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Rara Rhaux Dec 2018
-They say; I'm crazy, They say; I'm weird
 Some say's; I'm serious, Some think; I'm strict
 But don't you see, how all it goes
They're all me, my personality shifts

-Some see me like this, some see me like that
Some thought I was this, some thought i was that
 You won't know, whom you will met
 Coz I got it all, my personality shifts

-Happy and sad, i can feel it once
 In the middle of my problems, i can laught and dance
 If you think im crazy, i do not mind
 Coz my personality shifts, works just fine

-They call me this way, They call me that way
 Every one I met, gaves me so many names
 Its alright with me, if that's how they see me
 'Coz I have a plenty of personality to shift

-Silent but loud, I describe my self
 If i confused you, Its not my problem
 I don't have an attitude, please don't hate me
 I just got a personality you hardly can't handle

-My thoughts won't end, but this poem near does
 Let's start a friendship forever will last
 Not an enemy, I will hated that much
 You will be the looser, over the personality I has.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the hoard,
Of all their gifts from yesterday, they are already bored
But here they come a'shopping for they think that they need more
The hoard keeps marching on!

Geez, I'm glad I don't work retail
Geez, I'm glad I don't work retail
It would be like being in hell
I'm glad that I am home

It's boxing day at Wal-mart and the time is getting near
For people to come shopping with the ones they love so dear
By three o'clock they're fighting and their wishing for a beer
The hoard keeps marching on


The returns desk is not open and the crowd is getting mad
They're all returning presents that they got for mum and dad
They all are saying this year is the worst they've ever had
The hoard keeps marching on


The deals, they are exceptional, in fact they're really great
The things you bought for 90 bucks, today they sell for 8
If you find one that fits perfectly, you chalk it up to fate
The hoard keeps marching on.


I sit at home and laught about the people at the sales
And cringe and drink more alcohol when I think about their tales
Of how they fought the crowds off just to buy a box of nails
The hoard keeps marching on


It seems to me that Christmas now is on the twenty sixth
That the story about Jesus is no more than just a myth
My tongue is numb from drinking and I really need a kith
The hoard keeps marching on.

Glory, Glory Hallelujah
Glory, Glory Hallelujah
Glory, Glory Hallelujah
I'm glad that I stayed home!!
Jaimee Michelle Jun 2013
Dear Ex;

It seems you've perfected the art of lying
To a level I didn't think could be surpassed after my ex

It's been over a year since we first met
I wish I had seen the lies behind those hazel eyes

It's almost the month we broke up, and you moved out
And moved right into someone else's bed

Devastated I took off running, sobbing the whole time
Retracing every step we'd taken to figure out when it really ended

But, then suddenly you reappear like a ghost in the night
Haunting me to the point I just gave in so the push and pull would stop

It never stopped. Not for a very long time, and you remained oblivious to the pain you were causing me
But, yet there I was every time you called

You couldn't make up your mind and went from "just friends" to "open dating" to "i dont ******* know "
But, you can scratch out friends b/c "just friends" don't act and do the stuff we did. Nope.

And I don't care if two former lovers decide to "stay friends" They don't hangout like 6 days a week
And they don't kiss, cuddle, or sleep in each others beds..... Especially, when one had moved on

I spent my whole last summer with you, half your girlfriend and other who the hell knows
But, I was far from just your friend... It angers me how you couldn't admit it THEN or NOW

Your lies are still spreading like wild fire all over town
Yet, I am the only one getting burned. Everyone else just stands on the side lines, safe from the blaze

You're so far away from me, yet your presence feels like its right next to me
But, I can't smack an invisible feeling

You act so innocent, as if everything was written so clearly, how could I ever misunderstand??
When you're dating a girl, but you tell your ex she's the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON TO YOU in the world..... I guess it got me confused

Waking up everyday to you being in my bed
Sitting on the couch watching movies, snuggled up
I have some guy friends, and we've never cuddled, kiss, of slept in the same bed

I'm starting to feel you're just a child
A boy with no clue that his actions affect the people around him

I've been love sick over you for a year. A year!
A year wasted, devoted to someone whose real problem is, he can't be alone

My anger is blinding, I see nothing but red , and I'm ok with that
You don't deserve all the free passes you got, and when this relationship you built with a house of cards falls in every which way... Not one part of me will feel pity for you

You think you're above us, you most definitely think you're above me. Ha, you couldn't be that honest on a good day
I may have my problems, that make it difficult to be w/me, but I own them. You were offered multiple ways out, multiple times and you stayed

I can't live like this anymore
I can't live with so much emotion toward a person whose in denial about everything that happened
Whether I'm furious at you, of wasting away in my own tears... The clock is ticking and I don't want to wake up one day with an empty bed and just flooded thoughts of you

I would've done anything for you, taken a billet for you
You couldn't handle that raw emotion because, you're terrified of your own

Keep letting her control you and lead you down a path, willingly or not
Sleep next to her at night, staring at the window, wondering what the hell is missing in your life
Why rolling over and watching her sleep won't fill that void

You'll waste more time than you realize, you think you're so young, but that clock never stops ticking
And by the time you realize where your arrogance has gotten you
It'll be far to late to make the change, you should've made years before

Never again will I wait for you, listen to your hollow words, or believe those forced tears or maybe real tears....
But, my patience and sympathy has long run out for you
They'll never measure up to the amount I've cried

I'm not going to be typical and just say "I've let him go." But, my fingers uncurled, my knuckles have color in them again
My hand is fully open, the fantasy, false hope and unrealistic senerios just shatter across the floor
There's spots of blood on some of the shards from cutting me as they fell...

I laugh a laugh I've never heard myself make before
I walk across the broken glass, I don't feel a thing. I see my ****** footsteps behind me as I make my way to the door

I unlock the door, and squint as the bright, hopeful sun hits my eys, tear stained but no longer crying
Blood drips down my fingers and I feel it in between my toes
Still there is no pain

You perfected the art of lying
I perfected learning to remain alive through intense, endless at times, pain

I shut the door behind me, I don't lock it
I want you to walk in when no one answering the knocking
I want you to feel a rush of panic run through your veins as you wonder if I'm lying dead in this house somewhere, you've called my name, no response

The neighbors stare as I continue up the street, some asking if I need help
I shake my head no, with a genuine grin on my face

I've been on sitting on the other side, the borderline of where shattering glass shocks you into the real world again
I was afraid of facing the pain, of leaving this house and never having "someone like you" in my life again

I laught uncontrollably at that thought
Yours no more than a little boy, with issues he can't face, so you just harp on others

You're still standing in the shards of all the broken glass
You bend down, a picture of you and I, in shambles covered in my years and my blood, the very blood that pumps through my heart which you once had

You call out my name, it just echoes around the empty house, left in shambles that we once called home
You stare at the picture of me and you, a tear maybe slides down your cheek.. I can't be sure
You begin to move around the glass in the room calling out "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

It's beyond too late,  I'm gone with ****** footsteps behind me, and a smile on my face
I don't glance back one time, my neck feels like its be twisted like an owls
I can't imagine turning around, after finally just letting my heart shatter on the ground
I was free

You're in the living room now
Tables&chairs; flipped over, torn love letters all over the floor, along with ripped up pictures of you and I
Suddenly you feel an ache in your chest

But, you've mastered the art of lying, you cried wolf too many times
I mastered the art of living in pain for so long,
With each step a piece of glass falls from my foot

And my ****** footprints fade away with every passing step further away from you

I mastered the art of leaving you, when you needed me most....
While you still scream out desperately "I'm sorry!"

Soon you'll master the art of what it's like to spend the rest of your life living in guilt
And wanting a person who you forgot about so long ago
And now, I'm slowing mastering the art of forgetting you
Anonymous Jul 2010
My heart is beating, but i am not alive.
Being alive is but a mere memory to me.

I cry, I feel pain, I hate no longer.
I laught, I feel joy, I love no longer.

For you cannot have one, without the other.
I am a corps, waisting through life.
Only existing.

I long to have these feelings back.
without these i am not human.
When i dream, I am alive.
I see him, I see us.

We live together till we're old.
We die together, everythings by his side.

But its too late for that now,
too late for me.
And so I go on, long after I should.

When I wake, I come crashing back to reality,
and so sleep, is the only place i can live...

With the stars as my witnesses,
I shall enter eternal sleep.
Once again, a love wrecked life shall  
end the easy way out.

'o happy dagger ! this thy sheath,
there rust, and let me die.'
'o happy dagger ! this thy sheath,
there rust, and let me die.' is from romeo an juliet.... (contstuctive critism... welcome)
Ken Pepiton Dec 2018
Bang the drum slowly

There was a rhythm, an echo
Everything, after to day has been leavend
by Iain McGilchrist I heard him speak on Youtube.
We can learn forever, I think he agrees. We live to learn.
I've lived a bit longer.

When the teacher is ready the student appears
in arrears
twisted from duty by dereliction

do you understand, stand under, any

one thing word god idea and that's it truth?
I do.
What idea do you stand under?
Seek and ye, meaning me, shall find.
seek a place where you believe that is known
make that place your home,
make that place
make that
effectual, fervent axing fells the forest for the trees

if you please, brief turing-inspired tests of ideas
re-presenting old good ideas
rusted through disuse

for possible recyclings through a level of minecraft.
the wargames are
rewarding, post-war on terror.
After age 27, winning alone is not enough,
even the gang, the fam, the team
all the weese we ever was

We aint. I am

needing meaning like air

oh my god, a worship song I heard that
You are the air I breathe

do we, the we of you and me believe air is good?

we do, I knew. Good, 'ts'at mean? Air is meaning?

all one after the morph into alone
I am the way or there is no way

that could be the story but for you,

I-Thou Philosophy, I bow to thee,

en passant on pointe

Ministry of truth Prognosticator Hagee he say
Hell? Yes, he say Hell yest'here is a hell for all

who fail to escape it. I say
One way or another,

you escape one hell,
paying nothing more than proper attention
to detail (did we define duty),

you know how, do it as needed,
friends help but
eventually, something like a father must judge me

good. That is the whole duty. Or else nothing,
eventually right,
live a life that brings honor,
he who troubles his own house

inherits the wind,
you heard he said I came to divide?

Split the flow with a contrail of ice
cutting through the clouds
a jet plane don’t know if
any thing of the sort was ever seen

before my generation.
slice the current into paisleys bubbles reaching away
from the point whence most heat meats least resistance
boiling begins
bubbles emerge and pop.

as old as sin
yada, the chorus sings, all the little milk sops sing

yada yada yada and mock the need

to know, you know? More,

after all's been said and done why goes on,

she waves, Cliché crashes to my frontal lobe from lizard brain
Dive in
follow wisdom flowing past
our di er rama drama direct ******* of re ality ify ing

Did that work? That's maybe
as good as praying, effective

Judge you, I judge me. Can I live with your
following the flow I followed

ob right ob vious not en vious

if the clouds and rain were what water wishes to be,
first some tears must add specialsalt to the sea,
earth salt, from mudmen,
then salt ***** water from
the mud after the flood
when the mammoth
died, (Thank him, for his bones)

then grandpa tells another lie and we laugh
and he weeps

it only hurts, when I laught, he winks,

She pushes and the story takes 'is father's breath,
his first alone, all one, all the air in the world
flowing in to fill the need pressing listing
need need need to breathe
lusting listing and
a new whirl in the world
with all the wind an heir may need
someday, from one bubble to another

in one breath.
One beat of the walking drum,
Meaning, the search for reason and rhythm, skipping it seems, the old man declares is a necessary mode at some point in every upright walker's life.
Not so fairytale ending
Laught it up mummy dear
You'll be happy for the sending
It's finally all come clear

My light is no longer pending
The drop turned out to be sheer
Only how do i start the mending
I've got so much to fear
I stalked you again .
Don't ask me why i did that .
It's just that i wanted to know how you were doing .
Because im right here ,
Still not doing very well .
And im sorry for reading every posts ,
And have my own thoughts to it .
Your life is no longer a dedication for me ,
I get that . Alot .
Your smile is not mine anymore ,
I know .
It belong to her now .
And i heard that ,
She's hurting you .
I know im supossed to be happy ,
Because you finally felt what i used to felt .
But i don't ,

Maybe because i love you too much and too deep ,
So much that it's hurting to see you hurted .
It's like the pain is back-stabbing me .

I know i should be laughing or tell my friends ,
Then laught at you .
But i just don't feel like to ,
Maybe because you're too perfect to me.

Undeniably too perfect to be hurted .
Im sorry .
So much , because i couldn't save you from her .

It's not that i didn't try ,
You're the one who gave up .
If you don't , you won't be hurting dear .
Maybe Never .

Im sorry .
I wonder ,
Why do i say sorry so much
For something that i didn't do ?
And for something that you deserve .
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
There was a garden full of butterflies
They we're buzzing around
From flower to flower
It seemed everything was fine

But one butterfly didn't had a nice parental house
The parents often didn't say nice things to it
"You are Not good enough"
But also didn't do other nice stuff

In the school the Others laught about it
And started calling it names
The teachers only looked away
Also when it Changed her colors to Grey

The butterfly tried to be perfect
And wanted at least controll one thing
It wanted to controll it's body
So it lost a bit to much weight

While the others ate and ate
It sat in front of it's full plate
And in her head it praid
"Sorry for not beeing perfect"

The body started to shiver
'Cause it felt cold
Even when the sun was shining
That put it a nother crises

The butterfly's body started to change
It started to get problems with it's skin
But also with it wings
In it body everything started to sting

The day came where it was having a nap
A storm came up
And took the butterfly with it
And it was never seen again
Élodie BLT Jul 2014
Love is wonderfull.
Love is painfull.
Love is strange.
Love blind you.
Love is rare.
Love is everywhere .
Love makes you forget.
Love makes you forgive.
Love makes you smile and laught
Love makes you cry.
Love is true.
Love is fake.
Love is you.
Why do you allways sing?
I asked half asleep and watching as he shined polished or cleaned
some mechanical car part I did not reconize
or really care about,
I mostley focosed on the tone of  his voeis as he slerd the words to
turn the page
he looked up at me with only his blue eye
why do I sing? Why, does it bother you?
I did know what to say becuz I did not know if it botherd me
so I just pushed it off with a fake smile
so what was with you yesterday?
I rolled my eyes, I did not want to talk about this or anything...
But he did not stop
huh? Did I do something wrong?
I laught and for a minute it felth like it might be a natural feeling
but he did not do anything wrong he can't if he tryd
and now I know his singing does not bother me
it brings me to life....
Allmost all of my poems are for him...
Storm Raven Aug 2015
I want to fall in love.
And want someone to return that love.
I want someone to love.
Someone who will be my light.
In this world of dark thoughts.
Someone who will be there.
Someone who will smile at me and laught with me.
I want to fall in love with someone and I want this person to return my love.
So we can both be happy,
Ibk Santos Feb 2016
I kinda miss you,
Are you really happy?
I miss your smell..
Are you really happy?
The way you call me with that special name, i miss everything about you.

Do you still see me as your friend?
Do you ever wish that you could still hug me?
Do you still imagine our laught?
Do you ever miss me?
Sara Ackermann Jul 2011
Watching my life go by,
I wonder why nothing happens.
The world spins and people rush.
I wonder why
they don't slow down,
or enjoy the moment.

The sun shines bright,
and the flowers bloom.
Trees are green and
I just laugh.

All I want to do is stop somebody,
show them how to enjoy life
to smell the fresh spring air,
to see the beauty of it all.
I know that they'll see someday
that there's nothing that can ruin it.

They just be happy and laught
till they cry and dance for joy.
Then we'll hug eachother
and fall in love.

We'll go around and change the world
making it a happier place
We'll end the wars and then we'll
run through fields of grass.
And my legs will be shaking.
and her arms will be trembling
but we both have smiles in our eyes.
We met my sophomore year
This I shall never regret,
It started when we ran across that field
With you on my back,
Laughed we did as we chortled with joy
Everyone laught....... We did not care

My feelings grew for you
Our bond grew close,
We became best friends
Friends forever I still hope,
My love grew stronger,
As the year grew longer,
I helped you up when you were down
Decided not you did to push me around,
I carried you to class
In my arms as you wept,
I wiped your tears,
This I'll never forget,

Then one day you met a girl,
You chose her over me
That day you destroyed my world
Loved you more than a brother I did
My love lasted longer than you would have known
Yet she took you from me
For this I was heartbroke.........

I told you off,
Hurt you I did,
Please know I didn't mean to say
All that was said.......
And please know Jeremy I'm sorry for what I'd done
Will you find it in your heart to forgive me
My rising sun......
This is an apology poem I wrote for the boy I love :(
Elena Martinescu May 2014
Darling Dear,
   are the words I want to hear
Come my love,
   Are the words I yearn to notice
Hold me, Hug me, Kiss me,
    Laught with me, Join Me
      these are the words my heart longs to be called

Something Sweet

Something Hidden

Something Free

Something *Love
Kaley Dec 2016
Im a random person in this mysterious world,
I dont know my number, nor do i care..

I create stuff an write for my own enjoyment,
only to show you the things that I say
an the thoughts in my day...

Yes, I write stuff to...
make you laugh
make you cry
make you think,
make you study...

but dont take the things i say so deeply to heart
that it ruins you day an makes you fall apart...

There's a fine line, yes all of the above is true to a certaint extent
i dont literally want you to cry becuse your depressed or sad just
to make you think an know of the things in this world...

I want you to think about life, have an oppinion or value...

I want you to laught becuse somethings funny,
i want you to cry if it means allot to you,
I want you to think about everything,
study what life has to present to you!!!

Im random, yes, its true...
I will write what i feel,
what i know,
what i come up with...
even ifs its of no value or dosent make sence!

Thank you for reading!
Kimberly Weber Dec 2014
Dying love
Just too weak
Too far away to remember
I prayed these momories wouldn't fade

Sounds like this sacrafice
Was just a long goodbye
You've tried before
To dissapear

Wrong hands take control of the sweet life
We carried from our
Terrible cradle

You uunderstood the harmony
That exists between us
Mistaken and everlasting
What a majestic trick

Doctors slipping in desperatoin,
Trying to recapture the lives they lost
To limitless disaster

This sinful fee
Isn't worth your hopeless greif
It is no justification
For your imperfections
Let go of your trampled worth
And broken pride
Cannot be saved like
You beleive

Friends barely embrace
I am sorry for your lonely passion
Begging for a kiss

Shame kisses your thoughts
God's will shinging through
The world in a way you never wante

Enjoy the day
Isn't it lovely?
Think of the time we played in the dirt,
How we laught at our game
As the world softly crashed on our innocent character
And plunged us into a bitter nightmare
Not worth waking up to false bliss
In this growing distance between our stares.
I had a list of words and let my mind wander. this isn't supposed to make sense.  It is just babble
Ken Pepiton Oct 2023
Okay did this, twice, so next time I know, its ok.
Principle thing, not a best contention,
not a we gotta save reality rehash, BTDT they say
-we came in search of the initial once…

and stories started sprouting, we were
in a fluent truth seeker attracting attention,
inadvertently kenning a certain point.
only first thing ever in time, before time, once…

Lead us away from fools who lead to war…
lead us into
thought pearls, after the memorized prayer,
from my child mind kept alive, laughing,
yet the blame and shame for silence
is thouroughly roughed up
with penitent repetitions,
rote remutterings
mostly never thought through, with why
or how, 'm I supposed to know we have… you know

"Our Father"
Pater Noster, where might a tribal lad learn
the sacred knowledge needed to discern
good from evil, or right from wrong?
Each bit discerned
is not the same each time
in every way shape and form
discerned usefullness or uselessness,
from  symbolic halls of justice polished floors
leading to for profit prisons, good folk need,
all the social planners forsee guards made
from sons of same **** who'd be good guards,
generally good for something, and useless
otherwise, make fine maintenance staff,
keep the bar scenes looking local,
make us all think that's real life,
one bit per hour, on an eight bit dollar.
---------- steady, aim from a prone pose…

The soldier of the hidden pain, sups
his secret vow,
to be of one mind
in matters of the heart, tied
with all minds granted sapien status,
from birth
into a covenant
of traditional rights
and wrongs, complete
with corrective lenses,
close your eyes. Dare. Imagine.
As it is in heaven.
Which is where the spirit known to Jesus as God,
by all the Torah names authorized in public discourse, is, that is,
lives… being
as a man thinks in his heart, so is he
He Lives… within my heart, operatically
thinking BG, joke noise, top forty '68,
the falsetto
in toto repento, ayiiiiiee started a joke…

and where all our will is of no consequence,
in the course of human events, we live
and learn, if ever is a moment, now is when we notice.

Look out any window,
ask if you see more than your TV?

No, contest, tv wins. So somebody knows,
no need for me to be involved beyond this point.

Simplicity enough, peace
in serene acknowledgement,
the sorting algorithms shake
and shuffle all our potential nextifity.

It is only you and me, we comprise
the agreeing parts that make up our mind.
We've made no compromise.
{in case you misread our intentions}
prize each instant outside a door.

We live after the traditional teachers, tell us
all of the teachers now are teaching old news.

Spells sufficient to alter an individuated soul's
course through the grown up world as it was
by a boom
of kids my age, all made immune to many plagues, as no babes before in history,
our reasoning capability, altered
by mandated universal literacy.

Followed with machine graded
achievement testing annually,
sorting kind with kind, readers
with readers, learners with learned,

let me explain the process,
for this once
you survive
a war with nuclear weapons, you're smart
you got tempted, by the flesh, far from home,
guilt of the altar boy be upon you, and also
on thee, amen, amenable to reconscription,
rescript, attention deficit, sit it out,
from on high, from outer space…
certain, formed selves,
former selves as well.
Makers up of minds and pluralities of merest
wishes, whatifery a practiced specialty,
wait for free,
pay attention to see the demo. That'd be….
easy if you see your part and play it well.

No and yes.
Thing not thing, nothing, a word, a thing
this one thing, this thought held in this word,
each word eventually individuates, and means

at the tipping point, all it means, at once.

And all the people beneath the steeple,
clap one handedly and whisper amen.

Am Big U Is Us, we be the happy fools.


Many results from **** experiments survived.
I learned some history from those people.

If I lie about my faith, if
I say I asked and accepted this use of words
as real as any answer, if
I say I know I have the forgiven mind,
I say I know I have let go my will,
thine be done, I say to truth, make me free.

Who am I ? to say nay,
I am not free, but bound
by my oaths upon my own word,
no oath's more binding
on the soul than those sworn to yourself?

- I cawed the question intrusivethought
- Mark…up there horsehoe canyon meander,
- making peace a real time essential.

You do love you, you trust you, you must not lie
to yourself, first interpretation, know yourself,
to your own self, first person lovable you, be true.

Or be the brunt of all the fool's jokes.

It just so happens,
have you never heard it said?
It just so happens,
just like that redone forgotten dance
that I was thinking about you,
but yourself was unaware.

With myself, for an instance,
love was a given defined action,
not an act, but an action, a doing
being done, done once it continues

something like life,
if you know
you know, nobody knows everything
that the minds used
by mankind pursue
as happiness,
the ultimate state, heaven,
or, heavenly
on earth as we imagine it
must be, there,
outside the green lit temple
and all the gaudy gold and great cristal baths.

Stop there, think with me, letter by letter,
ejecting conjunctions with lost time generations,
the ghosts of the first to be officially analyzed,
in throaty Tuvan moan WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE
- mono tone Ai am positive
tinkly Jiminy Cricket, merest of conscious advisors to us,
still small, the trusted advisor's voice is always right,

It says yes, this is the way, leading away from temptation.

Breaking the fourth wall, we all look out
and ask the other minds, who ever imagined, not asking
not asking
to not be led into temptation. Event hue-risktical query… right?
Lead on, tempt me, thy will be done, I take no respossibility.

Whose invention was the conscious guide for children,
the mark (?) serpentwisdom on the dot.
it is a mechanism,
a construction
from life parts, a Large Language
Modeled mind, fed
but a taste of **** and Jane,
but enough to know,

the exposure to language was not the same
in all white people's childhood reality, with cousins and uncles
and aunts, who were older and responsible for the littles, who had
an experience common to the species,
after gaining bipedal locomotion and bowel control,
- for kids like me and
- plant grandmother's granddaughter
We'ld hear, with full attention on

go out side and play with the big kids, as was normal.
That, was normal then.

So now, first hat,
be first to know… as mental maker minds may
beguiled be and become aware, and laugh in joy.
Among the first grunts and sylabbic inflections, ever,
at base logos concept. Goodgleegladly crazy as that.
Spiritual truth containment spell, do tell. Child laught.
In a word. Go to the t, in time left behind ime
I am.
In the beginning of mindtimespace, at once big, init-itial
continuant material coexistence,
balancing time and chance.
The drummer calls the dance…

fit the fullness of the godhead ******
into a kid, and let him pick
his dreams using the head gear he chooses,
this is a real preschoo' child'smind preparing
to sleep routine, I imagined,
I think I was three, and the baby Peggy
who I never knew, was dead, a now noted absence,
but then there was a servant offering me dream machines,
the hat I wore to bed would set the genre for my dreams,
and I picked the spherical space helm, it came with a shield.
- trippy autobiomode triggered, I think, by Feynman.
- then I hear the **** crow thrice, I waited, another crow
- so no significance, he crows still, his singing soon stops.

Silence, soon fills with magic humms from distance, not time
spent imagining the worth, of a late autumn,
huey light bending into reds, now it's dars, some hums the same
I have found, a door into a then when I played in my mind.
I am in my right mind.
I have this cached in the collective.
I lived in a house behind the Mohave County Courthouse,
the backdoors to justice, were right across the street,
where the lawn was clover and bermuda, and children played there
on non workdays… the tendency
to think in movie sense,
thought to thought, holding hands,
we both know what that means, then both know we don't

but life, looked back at,
can be seen from where you stand or sit, stood, now
360 horizonal, the circumference, the carry path around the axel,
lever, wedge and wheel…
energy conversion to time in mind,
witty inventions, mind to mind along a wire, plain coloquentcies.
Minding my manners,
methinking beguiling a fine how do you do.
Present arms, no harm done.
It is charming to feel that look.
Command line mechanical procedural habits,
call it carriage return
hard or soft, hard, double spacing rules
from childhood, linger here
logic commands apt intention to ponder
wasted space makes no never mind,
any edit app can insert sense
since we
the users were imagined, selected
from the children,
from the downwinders families
in Mohave County,
as participants in the program parents accepted
guaranteed universally accepted credentials,
at the moment angel judging becomes credible.

First I drew a cowboy boot, and they marveled.
Ah, the program, my folks must have pulled some
real Koyaanisqatsi
coincidental exposure to all skin tones,
make each feel special, let them know Radar Hill,

is the only place in town where a black man,
was employed, by the Strategic Air Command,
and he lived on my street, yes,
I only just now drew this memory from an unconsciousness,
whether in the brain or the mind, I cannot say I know.

But I know where it ends, and that makes it all pretty funny.

He slips into auto-bio mode, self causal
re-de vi fo fm am 2 restive, crochet, plait,
breathe retake the
adventure in the collected unconsciousness of me,
by my arrogance and cognition, acting as if in
reflections of me,
in my grand mother's eye, down the line,
as far as
true will out, and eventually land us here.

For an instance, using the measure of the recipient.
For an ever, using the mind in a word formed
per formal
occassional fallings off the log,
daydreaming as readily relatable, mote
at balance beam, perhaps an old bull routine,
landing with upwaved curved wrists,
fingers frozen in grace rising pose.
-nice non intrusive
Myrna Loy, find her statue in Venice,
and imagine her joy at being recognized
in 1989… hers was a deep beauty, memorable.

As an epigraph a mad conscientist might suffer to be so,
you know, we may imagine being Martians, or monstors,
thinking things,
we, on the whole,
by now, know how to read, or use
reading tools, we find our minds align with others,
presented to us as creative writers, one might thinkgno-w
we were fed the canon of civilization, a bit at a time.
Some parts we gulped like dogs,
Some parts we nibbled like cats, but we were fed.

History and archeo-knowing is growing as apex human
spread pours over the last curve
in sight, all we have
are points of light,
and if this were night and not day
we could say these points were stars,
consider this,
an enjoyable idea,
a little trip you can use, sidereally,

starlight wise, and logical progressions
after agreeing
to step past simple
into polished floor sublimnity,
in our collected nonconscious idle thoughts abused,
as we speak
in fashionable phrazes that become
command line conscience
in 5-G appliances atuning
to your tastes
in puzzles and teasers and loss leaders, tools in use,
tech knowledge,
and eth-knowledge, used
to effect a balance. Dead stop, still.

Did you get all that? Kinda funny. I think now, I did, too.
Free press share if you would, it might make a thing think
You came to my life quietly, simply
And the world stood, still
I could not say a word
Even a simple gesture showed
Yes I wanted you to know I care
But I'm afraid, afraid that you will laught at me
So the feeling was kept in my heart
And deny the love within me
But we're slowly moving apart
All the distance you kept hurt me so much
Shall I tell that I need you so?
And if I don't? How will you ever know?
K603 Oct 2015
I loved him,
Broke him to love you.
Loved you,
You broke me, to love her.
She didn't love you.

Now I've let him fix me.
You are broke, because,
I no longer laught cry smile frown
For you.
You should have thought of me first as I thought of you first.  And it's okay you didn't, but don't be an upset **** cuz he picked up something great you no longer wanted.  It still hurts to see you, but I'm happy an that's what you told me to be when you left. Be happy.  I'm sorry.  Good bye.
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
last nights date was fullof colors the red wine staining every snoby watreses white shirt
funny how it only takes our little prank to laugh all rest off the night with our sperits high and our thoughts open. we didnt even get in the door till around 2:00 god knows what. we tryed to be quiet but our laughs can quiet last nights date idk what really happened when i just woke up next to my date half way hung over my mind drew a blank. what did happen cause our room is a mess. my hair is mess and my clothes smell like a horrifying. idk where i was last night just the message i read. we went out on a date witch turned in to hellish pranks that waitor i triped making him get covered in food and the horrable thing that makes you laught so hard you cry

what the hell happened on last nights date
no clue
There's still more to come
wallow in the macrame to places, faces &
years ago
there's a pull or a tug at the heart to light the flame
sheer desire why does on equate logic for a tower of power
the serendipitous way you call the shots many years ago
aside from the impulse of the hidden heart,
mix words through a slight of hand
features, creatures & moving pictures

breath deep
stand still & repeat
faces, spaces & traces,
we will walk the miracle mile
through dolphin fin a newer way to begin
look deep within my faithful friend
there's a portal the meets the sun have a bit of fun
the iglow and the ***
life is but a mystery
come and sit next to me
falling apart at the seams

the ambiance as we look in the finest art of sophistication
may need a break on a long awaited vacation
the tongue is forever sparkling like oil
we all must go before the toss
I'm at a loss
a pull of the heart to light the eternal spark to where we need to go
bust up the beat to promote its tempo
that was sold out years ago
straddling the fences

like Led Zepplin we are almost second guessing,
the beat necks and sound effects through the noose
like a Motley Crue what are we to do
why do we worry always in a hurry trying to change the story why should i worry
through faint of heart want a brand new start
I just threw up in my mouth so I blame, ***** & pout
what is this life all about ?
Words can lift up and bring down
Don't ever wear your head down in a frown
sugar is sweet so sweet like honey
I want to be the man who brings home the money

Signs to the left of me jokers to the right
some say I'm living in my land of make believe but who are they
careesed by the kiss of a hero's mist
the impulse of the love dazzled from heaven above
wipe away my smile infuse for laught quit the chatter get another batter
there's another Cherrios in places you ought to go but that was years ago
inflate the common ego
shattered, misguided & trampled
like Gorky Park I'm lightning a brand new part of my tender heart
guide to the never world or have you ever heard
it gets deeper as a stranger giving cadence to adventure

why should we worry the earth is our friend we can cling on a distant song
take everything out of you for a distant rescue I'm still on que
fast as lighting I'm always smiling try not hiding away from my problems
trapped within a faithful friend in which to begin all over again
look to the horizon over the other side of the mountain as a magic fountain
give creed to the hallow deed look into the abyss for your heavenly wish with a kiss
locked beneath the earth do swell in a thought out living hell
shadows block the mere vortex to a smile still to know all the great while
like Michael Jackson it's all black & white
Never relent to ever give up on the fight
you can dream big with the pen with whom you can depend
life is what you make it so stop trying to fake it make no mistake with
there's still more to come
Callamasttia Nov 2023
Not all men,
Don't paint them with the same brush.
There are good fellas out there,
They're just hidden in the hush.

Not all men,
Don't be harsh and snap.
You're hurting their feelings,
By saying that.

Not all men
Just all your male classmates,
With different ages, incomes and background.
You think they're all the same cloth, but they're just clout
Real men are out there; you just have to be alert to find out

Not all men
Well, maybe your work colleagues
But just because they get carried in their jokes
Doesn't mean the nice guys have to pay for it

Not all men
Just your brother, cousins and uncles
Are the perfect stereotype of what they claim not to be
Maybe you just have to open your heart and see what they want you to see

Not all men
Remember that nice guy you met?
He was so charming and polite
So what that with his group friends he's the first to make a  offensive little Joke and get everybody to crack ?

Not all men
What about you lovely lover?
He doesn't want to be with you when it gets too hard
But he's so nice, isn't he? You should be more grateful for the lad!

Not all men
Didn't you have a dad?
He screamed and horrorofied you
Just thinking about your own good so
Why do you treat him so bad?

Not all men
Your classmate is so smart!
He can talk about books and life
Is it such a big deal he told you these words
As a heartfelt friend advice?

Not all men
You're just too boring!
Can't take a ******* joke
And then think they're all terrible

So what if he's married and has a baby girl
Yet still watching **** in class and talk about
Getting underage girls?

So what if he has a younger sister
And talk with our classmates about
Wich one he's going to let be the lucky guy
That will make it in their house to take her at night?

Not all men
Stop being dramatic!
Boys will be boys
What's the catastrophe?

Not all men,
You just have to find the right one,
Who will tell you that boys are just like that,
And aren't intending to harm anyone.

He doesn't even think about how my heart sinks
When I talk about all these things
And I get back that I'm such a drama queen
Bacause that's just how people are
A laught doesn't turn them mean

Not all men
But how am I gonna trust a men
That joke at every woman they know
And act defenseless when the misogyny it's shown

Not all men,
I guess I want to believe it,
And that's why my heart aches so much,
Because always when I think I've found the right one,
The right friend, the right love

All men,
Not leaving one out at all,
Have proven me wrong so far,
And it hurts deeply,
Because I want to believe  it.
Not all men,
But all I've met so far.
Judithju Nov 2020
I have nothing to prove.

In thier eyes I see mockery because they laught at me
They are so confident in thier thoughts toward me.
To them I will always be small and the least.

I know this
I know what they think of me,
I still stand my ground
and I say to myself
I have nothing to prove to them.

I hear them whisper, who does she think she is?
I see the eye roll, as though I am nothing
They constantly belittle me and make me small.

But still I have nothing to prove,

atleast not to them.

To prove something to them will mean that I have believed thier lies.

if I have believed thier lies
then I have nothing to prove to them
but everything to prove to myself.

So yeah, maybe I do have something to prove.
SoAverage Feb 2021
The stars sparkle and a shine in the dark void of  the universe

Writing love letters to one another to remind them that they will never be alone

Reaching for one another
True love seems so distant to me
Is the universe mocking me
Making a joke of me
Something to be laught at

Am I not worthy of love
Nature has the rain to remind it that the clouds form together a partnership to give it a reason to love this misarable life that does more damage  than good to it

Than why does dark clouds  float over  me raining  questions upon questions

Who am I to hold the answers to this pain

The one thing I want so bad  is not good to me

Associated with loneliness as if my heart has found a new relationship with lonesome  days

Don't I deserve to be a reason whatever it may be to be someone's one and only

Only  to realise  that I'm all alone, sad and without love
Ken Pepiton Mar 2020
We shall buy and sell and get gain

seeking fame and fortune, we say we shall go
to some high
mountain, far away, and ask a boon

from the rich man hiding for his hoping heś right,
building bigger barns or take the usury...

I wonder, which did he choose, he
who saw no Jesus
in me, but then heard joy is my strength

and had second thoughts, but
one more test,
beyond do you believe in God, big g, yes,

he axes me
do you think
you are saved, I laught. He invites me to his retreat.

Least said, soonest mended, but no

not me,
I say. Yes. And I take my answer, from the sage,
what he said next,
at the end of that quest

he says there are two ways to promote

--- I say stop, I got the idea virus, from the source
--- I can use your money, but not for
--- fame, only fortune.

Because aitia makes me, Ai ai ai,
I do
know chapter and verse, psalm 75:6-7

But, Least said, won that round, and my experiment
in defining the Pauline admonition after
the full and empty idea,
the one about
exercising oneself in godliness, goes on.
Ah, the burden of not caring what a rich man thinks.
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
I wonder throught the Forrest
I'm a big mighty wolf
But I don't feel so mighty
I don't want to be like the pack of wolfes

They taught me how to hunt
I don't like it
But have to do it
Have to show, that I'm the mighty wolf

If I don't hunt
Then I'm the hunted
They tell me "You have to provide for the family"
But thats not me

I would like to be the one, who raises the children
But that is not my task
The others would laught at me and chase me away
So I play the mighty wolf

But inside I'm the lonly wolf
The wolf, that doesn't fit to the pack
So I left the pack
Looking for a Pack where I can be myself

— The End —