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Before there was anything that mattered everything that would ever be existed , it was the essence of totality , it was without dimensional constriction or necessitated form .  Optimistically speaking time had no relative realism to it’s progression because realistically nothing had happened yet .  As it continued it became according to it’s innate inflections as a functionally integrable form .  The questionably understandable nature of it’s conjunction was an omnipotent directive beyond necessitated action or morphological construction .  The enigmatic consciousness of it’s relatively interrelated conception was spontaneous and yet it continued without elemental omniscience.  

As the relative complexity of it’s interrelations evolved dimensional consistence was born.  Humanly understandable laws of physical integration governed many facets of it’s conjunction yet the totality of it’s ramification was beyond humanly realistic conjecture .  

The organic morphology of biological ontogeny was a conceptually reflective derivative of functional physical mechanics yet it’s diversity exceeded it’s physical complexity , understanding evolved .  Relatively extraneous interpolations of adhesively practical extremity succeeded in a hierarchy of functionally integrable forms .

Retrospectively speaking pragmatic practicality is a humanly rational possibility .  Rational logic can conceive of individually totalitarian structural forms , yet the implosive nature of their rational cohesiveness becomes a practical partiality due to the diversity of their definitive impetus .

Perhaps the essence of our being is the logical counterpart for the matrix of our subjectively conclusive social fragmentation , or perhaps we are evolutionally incapable of cumulatively rational correlation.  Problematic diversity could be perfectible on an individually infinite level or contrarily perhaps ubiquitous causality is the ultimate survivor.  

In any case it is beyond our subjugatively rational cohesive coercion to intercede en masse on our own behalf as an integrated unit. Our conceptual abilities have been thwarted by the unmitigatably individual nature of our extraneous conclusiveness .
Before there was anything that mattered everything that would ever be existed , it was the essence of totality , it was without dimensional constriction or necessitated form .  Optimistically speaking time had no relative realism to it’s progression because realistically nothing had happened yet .  As it continued it became according to it’s innate inflections as a functionally integrable form .  The questionably understandable nature of it’s conjunction was an omnipotent directive beyond necessitated action or morphological construction .  The enigmatic consciousness of it’s relatively interrelated conception was spontaneous and yet it continued without elemental omniscience .
As the relative complexity of it’s interrelations evolved dimensional consistence was born.  Humanly understandable laws of physical integration governed many facets of it’s conjunction yet the totality of it’s ramification was beyond humanly realistic conjecture .  
The organic morphology of biological ontogeny was a conceptually reflective derivative of functional physical mechanics yet it’s diversity exceeded it’s physical complexity , understanding evolved .  Relatively extraneous interpolations of adhesively practical extremity succeeded in a hierarchy of functionally integrable forms .
Retrospectively speaking pragmatic practicality is a humanly rational possibility .  Rational logic can conceive of individually totalitarian structural forms , yet the implosive nature of their rational cohesiveness becomes a practical partiality due to the diversity of their definitive impetus .
Perhaps the essence of our being is the logical counterpart for the matrix of our subjectively conclusive social fragmentation , or perhaps we are evolutionally incapable of cumulatively rational correlation .  Problematic diversity could be perfectible on an individually infinite level or contrarily perhaps ubiquitous causality is the ultimate survivor .  
In any case it is beyond our subjugatively rational cohesive coercion to intercede en masse on our own behalf as an integrated unit. Our conceptual abilities have been thwarted by the unmitigatably individual nature of our extraneous conclusiveness .
Babu kandula Jul 2014
Love comes with heart
Heart comes with trust
Interrelated to each other
Everything has connection
With other things
Looks simple
But there bonding
Is strong like a covalent bond
softcomponent Oct 2013
I will clamor atop mountains and fire flares from Everest to contest the interrelated anonymity of can'ts and don't's and wasted places with covered spaces taken by sadists with nothing left but the trace of a face; have-not's become robots in the mist of my nicotine blood-clot, distraught because it's all a ******* weak-spot

if you hit hard enough.

if you spit far enough.

if you write like it might make a difference and not just a scuff on the new polished hood of a ******* Mercedes Benz..

who are you again?

- - -

I tackled my trousers like they were Bowser in Mario, I'm still looking for my own impresario.. go on, try and call me another Joe Blow and I'll know that you meant to say I'm on a quest to Joe Blow your mind.
as far as I'm aware we're both just as blind so whatever I find in my mind is a sign of the times I confine to finite from infinity; I'm looking to have Salinger-like salinity. **** masculinity, it's all femininity, and within divinity you'll find me in vicinity.. scared, frightened, lost to evil affinity with zilch for priority.

I'm aimless. Goalless and faceless a ghoul who wishes to fill his void with school.. but the rule is disillusioned, imprisoned and moving, and written on loose-leaf like life.

I'm worth the hype.

but I'm not your type, I'm your type-face and font, san-serif you flaunt, and look at us now, it's just blood on our hands.. our names written out in childlike comic sans. we wanted, we waned, we haunted, we craned

our necks

to look past the deck

saw islands as specs

in the distance.

this whole life is persistence, and some hallow insistence that I am much more than industrial pistons.. so listen

you wanted this, and I wanted that.. I'm not so pretty with eyelashes to bat, so instead I still sit and I sat.. past tense and all that, but the grammar is last in my mind as I tap on the keyboard.

"Sing Free Bird!" screams the crowd. "Be a Free Bird!" I vowed

to myself.. on a shelf, eyes wide open and melting the matter that makes up this tattered trash called reality; but in all actuality I'm actually insane. plain as a bagel washed-off in the rain.. and just as soggy.

just as groggy. just a hot-key for those who forgot me ( and they're all free... now).  

I wipe the sweat off my brow as I cow-tow to the ouch in my bones, a lack of texts to my phone as I read Buddhist koans while my stomach moans like the fall of the Roman Empire. my entire life is on fire.. or was. now it's just moldy, just old bread with a fuzz.. so I tossed it again and forgot about zen because it's irrelevant, not a 10 out of 10, I can name off the labels, samsara, nirvana, brahmanic, the Lama.. but somehow I'm just as empowered to cower.. to tower above like a camera angle provided by angels who dangle on quantum entanglement.  

I strangle myself in profundity, it's no fun to be me.. sometimes. but what do I see when I turn out the light? I can't tell you, but I know that it's mine.

and I'm fine. as long as it's mine, I'm fine. I'll find my right rhymes as finite time slithers by. I'll find my right rhymes by the day that I die. and we'll all sigh in relief..

*** then I'll finally be the thief to steal your attention with words such as these:
go on, try and call me another Joe Blow and I'll know that you meant to say I'm on a quest to Joe Blow your mind. as far as I'm aware we're both just as blind so whatever I find in my mind is a sign of the times I confine to finite from infinity; I'm looking to have Salinger-like salinity. **** masculinity, it's all femininity, and within divinity you'll find me in vicinity.. head spinning in constant affinity.

how long to live through the next thought
to have a brief encounter with time
an impossible time of intolerable anguish
where embarking upon a sentence
is a violent wrench from perceived notions
of reality, one that causes nerves
to flay upon my body with weal's of words
where vatic poetry is wrought in trembling rages
spilling, dripping upon the traumatised
parchment that is my pages
in de-congealing interrelated drops of image
that crack the pavements
in a visual vibrancy of taut creative tension
where these words keep their own company
and speak in interrogative tongues
causing a fragmentation of earthquake fissures
to radiate across my mind in a cataclysm
of universal poison that quiets and dissolves stability
and asks, no demands of me, what can you see?
NitaAnn Aug 2014
Hope is an oddity to me.  It is a double-edged sword.  Just enough keeps one going.  Too much can leave one in despair.

Throughout my life I have struggled to sustain a suitable balance between hope and despair.  The two seem to be interrelated for me.

There were days, even moments, where I had hope that my life would improve.  I saw a way out, I found someone who seemed to care for me, I made it through an entire night unharmed...  These things gave me hope.  I was hopeful.

Then there were other days, even moments, where I was filled with despair. My hope was lost.  My heart was sick.  There was no way out, everywhere I turned I was met with hatred or disbelief, I was torn apart at night only to be met with "nothing happened" in the morning...  These things destroyed my hope.  I was hopeless.

My inner struggle between hope and despair kept me alive.  I firmly believe this.  This same struggle keeps me alive, even today.  Too many times I have thought that there was no way out so I surrendered myself to dying.  But over and over hope has surfaced.  

So I fought.  Sometimes I fought against hope.  Sometimes I fought for it.  It was a sickening cycle.  Some days, even now, it is with a sick heart that I press forward.

Today it is with a sick heart that I write.  The enormity of my past is weighing down upon me.  Normalcy seems to be nothing more than a fleeting hope. One step forward, two steps back.  Hope and then despair.  My head is screaming once again.  It seems that everyone want their say.  Everyone wants to be heard.  I am one and they are many.  Today is a day where I am screaming at them to shut the **** up yet no one hears me.  They drown me out and I feel powerless.

Today he is in every corner, no matter where I turn.  He is smiling, licking his lips, and he is laughing at me.  I tell myself that things are different now; things are better.  He laughs harder.  Despair is setting in and I am feeling myself surrender while keeping one eye slightly open on the off chance that hope is in another corner that I just can't see yet.

Today is despair with a sick heart.  Perhaps tomorrow is hope paired with desire.  One can always hope...
Eclipsing Moon Oct 2011
Chapter Three

Déjà vu- poem by Muse

My life, sometimes I ponder,

God.....did he fashion my hands and skin from another?

Am I just a recovered tired vessel,

refurbished lung and breath, reassembled, to be something fragile?

My fears and defects I feel are not my own,

borrowed and rented maybe, from someone once known.

Your voice just a proverbial song.

It feels ancient, but like an undercurrent, it carries me along.

My story perhaps is a plagiarism of you,

a reincarnation of what I might answer, and what I might do.

With every deliberate ill-mannered step,

someone before me, has already passed, lingered, and slept.

My soul, has it lived before?

It seems to be the same narrow path, but a different revolving door.

Seeking answers in restorative dreams,

this body, however temporary, is not what it seems.

My thumbprint a reminder of her,

your girlish vision, a familiar relic, with a haunting blur.

Is this a case of refuted Deja vu?

Or just maybe, she's a vicarious spirit, that has been there too.

I.... felt as If  I was dropped into the middle of the park like a tornado touched down and regurgitated my entirety into the dirt.

Siting and looking around I thought to recover my senses from the last years worth of experiences and the seemingly odd and recurring ???types of things. A kind of Déjà vu of someone elses life.They must have been a mystic because they seemed to see…I seemed to see…as thru a proverbial glass darkly.

I found that peoples thoughts and memories were easily seen and felt in their presence and that their entire life histories were… Mine ..just for the looking or rather thinking of the thought to trigger their inner most secrets. The intricacies of their lives and the interrelated woven tapestry of their Dharmas and Karmas were unfolded to my mind and knowings as one continuous scroll of life.

Invigorating and compelling to be part and parcel to the workings of Life , but confusing and tiring keeping up and interacting as a vocation.I was supposed to be a Home Design specialist with a hobby of -White Lite WICCA….Hobby of the weekend I chuckled to myself.

Well ,now I was fully awake and centered again ..and as I rose from my place in the dirt I noticed I had been sitting as was far too familiar as of late and pondering the strangeness of my life…in the middle of a strange place , not remembering how I got there or why. Well so much the bother ,I was here now and I believe my calendar says I have , oh yes an appointment I’m late for already. Up I get and brushing myself off,I head out in the direction for my Meeting with a small company of Artists decorating their loft and space for exhibiting their recent works. Clover- Wolf was the odd name of their business.

Well maybe a quick design idea there…wolfs head over a four leaf clover…hmm well maybe not, Lame at best.

prev chapter

© 2011 Eclipsing Moon-blood red
If one considers the tesseract  as a worm hole that gets stronger as it traverses the distance traveled time spent to become the clairaudience clairvoyance of astral projection’s existential extremity……..I mean like what is the nature of  exigence exodus’s exponentially extemporaneous.  I mean given that  infinite possibility is the nature of omnipresence’s omniscience and we are but a refractively reflective embodiment  of its integrable form’s extant:   the residual harmonic vibrations of kinetic supremacy’s trajectory.  
So I ask again “Is intellectual sentience the catalyst for the evolution of God?”  Perhaps if we all practice zoomorphic zoolatry on the social contiguities of demagoguery the vicarious recalcitrance of its objectified manifest's dimensional delineations will raise us all to new heights of enigmatism.  
 But no, we are but relatively extraneous interpolations of adhesively practical extremity.  We’re not capable of transmuting  our environment with the imbue in the exude of our emote, despite the concoctions we xenobiotic prosthesis.  We are incapable of interceding en masse on our own behalf as an integrated unit.  We don’t amount to the seven five six-y on it to eight.  We are more the four-ness of three given the two-y-ness of one.  The 3D macro of the fecundity of micro’s induction's fertility.  

I submit:  
“Before there was anything that mattered everything that would ever be existed , it was the essence of totality , it was without dimensional constriction or necessitated form .  Optimistically speaking time had no relative realism to its progression because realistically nothing had happened yet .  As it continued it became according to its innate inflections as a functionally integrable form .  The questionably understandable nature of its conjunction was an omnipotent directive beyond necessitated action or morphological construction .  The enigmatic consciousness of its relatively interrelated conception was spontaneous and yet it continued without elemental omniscience.”  


“As the relative complexity of its interrelations evolved dimensional consistence was born.  Humanly understandable laws of physical integration governed many facets of its conjunction yet the totality of its ramification was beyond humanly realistic conjecture .”


Given the theory of ultimate entropy and the probable cyclic nature of existence……and given that there probably was no beginning so therefore an eternity has already passed, ”I have a theory: This spatiotemporal fecundity, this creationism occurs at such an imperceptible rate that positive eons of quadrillions of ages must pass in order for the cosmos to replenish its stockpile of physical matter (possibly matter without atomic structure as we know it) so that a new cycle of infinite big bangs in infinite space can occur.”

       Yes, it seems that basic gravity has extent on the extremity.  Huge sections of it slowly implode until the compression causes a singularity, or so it would seem.  Who knows, perhaps some of these big bangs have different periodic tables than ours.  I mean why would they all be the same, given that infinite possibility is the nature of omnipresence’s ubiquity.  
I like to think I cerebral cortex ****** matrix resemble but there’s a vast difference between relative rationality and rational relativity.  Noumenal sentience’s semantic regalia is incorporeity ideology’s platonic proxy incarnate for after all what is the nature of problematic prosthesis to mystic symbiotics?  
Protractive analyses of dimensional delineation are in order.  The basic fecundity of spatiotemporal telemetry’s virility had an exogamy with the infinite vastness and the inky blackness.  It’s some pretty inimitable stuff, trajectory extant and all.  
So, back to the tesseract perhaps the creativities of imagination’s immaturities are teleportational  translucence to transcendency  verve.  Then again perhaps we are corporeally preternatural finites and adjunctly  juxtapositional is beyond our metaphysical mystique………I like to think not!!!  Tesseract.
Orthogenesis overtures to ornithology horse feathers! !  Retrospectively retroactive!  The ultimate universally inapplicable weather yankee tools to mule kit blue deally romp's resembla blur.  The Martian Warlord's universally acceptable id conclusion on the enigma's entity.
Strength of my heart depends
on softness of your love
Strength of your love depends
on softness of my heart
Will it work out
At the end of the day?
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Choose your destiny, but your destination has already been prepared
you have only to follow the light of truth, with no cause to be scared
mercy is given to the merciful, and only in the land of the living
after returning to your heavenly abode, there is no longer forgiving

Know that the place to mend is here, and the time to achieve is now
passing into the world of souls, correction they will no longer allow
our personality traits are in need of repair, we must dig very deep below
if we fail to improve the error of our ways, forever will we remain low

Three things, jealousy, lust and honor remove us from this world
struggles of the body and duties of the soul, to us has this been hurled
we do not have the choice to desist from exerting our efforts, this is a must
heavenly eyes are watching, whether we will choose wisely and learn to trust

Encountering life’s trials and tribulations, mitigating circumstances they will weigh
what is required of us is to withstand, but for the right results we must surely pray
like in human affairs, judge your neighbor favorably is the correct way to go
becoming entangled in the net of gossip and slander, from them does sin flow

This world is the place where we are expected to toil, that is why we were created
at the end of this journey, we will finally see just how everything was interrelated
a person’s face in the image of G-d was he created, and yet we embarrass him so
his face turns red as he wishes himself dead, we have murdered him we must know

Those that lower themselves in this world, in the next they will be raised up high
everything is revealed, and for all the good you’ve done forgiveness you can rely
He neither sleeps not slumbers, throughout our lives G-d does patiently await
our shortcomings are no secret, despite our mistakes His love will never abate

The day is short and the work is great, consider your obligations the hour is late
how important it is to take stock, our destiny is ours and we control our own fate
suffice it to say when all else has passed, one thing alone remains to be said
look forward to what you acquired, eternal happiness, for you alone lies ahead
Spiritual Truth unbound by physical constraints, above and beyond human limitations.
Matt Jan 2015
The world is a system of interrelated components
None of which can survive without each other
Just as in the case with bees and flowers

They arise mutually
Mutual arising
Things go together in a connected net

The whole conception of nature
Is a self regulating mechanism
It has a totality
It all goes together
This totality is the Tao

The more you allow things in your surroundings to take place
The more order you will have
Tearani C Jul 2012
He said
I don’t understand
I’m so simple,
Your complicated
To you everything crosses over
All of it is interrelated.
I am into linear thinking
After this happens
This is created.
Keep lines from touching
Situations separated.
He takes a step forward
Foot hitting hot pavement
Pointing to squares of the sidewalk,
Ones split down the middle
The other shattered
An asymmetrical lace
Like pattern.
And what he really said
Was simply
“this ones you and this ones me”
But that’s what he wanted me to see.
And I saw all the situations
I had thought the exact same thing
And how to him this conversation
Probably seemed like random conversation
Without a place or destination,
He’s probably wondering
Why it would leave me sad,
Smiling and laughing because I cant explain
All the things the sidewalk means,
Describe the point where
Every crack happens to meet.
And I don’t think a single thing leads to
Any other single thing.
And to me that seems...... complicated.
this poem is inspired by real life events, my boyfriend will remember this moment in our lives. something about it urged me to try and capture it.
Before there was anything that mattered everything that would ever be existed , it was the essence of totality , it was without dimensional constriction or necessitated form .  Optimistically speaking time had no relative realism to its progression because realistically nothing had happened yet .  As it continued it became according to its innate inflections as a functionally integrable form .  The questionably understandable nature of its conjunction was an omnipotent directive beyond necessitated action or morphological construction .  The enigmatic consciousness of its relatively interrelated conception was spontaneous and yet it continued without elemental omniscience .

As the relative complexity of its interrelations evolved dimensional consistence was born.  Humanly understandable laws of physical integration governed many facets of its conjunction yet the totality of its ramification was beyond humanly realistic conjecture .  

The organic morphology of biological ontogeny was a conceptually reflective derivative of functional physical mechanics yet its diversity exceeded its physical complexity , understanding evolved .  Relatively extraneous interpolations of adhesively practical extremity succeeded in a hierarchy of functionally integrable forms .

Retrospectively speaking pragmatic practicality is a humanly rational possibility .  Rational logic can conceive of individually totalitarian structural forms , yet the implosive nature of their rational cohesiveness becomes a practical partiality due to the diversity of their definitive impetus .

Perhaps the essence of our being is the logical counterpart for the matrix of our subjectively conclusive social fragmentation , or perhaps we are evolutionally incapable of cumulatively rational correlation.  Problematic diversity could be perfectible on an individually infinite level or contrarily perhaps ubiquitous causality is the ultimate survivor .  

In any case it is beyond our subjugatively rational cohesive coercion to intercede en masse on our own behalf as an integrated unit. Our conceptual abilities have been thwarted by the unmitigatably individual nature of our extraneous conclusiveness .
Àŧùl Dec 2016
Why should I live this coming moment now?
What difference would my presence make??
Will this world be gifted anything by me???

There might be a big alibis to my situation.
They will all have their conniving reasons..
Those are just manifestations interrelated...
My HP Poem #1344
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Oct 2014
I love you.

Please don't ever feel bad on me telling you to concentrate on your studies.

After having lived a life full of challenging and trying circumstances I now know what's important in life.

While studies and career are two interrelated entities that finally yield worldly pleasure for a person, being worldly happy is also important for a human being to be happy spiritually.

I would again say that I love you.

I see in you my own image, and I don't want you to make the same mistakes as I did.

I was just like you when I was your age; I hope that I don't sound like a real parent while I try to give you directions putting your best foot forward in your professional life. I was just like you and I don't want you to make the same mistakes as I made.

Focus on your career first while it is not too late already.
Your Full-time Lover

My HP Poem #677
©Atul Kaushal
Babu kandula Apr 2015
Didn't I told you Love is a pain

The pain gives birth to Love

They are interrelated

Love is neither created
Nor destroyed

It only transfers to another
At the beginning it's only us
When we get kids
Everything changes
Love will transfer to them

Like a money transfer occurs in the bank

Love is neither created
Nor destroyed
It only transfers to others
Some on a straight path while others are a taking a more fortuitous route. Some are on a grand adventure and some just along for the ride. Most wonder what waits for us at the end, is there something beyond this life? What will it be like? Would we see loved ones again, the ones who have gone on before? I am just one of the many, many souls who have glimpsed the other side. For some it is but a mere matter of seconds. For yet others the time was indeterminate. For me the experience was indefinite. Not indefinite as in having no definition but indefinite as having no basis in what we know as time. Meaning - directly so as to not be confusing - I was not there for seven minutes in what we call earth time. To me it was as if I was --- hold onto your hat --- there upwards of a thousand years. Indeed to me time was indefinite. I do not want to go into the specific details of the story surrounding my death. I’ll just say that there was a lot going on in my life. More than I believed that I could bear. I decided that I would end my life. How was I to know that it was at this point in my life, this life that I believed would be ending – it was to be only my beginning.

This is my story. Do with it as you will…

At first it sounded like there were two freight trains at opposite ends of my hearing coming straight at me as if they were going to collide into me. I cannot begin to tell you how loud it was. The sound was not only deafening but in the sound it carried with it or brought with it the most bone shaking vibrations that you can imagine. The sound was literally drawing me into it. And then just as abruptly as the sound started it stopped. But I did not stop. For what seemed like minutes – I could see my father and a policeman struggling to help me.  The immediate sensation was that I was floating about twenty feet in the air. The thought – more the idea – hit me that this was impossible because I was in my residence – in the garage. There would be no way that I could be twenty feet in the air and be watching what was going on below me because I would have been above the roof line of my garage. But that was my perception.  The policeman was frantically calling for an ambulance as he was compressing my chest. I could see that my lips were blue and I had a pool of blood around my head. The body, my body, was – it was me and I knew it was me but at the instant that I realized that it was me I felt - relieved. Weightless, void of impediments, free. I felt a strange sense of detachment, as if what was going on below me was somehow unimportant, secondary.  The policeman then started breathing into my mouth and when he rose for a breath he was telling my father to do chest compressions. His voice was echoed, urgent but echoed. He was yelling, “He’s not breathing.”  I could hear my father saying “Oh my God, oh my God don’t let my son die, don’t let him die like this.” Somehow I realized that my father was thinking this and not actually saying this. The commotion had stirred my neighbor to come and he was standing in the doorway to the garage.  I could hear his thinking too though I will not divulge his thoughts because he later asked me not to. I watched this scene for what seemed like a minute when the garage seemed to fill with light. I looked up above me and I could see what I perceived to be the source of the light. At first it looked like a pinhole in the sky. The hole was slowly getting larger. The objects in front of the light – like trees and even the sky seemed to become distorted like whenever you look through a lense – a magnifying glass lense. The light was like a mother of pearl in color – pure - with streaks of blue emanating from it in straight lines that had both depth and resonance (sound). As it continued to get larger the blue streaks would revolve around turning into green and then gold, it was very bright. It wasn’t like looking at the light of the sun which can be hard to do and uncomfortable. The freight train sound started again and it felt as if the sound was coming from inside of the light. I felt myself being pulled upwards towards it. The noise seemed to pass through me as I passed through the opening of light which felt too small for me. The buzzing of the freight train noise morphed into a whishing sound as I entered the opening with a Doppler like effect as I passed through it. As if the train sound was moving away from me. The sensation was like speeding up through a tunnel at incredible speed. Up isn’t the right word. The tunnel wasn’t straight up but it was on an incline. Just as I was – adjusting to the changes I had just witnessed, I could feel the presence of others but I could not see them at first. Ahead was some sort of barrier or dividing line. As I flew through the barrier I realized it wasn’t a barrier at all. It was simply one of those blue beams I mentioned before.  Silver and golden shapes began to form around me as I looked around. At first they were just swirls of light but they soon took a human like form. There were hundreds of them all around me. All of them seemed to be whispering like a crowd in a theater waiting for the movie to start. During this whispered conversation I noticed that I had stopped moving. Three shapes came forward from the crowd. As they came nearer they took a clearer shape but they still seemed to be out of focus or maybe it was just my vision trying to adjust, I wasn’t sure. They were tall and slender wearing bright white flowing robes.

They all had long hair, shoulder length; golden in color and the one in front had a beard. The one with the beard spoke to me in a beautifully calming voice that was neither deep and foreboding or high pitched or intimidating, “You are not supposed to be here yet, you know what you agreed to, you must go back.”

At the instant that he finished the last syllable I could see my eldest child, now in her late teens and my eight year old son.  I felt sadness as I expressed that I didn’t want to go back by simply shaking my head no. I asked, “Do I not belong here either?” They seemed amused by my question.

The bearded one said, “You must go back, you have work to finish, we will send you back soon.”

The crowd seemed to move in closer. As I looked around I saw familiar faces. Friends, family, even known enemies from my life and …. Others. Most of whom I could not directly correlate any known memory of or from where or when I had known them.  But some of them I somehow innately knew that I had known them for a very long time. Visions of these known ones began flashing into my memories, past times, good times, experiences that I had somehow forgotten.  I could feel a connectedness and continuity to all of this and to all of these – beings. A sense of order and purpose that spanned all time. I looked back to the three people directly in front of me and then back to the others, some of which were moving closer to me – these people were timeless and somehow I knew it. As if they were ancient yet still so very integral to this experience. I do not know how I knew that but I knew that they were always there to watch over me. I felt like I was one of their children somehow sprung from each one of them and then the realization came over me that of all those around me, even the ones still farther away from me had also sprung from these three. Maybe sprung isn’t the right word. Connected … as if somehow the three were or could have been the source. I felt nothing like judgement from them. I felt only the deepest love and concern for me – and not any concern for anything that I had ever done or anything that I had ever said. In that moment I understood what unconditional love really meant.

I asked the one with the beard, “Is this heaven?” to which he smiled and replied.

“It can be.” This startled me and he knew it so he continued, “Is that what you want? It can be hell as well – if that is what you want.”

More confused than ever I was trying to fathom the meaning. “So I get to choose?” I asked.

“You always get to choose no matter where you find yourself,” he replied and then continued, “For we are all co-creators, we create our reality.”
“Where is God, I don’t see him?” I asked. The crowd was obviously amused by my question but the three in front of me only smiled.

“How can you see that which you yourself are a part of?” the bearded one asked me. “We are all expressions of God. When you see through your own eyes you see through the eyes of God, God experiences reality through your eyes and your experiences. When you speak to God you speak to yourself for it is you who is the container of God that which he is – is also you. There is only one. There is no division or separation. There never has been and there never will be any separation.  Your eye is no more or no less a part of God than it is a part of you. For without him you would have no eye. So if you have an eye, it must also belong to him. Anything that seems to exist separate from him is simply an illusion. The light that is in us and surrounds us here is God just as the light that surrounds you and is in you now is also God. It is the source of all and is given freely to all. All begin here and return to here. It is the starting point for all journeys.”

My next question sounded odd to even me but I asked it anyway, “When I come back here, can I stay?”

“You may but you always choose not to, you love your lessons,” was the reply I was given.

  This went on for what seemed like an eternity. I asked hundreds if not thousands of questions. Sometimes someone from my past would step from the crowd; they would step forward to help me understand the answers. I would recognize the ones that stepped forward and just by their presence the answer that I was given made more sense. Some of the questions are of a personal nature and I would rather not discuss them in this format.  Some of them I am not supposed to talk about yet. Someday maybe I’ll write a book about it all. I was told that I would remember this entire event and that remembering would be my choice.

  Let me try to answer your questions ahead of time.

I know that I existed outside of my body.

My awareness and acuteness was definitely at a higher state of realization during this event. My mental capabilities were much more focused but in ways that are different in life. My thought processes seemed to be greatly faster having many thoughts occur all at once. I also had feelings during the process that felt like I was in more than one place at one time. My senses were incredibly more vivid. I felt like I could see three hundred and sixty degrees around me all at once.  There was no need to turn or move to “see” something. People seemed to be smeared when they moved as if part of themselves trailed behind. Sounds like voices came from what I can only describe as in my head as opposed to coming from outside of myself. This did not alarm me – as a matter of fact it felt more normal than how we perceive sound here.

Yes I was shown or I showed myself everything about my life. The whole group shared in my experience. I wasn’t forced to do anything. I was pleased to be able to share. I could feel and see everything that I had ever done and said and could feel the effects that my actions and words had had on others. Think of it like this. What you say to your child or grandchild today can affect your great, great, great, great, great grandchild and on down the line. And so it is true of all of your other actions and interactions with all living and nonliving parts of creation. We do leave our mark. In any event I felt united with the world and with all of my experiences.  But the experiences that I shared and was shown by what I’d call “revision” were not just about this life. It was also about past lives and lives yet to be experienced.

Each moment seemed to be non-distinct as if the moment existed in the past and in the future at the same time. My thoughts were coming to me incredibly fast. Time did not speed up or slow down but everything seemed to happen all at once. I’m not sure that there is any correlation to time as we know it here verses time there.  Time seemed to stop or lost all meaning.  Time seemed to be more expansive than it is linear. As if time is nothing but a rubber band around events and not a measurement from point A to point B. As in - here it takes us ten minutes to get from here to there or some other amount of time. There I seemed to exist at all points of every reference point instantaneously so there was no need for any measurement between any reference points.

My religion before the experience was that I was raised Southern Baptist. I was saved and baptized in the church and had later moved over to being a Methodist. I no longer attend church and no longer proclaim any religion.  God is not interested in the past and it serves very little purpose in trying to hang onto the past other than to learn and remember the lessons attained in the past. What is important is that we continue to grow and not get mired down in the dogma of the past.

Everything is connected. Some elements of the experience are difficult to express in words. Not until you experience them will you understand what I mean. I sincerely hope that I am one in your crowd sharing in your experience and look forward to you being in my crowd, should you expire before me. It was real. I have fully remembered the experience just like any other past experience. I dream often of this event. Each time I feel rejuvenated and reawakened into the reality of it all. I look forward to returning.

Yes there were family members and loved ones that had gone on before. As they shared in my experiences I too shared in theirs.  I could see how our lives interrelated. One of whom was my grandfather. In his sharing I was made aware of him having molested his daughter, my father’s sister, my aunt when she was young. I could feel his remorse for his actions and how they had affected my aunt. I knew that a time would be given to me upon my return that I would have the chance to privately tell my aunt of my grandfather’s remorse.  I told her what I had experienced when she came to visit me in the hospital and was in recovery. She cried and stated that she had never told anyone. Today we share a special bond.

The return to this life was much like the exit. I floated away from the crowd and back through the portal. Again there were many in the tunnel with me. I never felt alone. As I crossed out of the portal the horrible train noise happened again. I awoke with the train noise just beginning to go into that Doppler Effect again as I opened my eyes. At first my vision was blurry much like it was when I came before the crowd. I could feel that I had something on my face and that air was being forced into me. I now know that it was one of those clear plastic bottles like devices where the EMT tech can press the sides of the bottle to breathe for you. The EMT tech was a beautiful girl. When I opened my eyes she said something to the effect that I had a pulse. I was in a lot of pain and I surely must have been moaning. While she breathed for me with her one hand she held my hand with her other. She said that I was going to be fine and that I would make it. Then she said “Welcome Back.”

There will be those who will want to know about the three beings that were directly in front of me. The bearded one let me know that his name was Jmmanuel and he made it clear that it was spelled with a J and not an I like Immanuel.  He let me know who he was to most of us. He also made it known to me that in his life he was never known as the name that he is known by us today. He also let me know that while I could use his name that I was not to give any other detail about him other than what I could see. He said this was important that those that are awakened by my experience – you must search for the truth yourself. So I’ll leave you now to your own experiences. I hope that in some way you’ve gained some peace from mine.

Oh, you’ll also want to know what it was that was my task and what I am here to do. My friend you’ve just witnessed what I was sent here to do………

Welcome Back.
Clarissa Clark Dec 2010
A mind in conflict
with his spirit
will find judgement,
The human spirit
exudes the ultimate power
in the stillness of thought.
A spirit
that cannot discern
between a man from a woman;
a white from a black;
a christian from a jew;
a child from an adult.
The spirit of mankind
is the same breath
within us all.
Intensity of being the spirit
is the only difference.

A spirit
that contains strength,
and deftness.
An essence
that can beam through
the windows of our soul
and inspire
with even the faintest glow.
A spirit
that is fully experienced
as a youth;
boundless and ecstatic,
allowing the world
to be the teacher.
Even as a dark cloud
of misery and torment
invade upon the child,
shall the tender age
be optimistic:
living out the human essence.
Only until
confusion and pain
catch up to the learned action
of mind chatter,
will the growing heart
turn cold.

this spirit
still dwells within.
Even as rage and hatred
poison the body
and earth,
the human spirit
still lingers underneath
the layers of unconsciousness.
With the magnitude
of the spirit's power
still intact,
this entity
will sometimes break
through the mind
and into the heart.
A sense of immediate presence
that astonishes the being,
if only to entrance
for but a moment.
In those moments
of acute stillness,
a perverted human
finds peace.
A bliss so deep,
and so vast,
this state of being
surpasses any written language;
a happiness
that surpasses
any emotion
that could be felt
in the pleasures
of society.

To sense your essence
is one aspect,
but to sense the essence
of others
and the universe
is a completely different state.
A state that bounds you
to the impermanence of life.
A wholeness
that is realized;
an interrelated connection
between the influence
of your own action
and the entire universe.
And this essence
is within us all!

We can choose
to live the essence,
or to impugn it's presence.
And many have denied,
not because they disbelieve,
but because they fear
the power they could posses,
the power of the human spirit.
Many tremble
at the thought of responsibility;
at the thought of control
over their own life.
those who think
about the power
of the human essence,
is missing the reality
of what is.
They are missing
the presence
of that power,
that arises
when thought is still.

The human spirit
cannot be grasped
by the intellectual mind,
but only felt.
And in those who feel
their underlying spirit
is a joyfulness
that rivals
with the jubilance of a child.
And those people
are the envy
of the ones who suppress
their inner essence.
what they have yet to realize,
is that they posses
such a solace already.
They merely need to embrace
their human spirit.

For this spirit
is the state of being;
a spirit
that knows no boundaries,
who knows
of no right or wrong.
A spirit
that cannot,
and does not discriminate
a man from a woman;
a white from a black;
a christian from a jew;
a child from an adult;
one life from another,
for all lives are precious.

A spirit that can cease
the inner wars,
and bring about
an eternal peace.
If the inner wars
still wage,
the outer wars
will too.
Bringing harmony
to the strife
of unconsciousness within,
will bring harmony
to the unconsciousness without.
and live
your human spirit,
for the peace
that is your essence,
will bring amity
and union
to ourselves
and to the world.

The spirit of mankind
is the same breath
within us all.
Don't fear your power,
embrace it.
- From Poems of the Earth, Love, and Truth.
Before there was anything that mattered everything that would ever be existed , it was the essence of totality , it was without dimensional constriction or necessitated form .  Optimistically speaking time had no relative realism to it’s progression because realistically nothing had happened yet .  As it continued it became according to it’s innate inflections as a functionally integrable form .  The questionably understandable nature of it’s conjunction was an omnipotent directive beyond necessitated action or morphological construction .  The enigmatic consciousness of it’s relatively interrelated conception was spontaneous and yet it continued without elemental omniscience.  

As the relative complexity of it’s interrelations evolved dimensional consistence was born.  Humanly understandable laws of physical integration governed many facets of it’s conjunction yet the totality of it’s ramification was beyond humanly realistic conjecture .  

The organic morphology of biological ontogeny was a conceptually reflective derivative of functional physical mechanics yet it’s diversity exceeded it’s physical complexity , understanding evolved .  Relatively extraneous interpolations of adhesively practical extremity succeeded in a hierarchy of functionally integrable forms .

Retrospectively speaking pragmatic practicality is a humanly rational possibility .  Rational logic can conceive of individually totalitarian structural forms , yet the implosive nature of their rational cohesiveness becomes a practical partiality due to the diversity of their definitive impetus .

Perhaps the essence of our being is the logical counterpart for the matrix of our subjectively conclusive social fragmentation , or perhaps we are evolutionally incapable of cumulatively rational correlation.  Problematic diversity could be perfectible on an individually infinite level or contrarily perhaps ubiquitous causality is the ultimate survivor.  

In any case it is beyond our subjugatively rational cohesive coercion to intercede en masse on our own behalf as an integrated unit. Our conceptual abilities have been thwarted by the immitigably individual nature of our extraneous conclusiveness .
If one considers the tesseract  as a worm hole that gets stronger as it traverses the distance traveled time spent to become the clairaudience clairvoyance of astral projection’s existential extremity……..I mean like what is the nature of  exigence exodus’s exponentially extemporaneous.  I mean given that  infinite possibility is the nature of omnipresence’s omniscience and we are but a refractively reflective embodiment  of its integrable form’s extant:   the residual harmonic vibrations of kinetic supremacy’s trajectory.  
So I ask again “Is intellectual sentience the catalyst for the evolution of God?”  Perhaps if we all practice zoomorphic zoolatry on the social contiguities of demagoguery the vicarious recalcitrance of its objectified manifest's dimensional delineations will raise us all to new heights of enigmatism.  
But no, we are but relatively extraneous interpolations of adhesively practical extremity.  We’re not capable of transmuting  our environment with the imbue in the exude of our emote, despite the concoctions we xenobiotic prosthesis.  We are incapable of interceding en masse on our own behalf as an integrated unit.  We don’t amount to the seven five six-y on it to eight.  We are more the four-ness of three given the two-y-ness of one.  The 3D macro of the fecundity of micro’s induction's fertilities.

I submit:  
“Before there was anything that mattered everything that would ever be existed , it was the essence of totality , it was without dimensional constriction or necessitated form .  Optimistically speaking time had no relative realism to its progression because realistically nothing had happened yet .  As it continued it became according to its innate inflections as a functionally integrable form .  The questionably understandable nature of its conjunction was an omnipotent directive beyond necessitated action or morphological construction .  The enigmatic consciousness of its relatively interrelated conception was spontaneous and yet it continued without elemental omniscience.”  


“As the relative complexity of its interrelations evolved dimensional consistence was born.  Humanly understandable laws of physical integration governed many facets of its conjunction yet the totality of its ramification was beyond humanly realistic conjecture .”


Given the theory of ultimate entropy and the probable cyclic nature of existence……and given that there probably was no beginning so therefore an eternity has already passed, ”I have a theory: This spatiotemporal fecundity, this creationism occurs at such an imperceptible rate that positive eons of quadrillions of ages must pass in order for the cosmos to replenish its stockpile of physical matter (possibly matter without atomic structure as we know it) so that a new cycle of infinite big bangs in infinite space can occur.”

       Yes, it seems that basic gravity has extent on the extremity.  Huge sections of it slowly implode until the compression causes a singularity, or so it would seem.  Who knows, perhaps some of these big bangs have different periodic tables than ours.  I mean why would they all be the same, given that infinite possibility is the nature of omnipresence’s ubiquity.  
I like to think I cerebral cortex ****** matrix resemble but there’s a vast difference between relative rationality and rational relativity.  Noumenal sentience’s semantic regalia is incorporeity ideology’s platonic proxy incarnate for after all what is the nature of problematic prosthesis to mystic symbiotics?  
Protractive analyses of dimensional delineation are in order.  The basic fecundity of spatiotemporal telemetry’s virility had an exogamy with the infinite vastness and the inky blackness.  It’s some pretty inimitable stuff, trajectory extant and all.  
So, back to the tesseract perhaps the creativities of imagination’s immaturities are teleportational  translucence to transcendency  verve.  Then again perhaps we are corporeally preternatural finites and adjunctly  juxtapositional is beyond our metaphysical mystique………I like to think not!!!  Tesseract.
The Martian warlord's universally acceptable id conclusion on the enigma entity.
My name is a lie May 2015
what we crave,
to be Interrelated.
to feel Belonging,
through no fault of our own.            
to find our niche,
a place to be at Peace.
The premises on which I stand
Principals erected in sand

Morality found
Innocence bound

Institution unknown for every government of so called truth overthrown

My matter of thoughts my dwellings
Interrelated elements form structures


Appurtenance of the parapets
Encroachments overhanging

A scholars insatiable appetite

Alterations of semblance known

Provisions no longer

Bob B Oct 2016
Experience the moment.
Breathe it in.
Watch it. Observe it.
Ignore the din
In your surroundings—
The chatter, the clatter.
Just this moment
Is all that should matter.
Let the moment
Fill you completely.
Notice how subtly
And how discreetly
Your body responds
As calm imbues you.
Breathe in and out;
Let it suffuse you.
Thoughts will come
And thoughts will go;
Just don’t hold them;
Go with the flow.
Ideas pass by
Like images on a screen.
Watch them proceed.
Don’t intervene.
If the sensation
Of being bathed in light
Pervades your being,
That’s quite all right.
Past, present,
And future exist
All in this moment;
Life is a mist,
A cloud, a dream,
A river that flows,
A flash, the morning
Dew on a rose.
Observe how everything’s
Are you meditating
Or being meditated?
- by Bob B
Knowledge cannot be wisdom
Knowledge can be wisdom
We like to be knowledgeable yet not knowing, is what we know worth being knowledgeable of
It is wise to know how to extract wisdom from knowledge
Like AB-Soul, I look down I look up and left right (do you know of him? )
We have the knowing of left to right
But do we have the wisdom to come right ?
From experience comes knowledge,
From knowledge comes wisdom
Who says knowledge cannot be wisdom ?
Are they interdependent like a butterfly to a cancoon ?
Are they interrelated like sight and speexh
We may not know the answer?
But the answer would be wise to know the difference between wisdom and knowledge
Are we even wise to question the knowledege ?
“The more you know, the more you know you don't know.”

Said quote attributed to Aristotle,
     stands the test of time,
     and not only did out last
many another aphorism,
     but most any learned person,
     would agree proverb cast
greater relevancy today,
     whereby bajillion minutiae doth blast

and bombard relentlessly tenured
     academician, or lay person till aghast
now (i.e. the 21st
     century in general), with fast
and furious incessant information explosion,
     more so than 384–322 BC,
     yet his nestled (chocolated),
     pronounced, revered, vast

paradigm touted as ever last
ting influence still
     vibrant approximately hast
encompassed two and
     a half millenniums past.
Hash tagged the
     "Father of Western Philosophy" -
     imagine us slew

of avid admirers
     lurching back and forth
     (in conjunction with the
     pitched cadenced lilt of Plato), a playa in Kalamazoo
Michigan feted for, he warrants a kazoo
blown, who embraced forward doo
*** thinking spanned a gamut,

     where more'n few
adherents or immediate disciplines
     refining (and redefining),
     which amassed breathless
     comprehension aligned hitherto
an expanse of disparate subjects
     sewn (no needling,
     asper this feeble pun)

     to constitute an interrelated web,
     whereat convenience allotted
     quasi distinct abstract queue
     (preceding his sue bare rue
legacy) consigned his
     innate person to integrate
     (by syllogisms he drew)
correcting antiquated inaccuracies,

     and aligned a groovy,
     wheel lee, and well tread
     modernist twist (and shout),
     sans permeating Air Supply
     Bestie Boys, Beatlemania,
     Cold Play ying
     musically noteworthy, loo
pea pod casts, and even spurring

     Beethoven to roll over,
     while dee composing
     (sans my zany brainy adherence
     to "FAKE" information I eschew)
and essentially single handedly grew
the contemporary paradigm few
off fish shill educated
     people didst swallow

     hook, line and sinker, but perhaps
     an enlightened gentile and/or Jew
found credulity linkedin with the then
     far reaching somewhat sunnily
     revolutionary antithetical concepts only
     gull lib bull and/or cuckoo,
despite the logically
     substantiated veritable true

lee near custom fit, hunky
     dory, integrated metaphorical
     interlocking puzzling pieces
     rightly anchoring vast vista
     (realm of known knowledge,
     viz apple pi order)
     shipshape motley crue foo
fighting banded divers lee distinct

     whirled wide webbing
     did not experience
     smooth semantic sailing,
and rather recently
     (historically "speaking") Renaissance
exuded approbation, and found substantial
     adherents among cognoscenti,
     who took to heart as gospel truth,

     the expansive database
apropos christened Aristotélēs translated
     to mean Superior; best of thinkers,
whose missives dissected, inspected,
     and probed for ethical, philosophical,
     and rhetorical handy
     dandy blues clue
meriting nascent outlook, sans salient

     rubric quintessential pointing cue,
analogous to eternal spirit hovering,
     guiding, and favoring new
acolyte, or stalwart
     diehard Aristotelian hew
wing painstakingly, thru

prodigious tomes binding
     ancient (classical Greece) via
     Aristotelianism super glue
rebranded within modern roam'n Times
     Font 12 visa vis,
     when re: discovered
     anew by Martin Heidegger
Ayn Rand, and Alasdair MacIntyre.
Dr Peter Lim Jul 2020
Mel Dare

Mel Dare is an Australian visual artist and educator based in Perth, Western Australia. Her work explores the construction of personal narrative specifically in regards to it's relationship with how meaning is created.  This has led her to investigate different but interrelated subjects such as subjectivity, psychology, neurology, biology, identity, time and perspective.

During the last 16 years the artist has produced 9 solos, 3 duos and her work has been selected for numerous group exhibitions including Steal (2016), Scene (2016), Pure Contemplation Without Knowledge (2015, 2016), Dot on the Run (2015, 2016), Bankwest Art Prize (2015), Painting as an Artform (2015), Albany Art Prize (2014), Midwest Art Prize (2014), Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize (2014) and Florid (2014, Turner Galleries and 45 Downstairs). It has been acquired by City of Joondalup, St John of God, Princess Margaret Hospital, Old Swan Brewery and many other national and international collections.

Dare lectures in drawing at Central Tafe and has taught art at Curtin University of Technology, Bandyup and Nyandi Prisons, Applecross Gifted & Talented Program, Nascha Inc (disabilities services) and various other private and public organisations. In addition she has undertaken various curatorial projects including Darlington Open Art Awards 2016, 12 Days and Gotham Returns (with Andrew Nicholls). Dare has been a resident artist at Gotham Studios since 2008.
Yenson Jun 2021
So how are you.......

Great, you know my default stance,
“Do not look for happiness outside yourself. The awakened seek happiness inside.”

Some say you're numb.......

Not at all, you see
" As a bee gathering nectar does not harm or disturb the colour and fragrance of the flower; so do the wise move through the world".

What about this thing about you suffering and being in pain......

Well, they are un-pleasantries and grossly ill-thoughts actions from
others and off-course. depleted finances but
" It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.

so what about Love.......

I tell you an interesting piece
A man asked a wise sage, I want love. The sage replied, first remove the 'I' that's ego. Then remove 'want' that's desire. See, now you're left with only 'Love'.
I have always had love and I remain most grateful and Blessed for that

Ok, if you say so. What about things of the flesh........

Hahaha, that's easy, remember
'Man does not live by bread alone' but “When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better. ” hahaha

Are you lonely.....

Put quite truthfully and simply
“If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company.”

So are you a strong person....

Balanced, I'd say, you see
“Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

So what about this 'Broken hearted' business......

Yes, about thirty-two years ago, but thankfully I healed. You see
its about
“In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?”

Are you haunted by anything.....

Yes, a forever image, my loving father, who will walk randomly
past me and would always reach out and either pat me on the shoulder or ruffle my hair and call out my name like it was a precious word. Yeah those times and images visit me quite often.
He was the best of men and set such wonderful examples.

Thank you for taking time to talk to us.....

My pleasure, thank you

— The End —