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"Say, whus tha good wurd, Mista Mornin Bird?"
"Ahh, ya know just chillin here singin these here tunes waitin fah Mista Worm."
"Ahh dat Mista Worm - he alwayz be runnin late."
"True dat!”
”Yo! peep this...
Last night he took his ol girl out on a date."
''A date? Really? Mistah Worm?”
But it getz betta tho.
It wuz dare anniversary. Ol fool went to tha chapel an got married."
"Where dey get married?"
"At dare special spot in tha apple orchard.
Mistah worm told me he and hiz girl are movin to the Big Apple.”
“Big Apple? Fah what?”
“He gunna work fah tha East New York Farms.  I guess hiz uncle Jim
got him in.”
“…Mista Worm…”

"Say, howz Mista Skunk doin?  He evah get clean?"
"I dont see much of him theez dayz.  Heard heez down on his luck. Evah since tha paper mill closed he aint been tha same.  Heez so stressed out he got mo white hairz than a polar bear.”
”Sumone told me that heez a nasty lil ol drunk wit a funky attitude and a quick tempa!
No wunda hiz wife leftem.
My understandin iz he still outta work - rummigin through peoples junk - collectin cans, tryin to make a buck.
Itz a **** shame, aint it?"
"Uh huh."

"Howz Mista Rabbit?"
"Miiiista Rabbit! Oohh dat Mista Rabbit he dunn got himself a nasty habbit."
"Whys dat?"
"He be stealin outta Mizz Jonsens garden again.
Otha day Mizz Jonsen shooed him away chasin him down tha block wit a pair of ol rusty scissors in her hand."
"Yup. She told him next time he wont be so lucky wit out hiz foot."
"WHUT!!??  Whus dat suppose da mean?"
"I dunno.”
"Dat Mizz Jonsen gone crazy!!
She dunn lost her mind in her ol age.
She crazier than a ******* rat!
Man, when Mista Rabbit gunna learn?”
"I guess when he haz no foot."

"Say, you talk to Mista Squirrel at all?"
“Itz been sum time.”
“How wuz he doin?”
"Man, you know Mistah Squirrel.  He wuz all ova da place, or at least he wuz.  He alwayz be jumpin from one tree to tha next, alllllwayz tryin to get a nut or two.  Last I heard he got deported and now lives in anotha county.”
“Why iz dat?”
“He dunn got locked up fah breakin in a few too many attics. They finally caught him....Stoopid fool."

"Nuff about tha neighbahood.  How you been?  Havent seen you inna while."
"Im still doin my thang, ya know.
Roamin from town ta town, chasin down tail."
"Yous still chillin in dem alleys too?"
"Fa sho!"
"Man, aint a **** thang changed wit chu.
Yous alwayz been a cool cat...”
Fish The Pig May 2015
Harley found her Joker
she fell head over heels
he got her
understood her
was one in the same
made her heart flutter
scared her so bad she'd stutter
but made her feel unstoppable
and happy--
but Joker didn't love her
like she loved him
Joker didn't want her around
Harley didn't realize
how much pain the Joker really caused,
so Harley found Ivy
who taught her she didn't need mista J
and she was fine
and free
and happy by herself--
but every time she sees her mista J
she falls once again
forgetting all she learned
wishing nothing more
than for he to be Harley's Joker,
and she Joker's Harley
though maybe if I were more like Harley he'd like me back...
Connie Hopkins Dec 2021
When I die
They won't
Write Mista
On my headstone
Cause I ain't
Mista  thang.
We don't know who originally came out with this poem. It was good 40yrs ago and it still tickles some inners.
Kevin Jun 2017
mista marley be in da background wailin while
miss robin between dem treetops declarin
"why dem beasts be destroyin?
mi can't imagine wat dem be thinkin"

me fingas dig da dirt in mi garden
and mi knoa dat dis be mi own
mi plate stay full from dem humble growns
and mi knoa dat dis be mi home
Robert Guerrero Mar 2019
A crowd slowly creeping in
Flocks of let loose nobody’s
Interested only in good times
Pretty woman
Sleek men
Beads cups potatoes and cabbage
Where every minute is a party
Thundering on every block
Horns of 18 wheelers
Floats lugged around
Marching bands of different calibers
Music weakening worries
Life couldn’t get better then that moment
For once a stranger is a neighbor
And what you don’t catch
Will surely be a laugh
As someone else gets pelted
Kisses from women having fun
Men try to loosen the ladies
Flowers for kisses
Dance moves from grandma
And without a doubt
The kiddos have more then enough to do
Throw me sumthin mista
Throw me sumthin sista
An echo of calls
Hungry for more fun
Might not be Mardi Gras but the Irish-Italian Parade was fun and close enough

Kalakip ng bawat “oo”
Ang mapapait na “hindi” ng Tadhana.
Kung sa’yong palad ko ikakahon ang sarili’y
Mauubos ako sa sarili kong lakas
Habang sumusuntok ako sa buwan.

Mananatili akong aliping
Nakagapos sa sarılı kong mga pangarap
At marahil ito ang maging mista
Ng tuluyan kong pagkabulag
Pagkat sarili ang aking naging Lupang Hinirang.

Ni hindi masasaklawan ninuman
Ang bawat sumisirit na imahe sa aking balintataw.
At walang sinuman ang makapag-papahele
Sa akin hanggang makaidlip
Pagkat iba ang ritmo ng Pagsintang aking kinapapanabikan.

Kung sarili ang magiging lason
Ng aking pagkalimot sa aking unang sinumpaan…
Ay mas nais ko nang tuldukan
Ang bawat silakbo ng damdaming
Hanggang lupa lamang ang kasarinlan.
Jasmyn 'Ladi J' Jul 2013
Escape to a place where the collection of my thoughts are placed
Gray matter leading to a ladder or not cuz I'm in a shell
Mysterious rebel against what I may think is right
Maybe I'll float in a vast ocean and be right
I can't seem to bond with the same *** so I jus lean towards what is best
Alas young mama cuz you were always looking for a sista not a brotha or Mista
See I always had male friends
Made me Tom boyish to make some amends
But recently I was hit my storm
Met a group of women who don't make me feel forlorn
Horns to what may seem devilish
Metalish...nah that's not them
I can't actually be myself around them
My girlfriends
No judgement
No jury
Jus bein me
Now I see I can actually have girlfriends after all these years
Ginuine friendship...kinship
Cat fights...nah
Cuz we too pretty and classy for that
NBU brought us together
How can such a horrible place lead to friendships amazing grace
Martina Jun 2019
Sorriderò e sorriderai ma non capirai
promesse che non potevi mantenere,
melodie che non suonano più bene
dicevi guarderemo il tramonto su una spiaggia
così stretti in un abbraccio da non respirare
in riva al mare a ballare
non ci importerà della pioggia
perché non ti lascerò andare
acquari, dischi e libri
io e te in un castello
era solo un sogno, era solo un gioco
seppur molto bello
le mie lacrime sanno di nostalgia mista a rabbia
perché in fondo
era solo un castello di sabbia.
This one's in italian but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Expectation, hopes and dreams for a relationship that do not come to life, has this ever happened to you?
Mae Oh Nov 2011
to find salvation in this snowy station
with these pasty walls has got my mind racin.
tracing the snowman’s footsteps, erasing all my mis-steps.
the Black Queen is gonna crumble, their whispers turn to mumbles.
I’m sorry for this color,
forgive me for this blunder.
I can’t fight no more, this strong Brown sista.
she’s cracking under pressure,
she cannot find her mista.
but what she need him for?
why ain’t she independent?
why am I not accepted?
just first answer my question.
ALLYN Aug 2014
I miss you like crazy!

This is'nt fair loving you is all I want and you're not here

I daydream about your lips and your gentle touch

partly because I can't sleep affraid of missing your call I tell mista sandman to come back tomorrow.

I think of you all day long you smile brittens my day. I want you here now! today!!

What have you done to me I'm useless for anything else my hours and mins drag on without you. The day seems pointless without you. Your love is my drug and i'm feening. Whitney said CRACK IS WACK but all I want is my drug back. This little time drags for eternity I need you here my serenity. My piece of mind from the tolls of the world my gift of peace that completes me.
Mey Dec 2016
For once I thought that I won't make the same mistake again
It seems that the world revolves just like the past I've burned
The friendship I've carefully handled and preserved
I even invested time and concern

I thought we were true friends
Separated when we were trying to surpass our own dreams
It seems that you're like the others
Leaving when you've find someone you've once dreamed

How could you turn your back from me?
Friendship should have no boundaries
Aren't we even allowed to laugh?
Or just talk all night about nonsense things

I asked you
When should I only be allowed to message you?
And then you just told me
The most bull**** response I've ever heard  of
I'm totally fine
Muskaan Mar 2018
I kept on loving him.
I kept on loving hi
I kept on loving h
I kept on loving
I kept on lovin
I kept on lovi
I kept on lov
I kept on lo
I kept on l
I kept on
I kept o
I kept
I kep
I ke
I k
It w
It wa
It was
It was m
It was my
It was my m
It was my mi
It was my mis
It was my mist
It was my mista
It was my mistak
It was my mistake.
Robert Guerrero Oct 2016
The drums beat
People screaming
Adrenaline rushing
"Throw Me Somethin Mista!!"
Beads, cups, candy
Raining goodies
Float after float
Drink after drink
A city where the party never ends
Voodoo blues growing bluer
Every mile I drive further away
Still feeling the spirit of New Orleans
Burning in my chest
The swamp trying to flow through
Archaic veins always yearning
A new thrill
Yet here the thrill never ceases
Trumpets, trombone, tuba, snare
A succession of bands
Mask, costumes, cheers, beers
Voodoo blues tempting my return
Ei fu. Siccome immobile,
dato il mortal sospiro,
stette la spoglia immemore
orba di tanto spiro,
così percossa, attonita
la terra al nunzio sta,
muta pensando all'ultima
ora dell'uom fatale;
né sa quando una simile
orma di pie' mortale
la sua cruenta polvere
a calpestar verrà.
Lui folgorante in solio
vide il mio genio e tacque;
quando, con vece assidua,
cadde, risorse e giacque,
di mille voci al sònito
mista la sua non ha:
vergin di servo encomio
e di codardo oltraggio,
sorge or commosso al sùbito
sparir di tanto raggio;
e scioglie all'urna un cantico
che forse non morrà.
Dall'Alpi alle Piramidi,
dal Manzanarre al Reno,
di quel securo il fulmine
tenea dietro al baleno;
scoppiò da Scilla al Tanai,
dall'uno all'altro mar.
Fu vera gloria? Ai posteri
l'ardua sentenza: nui
chiniam la fronte al Massimo
Fattor, che volle in lui
del creator suo spirito
più vasta orma stampar.
La procellosa e trepida
gioia d'un gran disegno,
l'ansia d'un cor che indocile
serve, pensando al regno;
e il giunge, e tiene un premio
ch'era follia sperar;
tutto ei provò: la gloria
maggior dopo il periglio,
la fuga e la vittoria,
la reggia e il tristo esiglio;
due volte nella polvere,
due volte sull'altar.
Ei si nomò: due secoli,
l'un contro l'altro armato,
sommessi a lui si volsero,
come aspettando il fato;
ei fe' silenzio, ed arbitro
s'assise in mezzo a lor.
E sparve, e i dì nell'ozio
chiuse in sì breve sponda,
segno d'immensa invidia
e di pietà profonda,
d'inestinguibil odio
e d'indomato amor.
Come sul capo al naufrago
l'onda s'avvolve e pesa,
l'onda su cui del misero,
alta pur dianzi e tesa,
scorrea la vista a scernere
prode remote invan;
tal su quell'alma il cumulo
delle memorie scese.
Oh quante volte ai posteri
narrar se stesso imprese,
e sull'eterne pagine
cadde la stanca man!
Oh quante volte, al tacito
morir d'un giorno inerte,
chinati i rai fulminei,
le braccia al sen conserte,
stette, e dei dì che furono
l'assalse il sovvenir!
E ripensò le mobili
tende, e i percossi valli,
e il lampo de' manipoli,
e l'onda dei cavalli,
e il concitato imperio
e il celere ubbidir.
Ahi! forse a tanto strazio
cadde lo spirto anelo,
e disperò; ma valida
venne una man dal cielo,
e in più spirabil aere
pietosa il trasportò;
e l'avviò, pei floridi
sentier della speranza,
ai campi eterni, al premio
che i desideri avanza,
dov'è silenzio e tenebre
la gloria che passò.
Bella Immortal! benefica
Fede ai trionfi avvezza!
Scrivi ancor questo, allegrati;
ché più superba altezza
al disonor del Gòlgota
giammai non si chinò.
Tu dalle stanche ceneri
sperdi ogni ria parola:
il Dio che atterra e suscita,
che affanna e che consola,
sulla deserta coltrice
accanto a lui posò.
Right about now
The funk soul sista
Chasing after her mista
Whatever he did he sure musta
Got that sista all aflusta
Mista musta hit sista  
With a brick wall busta
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
laitos hanesta kunnnussunutu mies miell, englantikirjo mina ja me tunen junan
tama esse and seisoden lyht lyppi vappaasi seinan, ja velja
Sovyit eripstyat hanesta puhutka laekke aiomme
mista olen kaynyt kahvi?
Yashiro Feb 15
Passamos uma vida, pensando o mesmo,  
Presos no tempo, num laço extremo.  
Algo que não consiste,  
naquilo que a mente insiste.  
Algo que desejariam que fosse verdade,  
mas a realidade é fria e egoísta.

Nossos próprios pensamentos individualistas,  
mas creio eu, alguém que não é nada,  
que poucos concordariam com a verdade mista.  
Preferem algo mais minimalista,  
que faz tudo parecer tão razoável,  
de que o mundo é incerto e improvável.

Que nem mesmo poderia ser notável,  
a não ser que percebesse que estivesse errado,  
mas poucos aceitam o que é amargo e delicado,  
mas não é para tal verdade ou mentira  
que meu verso será revelado.

Estou querendo dizer  
que fico olhando o céu, esperando algo acontecer,  
porque me falaram que eu deveria ver uma estrela cadente,  
e desde então todos os anos vêm sido dedicados inteiramente.

Minha vida se esgotando a cada dia,  
e pensando na estrela cadente que talvez até mim viria,  
Porém, se meu tempo tiver sido gasto errado,  
minha vida pra sempre teria parado.  
Eu viveria por algo que deveria,  
e não pelo o que eu queria.

Por isso eu desisti de toda a noite olhar,  
mas é engraçado que no final a queda dela eu vi iluminar.  
Talvez, apenas talvez, quando aquilo é destinado,  
acontecerá independente se seguir pelo caminho errado,  
Então viva como quer, porque se for pra ser, vai ser.(ou talvez não,quem disse que eu sei algo?)

— The End —