More and more children
For more children is their cheapest weapon!

When will they dream for a HUMANE WORLD?

Healthy children need healthy mothers.
Healthy mothers need healthy food,
Loving husbands (optional!) and caring society
For true world is made of love!
Just hear me out,
Before you get frustrated.
One of the new most commonly used terms in a teen’s vocabulary.
The new starter of most sentences in a text message.
Put them together,
You have a full sentence.
Wow, magic.
Just like that!
But then you have jk jk lol.
And those don’t even scrape the beginning of “text language”
Whatever happened to the real languages?
The real conversations?
See the thing is, most of us couldn’t go a day without our electronics.
Are world is digitally ruled.
When you feel your phone buzz, what do you do?
You immediately go for it.
When you hear your ringtone, what do you do?
You go for it.
I’m sure we’re all guilty of it.
We text, we post, we call.
Our life story.
Whatever happened to going outside to play football?
Because now it can be done on Madden.
With the touch of a button,
Our whole life can be occupied, mixed, and transformed.
Cyber bullying.
All crimes based on technology.
Our world has turned to the future,
When maybe it should’ve stayed in the past.
It’s become like a bird, flying too fast.
It seems like our lives have begun to revolve around when the next IPhone comes out.
Did you know a girl tried to **** her own mom when she took away her phone?
There’s clearly something wrong there.
We stare at our screens,
Like we owe them respect,
But then we forget
The color of our lover’s eyes.
Video games,
The love in a teens life.
How fun it seems
To build, destroy, and plat
But we forget, what it was really like
When these things required work, and energy.
This generation has relied too much on our everyday actions.
We don’t do anything new.
We haven’t done anything new…
Except when we got the new ps4 and the new IPhone 6 plus of course.
I feel like my world has been taken over.
The tyrant is the tech.
And its trapped me for years.
Its trapped schools, workplaces.
Its trapped the world.
And I don’t know how…
Oh wait…was that my phone?
It’s taken over our banking, our transportation, even our security!
We trust our tech more than our best friend!
And it doesn’t even have a soul!
In fact, that’s how we reach most people.
Social media.
Ah there it is.
And Instagram.
The addiction is real.
We check them every day.
Every night.
Memories fade to the rapid typing and clicking.
My parents laugh
When they see something from their childhood,
That I don’t even recognize.
And I ask myself, will our children be the same?
So oblivious to everything,
Because we never bothered to see?
We text. We type.
We can do it all night.
When will our thumbs get tired?
Because when you power your phone on,
I’m trying to turn mine…off.
Hold on, I gotta take this call.
freeing the mind Feb 2017
An issue it has been for many a year,
A secret behind doors of which you often do not hear,
Within families and friends, workplaces the lot
To seek of this would not be a long shot.
It gets to us all through one channel or another,
Whether it your neighbour,friend,sister or brother,
Observe and you will see just how easy it can be,
A source, a connection you could get to in 3.
Little fear when it is felt it is required,
Over and over never seem to get tired,
A deeper need creates desperate measures,
Often leading to the sale of many treasures,
A family breakdown, withdrawal and depression,
It was only meant to be for the night of that one session,
It gets out of hand, you slip through the cracks and man oh man you wish for normal life back,
At the start, it was good, a trip like no other,
Now so deep you steal from your own mother,
Looks have changed, personality altered, an unknown individual who would have thought it?
Bruises and cuts, owed money and hideaways now a thing,
A strain to everyone's lives drugs do bring,
Your own person no longer, you thought of yourself as stronger,
Your life stolen, taken away if only that one time you had not strayed...
judy smith Oct 2016
The glitz and glamour of the fashion world descended on the city once again as Oxford Fashion week returned for its 10th season.

Models strutted their stuff on the catwalk at the Town Hall on Friday evening as the crowd saw shows from 12 designers.

Champagne flowed at the after party, where a raffle and silent auction were held in support of Oxfordshire Youth – the county's charity for young people.

The show was intimate, with just three rows of seating surrounding the catwalk.

Carl Anglim, the director of Oxford Fashion Studio, said: "Oxford has its own character and charm and we try to bring that to every show we do."

Anya Conlon, the face of this year's fashion week, modelled a dress at the after party which was donated by famous designer Omar Mansoor.

Many of the models attending the party wore their looks from the runway for guests to more closely see the intricate designs.

The 6pm show featured independent collections and ready to wear designs from high street boutiques and retailers.

Highlights included shows from two masters graduates sponsored by Jericho fashion shop Olivia May – Constance Blackaller and Katie McGuigan.

The 8pm show was titled Concept + Couture and displayed eccentric collections from prominent local designers.

Dumpster Design created a dress made entirely of discarded materials from Oxfordshire Youth while Caterina *******debuted her colourful Homage to Camouflage collection for her Kraken Counter Couture studio.

Ms *******incorporated her 'K sizing system' in to her designs, which is uniquely tailored to transgender individuals.

She said: "To me it didn't seem new. I felt like somebody should be doing it.

"Its something that I'm very proud to do – I have many friends and family in the LGBT community."

Gender fluidity was a theme throughout the night as the Crease show sent several male models down the runway in women's coats and dresses.

Model Luka Nikolic said: "I think 2016 is the year for gender fluidity.

"If you're a man wearing women's clothing or a woman wearing men's clothing you can't say that's wrong."

A surprise attendance was made by designers Dylan & Izzy, who are featured on the BBC show All Over the Workplace.

The show, hosted by Alex Riley, shows children the inner workings of different workplaces and this week the children tried their hand at fashion design.

The Town Hall extravaganza marked the end of fashion season, with fashion weeks in New York, London and Milan starting again in early 2017.

Mr Anglim said: "Many of our designers will go to London, New York and Paris, but our favourite thing to do is come home to Oxford."Read more at: |
Sharina Saad May 2013
Life was simple back then
When you helped your neighbors and loved your friends..
Not a chance to feel so down, lonely and blue..
For people around you would always love you….

Life was simple back then..
There weren’t any I pad or I phone
Still conversations ran good and smooth
Arguments were handled and solved
Successful negotiations were realized..
Neither via SKYPES nor CALLS ,
face to face , human to human, gentleman to gentleman….

Life was simple back then…
No envy, no hatred no jealousy
Mutual respect, co workers were family
When you were out of work, everybody missed everybody entirely….
Workplaces are second homes, wasn’t that lovely?

Life was simple back then..
Kids walked miles to school without worry
Rivers were swimming pool, the fields were free
Not a single parent was too busy…
Childhood was so carefree, healthy and happy…

Life was simple back then…
Its how life should also be in the present…
What about our future generation?
Have you ever thought about them?
Sadly... Instead we did nothing but sheer ignorance?
Sally A Bayan May 2017
Long before
orange-purple-pink-bluish shades vanish,
......before light evens out upon us,
before billows of clouds scatter and
fill the magnificent powder blue skies,
...fields...and other workplaces, are
already humming with activities.
air drowns with a stream of sounds,
human, and otherwise.......voices,
...teaspoons against cups, mixing
a dark waking brew...rushing footfalls,
instructions given..revving up tractor motors,
chairs, tables moving...computers starting,
comes  coffee breaks...and day's end
then...we go home to whoever, whatever
meets us at our doorstep...whether
our life is a bed of roses, or a bed of thorns
...or, something in between....or a mix...
minor, major changes occur here, there,
everywhere...every second, every minute...
some seasons, dragonflies overpopulate,
wasps and honey bees swarm for their own
different reasons...flower buds turn to blooms,
various birds build nests based on their needs,
cocoons hang silence....yet,
when time is right, new butterflies unwrap
....................and emerge...
each day consists of old and new patterns
that lead to magical, new beginnings...
new discoveries,often called miracles,
...they happen while we are sleeping
...............when no one is looking
........or, even when we are awake,
.....but, just too busy to notice...
from a nearby...or distant river
a sea breeze blows, and cools,
brushes..and touches... then tiptoes,
prancing upon other running currents,
acknowledging...emphatically reminding
that blessings from God are ever flowing
every breath taken, is a miracle...occurring
....while we are awake...or sleeping
whether or not, someone is looking...


Copyright May 21, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Renee Apr 2016
Do you ever think
you're not good enough
not smart enough
Prejudiced schools, workplaces
One tells you this,
the other tells you that.
You're told you can't,
but she can
and he can
and they excel,
first place, second place, third
and you're somewhere in the bottom.
No one gives you a chance
you're average,
looked over like the sun
on a hot August day.
Then you're told
it doesn't matter, and it doesn't define you.
Well maybe it ******* hurts regardless
because maybe I want to be noticed
once in a blue moon
for something I've tried so hard for
and wasn't just handed to me
HerStory Oct 2017
they ask us to hide our figures
because they figure it will stop the assault,
for every woman they  find laying somewhere disfigured
it's immediately our fault  
because we dress like this ,
we wear those pants that grab our thighs
and that slim fit dress that draws the eyes .
we were blessed but cursed with shape
that makes them blind to reason ,
so we must accept the myth of "requested ****"
and agree with mass unreason

we must accept MAN-ipulation
because it happens by our fault,
they want us to hate what makes us woman
like its some sort of salt,
like its some sort of guzu,
like we are enemy to our curves,
likes hips and thighs aren't just as natural and veins and nerves.

they want us to be embarrassed
ashamed , so we don’t speak
they Make excuses for the perpetrator to make the victim weak .
But they need to STOP!

They need stop telling us what to wear
They need to stop telling us how to behave
The need to stop making a woman feel as though her body must have her enslaved
if its the clothes that we wear that lead to abuse,
why were fully clothed polish nuns ganged ***** in 1942
wearing habits revealing nothing but their faces?
why are Muslim women still being ***** in sacred places?
why are formally dressed women assaulted in  their workplaces?

They need stop blaming us for that mans lack of restraint
They need to address the issue instead of changing the complaint,
No Means No!

we need to encourage our sons to understand rejection
Because he cannot always get what he wants,
And he cannot forcibly take what he wants,
And the world is not his canvas!
He cannot cannot paint his insecurities everywhere!
and that girl is not his graveyard,
He cannot bury his anger in somebody’s daughter!
He needs to learn to accept the concept of NO.  
we do Not Consent , and they need to know .
Just because our  dresses may be a little  above knee length ,
Does not meet that we concede or consent ,
Just because we may walk with an extra sway
Doesn’t mean that it’s okay ...for him
To make me us next mistake
seeing something that he likes does not give him the right to take !

we do not consent to the myth of women aiding the intent
of **** , assault , and ****** harassment ,
Like our ancestors,
Like the persecuted victims,
We DO NOT consent!
We Do not consent to assault , **** , or ****** indignities
Nor will we change to help your son fight his own insecurities.
Kia Feb 2013
Two different men
are making their way
to their workplaces
One saunters down the street
taking time to
breathe in
his surroundings
the sun stretches its
comforting arms
over a backdrop of a
blue sky
each smile is met by
one of his own
the other man
drags his feet down the rough gravel
the atmosphere dismal
bleak, dreary, dim
As a single rain drop hits the top of his head
a horrid look of disdain becomes frozen on his face
As he pushes through the fog
with other men
their doleful expressions
leave a sour taste in his mouth
the two men are
walking down the
same street
Although one may be peering through
rose-tinted glass
and the other through clear
each view is just as
as the next
is nothing but
a state of
His mind is empty,
And so is his conscience,
Shops are empty,
And so are streets,
Schools are empty,
And so are workplaces,
Churches are empty,
And so are beer halls,
Towns are empty,
And so are villages,
Food stuffs have taken refuge,
And so have masses,
Empty the word,
Empty all over,
An emptiness so full.
They taught us growing up
When violence was the topic
That it is not the answer
Only to see we support war for profit

Told to be yourself,
Don't follow the crowd, but fact
When u do so, and it's too esoteric
They say: "no! not like that"

Teach us not to bully, as if adults
Are above it like they lament
It's existence, only to see it occur
In workplaces and social events

Teach us tolerance only to find out
Tolerance only applies
If ur not religious, cultured, ugly,
a minority, trans gender gay or bi

Told they thought the earth was flat,
only to find out it's not
Now some say again it's flat,
and from the past ud think we got

The lesson this taught
Which is to stay open and stop
To question what we think we know
But still most never thought

To challenge the media, government,
what we're fed
And choose to be fools, give up our
Privacy, lemmings off the edge

Supporting a fight against terrorism,
that's a lie , cuz what
Is really going on is ulterior motive
Swept under the rug

As real issues like pharmaceutical
Drugs given by our own is most
Alarming as it's harming,
so many who now overdosed

So teach whats not taught
Cuz what's taught, has not
Taught us what independent thinking,
can bring and stop

The lies, before our demise
Implies what you'll find soon
As it's too late, at this rate
Which is we will be doomed
Em MacKenzie Feb 2018
A note to men from a woman: I'm sure you're tired of reading these,
but this one is crucial, I won't blame you for every problem in this world.
But I'm asking you to read the whole way through please,
for we've all been told to be seen and not heard since we were a small girl.

When you approach us to talk, don't look at *** walking on legs,
and don't talk to us as if you'd speak to *** itself.
Don't tell us to dress nicer, 'cause then we'll feel like we're dressed in rags,
and feel that pressure to look for a man for wealth.
Not every woman will use you, but some will,
and not every man will **** us, but some do still.
Truth is, we are treated differently, but so are you,
but we get to pull our discrimination out of our pocket when it suits us best,
Pocket is a metaphor, some workplaces "suggest" wearing skirts and something to show off the chest.
Worst part is, most women then do.

When a man loses a job to a woman; no one bats an eye,
"They've got an equality quota to fill" and that isn't a lie.
I'm sorry for that standard, for whoever is qualified should get the prize,
but we've lived in a world of participation awards and protest cries.
That being said, we almost always work under or for you,
not every time, but most times, you know that's true.
I can't speak for the wage gap, for in Canada we all earn our wage from the same,
but every woman I speak to works harder and longer then the men around,
for myself I stress to go above and beyond for my own pride and name,
while the boys all laugh and talk sports into the ground.

When you want to compliment us, please try to think of something other than our appearance,
Something that doesn't equal "you are pleasing for MY eyes to see."
We'd never say "you look like you've got a good ****" though I'm sure you might want to hear it,
but wouldn't it be better to compliment each others manners, hard work or creativity?
Tell a girl she's beautiful on a date, 'cause that's when she tried to look nice for you,
not when she's living life, she isn't bait,
especially not in sweatpants with an up-do.

You can hold a door open for us, and we can hold a door for you,
We can all hold doors open for each other.
Chivalry is dead, but common manner's will do,
we should treat one another like a sister or brother.
"Men and women can't be friends"
Well to that, I say it's a lie,
and so is the message that it sends,
that we are just meant to procreate then die.

Final message to men, and this one is so common it's insane,
But when we are nice and smile, it isn't to flirt,
It's be polite and sweet, it's that simple and plain.
So sticking with being polite, I'm sorry if your ego is hurt.
Don't claim we lead you on by being nice,
and don't use the word friend like it's a bad thing,
'cause that just proves you're looking at us like a vice,
even if you think you wanted to give us a ring.
No matter what you do for a woman, or your relationship with her,
gives you the right to enter her body without her soberly saying yes,
Imagine if we entered your urethra with needles over and over,
that's the closest comparison I can think of, I must confess.

Now to my females: don't cry wolf when you make a mistake,
I'm not talking about victim blaming, I'm talking about taking it back when you regret it the next day,
'Cause that hurts a real case of violation and heartbreak,
just because you have a boyfriend or the guy last night now has nothing to say.
When a man calls you a *****, please don't you get angry,
It's a compliment in my eyes, cause you spoke your mind against his.
A ***** has a spine and a mind, and that *****'s mind is free,
I would change my name to *****, maybe in front of it with "Ms."

"That's just the world we live in."
"That's just the way things are."
I don't know about you, but I believe we can all win,
In changing it to "the way things were " in a future not too far.

For you see, we are not each others natural enemy,
The real evil in this world drew this idea with great creativity,
to distract both him and her, and you and me.
They organized it, exaggerated it, and flashed it on a TV screen,
to keep our attention away from what's going on behind the scene.

So to all justice warriors who are obsessed,
still hold your torches and pitchfork in hand,
'Cause truth is no matter what 99% of us are all oppressed,
and right now by targeting each other, we work into the 1%'s plan.
All genders and races, we are all allies,
Look into our eyes and faces, and you'll see the ties.
By keeping us fighting one group or the next after that,
We don't have the energy or attention to go after the real threat.
It'll buy them time, while we buy their production line,and their wallets grow fat,
and we'll remain their pawns in their game, and they'll have the coin to place their next bet.
This was written as a spoken word poem, which I've never been overly fond or fluent with. But here's my opinion on the ressurgence of feminism. The truth is, we are being pitted against eachother on purpose. The same people advertising the "me too" movement are the same people who have sexually assaulted women/men for the most part. We don't need feminism, we need equality and humanism.
Wk kortas Aug 2021
You move beyond the luxury of panic,
Beyond the realm of heroic measure,
To such a point where clarity is superseded,
Itself a linear matter and beneath further concerns,
Beyond cursing yourself for failing to heed
Such self-imposed caution as had taken you this far,
And a life does not flash before ones eyes
As much as thoughts and images
Hopscotch into consciousness
Without a particular plan or pattern:
The party you left early, being under strict orders
To be home at such-and-such a time,
Only to be greeted by your mother
Who seemed genuinely surprised
You would take such strictures to heart,
Sundry boxes carried out of sundry workplaces
Under an equally broad array of circumstances,
Times you'd laid back upon the ground,
Looking at the clouds as or like a child
With no rationale save that it seemed like a fine thing,
Any number of snippets trodding on each side of the line
Separating memory and hallucination,
Wondering at last how a body mostly composed of water
Comes to such a pass,
And then there is nothing but.
Tiara I S May 2019
I'm tired- I'm aching
My head feels as if breaking
Hot- cold zaps and flashes
Slice through from the back of my brain

Body aches and chills rip on through
Eyeballs pained from bright lights
Patience thinner than cell membrane
Anger- I hold in reserves for moments
I need to tell oppressors off-
Swelling into seismic tidal waves
I cling onto my sanity-
The shreds bits and pieces left
As it feels I have none

The urge to collapse keeps me company
I force myself on- in the tsunami
To sleep it off is a luxury- unaffordable
So I drag myself to my workplaces

For earning money is
More important than my needs
Earning money is my priority need

Even if the back of my brain feels starved
Oxygen running so low- if I were to
Have been born of centuries prior-
A drilled hole in my skull sounds wonderous

Yet born of today- I know better
And yet on my brain zap- booms- shreds itself
Searching for the chemical happiness
Encased in pretty pink pills
Lost in the American healthcare war
Honestly this is the FIFTH time in 2 years I've had to deal with this
Side note: you literally cannot become addicted to antidepressants, like come on now give me my medication so I dont dip and **** myself
Because this pain is way too much
Dark n Beautiful Mar 2024
In the tapestry of life, memories weave their threads, and the echoes of past workplaces linger like faint perfume. Seacrest, with its morning shifts and graveyard hours, left an indelible mark—a mix of disdain and nostalgia. The Stench, both literal and metaphorical, clings to the corridors of memory.
Retirement, a withdrawal from life’s hustle, offers solace. It’s like stepping out of a turbulent river into a calm pond. Yet, self-reflection creeps in—an inventory of wasted years spent in an institution were money reigned supreme. What good remains? The ledger is blank, the balance elusive.
Here, at sixty, sanity is my prayer. A few screws may be loose, but not enough to rattle the Monkey cages of life’s absurdity. Kindness flows, a gentle current, but I know it can backfire—a vulnerability in a world that thrives on sharp edges.
And you, a familiar face, a reminder: “This path, tread cautiously.” In my next life, I’ll be a poet—a real one, successful and unyielding. A master tinker, weaving words into magic. A philosopher, unraveling life’s mysteries.
But for now, I am Annie—the content creator, the mother, the friend in need. And perhaps, that’s enough.
My environment raised me to fantasize
and romanticize fairytale plots
Constantly told Everyones special, but if
everyone’s special, is special... not

told violence isn’t the answer, but grown men start wars, told its childish to fully
Manipulate and intimidate at school...
like adult workplaces don’t have bullies

My lack of contentment and resentment
are petty and petulant, so I’ll recant it
but impossible expectations make failure an inevitable feeling as disenchantment

comes from being sold magic and gold dreams were told to chase and harbour
but reality showed the fallacy, cuz the only happy endings are in massage parlours

Cuz maturation, brings lacerations
a mental state knowing only ******* for self exploration, so complications
with my identity caused me exasperation

so my child will learn of the wild waitin
Nothing inhumane, just rationalization
No Unrealistic imagery, or idealistic epiphany, just realizations

Instead of illusions most institutions
that directly rooted, or Alluded
Being intoxicated left toxic hatred,  
I got from the delusive undiluted

Euphoric delusion, an intrusion conducive  
with ecstasy come downs, now habitual
feeling missed opportunities residual
like manifestation of the metaphysical

actually exists, it insists, a ritual
a nagging cyst that sits, subliminal
like a psyches itch, that persists, and only exists, cuz I can’t resist, being miserable

but what is emphatically unequivocal
makes me combatively typical
Like my psychosis births mitosis roaches
that are magically cynical

like an angry lucky charms leprechaun who’s going insane, way passed clinical cuz I’m too myopic to see this topic,
making me neurotic, isn’t the typical

response cuz logic isnt the pinnacle
when trying to ration what is invisible
and take the hypothetically and try to remedy, what’s not theoretically divisible

So I’m left where I began, remaining
Knowing my complaining, is draining
Partially wishing, for the convincing
the world is beautiful, the painting

I use to see when faith in humans
and in destiny, still arresting me
instead of seeing how dark and cold it is, unable to ignore the unpleasantry

life isn’t all jewels and sparkling glitter
Happy thoughts & rainbows  and that
Doesn’t change earths mean maggots
Like jean jackets bedazzled, it’s still crap
Classy J Nov 2022
Feelings left unresolved,
How is it that humans evolve?
Yet I stagnate unfulfilled?
Perhaps, because I treat God like a happy meal?
Numb the pain, take another pill.
Shut the **** up, I know the drill.
Losing myself to the venom, becoming ill.
Eyes grow berserk, the minds become a rind of a lemon shell.
Soured my soul, how can I heal?
When my oppressors are in jail,
Got no one else to blame,
I’m the one keeping myself in hell.
Oh joy, got to swallow another bitter pill.
Insanity plagues my actions like a hamster wheel.
Watching as humans adapt to a reality,
That I can never feel.
How can I expect a holy father to answer prayers,
If I’m struggling with the idea that he’s not even real?
Perhaps, because I don’t know a father that is holy?
Abandoned, yet always yearning to be worthy.
Should I blame my father,
Or the system that did my people *****?
That ironically came in the name of the almighty.

Suffering in silence.
Enduring through resilience.
Everyday I battle the negative self-talk,
That tries to infect me like a virus.
Does adversity define us?
Because although I’m surviving,
I wouldn’t refer to myself as the finest, nor the fittest.

Desires lost due to self medication.
Expired hope, feelings numb to the condemnation.
Hard to be a free man with priors,
Even if you dress nice and are clean shaven.
Past regrets and actions have found their equation.
Evicted convict chained since the day they took formation.
Hard to ace the test with Ace’s, let alone get a well financed and funded education.
Knowledge hindered by trauma passed down from generation to generation.
But instead of evaluation and validation,
One is meet with subjugation and marginalization.
Are you starting to see the correlations?
Can’t adapt or evolve, because of unchanged racist policies, acts, and legislations.
With our history undermined by ignorant Caucasians.
Should I blame myself?
Or the ones that caused this devastation?
That came with promises of salvation.

Suffering in silence.
Enduring through resilience.
Everyday I battle the negative self-talk,
That tries to infect me like a virus.
Does adversity define us?
Because although I’m surviving,
I wouldn’t refer to myself as the finest, nor the fittest.

Fangs of malice,
Dig into the imbalance.
Hard to give up the taste from the chalice.
Hard to give up living in a palace.
Money gained from silence.
Blood is thicker than water,
But fill up what the mind is.
Big headed ego, that’s where the pride is.
Can’t ever please your highness.
Cant escape the actions that were heinous.
Even if you pour the wine down your esophagus.
Or snort up coke like snuffleupagus.
Hard to be genuine, when you where the public is.
Wear a mask, fake a smile, save your images.
Donating money to the same kids,
That work in slave workplaces.
Where they work to keep up your appearances.
Everyone’s a hypocrite, live with it!
Shamai Feb 2022
Children have magical thinking
They think they can create
Anything can happen
If they just take the time to wait
For adults it is different
Life has thrown them quite a few
So things that have happened
They have to take time to chew
In workplaces people
Think that they are more
They forget about others
And become quite the bore
Power is something
That goes to the head
It makes people think
That they are in charge instead
They forget that we all are
Brothers and sisters of sorts
They forget to work together
And instead they exhort
Putting power over others
Is only a sign
Of people out of balance
They should quickly resign
And look at their actions
And what they do mean
They should wipe out their past
Become pristine and clean
For its only when we take
The time to reflect
That we realize that life
Should really be checked
When we understand that power
Is for making things better
We will start to make changes
And become a trend setter
Power is a gift
That helps us navigate this world
It helps us to prepare
For the afterworld
So pick up your britches
And head the call
The onus is on you
Use your power and stand tall
Conlyn Connor May 2020
Have them build your walls with stone and brick
Then take them back to feed the pigs
Feeling threatened by another tone
Prefer to leave them all alone
Then we'll stand up nice and scary
We'll show the gun, the badge, but don't be wary
Nothing to fear if nothing to hide
We're always here if you want to confide
Perhaps the shop owner down the road
Perhaps that new family that just strode
Into our workplaces, our streets, our churches
Yes officer I think that was an illegal purchase
It's PC gone mad! Let's make it great again!
I'll wear the hat, it makes me proud!
Finally we can speak just as we'd like again
Say ****** and *** and **** and *****
People telling me what to do I can hardly think
Can't these SJW's get off my neck, I can hardly breath!

— The End —