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Frustrated Poet Sep 2014
Before I thought of doing it
My neck cradles itself sidewards
A strange glimpse
Stood out with radiance
And I knew it was different

I catch myself looking at you from afar
Your eyes meet mine
Is it just coincidence
Or an accident that happens too often?

Our glances hold messages
Of undefined feelings
Words become fathomless
For our eyes manifest.

Your eyes wandered through the crowd
And mine roamed around
We both know
This is just an excuse, a distraction
Not to seem obvious...
Until they locked
And I swear I won't let this moment pass

Oh, your eyes
Inviting me to see
Bidding me to come closer
Wanting to let me know you deeper.

I'd look at them all day of course;
Because of all the eyes staring
I only care for yours*.
forwards backwards
backwards forwards
sidewards sidewards
sidewards again
Ben Jones Nov 2014
Shuffling sidewards
Off he walks
Heavy black trenchcoat
Eyes on stalks
Custom trousers
Eight legs wide  
Henry the Half-Crab
Woe betide

Awkward scrabbling
Can't hold keys
Narrow little doorway
Tangled knees
Toilet adjustments
Bean bag chairs
Henry the Half-Crab
No one cares

Can't be an astronaut
Never play guitar
Can't use a keyboard
Won't go far
Hiding from the fishermen
Far from shore  
Henry the Half-Crab
Somewhat raw
DieingEmbers Dec 2012
Let me see your profile...

sleeping gently

upon my pillow.
Vikram sikki Jul 2016
Like 5 or 6 ...was i ....doesn't matter
but little,a small one for sure
Sure of that not because i remember seeing myself in mirror
But everyone else was so huge
Their palms big enough to be afraid of
Most of the world was above us
To amaze or annoy us
Can only be reached by our little eyes
Transfixed a little more than now
Ogling , making sense and befitting it in our own world of limited understanding
But few things were there
Seemed Precisely sized up for us
As if Toyed down for me and
those friends-as big as me
Never had to look up above or below
Right in level casting our surprised eyes on each other smiling through the eyes first in approval and acceptance; that tacit truce
As if we've found refuge in each other
in that big world

They made order with us -chaos (filled minds) and confused, wondering mostly
What suddenly happened; what and why I m doing it and
How far (in distance and time) is the home.
My home.
The school became "My" school to in few days

All of us dressed same, loaded with our loaded bags
Fobbed off to school in the morning
In a different world.  Our world
With more of us there
Used to stand in same row at the morning
height wise.....was it ?
Pushing on toes to peek over each others over those glistening oiled and then combed hairs
stacked primly to stay there for some time

Puffy reddening cheeks due to .... always smiling ....was it ?
A little henkey in left pocket always,
seldom used though
Dressed immaculately in halves
Those action shoes......was it ?
Singing prayer in unison
Eyes closed but stealing glances
Opening an eye,tilting head
And enjoying the moment secretively
Glorifying in the maneaouvre just accomplished
Sometimes yawning and snapping it back to that plumbed, more ***** posture
Thinking that too went unnoticed...Did it?
Standing through all that rut daily
That "aaj ka vichar"(today's quote)twice
A poem also ..... was it?
Finally the "jan gana mana"( national anthem)
Pressing the fists hard sidewards
pulling them down
***** and loud
In oblivion,in spirit
Head shaking in rhythm unknowingly
At every other syllable
And yeah
At last but not the least
That "bharat mata ki jai"(hail India slogan)
Loud and from heart
As if waiting for it all the time
Thrice.....was it ?
Racing to the classroom
in an unannounced competition
and extol the victors briefly.
Legs hanging from those little chairs ....
No, benches ......was it ?
Few already waiting for the teacher
Looking through the wall outside the door
Few making the most of it
Sharing some secret laugh,loudly at the end
Showing some prized possession acquired yesterday
Rejoicing the
Silent faces in awe of that thing.
That thing ....seasonal it used to be
tattoo stacks,card stacks -wwf and cricket too
Or a geometry box....was it ?
Nodding approvingly and decidedly to that thing with conviction promising self to get something better if more of that thing only.
Not on their seats
Relying on that good samaritan
Positioned perfectly in front row
to detect the incoming teacher and a loud shussshhhhh......was it ?
Rushing to ones seat
In sonic speeds before teacher enters
Hopping and throwing oneself - thuds!!
That momentary Commotion before the muteness
Head held high,supressing a giggle
Proud of the last act
And together saying...
No, almost singing

Goooooood morningggggggg maeeammmmm
Or sir.....was it ???
We were kids once !!
Sally A Bayan Dec 2013
Early morning now, at the veranda...
Doing people-watching,
Thinking...just thinking the hours away.
The calendar is on its final page...
In a matter of hours, it is set to be changed...
A new year is coming in shortly, and I am
Wondering  about the days gone by...

I sit comfortably
And my thoughts are set free...
Almost sets me dreaming
With you, rocking...
My hands, sidewards dropping...
But i see a line of several pairs of shoes,
Different sizes, different uses...
Five pairs of shoes remind me,
Of days when a baby's cry echoed,
Made its voice known,
Heard in the still of the night,
Up to the hours of the wee morning.
To and fro we went,
Up, down, down and up...
Until the baby fell into  a deep sleep, and
You and i, slowed, then stopped...

Over and over
We went through the very same routines,
The years stretched on as i counted,
It was four more, to be exact...

Then came the time when
There were just the two of us left,
Swaying to and fro, slowly, slowly,
Up, down, down and up...
Always slowly, never too fast.
No, i wasn't asleep,
Just  recalling,
How we had patiently, gently,
Cared and cradled
Those five baby girls to sleep...
Of different ages, all grown ups now...
Up and about, no longer wanting
To be swayed to sleep again...
Now, like birds that leave their nests
In the morning,
To live their lives in the light of day
Then fly back home before dark, weary,
Owners of these pairs of shoes,
Lined in a row, all in varying hues...

We both worked hard through the years,
I think it's time we thought of ourselves...
I say, you rock me now an hour of nonstop rest,
Then let me "rock the boat" for a while,
Turn you upside down,
Caress your arms and feet
With a soft cotton cloth and some lotion,
Make you shine like before, and free you
From those grains of dirt embedded,
To sharpen your sturdy undercurves,
So we may both have fun once more...
Rock ourselves slowly, smoothly,
Swaying endlessly,
Enjoying, rocking
Our remaining days together...


Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(---was watching street vendors selling fruits to my neighbors...poem came to mind as I saw my visiting son in law,  falling asleep on our old rocking chair at the reminded me of how each of my granddaughters, still babies then, were calmed and lulled to sleep on that old rocking chair, while I sang them lullabies---)
pretend not to notice
load sidewards glances
like bullets
the way the metal itches my skin
makes me feel like tin foil

alright, is that right?
this numbness makes it hard
to tell , the least
well alright
is that fine?
why do i ask?
queen of s and m
why do i ask if youre fine?
you were fine when we lived off mud
felt like we were the nineties.

quit your revenge plans babe,
your friends tell me about them
I'm always one step ahead.  

I'm so sorry i couldn't beat you up
hard enough to stay my queen
serenity, i miss the way
you would love to hear of your death

why? my death wish
is to be your lover for life.
why? is it the pain i can see in your piercings
skin deep, and conversation pieces

you once asked me why i never ended it
knowing that you'll float away to other *******
show them the tattoo of my skull, on  your back
drink and inject whatever you want for months
but come back to me as scared as ever
it makes me feel like  your king.
the reddest red  cloth
Leone Lamp Apr 2021
The sun is hot this summer
Like it was last summer
It's too hot to play indoors
Let's don trunks and sandals
For our journey to Turtle Rock,
It's not too far a walk.

Wild carrots grow along hot asphalt
We're chewing Queen Anne's lace
The journey offers time to talk
We talk and walk at our own pace
I see Mosby Creek through the trees,
We're getting near the place

Cruise down the path
Rotten egg's always last!
We're barefoot before the first bend
Look out, leaves of three!
Poison oak let us be!
Lay down our towels
We're here my friend

Me first! Dibs! I call the rope swing!
I shout, jumping over that tranquil spot
Y'know the one, where you go over the creek,
Because of that awkward rock
I grab the rope, run round to the edge
And launch myself sidewards right off the ledge!
Ker-plunk! Time to swim,
Summer's here, life begins.
I wrote this about the swimming hole down the road from where I grew up. It hit 80° the other day, time to hit the creeks.
Rai Dec 2011
You come creeping in
cut me down
You would rather call me lier
Than know the truth
Looking sidewards
When met by my truths you close your mind
Not wanting to know
I saw you
walking  dusty roads to forget the meaning
fragmented lines of meaningless segments
haunted like a child abandoned to the wind
I will not turn into the hollow frame
I once was
You filled my soul
Made me fly
And yet
Where are you now
Memories hold
Which flickers through shadows
I so yearn for more than I have now
Just please is all I have to say  
Before tomorrow engolfs me once more
Àŧùl Dec 2013
Heavy drops of tears,
Now crawl sidewards,
Towards her ailing ears,
Descending downwards,
As that ailing elderly mother,
Tries her very best to sleep,
Contained the tears she tries to keep,
To prevent those tears from leaking,
Remembering who they were,
Her own children them both,
Sent away to war in a land very far,
Two coffins with no more than a humble note of regret & praise for the two dead soldiers had come back.

The father had fainted after listening to this news,
After few months spent wasted in tears,
Truer could not have been his fears,
He could neither let the pain ease,
Nor could he make the repentance cease,
Of letting both the brothers follow their hearts,
He tried to make any sense if there was in war,
And pondering only over the same he died,
A repentant father he wrongly blamed himself,
But the boys' mother lives on with the memories,
Alone and lonely in her lonesome life,
Her senile smile sits under her now-crooked nose,
As she looks at old family albums through her glasses,
Tears drip down her aging lonely chin onto the happy family photograph.
Why do they war over anything at all, huh?

Couldn't keep this poem from coming out.
My HP Poem #499
©Atul Kaushal
neo May 2023
i’ve never liked running.

there was always this pound
in my chest
as the dust and the breeze settles,
as the sweat slithers sidewards,
as the world around me comes to a

i’ve never liked running.
not when the destination is
nothing but an illusion
just to give me the satisfaction
that my feet lead me to somewhere in this oblivion.

i’ve never liked running.
my lungs were weak
(at least that’s what mom told me)
yet i latch onto your chase

i’ve never liked running
but for you: until the
soles of my shoes thin out,
the oxygen in my lungs run out.
the world around me blurs out.
for you:
i would run
and run
run     run     run     run     ruin
put i in run and now i’m looking at your face
wondering how did we end up
in this haste, this chase

so indulge me:
how do i pace
myself within this space

i’ve never liked running
because again, i fall
behind my own weak   ̶h̶e̶a̶r̶t̶
haven't written in a while
Yanamari Mar 2017
I revisit a scene once passed
A scene that went by too fast
I unconsciously reach out
And then
Fall into a ditch of murky black.

The first fall, a fall vestigial
The second fall, a fall wistful
Wistful, for I understand
That fall was untasteful
A fall that was not down
But sidewards
Not into a shadow but
A curtain painted black
A curtain that could always
Be drawn back
That is
If you wanted to push past
The strength that you lack.

A fall is a fall
But not always a fall;
In this universe
Direction is relative,
Symptoms and disease
Are not equivalent,
It is up to you
To draw back the curtain.
andy fardell Jun 2014
Feel my head splitting sidewards
My 3am in full
A mind buzz all be ready
For a finger
Oh the thrill  

I want the words to be so magical
Want the world
To stop
Be still

So let me be the silent
Let sleep go be my ****
All stop I'm weak
I'm fading fast
I want to swim
This air
And still ..

I want to ...
I want to be the norm
I want to be the lazy
I want to sleep for hours end
I want .....

I'm fed up with my eyes awake
The pain they see all hurts  
All told I'm sparkled
Lights all quiet  
The night
It is
It's curse
Mariya Mannan Dec 2014
Flowers are pretty,
But gorgeous too ,
Flowers move in every way,
But which way is my question,
Forward, backwards or sidewards,
The smell of flowers does me a favour,
It freshens my mind making me think I'm saviour,
You see flowers have tricks of their own,
But we just never see.
I see flowers blooming
Red, white or even rainbow,
Hmm to me daffodils are the colour of honey
but then roses show love
But also white just shows the Pureness of a dove
I wrote this poem when i was younger and i thought maybe i should share it to the world. This is my first poem that i am posting please dont judge
Whirii Gilbert Sep 2015
Craving creativity such as hers. Like how she strokes the tip of my imagination as i enter her thoughts, physically we portray....

A warm, rather untouched now touched, bent over, backwards, sidewards, inwards outwards no words...  but screams of yes and moans of O..  no NO's but more that we know..

As she ***** my soul, i lick her funky emotions. Piercing all the way up into her mind so she can feel what im thinking..  my inner beast met with her inner peace and romance in chaos is born.

As the chaos grows, so do the feelings, an innate yet unflourished scandle that leaves bodies sweating and eyes fixed. An affair of love from one-night standing now some whathabitual. For she is my habitual lover.

Thousands of miles apart in my summer where I'm most cold, yet our chaotic affair ignites again in winter..

Habitual, ******, infectious, scandalous, raw...  an untamed and uncut
Midnight romance.
First go at this publicly. A little something i came up with while seeing a girl who's now on the other side of the world
Colin Anhut Jul 2014
the rain came
down in patches,
sidewards and
Zywa Apr 2020
The elder wears my wedding dress
allures me closer and lifts me back

in His arms, lays me down
on the bed again, is spreading
over my beauty

in the beach house near the waterfall
that ice-cold whipped my hands

when I passed behind the roaring
shuffling sidewards with Him
over a ledge of surrender

of which the fire was invisible
for the couples who didn't dare

What am I doing here open and exposed
in the street with His head weightless
in my empty hands

weighing His buttocks and stroking
the lust of His erectile tissue

in my empty hands
in old smells
and white elder
Collection "Heart's Delight"
Scorch'd Diana Feb 2021
Brownish black-white fake whack brew
shocks you harder than Grandma's stew;

Biochemist's energy runs down and up
sidewards to wardsides of your veins,
your organs, limbs, your brain, to name a few
you shake and shake and break one cup
after another
cup by cup by cup
in one and every coffee shop
machines of fire don't stop to drop more of this hellish liquid
into your bowl of sins, and drop
by drop
drop-drop to drop
then comes the moment it kicks
the way it should not kick like
you'll shred madly
mind so badly
you will chill shivers
under the sun
as you quiver sick-headedly
hate that click that's clicking in your head so
annoyingly and with
each and every second in your head
before you'll wonder,

„The heck,
what have I done?“

Just wait some hours 'til it's gone;

good night
not sleeping tonight.

- drop.
sandra wyllie Dec 2022
without the label
or sidewards glances
that he is able
to grow in the purest
as a crystal snowflake
the sunrise over the horizon
a sapling sprouting from the ground

If they'd hear him
without note or sound
with feathered wings
and sturdy bough

If they'd love him
as I do
without measure
as he is
he's a treasure
Dedicated to my son Alex with love
preservationman Jan 2022
Don’t worry about angry waves
I can’t make the seas behave
I can lead you through
Captains of every Ship and Boat be calm and not be alarmed
The waves I can’t control
My spotlights in circular are behold
Sea to Sea
Shore to Shore
I am a lighthouse that ships can’t ignore
Waves can undertake a ship
It’s sidewards and downward dips
I am your eyes through the waves
God is the one that causes the seas to behave
I am the Sea Navigator
You are the Ship and Boat Operator
Let your courage be in your heart
Relish inspiration through your mind
I will definitely pull you through
A Lighthouse knows
The spotlight proves
Stormy Seas understand
My shine in vision offers assurance
Bravery throughout into endurance
Of course, make sure you have insurance
Lighthouses to ships, “You will get through the sea wall”
Even if your Ship or Boat engine should stall
Lighthouses have been established and the seas for all
Today, it snowed
Soft, ******, drifting snow
Pure, white, cleansing flakes
Floating softly downwards
And sidewards
Twirling, and swirling
A light coating on twigs
Branches, leaves, stone walls
Concrete, me
And earth
It appears no more
Than a passing flurry
The first snow
Ive witnessed
For several years
Ive missed it's innocence
Yet still remember
This beauty
Can still be a beast
by Jemia

— The End —