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Vampyre Kato Oct 2015
It's Time To Be Alone,
I Don't Wanna Be Alone,
Apsense It ,Feels So Cold,
I Hurt For You To Hold,
Sacred Notes In Sing In Your Special Soul
Silence , &  Pain Is All I Know
Rain On My Window,
In Case, I Don't Make It Home,
I Left A Voice Mail On Your Phone
Please Don't Ask Me If I'm Sure,
Im To ******* Sore,
It's Time Be Alone,
I Can't Take It Anymore,

Emergency ,
Emotions, Purging Me,
My Hearts Bleeding Out, Ouch I Need Surgey
The Couch Commited Burglery,
I Sit And Drowned About What's Hurting Me,
Days Fade, Embrace The Grey,
I Cry I Die In Lighting Rain,
No Drug Can Light This Pain,
It's Heavy,
My Mind Is Incredible .
But Wont Give Me No Light,
Alright Then Let Snow
My Blood Thick,

Let It Go,
I've Been Ghost,
How Am I Still Breathing,
I'm Litterally Broke Now,
I've Been Defeated,
I Broke Down,
I No Longer Wanna Fight,
I No Longer Want The **** ,
I'm Putting Down The Pipe,
Not Another Drink,
I Just Wanna Make It Through The Night,
Blade Still By The Sink,
See I'm Running Out Of Time,
All I Wanted Is Real Love,
And A Never Ending Hug,
I Chose To Be On Drugs,
That Escape Was Not Enough,
My Brain Just Thinks Of Stuff,
Emotions Feeling Wierd,
I'm From Outer Space,
So Hurt
I Hate It Here,
I Feel Out Of Place,
I Feel Insecure,
Everyday I Feel Afraid,
I Wont Make It Till Next Year,
3 Buckets For My Tears,
My Checks Have Been Periced,
Sliced By My Deeped Dwellings,
I Just Wanna Feel Okay,
My Face Cant Stop Swelling,
Brain You Better Stop It,
Telling Me I'm Over Thinking Things & I Got This,
A Second Later, Your Not An Option,
I Am Rotten, That I Will  Be Forgotten,
I Don't Want The World To Cheer Me,
Just Listen And Really  Hear Me,
I Just Want This Girl To Feel me,
Her Love Can Heal Me ,
Oath , Approach , Rituals ,
Visions Become Invisible,
I Am So Drained From Holding On To Pain,
Litterally Ima Train,
Just Moving On ,
Fulla Rust,
When I Die,
I Hope Ive Been Good Enough,
Ill Be In A Black Rose ,
Fulla Dust,
Hold On,
I Aint Weak,
See Ive Been  So Strong,
Running So Long,
Front Of My Shoes Under My Toes Gone,
Playlist Saves Me,
I Know Songs,
Sing Till My Throat Bleeds,
Life For Me,
Is A Lonely Road,
Of A Burning  Black Rose & Darkness Slithering
When I'm Alone ,
I Litterally Drowned In My Mysery
Life Is A Difficult Mystery,
I Wonder Though,
When I Go,
Who Will Years Down The Road,
Read My Notes Missing Me,
Wishing I Still Alive,
Trying To Capture How I Feel Inside,
Really How I Was Feeling Things.
I Don't Know ,
I Just Think,
When I Sit By The Distant Creek,
If Tonight I Become A Distant Being,
That Ill Be By The Ones I Love,
To Wish And Sing,
Hug Their Dreams,
Give Em Wings,
My Bones Are Stone ,
I Am Me
pat Aug 2014
distracted by the endeavor
to write poems that are clever
poems are more fun than washing dishes anyway  :p
AA May 2021
You came to stay
from the very first day

And I let you in
Cause with you, I felt peace within

You bring me happiness
when I am buried in sadness

you can make me smile anytime
as if i've made lemonade of life's lime

But my goals you inhibit
Cause you make me addicted

And I'll fight, fight and resist
to let myself taste a little bit

But once again I fail
another one you win

A process I thought I was gonna nail
but this feeling of a sin
is just going up the scale

The perfect mix of good and bad
Is litterally the best thing I've ever had

In this zone, with just you and me
I hope that none else will see

How many tablespoons I ate

Of the most delicious chocolate spread
Funny, dramatic, relateable poem.
Angel Groman Mar 2013
I can't believe that you would actually think I'm cheating on you, when I litterally dedicate my life towards you, and do everything for you!!!! You think that when I went to the movies with my FRIEND Ben was bad, how the hell do you think I felt, when I found out you were going over Alicia's house, that hurt me so bad!!! I love you and that's all that matters, and you need to see that if I didn't love you and only want you, I wouldn't have done all of the things I have done for you!!! So please baby take me back because it was just yesterday that you were promising me that you would never leave me, I need you now more than ever, and I know you need me too, so lets just get back together please, because we are meant for each other!!!! <9999999999 XOXOXOXOXOXO :)
Winds of high speed
Lift me to the sky
Vision's a blur.
My words slur
Amidst the whirl of dust.
Dirt coats my throat
i think i just saw a boat
And amoung all this madness
All this chaos
All i can think of is you
Its your birthday in two days
I ordered you flowers
And a nice little birthday card lies on my table.
And here i am about to die
i should be praying
i should be crying
But i guess i'll take
Your memory to my grave.
Its too bad
This tornado
Is going to litterally
Rip me
From you
Ever think of someone really important in a dangerous situation?
Robert Guerrero Mar 2013
It's cold outside
Fog is just rolling in
I think it's a quarter after 8
Seems like the moon
Is playing peak-a-boo in the sky
Its quite fascinating
I guess I will miss all of this
I just wrote a poem
Three pages front and back
Simply saying I was going to die
That I didn't want to end it
But I had a feel that I had too
A feeling that I was the reason
To the reoccuring temporary problem
So I have the permanent solution
And maybe this solution
Could inspire the lives of others
Maybe my death could bring peace
To a family so torn and broken
Maybe their tears will be the glue
That will forever hold them together
Or maybe they wont show
Maybe they are sick of me
I know they don't
Because they are afraid to look me in the eyes
Afraid that I'm too dark
That my whole life is meant to revolve around them
So this is just a way
For me to say goodbye
I already had 40 pills
From the 8 bottles with a prescription
For about 4 different disorders
The 2 doctors think I have
It hase only 1 name
Its ******* depression
I'm not insane
Bipolar, paranoid, or OCD
I am me and your greed is destroying me
So I'll take another 30
All at once so I can be sure I'm gone
Hope this poem
Makes you realize
That you should of listened
When I asked to hear my poems
To listen when I was ******
So I hope that guilt kills you
Litterally decays your body
From the inside out
But wait like you said
Last night when we fought
"It would be another poet dead and gone"
Well *******
I was never a poet
Just a kid trying to relieve his pain
The very pain you gave me
So adios
I'm gone
I can feel the chemicals mixing in my stomach
It hurts like hell
But I guess being free has its dues
I dont know how many poems are going to be like this so I wrote #1
Have you ever held so much of something that causes the things you wish not to see in those you love?

Have you ever held a pain that isn't even yours in some cases?

have you ever held on to it so that it doesn't slip and take out such a beautiful tragedy of those you love?

That if you slipped and allowed just an ounce of this pure and refined substance to hit the open air that it would be instantly absorbed into the psyche and physical bodies of all those around you , thus causing them to convulse in agony and gut wrenching pain?

Have you ever felt this could be even close to how you have felt before?

As if once they get the tiniest taste of their own creations and manipulations results, they would fall, so far and hard they would not see the way out of such dire deeds and sad and abusive ways and pains of the causes and causation's, the outcomes of the thrusted busted, go away's, leave me be's, the I don't care about you's, you are a fool's, you are stupid, stop annoying me's, oh here watch this one, they will break , so laugh as loud at them as you can's? can you see what I am saying?  in short all the truly horrible things we all , including me, myself and I, do, when we hurt, are confused, or some how, loose our way in this confounded maze we seem to find ourselves lost in.

Is it enough to allow them to taste the fruit of their leaves of the trees they planted on our mother womb as our father feeds them lovingly, knowing these seeds are wrong?

is it enough? would describing it be enough to cause the pin to be realized if only an imaginary trend of a friends busting the illusion for a crafted grafted second, in hopes to say, stop and look, we are all dieing if we continue this way...... but so many of us, carry these pains like a badge of **** honor, like we are singlehandedly saving the very souls of those whom we don't even know, at times, that is... when the pain and isolation isn't too much to bare, and we don't end up lashing out and creating sorry *** little seeds of trees we then drop along our mothers womb as father lovingly tends to mothers needs, as if we are johnny apple seed in the garden of plenty and abundance all like where is my coffee!!!!????? like i have been a time or two?

Would it be enough for me to change, much less you? maybe, seems we are all stuck on a revolving Russian roulette of, "you first jack, then we will see if my *** antiees up all in..." for we all seem to be in this oh so, silly Mexican stand off as illustrated by Marshall Mathers in the "*******"

Cause this silly little thing, is ME, and it is You, yet, am I holding you correctly, by saying ***** it, its me and not you? or is this **** thing on backwards and in roman numerals? cause situation is all jacked up, from the floor up if we fail to see that , I and others who are pain eaters, or, what ever you choose to call us, for we are all full, just look about you, and see all the love is flowing but some of the most daring and beautiful ones are slowy fading, falling, wasting away cause we are too **** pridful to say, **** this not today, I will not hold your ****, this is your **** you take and feel it, I am rather in the clear and am shorting myself the love I truly need to breath, but, I am such a freak and a lover of you all, that I ****** this crap back up denying you the ability to even grab your **** from me, and I horde it hide it and die in it faithfully, for I said I would and my word means everything. but, Now I find so many begging me to release it, let it be, let it go and even if fools fall the **** over dead from the shock of the shame and pain they have graced us all with but we have not had to bare, do go dropping like flies, then that is okay, as I stand shocked, appalled and *******, cause we are to save them all **** it. yeah... says who, son? is all I hear any more. says who son? who said they could make it to such a place of pleasure, leisure, construct, invention, visionary, oh, my how we are to truly shine , shine, be and play? who told you this anyway? and I stand silent, speechless, and rather dumbfounded in my lack of afraid. for they are right. ****, it,, they are right, again.. for to be able to truly and finaly bew able to grasp, grokk, totally and truly rock this truth of movement and this transmogrification of station and situtations where we oh so are to truly play and live like life truly exists, we must let go and let bare the being that was, is, and wont be there. yet here i am, still stuck in a silence of judgement pending, standing in a hall, holding up the line cause I refuse to let go of this which is holding me from the true garden and my possible real soul mate, whom ever they maybe, all because I am so affraid of feeling the lose of even the hated, and hatful of thee, ?.. and why? why are so many of those bauetigul people like me, doing this very thing? so many of us became sin eaters simply out of need, and we eat the sins of others, and eneded up, sinning ourselves, simply to deal with the burdon of the pain... what , in the world were we thinking? , well, we were thinking, what a shame, and we were thinking, why do we not know how to help or deal with all this over whelming pain, why atre we burdoned so? and why must , i let go of the only think I have ever known, eating this sin, that became my identity and my reason to be, and now you ask, me to strip myself of me, of this child laid bare for all the world to see, as I fall apart, is that what it is you wish to see? for this is what will happen when I no longer bare the sin of you and you and you, for mine have been forgiven from what I understand for laying no blame upon no man for the sin I consumed of man, and I am not alone in this endeavour or relieaf, that is if I can muster the foolish courage to let it go, and watch as you all, fall, fall, fall, of your own pains, but I say this, as I have said before, as  child I said it and thousands of times in my life, you do not have to fall so far, just except what ypou have caused and bare it and do the equal and truly triple the opposite and love, see, for me to take such a chance, such a leap of faith and risk, my falling by my creations of feeling watching you fall from your own pains, in turn causing me to fall the same, , but I say, you do not, for if as I said I do this, and risk, then you do the same and love again, as you did before you remembered how to hurt..... before you learned how to hurt inside, before you realized, you die each time the pain lives inside... for you were never a sin eater, but I can and am telling you how to digest your sins, so you don't fall, so far and possibly fail and well, bye.. you must bare you harm and except it as real and them manifest the loving and caring truth that nullifies the harm and corrosive acridness and become, alkaline a base , so base your love in truth and harmony, and resonate out of the hate and misery, for, I do understand what it is I must do, but it all truly, like I said a thousand times, depends on you, and yes there is a possibility that you could bring me to my death by focusing on never getting out, but lets not kid each other son, I will not be loosing, and why risk the guarantee of you never being with the life of us, only so you can attempt to bring me or others down? for it makes no sense, and is not of the flow and growing of life and is not abundant, so, swallow all the fear and doubt, that pain and acid that you spit out, and except it for it is the reality you created and we sin eaters swallowed and held so as to limit your harm, and many of us, did this from birth and never truly knew what we did wrong to end up with such a work load if you get my drift. but my soul is clear, on this, and wqell, I must start laying this down, and by doing so, I need not grace you with a sound or a jot or tittle, but the facts that you may or may not find life get a little different, but This is not for me to say, for it is simply close and time for me to let it all go and look for the truth as my ownn naked frozen child deep inside shivers , but, I know this, no matter the loss, no matter the cost, no matter the choices that will be chossen due to tempral placement and how limited the view is from where we are, that I will be okay, and most of my people are already across, in fact, I think I am one of the few still stupidly here, begging and causeing such a scene, but, I suppose they are right, "if you have not chossen your own ways, by now, then what makes you think anyone should wait for you to realize there is no tomorrow once we move forward.. and well, I hope to wake and each time I wake, love be closer and closer to me and this horror and this lies deciet and hate, be a none existant, reality, for me, or anyone else ready to make that change. and you still can, but, um, if time is running out on the elect, then um, maybe time is running out on you and me so, we better get this thing going, and make a stand , a choice, and eat out own **** and swaet out love and all things worth growing and knowing. for the information is a seed that is the key, if you know, then it is time to unload, that seed so it can be a tree, for spring has sprung and we are about to be leaving and blooming some **** fine leaves, and flower, ohh, so, unless you are the dead and decayed bark that we are about to shed, litterally, then it is time to become a blossom, and swallow your own deeds and devulge the information that setts so many others free, you will be saving lives, and the livfe you save might just freaking be your own. no I mean this jack. and, I love you, but I can not keep holding this, for most of it is not mine, and I soon hope to be resigned from the possition of rather high ranking in the sin eating department, "Jesus is number one there, and I am not in the tier, but you can beat me, so swallow you sin and push out the freedom and love, the truth that sets the rest of the tree free from this infestation cause we wont **** the tree, but we continue like this and the tree of life we wont see either, for we will fall away and away to never be again, make your choice, cause I have Purple Hearts to Bloom baby, and blue and white stripes on my flower, for I am a full purple blue moon, , hope to see you there, and if you hurt son, sorry, but it is time, so, take my advice and swallow and shed and do deeds that save lives and loves.  Yes I know I am slow, ven my mother said so, in the scanned images, see, poems, though he is"slow?"  yeah, thanks ma.. lol, smile, I hope I see here , she, finally free of all the harm done her and forgiven, for I forgave her long long ago, I love and respect my mother, for she gave me these bones of gold, and at 14 she did better than many, with such a prize package like me.
Candlebox-Far Behind
h ttps://
yes i just might be that high in my sin eating ways and abilities, but then again only the fool hearted care to dare all and any attempts to find you thinking and living and not seeding an evil tree, so, don't , love, live, and finally remember and be free.
If you really want me
to waste your time with my superficial sense of adventure

developed over 20 years as the
perfect formula for fun, alright.
I promise you'll see right through it.

You'll realize in a second that all we really need
is whiskey
That all these road trips
rooftops mean nothing
give us nothing.
On a regular basis I'd walk in on you cuddling reptiles that litterally can't have any compassion for you.
isn't it just like you to have
compassion for
something that

I'm not the charecature you deserve

I'm not jacked or covered in ink.
My battlescars aren't from poverty or violence, or consequences of just generally being a bad person.

My "battle scars" are all from loving too much.
I'm so naive that I think they're just as awful as anybody elses.

You won't love me.
Don't get me wrong
If you were truly interested
I'd show up wearing
a box of chocolates in my hands
and not much else.

You are a goddess.
have absolutely no reason to be looking up to me.
I am not that interesting.
It's all a game.
you've been alive long enough to know
the game is *******.

I'm flattered by your peaked interest, willing
to give you the night of your life.
Something tells me you want more than just flashy lights on blank canvas

You want stardust.
Yes, I'll look at the sky with you.
So you might find what you really want.
Times of the day that dont mean anything
cloudy a nostalgia gone too far into tears

Fog rolled into your valley tonight
I was here young like you are now

To the edge of the canyons mouth spit out
All it was is a collapsing weather pattern

I drink water only to quench my thirst for instance
litterally eat only clouds for dinner and breakfast

Who was never mine , and never ever will be
Beyond all means sent aside yourself Darling

Behind fate and whatever the universe wants
Freedom just the unknown precipice hidden

Beatrixe Fox
Lovey Jul 2015
I am wrapped in a trap.**
But no longer in the trap of sadness.
It hasn't come along to ****** me up quite yet.
I'm trapped in this trap of being close to falling in love with someone,
and being in the biggest crush in the world.
It is the first time i've become so happy that i litterally have a smile on my face for hours at a time.
I am not used to smiling.
Is it possible.
That i of all people have become truthfully happy?
I went from being sad and crying.
To being insanely happy.
Withing a matter of seconds with only one thought.
Simple thoughts of a person is making me so happy.
But me being soooooooooooooo happy is making me go crazy
Every night my mind is running around thoughts of him.
Ive become weirdly happy :P

Guess thats a plus lol.
Agnes Angelina Feb 2016
His eyes absolutely could explain all the truth more than the words can ever do.
and the way he looks at me litterally makes me feel so special*.
Claire Ellen Oct 2013
I finally find myself,
at the lowest of lows.
No litterally...
In the basement,
Sitting in the bottom of the shower.
I keep thinking about colors,
fall colors, hair colors,
I keep asking myself,
why did I change myself.
I was perfect the way I was,
and now its going to take,
a long while to get back
to how I was.
My nose ring feels fake,
My newly died hair feels fake,
and my insides are starting to turn to plastic.
Take it all back!
Take back the die, the pierce,
But that is just one thing about
Lady Time.
She cant be taken back.
She can only move forward,
even if it means,
engrossed in the thought of history i move my thoughts to yestermorrow in some crazy town under some crazy sky and I want you.  I want you hear and now like I want yesteryear... like tomorrow in the future, Cause i want to move from this distant place which is always located exactly arms length from your beautiful island of a body. Is it you or me letting emotional tide create more space between our land masses. God my ether longs to be mixed with in yours and is it just me who has felt so far away? really was it me all this time? I dont know... I dont care... But i want you. Your all i ever really think about when it comes to decision making and future planing. You are the considering factor in every single breathe i take. Litterally in bed at night, i aim my breath away from yours no matter how close we lay so that we can be comfortable. My conscious efforts are all for you and I mean it, Now want me too.
marissa jenkins Dec 2016
i'm begging Agony
to let go of me
leave me
let me be
please, i cant see
someone heal me
revive me
i'm drowning
so alone, so helpless
******, Pain, i shan't forget this
but i bet that
i'll forget that
i basically asked for this
to have to sit and reminisce
litterally begged for it
gotta have someone to miss
i had to want to be loved by
someone who was gonna leave without a goodbye
not a tear, no, he did not cry
this i know
but he had to go

im almost gone
wasting away
completely alone...
This is about the emotional pain I go through over something that happened. A lot of us have felt this way before, I'm sure.
jeanette korbel Mar 2015
Im falling in love , thats what brought me up.
It was you.
We say this place is hell , we all want to die.
Being around you just gets me high .
Im sorry i dont say what on my mind because , its all so much everytime.
Im litterally speechless when i look into your eyes. I get this feeling everythings secure and im in the arms of and angel, in hell im still alive.
Every breath you take i take it back .
Because a life living with you, has been the best.
I know your sad and you think days go to waste but, being with you makes ne love every place ,every minute,second ,a full day.
You make everything better then just okay.
You do so much for me without doing anything just like you say to me.
I dont care if gods real , this is reality.
They say only god can judge me but , im not worried.
Ill go to hell, because ive been brought to heaven by you already...

Long long ago A brilliant Doctor once existed
Growing old as we all do his soul it had blisted
Before they buried him  without any suspection
Nurses injected him testing his bodies *******

It was getting bigger all the time beyond belief
Nurses told not a single soul Placing in a bottle
During the night a young cleaner dropped it
They found in the  morning screaming full throttle

When staff arrived they found it had survived
Inspection of this laboretry the bottle on the floor
And nurses screaming madly don't stop don't stop
Smiles on faces litterally the same size as the door

All nurses sent to a mental institution and drugged
In order to hopefully have them quieten down
Filled with a very strong ****** to help them some
Orgasmicology for all of them only wore a frown

Nobody knew at all what they'd injected him with
But a miricle had taken place it all was to seem
Bigger stronger thicker glass bottles were used
Scientists worked harder could be mans dream

Even weeny scientists took home samples in hope
That they might just as well suffer some as well
Trying to wake awahile these nurse to question
But all just kept screaming not to stop  do tell

In the end it drove them around the very bend
They were all sold to Go Go places in cages
But to this very day there is no way to say
But  still adds telling secrets to all mans very rages

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
SnowingOdin7 Sep 2019
Always judged for words I never say,
Yet ones I speak run futures and measure clans plans of time.
No freebies.. then why would I live.
I worked for a reason before they took my kids. I'm the giant and I can't get a leg... What investment.. I run the head. I made him hear. I walk miles keeping him alive while you push him to fear.
I can be tolerant or I can be non existent I can leave this body for instance in a instant I can change reality as I see fit. But would you litterally give an arm for this.. I do all the time. I rock the planet and save it through my time. Silver valley home of a snake. But one with the head doesn't hate. It's one a stake that heals on a ambulance for saftey. But you prefer I'm not me and I'm you but that's the reason I came... For changing.
If you legalized all drugs. 1/3 would overdose. 1/3 would quit 1/3 would die by each other's.. and the rest are your best friends and niebors. Oh and nothing's free. But if I see you have talent.. why wouldn't I offer you job. P s if you hear its words make it famous. Let it scream to people who hear rings have a chance before it's too late to mirror it.

— The End —