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50 quid a night
Bleak walls
***** curtains
'Thieves abound' signs.
What do you expect?

deep and dark
Boeings vying
with Airbus
for air space

Around me
held hostage by
a mix of humanity
that defies belief

Tats & shaven eyebrows
Over there a Rolex
Business people
thin on the ground

construction gangs
football teams
flight crew...
No pilots, mind

And then there are
the lonesomes
like me
and people shouting
into their digital fruits

Only 50 quid a night
What do you expect?
What you've got...
A melting *** of humanity
In all its gore & gloriousness
©Jacqueline Le Sueur 2011. All Rights Reserved
Nigel Finn May 2016
Sometimes I watch the others,
So comfortable in their skins
Of whatever form they've chosen,
Or miraculously been blessed with,
And remain a passive observer
Of the beauty before me.
I view their spirit animal forms,
Alongside the incarnations of gods,
and goddesses, and other holy beings,
Dance across their human flesh.

When viewed closely I can see
The smallest units of infinity
Struggling to expand, sometimes succeeding,
Other times dying and quickly vanishing,
To be suddenly replaced by elements
Of others, or the world around them.
They are cloaked in visions
My words can't comprehend,
Which I have heard some call yugen.

Other times I find myself
Wanting to join in with the excitement;
I flit between the disguises that
I have made for myself, in
An effort to seamlessly fit in
Unzipping one skin as discreetly as possible,
and hastily pulling on the next
As I rush from group to group,
Hoping nobody sees who lies within.

I have no concept of my own beauty.
Mirrors do nothing to help, being
designed to only reflect a physical presence.
I suppose that- to a piece of glass-
An eyebrow is just an eyebrow,
And lips are just lips.

If you could see beneath the reflections
Of your own selves I had tried to create,
I am afraid of what you might see
The bitterness that lies beneath.
My multiple façades sometimes breaks free,
And slowly breaks whoever is before me,
Causing mouths to form wide O's of horror,
Or else silences them completely.

This skin I inhabit is not my home-
I appreciate it's gloriousness and accept,
As I do in others, the meanest emotions it conceals,
And treat it as I would any other. I
Wish it no harm, and would be loath
To abandon it on some distant kerb
Like an unloved pet.

My Celtic forefathers had a word to describe this;
"Hiraeth"- a longing for a home that never was,
Or a place one can only recall in distant
Memories; unrecountable to those who
Never knew of its existence to begin with.

Maybe the skins I wear are part
Of my journey home; pupating like
A moth who longs to search for the light,
Yet lacking the wings to do so.
Perhaps they are only walls of my
Own devising, covering the window
To my own soul, that writhes inside
Like some contorted navel.

All I know is that the parts of you
I have stolen, or borrowed, or bought,
Or acquired through other means
Are the closest to home I have ever been,
Enabling me, in those brief moments,
To view the homes you keep within yourselves,
Until you reach out and touch me,
Causing me to run away, tail between legs,
Before my true self can be seen.
I apologise for not being around much recently- I've been pupating/hiding/developing/running away, but I'm aware I've been missing out on lots of beautiful poetry recently, and hope to be able to at least skim through the backlog of what I've missed while I've been gone, and start replying to the kind, insightful, constructive, and inspirational messages I haven't got round to yet. I appreciate each opinion and point of view and am by no means ignoring you (well...not *intentionally* anyway)  :-)
Annabel Lee Apr 2012
I love
Empty rooms
Because empty rooms mean no locked doors
They mean no hidden screaming matches
No unquenchable tears, from those you never thought would cry
They mean no sister doing stupid things
Or stupid people
That will only hurt her later
No sister you wish you could protect, like she’s protected you
No sister you wish you could save from heart break
Or impart to all the wisdom she’s taught you
They mean no sister who will spew the venomous words
That hurt more than any blow
They mean no whispered voices
Validating all of your biggest insecurities
No hushed secrets denied to you
No closed doors, locked or otherwise
Or even slightly ajar doors—that are really closed to you
Even a door closed on an empty room is an open one
Empty rooms mean space
They are a place to breathe when everywhere else suffocates you
They are a place to run to when staying hurts
Empty rooms are a solace you weren’t sure you’d ever find
A break from cold reality
And a pause from the crushing weight of the world that constantly pounds against you
Empty rooms don’t make you cry
Or think of what it would be like to finally die
Empty rooms are peace unlike anywhere else
Yet empty rooms leave a bitter after taste of longing
Because for all of the gloriousness of blessed empty rooms
They are still lacking and they leave you hollow as ever
With no one to fill the void
Still I love empty rooms
Because hollowness doesn’t stab through your heart with sharp fiery pain
Preferring to remain a subtle manageable ache
wordvango Jun 2017
the ultimate masterpiece
   of soft flesh perfection
an ideal of creation

where life meets
form fits function

life breathes anew
then rages in cries

heard loudly
    of deities
of Goddesses

of galaxies brightness
in awe

marrow and bone
in eternal gloriousness

standing as
made her

for the flowers
man to absorb

for life to have
     hope and
eternal glow
Travis Green Sep 2021
You are my source
Of gloriousness
My place where
I can stay and sleep
And dream about
The abounding love
You bring to me
All the heavenly kisses
The sweet strokes
Upon my body
Relaxing my mind
More than everything

You awaken my world
To discovering
The greatest treasures
That exist beyond time
Give me perception
For better direction
To a clearer path
Of compassion
My swirling chocolate romancer
Your lips I can forever kiss
Rub your beauteous goatee
With my fingertips
Your infatuating cheeks
That makes me feel
Tremendous tranquility

Your crystal black eyes
Takes me to worlds
Further on than external worlds
Perpetual wonderland
A life that never ends
A renewed soothingness
Upon my skin
Your eyelids
So magical to me
Your pupils
So enthusing to see
Everything that gleams
More than a million streams
Travis Green Apr 2022
He is the kind of pretty boy sweetness I adore
Sturdily sculpted shoulders, massively gorgeous chest
Bright striking abdomen, delectable belly button
I can’t take my eyes off the way his long thrilling arms sparkle
In my proximity, how his fashionable feral beard oozes smoothness
I desire to slide my soft perfumed hands all over
His pure, thick, and lush lips, his incandescent, blissful smile

Feed him my gayness, enfold him in my arms
Let my mouth meld to his enormously sleek and resplendent muscles
His firm, passionate hips, grip his soft, phenomenal back end
Squeeze and smack his cheeks, kiss them deeply
Whirl his world into extravagant rapture
Dance with him, sink into his gushing golden gloriousness
michelle reicks Sep 2011
hot tears of brown
fall into my ears
and dye my hair a new color

one that i don't like.

"missing you"
is so much more than my tiny worm body can hold

it's not missing anymore.
it's not
it's hot, hard
like a brick oven and you've shoved me inside

it scorches my hands
and i kiss my palms
pretending that they are yours

and it soothes me
like a shirt
or a song

until the shirt gets washed
and the song becomes warped and sticky from scratched cds

how long will it be before you can no longer recharge my battery?
You fill me up
but i always die again

it gives me life when you
give me

sweet softness
and rough
of the spine of your back, your back is
your back is
my back

what happens when you cannot recharge my
so easily?

what happens when it feels like you
are far away

are near
Of all of these words the truest Star in heaven was first:
A name of which from all the succeeding generations burst.
With enclosed designs where my salacious counsel does fit
Sagacious she is - bold and born of a turbulence of wit.
Restless she is too - unfixed by principles or place;
Her powers unleashed with the patience of her grace.
A naked fiery soul which works out daily in her own way,
Unfettered by the gloriousness of her own body’s lack of decay.
She, the master of my mind ever beating my heart away from the clay.
A daring luxurious softness engulfing a flaming fire,
Poised with passion and waves of pleasure reaching ever higher;
Like a summer thunderstorm renders the calmness unfit,
Steering love nigh into my hands, boasting of how her touch has wit.
Of great wit we are, surely, as madness is to be allied;
As these thin partitions do touch the boundaries they divide.
Our bodies plundering our souls’ wealth loving the honor blest,
Refusing our age any needful hours of rest.
Sharing a simple body which neither alone could ever please;
For the single body alone is bankrupt, but together, a prodigal ease.
Flesh always leaves that which its touch has won
Un-feathered and four-legged making the two into one.
Oh, to my soul in my deepest huddled notions I do try;
To be reborn into the shapeless spent lump of you and I.
What is passion? What is desire? How ruthless can passion and desire be? We all feel it. We all know it. It begs to be expressed. The problem is that you cannot say it only requires one thing. The truth is that it requires two.
kasia Nov 2018
the feminine body, the feminine aura
was glorious. and she wanted to be glorious.
she could see it real in her mind's eye,
          feel it there in her body's soul.
the ***** of Her spine as She arches Her back
the curve of Her hips
the softness of Her touch...

          and men...
well, she never did see men as glorious.
          never could, it wasn't so.
there was a certain admiration, she supposed,
          one could hold
                    for their figure,
the magnificence of the human body.
but that gloriousness,
          the kind found in the tenderness of Her kiss,
                                      in the strength of Her self,
          that, they lacked.

so that's not why she envied them,
          but envy she did.
the way their clothes fit,
          the way they could move,
                    the way she could not.
they held convenience, she guessed.
she guessed.
          is that what she wanted?
          just a body so convenient?

the body of Woman
          still surely was not
          surely it was not
          surely not on her.
it was imperfect on her,
its beauty dimmed down.
a costume ill-fitted that she couldn't tear off.
and convenient masculinity
a disguise too well made,
an impression ill-suited that wouldn't wear off.

she was wrong, she was wrong!
          boy, girl, what?
was she wrong?
she wanted to be beautiful!
          it was Woman she admired.
she was not, they called her "boy"
          but of that role, she'd long tired.
what happens if you never find a place to stick?
acutely aware
that nothing will ever fit
someone, please, make a box
          and shove her into it.
some ******* abt what the **** i feel abt my gender and how i look n ****,,,, tl;dr, ****** hate myself and dont know anything .
Travis Green Dec 2021
I don’t know what it is
But when I see you in the morning
I adore your gloriousness
The way your beard is so hunky and immaculate
Lips so sweet like delicious cinnamon buns
I could kiss you and understand
The rhythm of your poetry more
Set my palms on your shoulders
View your soft, glistening eyes
I can see why I am so addicted to you
Baby, you got it going on
You know that you are so **** smashing
I want to do so many extraordinary things for you
I want to take my time to love you
I want you to see what I see
Baby, I can be your real thing
Just leave it up to me to make things right
And you will see all your dreams come true
Nova May 2014
Some days-
I am made of
defective stardust and sadness.
I am all the leftovers
the broken bits and
torn up afterthoughts
all smushed together.
I am queen of the pile
marked "to be trashed"
I am ruler of
the misfit oddities.
I am a collection of puzzle pieces
not meant to fit
but yet shoved together
creating jagged edges and
lumps sticking out all over.
My skin is rough as sandpaper
and my voice a harsh bray.
I am meant to be tagged
"50% off"
because I sell my own self short.
I am a singer without a voice
and an artist with no inspiration.
I am no ones favorite.
Nor what comes to mind when
you're asked
"who makes you happiest?"
I am the leftover food
at the back of the refrigerator.
And I am everything lost under the bed
collecting dust and cobwebs.
But other days-
I am a goddess in my own skin.
I make flowers smile
and oceans laugh.
I am made of the Milky Way
and all your favorite constellations.
I am six feet of
And you can't help
but notice me glow.
I wish-
all my days were spent this way.
But there is no house
without a basement.
Or bright days
without some shadows.
So I just have to remind myself
on the days I spend
more often than not
alone, and toxic.
That tomorrow will be better.
And I'll find my beauty again.
It is the sole the drives the belly of man.
It hungers to be nourished,
It churns at the inability to give lay to the vision,
It fills with the gloriousness of life,
It dances to the rhythms of love,
It beats at the taste of temptation.
It rests with the Lions of fate,
It discovers the intrigue of knowledge,
And surrenders to the arms of wisdom.
Angels do not have wings
Demons do not have tails
What they told us
Are plain *******.

otherworldly creatures,
Are larger than the streets we've roamed
Are greater than the books we've read
Are deeper than the oceans we've swallowed

Are longer than the nights we've sojourned
Are scarier than the monsters in our head
Are vaster than all stories
and possibilities
and gloriousness combined.

So tell me, girl,
who needs wings and tails
and a god that fails
When we're grander
Than life itself?
Because we never meet the comrades until it is time.
S Smoothie Jun 2016
Once again thoughts run haywire
overun by you
mind crackles alive with alternative universes.
Or cracks we could slip through and melt together.


Searching for an exit its too late
Nothing but the inevitable longing of home


Warm eyes melt away the distance
As always,
time has no meaning for us,
it only passes drawing circles around us
dragging with it destiny's indelicate strings  into knots of fate
That only seem to tighten


Resistance is futile
Fate has consipired
face to face again
Heart to heart,
Soul to soul.


Old wounds fade
A new pain rises
The inevitable nothing
Another lifetime of longing
Two steps away
And aeons apart


A tangled mess of miss-timed,out of tune
love symphanies
That inevitably end apart


What else is there to do
But to spend endless aeons in your eyes
And capture long lived memories
Of an ancient past
Where everything was held in eachothers arms


The Gods decreed no
Setting our pawns in motion
But there are no other obidences
In our soul's hearts
Despite our best intentions
It seems we can never be
Truly drawn apart


Let the emotions fall
Through the guard veils
Let the hidden energy of our souls
mingle in eacothers atmophere
To be in this moment,
In all the gloriousness of love
The truest kind
The kind for all ages to come
Berry Blue Jan 2020
Here I am once again
While drifting through the night  
Your sweet loving twinkle eyes
Comes knocking on my soul
As a reminder of your aesthetic soul

Oh my
what a soul you behold, boy!
soul full of wonders
to touch... to capture...
to taste... to cherish...
Oh, thank you for this divine, boy!

Full of graciousness
Full of hopes
Full of bakes of love to give
Full of aches
Full of gloriousness

to touch... to capture...
to taste... to cherish...
the moments of its growth
oh my
what a divine reminder!
Thank you.
admiring my boo
iamtheavatar Mar 2014
Your love brings me to tears.
How can I ever repay You?
You are like no other.

You’re the God who saves the sinners.
Your love brings
repentance and healing
to the brokenhearted.

No words can describe
the love You’ve shown me.

You see my heart,
a heart
that wants
to proclaim Your name.

I wanna sing this love song to You Father
for you have been gracious and merciful to me.

You were there when I am broken,
You never left me through the pain.

And I now I wanna cry at
Your feet and hug You my Dad!

Your love sees no wrong in me.
Even though I’ve failed you so many times,
still you chose to love me.

And now I wanna sing
to You Father with all of my heart!
I wanna cry to You. Cry to You
and be at peace.

Father, there can never be like You.
No one in this world can do what you did for me.

You have seen me from the
depths of my brokenness.

You have lifted me up to the
heights of Your gloriousness.

And now I wanna sing this love song to You Father.
I wanna sing it with all of my heart.

I just want to pour out my heart to You,
now and for the rest of my life.

you didn’t

It’s me you have given your life to.

I just wanna sing it with all of my heart.
I just wanna feel your nearness to me now.

I just wanna sing this
love song for You.

**iamthe_avatar ©2010
Based on a true story.
S Smoothie Mar 2018
She waits for me at midnight
the stars aligned n such a way
as to reveal her sudden beauty
I trace the lines between the sparkles
as if they, like bubbles, would perhaps burst
spouting an array of lights!
alas they twinkle less brightly
she has not yet unveiled.
I sense her close
the air thickened
fuller with anticipation
I have no choice but to offer myself patience
And suddenly the gloriousness of her is revealed
and I am whole in her radiance
filled and alive
luminous, I dance a halo
like I’ve never danced before
the patterns anew
and the footsteps in the sand
spell hope
aligned in the order of a prayer
without even the thought of one
just the joy that hung upon the air.
Andrea Lee Bolt Dec 2020
Do the Whales know they are the biggest around
Do they seek out other Whales
Do they look for something bigger
So they can know what it’s like to be small

Does the Ant Queen know the sacrifices being made in her honor
Does the Elephant know it’s at risk
Or does it swim in the gloriousness of it’s bliss

Does the Goat know why it cares about it’s kid

Love always knows what it’s doing when it becomes a kiss
Keren Pickard Nov 2018
Crouching in the dark
Amid creaky lawn chairs and open tailgates
My neck hairs bristle
with the late night expectation of wonder
This time, I say
will be the best one ever known.

My heart races all the way to Frankfurt
Eyes scan the open sky
For signs of gloriousness on the horizon
Then thunder, and light
The unfolding of a Chinaman's dream
In a dazzling display of superficiality

A blinding flash of color and sound and awe
Ash rains down in golden sparks
Leaving the acrid smell of gunsmoke
And the cavernous darkness
Of eyes that had just known light
Left wanting, left yearning, left needing

The show is over
They fly back home.
I'm tearless and just a bit confused.
musings on my parents' last visit...
Mandi Oct 2017
Oh beautiful star
  how you shine upon them
  captivated by all that you are
  they lose sight of themselves
Oh beautiful star
  so full of your gloriousness
  they can't see that you're marred
  just like the rest of us
Oh beautiful star
  so high above us all
  but your beauty, it scars
  it's dangerous to love you
Oh beautiful star
  keep shining on brightly
  you will always be a star
  and we're only human
Travis Green Mar 2023
When I see his pure, powerful exquisiteness in my sight
His chocolaty saucy hotness, his **** velvety majesticness
He renders me breathless, fills my vessel with deathless
Infectious bliss, makes me salivate to take a bite
Out of his crowning brown enticingness

Tease his thick, delicious lips with gaudy lawless kisses
Caress his incredible rock-solid pecs
Check out his unbelievably massive and spectacular biceps
His dramatically eye-catching abs
Long astonishing thighs that hypnotize
My bright, deep-set eyes, striking hairy legs

An unrivaled sexing pipe that makes me
Pine to give him the baddest mind-blowing brain ever
**** it with great pleasure, relish the way it smells in my mouth
Circle my tongue on every side
Lick his distinguished *******

Play with his breathtaking *******
Make him so obsessed with my stellar yummy voluptuousness
Slap me in the face with his splendiferous thickness
While I admire his extremely hot architecture
Such a naughty macho talker

He bewitches me the more I remain
On my knees in front of thee
I am in awe of how he draws me
Into his abundant sumptuous jungle
Of the nastiest splashiest carnality

I wanna feel thee ***** deep in my throat
Unleash his unbeatable hard-hitting thunder upon me
Conquer me, make me worship thee
Invade my inner space, permeate it
With fragrant salacious sensations
Of blazing hot, engaging nakedness

I wanna taste his bold, ferocious poetry
Flowing downstream into the kingdom of my innerness
Fill my heart and soul with boiling-hot thoughts
Of his redolent robust machoness
As I fall deeper into his wonderfully honeyed ecstasy

With a charming and sparkling body
An undeniably awe-inspiring backside
That has me walking on air
Service his firmness, ****** every inch of him
Make him wild out, check me out
While he stretches out my mouth

Make me fall under the spell
Of his sweet-smelling perfection
I adore him the sweetest and loveliest rose
Grabby *** tatted splash
I bask in his action-packed supernatural immaculateness

Every moment with him blows my mind
Face to face with his huge black monster
My most prized possession
I slobber all over it, from the tip to the base
I embrace it amorously, give him bomb throat
UntiI I choke, put it back in my trap

Rap with it, let it attract my attention
Make my heartbeat race
Put his gigantic, thick snake all up in my face
Infatuate me with his dangerous, futuristic manliness
Cling my touchers to his full ruthless length

Maneuver my mouth around his shiny sublime crown
Slide my tongue up and down his bang-up veiny pipe
Feel it against the roof of my mouth
Nuzzle my nose against his gorgeous grassy forest
Make it wet and delectable

**** on his big bouncy sack
Enthrall and massage them
Get a load of his mind-bogglingly broad and strong musculature
Slick the tip with my thick lustful lips
Listen to his pure revered moans

He makes me paralyzed
Surrounded by his fiery enticing delightsomeness
Make time stand still as he sends
Sudden, intense chills throughout my existence
Let me endure his extraordinarily fierce and spectacular storm

Smother me in his profoundly deep and ceaseless thrillingness
Make my gayness sway in his wild towering space
His swift sinuous movements
Let me be a slave to his greatness
Let him manipulate me with his naked salacious brazenness

Consume me, control me, expose his molten hot smoke
Make me feel his approaching fast-moving mantasticness
All over my ample soft body
Enamor me with his volcanically active splashiness
Savor his high-powered unrestrained strikingness

Let him peel my mind, body, and soul
Cause my flesh to sweat
Caress my youthful and energetic breast
Attack my taut chocolate raisins
Feel the beating rhythm of my existence

Throat **** me with a vengeance
Cause me to fall apart at the seams
Make me lose my focus
As I probe his globe
Feel him capture and unravel my emotions

Push my head down on his fat magic stick
Make my eyes water
Make everything around us fade away
As he takes me on one hell of a rude
Fill my heart and soul with his hazardous hypnotic heat

Make love to my mouth and throat
Force me to swallow it more and more
Explore its enormously desirable gloriousness
Let him touch the inner depths of me
Make me his badass black-haired *****

**** up my structure, make me succumb
To his delicious ****-hot litness
Willing to give him all of me
Belong to him, be his ***** ***-loving ****-sucker
His best red-hot knockout
To make his hotness blossom

Hearing his deep grand voice
And deepthroating his mean dream meat
Makes me wanna be closer than ever
To his super tasty captivatingness
Let him spray my face with his creamy gleaming mayonnaise
Travis Green May 2021
There was an overflow of soul
Coursing through his gloriousness
Amazing vibrations, blazing brightness
Rhythmic highs, shimmering poetry
Imprinted within his kingdom
He was a sweet flower of the light
A softness, a uniqueness
A burning flame that I yearned
To unite with and feel his gush
Of unbounded love filling my core
Fearless Mar 2019
White. Solid white nothing else in sight
the glasses the little house wore awakening from night
the promise of a sun as the white grew very bright
stretching from a long nap the green giant finally reveals himself
laughing rumble of tumbling rocks as he wears the white a temporary mustache
a big yawn from lady lake sends the white upward with her morning breath
Bursting out in gloriousness the sun glares the sulking fog into submission
he slinks downward thinking to find solace near the gentle water reflecting his image back to himself
lady lake has other plans as she stares up at her true love high in the sky and chooses his image to reflect, warming her loving gaze with the heat of his as he stares down at her.
Their love finally warms to the point that Foggy Mcdougal can take it no longer and shrinks away with his nefarious plans for the next evenings delight
Travis Green Feb 2023
I am so sweet on his unbeatable
Far-reaching exquisiteness
Formidable thrilling slickness
Sweet sizzling hot superstar
I love how strongly built

His blossoming and charming body is
How he appeals to my senses
Hunky yummy stunner
I wanna kiss his fresh warm lips
Feel his relentless seamless masculinity all over me

Feel his luscious tongue run down
My bare brown neck
Mesmerize my youthful yielding smoothies
Spit on my deliciously sweet tips
Show me his wild fiery side

Flaunt his enthralling hot sauce
I wanna be wrapped up
In his empowering and energizing enticingness
Feel the heavy thrashing impact
Of his badass savage masculineness
Crashing into my gaytasticness

Hold me spellbound
Lost in his seductive love storm
Talk ***** to me, make me thirst
For his treasured arresting majesticness
Make me melt into his sexaliciousness

Feel his ample appealing rhythm
Of ageless amorous ecstasy
Make me sweat while he impresses me
With his brazen breathtaking flex
Feast on my blithe and beguiling femininity

Immerse me in his perfectly compelling superbness
Make me tremble as he disassembles
My soft, ****** dimension
Pour his rich, alluring gloriousness in my core
Give me a shot in the arm that stonishes me

Take me deep into his gateway
Of unparalleled volcanic enchantment
Captivate me with his epic frenetic heat
Fresh, seasoned, and teasing dream Daddy
Console me, take control of me

Give me everything his entireness contains
Carry me high into the bright nighttime sky
And fill me with priceless indescribable delight
Bring me into his awe-striking and devouring flame
Where he spellbinds my fine-framed rainbow design
Travis Green Feb 2023
His grandly handsome manliness entrances me
His artistic arched shoulders are so astonishing and sparkling
His warm, expansive chest is the best place for me to rest
To caress his crash-hot cut abs, his scrumptious
Attention-grabbing biceps, bask in his fashionable mantastic tats

My manly hairy Daddy, my cold macho dreamboat
I love to behold his smoking body of noticeable dope art
His unbelievably broad back, his bare moist ***
He lights my fire, he overpowers my entireness
I want to inhale his unapologetically dopacetic nature

Consume his heroically polished and charming beauty
Cherish his virile and astounding perfection
His lovely brawny hotness, such dynamic and triumphant hunkiness
To admire and hanker to devour, every ripe sector of his frame
Feel his lushly active and attractive thighs and legs

Take in his fabulous emphatic splashiness
My indefatigable debonair smash
I collapse into his gloriousness and moistness
I tremble when our limbs mingle with each other
When we kiss one another, when he loves me more than ever

I savor his earthy immersing superbness
His intense and mysterious masculineness
An incredible and incandescent treasure to pleasure
Brilliant vigorous slickness, incomparably worthy
And my matchless attraction, my charismatic happiness
My timeless striking knight in midnight black armor
My ****** appetite that provides me with memorable adventures
Travis Green Nov 2022
Rare dapper trapper
Your wild spontaneous passion
Enraptures every fraction
Of my delicate inner world
Makes my heartbeat increase
And reach the thrillingly
Bewitching galaxies

Your splashiness is
Bedazzling and dazzling
Daring and immersing
Worldwide out-of-sight delight
You spin me in an unbelievably
Unending and serene sea
Of dominant sensual dreams

Your unparalleled and wicked pulchritude moves me
Takes me into your next naughty level
Of diabolically enthralling lust
As you rain down an enormous
Lurid torrid of gloriousness
Jolly jaw-dropping ****

Red-hot tip-top megastar
So enthrallingly saucy and sparkling
So spankingly dangerous and devouring

My talented transparent treasure
Your fiery five-star fineness
Harmonizes with my heart
Makes me soar to shockingly
Saucy and piping-hot Mars
Where I marvel at the unveiling
Of your scintillating sensationalness
Lapse into your lipsmackingly splashy sweetness
Travis Green Nov 2022
You are a dangerously dancing
And enchanting handsomeness
Abounding in astounding newfound wonderment
Adventurous and gleaming sweetness
Smooth translucent sweetness
You bewitch me with your ideal and rare majesty

Brutal, explosive smoke
Perfectly everlasting dopeness
That has me overly motionless
Bowled over by your piping-hot
Solid gold machoness

The intense radiant magic
In your magnificently heavenly eyes
The smooth smell of your immortal
And unconquerable manhood
Rich youthful true love
I love the way you dominate my nerve cells

You are a warm and alluring gloriousness
Rife with wild and impassioned magicalness
Fashionable and upper-class attraction
You intoxicate my senses
Amaze my gayness
Amp up my stamina
With your romantically ravishing radness

Your full masculine perfection
Artistic and poetic affection
With the truest and deepest smoothness
Your flexing eclectic architecture
Speaks slick, expressive slang
To the electric depths of my vessel

My homosexualness is embellished
In your impressiveness
Lost in your steamingly ripe
And inviting lusciousness
So consumed with delicious, vigorous desire
For your strikingly fiery
And appetizing sublimeness
Travis Green May 2023
Mornings with his alluring royal gloriousness
Makes me salivate to taste him over and over again
Luxuriate in his grand slamming tornado
Brimming with crazy hot amorosity

Enter his macho chocolate man cave
Where he enamors me forever and a day
His come-hither glistening eyes
Reel me into his engaging and dominating manliness

To venture forth through the marvelous wonders of his core
I desire for his life to be with mine
To feel his wild fiery power
Shoulder his dopeness in my wholeness
His machoness ensconced in my heart’s home

He is so classically charismatic
So magically delicious with the illest undefeatable swagger
I melt in the arms of his flawless disarming finesse
Captured by his clever superb rareness

The way he etches his superlative high-pressure perfection
In my submerged mind makes me yearn
To merge with his fervent cherishable earthiness
My eminent mesmeric gem

He devours and stupefies my feminineness
Beguiles my entireness with his sexually enticing arousingness
He is my gallant, valiant captain
So wickedly sharp-witted and mad-lit with it

My dreamy clean-cut Daddy
He sweeps me off my feet
Calls me his stellarly sweet and loveliest princess
I am in awe of his artful bountiful divineness

I wanna be with him and no one else
Let him set me ablaze
As I lay in his extravagantly affectionate
And unbreakable embrace
Travis Green Jul 2022
There was ******* high voltage hotness
In your hypnotic rock-solid  charmingness
Marvelous spotless sauciness
Unfathomably mantastic freshness
You pulled me into your utter earthy fervor
Where your flamingly unbounded power devoured me
Enshrouded me in the seamless, limitless extremes
Of your unprecedented top-shelf dreaminess

Fed me your delectable red-hot confection
Finessed my incredibleness
Placed me in your spacious spaceship
Where you made love to my gayness
Captured me in your unbreakable shackles
Of unmatchable thugtastical passion
Delved into the deepest depths of my vessel
Made incredible *** to my sexually rainbowlicious body
Merged your firm immersive chest against my carressible breasticles

Oiled me down in your gloriousness

Made me worship your wonderfully gratifying muscularity
Your coolness ruled my system
Had me sheathed in your intriguingly thrilling exquisiteness
Made my head spin the more I took in
Your invincible winnable masculinity
There was an intensifying flush of excitement
That rushed through my structure
I was trapped in your swagtastical mad hot spectacularity
Feeling an increasing amount of unsurpassable burning fervor
Surging throughout my innerness
So wild about your strikingly sublime fieriness
Travis Green Apr 2022
He comes to my mind every morning
So excruciatingly enchanting and shimmering
Bright, blithe, enterprising, and exciting
Bold stark marvel, eccentric, clever flex
Tall black-haired rarity, bright-eyed handsome enchantingness
So affectionate, delicate, intelligent, and benevolent

He gives me clarity and solace
He is my precious, priceless golden treasure
Incredibly rare, vast, and fabulous magicalness
His poetic flex enslaves me in motion
A peerless queer in his sheer reverent realm
I concede to all of him, to be held against my will
In his delectable, magnetic presence
So transfixed by his exquisite intriguingness

Such a sweet steel spectacle, a saucy red-hot marvel
Immaculate dapper swagger, supercool flow
His formidable, dazzling, and celestial movement grips me
I am so keen on his thrilling, deep, and potent masculinity
Pure, unadulterated youthfulness, robust and seductive
Wild, ****, and earthy, an untamed dynamite thriller

I can see him crystal-clear in my dreams
He is an essential visual elegancy in my eyes
With a smooth groove that mesmerizes me
I want to taste his hypnotic melodic marvelocity
Feel his musicality traveling throughout my vessel
Listen to his attractive jazzy voice

Let it wash me ashore to his gloriousness
Take glory in his powerfully irresistible rhythm
So surprisingly sure and compelling
An exhilarating essence of pleasure
He swirls my homosexuality
In his reality, I am consumed with unbelievable passion
That I wish to share with im

I so love everything about him
What he is all about, what he stands for
How he moves so gracefully throughout life
His lovingness is all that I need to linger inside me
I am more than enough to be existent effortlessly
When he is all that stands by my side indefinitely
Travis Green Dec 2022
Charming, rock-hard prodigy
Delectable well-developed *** finesser
Moist shiny invitingness
That keeps my temperature sky-high
Satisfyingly sharp and sparkling star power

I wanna slide my tongue
All over your veined and muscular neck
Kiss your full rigid chest
Your unbelievably heavy-duty
And transfixing arms

Taste you in my inner space
My hypnotic chocolate attraction
Spread your inexpressible
And engrossing affection
All around my astoundingness

Sweet juicy pleasure lover
Your eternal, singular gloriousness transports me
Into sizzling electric ecstasy
You make my body rock
To the extraordinary and flawless stars

Lick me like an almond bar
Tender-loving Prince Charming
I wanna feel your formidable
And unwieldy thickness in me
Sinuous, black meat to bask in

Feel you seize me, tease me, please me
Freeze me, squeeze me, *** me deeply
Explore and enthrall my walls
Get your swerve on
Flirt with my inner world

Become attached to my bedazzling first-class craft
Take the nearest exit to my wetness
Crash into my satin, passionate fantasticness
As I mack with your majesty
Lose control with the dopeness
Of your glowing flowingness

You grab my focus, send me a million miles away
Got me contemplating about your straightness
The way you cruise through my mind
Premium dream lover
I am breathing heavily

I feel your unconquerable heart-stopping length
How you got your hands slithering all over me
So highly dangerous and enticing
I can feel the impressive depths of your nature
You make my emotions rush wildly
Into the purest, hottest bliss

You take me to profound ram town
You grip my *** cheeks
Pull me nearer to thee
Push hard against my rapt and wondrous body
You hold my head, tongue kiss me

Cause me to moan sexually
Got me screaming your name repeatedly
So addicted to your unequivocal, blissful slickness
You move so magically
Glide your huge, violent pipe
In my prodigious passional paradise

Feed me your every impossible erogenous desire
Pulverize my empire, make me smile
While I gape deep into your breathtaking peepers
Stuck into your superheated steamy splendor
Light me up like the longest marvelous fireworks

Make me emasculated
Be my fierce spectacular bodyguard in the spotlight
Hit me deep with your legendary strokes
Explode your thick, lickable chocolate milk
On my authentic artistic masterpiece
Travis Green May 2021
I wrote ink-enchanted passion
Upon his golden lips
Kissed his shimmery cheeks
Suffusing sweetness
Upon his neck
And fragrant chest
I unraveled
His gloriousness
Swathed his dreams
In sheer glitter
Pouring hot sparks
Of vast lust
Upon his slim thighs
And ankles
Travis Green Mar 2023
I crave to stand in front of his broad, stalwart hunkiness
Begging for him to let me touch his ultra-robust muscles
Feel his impossibly muscular pecs, his glassy strapping abs
His bare taut arms, his hot, smooth hands, his fashionably
Fresh and thick beard, press my palms against his handsome cheeks

Gawk at his ardent milk-chocolate eyes, how he entices me
Every second I am surrounded by his perfect poetic presence
Searing hot electricity surges through me the more I witness
His desirable appetizing slickness, his high-pressure effervescent
Treasure, wanting and needing his good-looking manhood

Fantasizing about showering one another, feeling our flesh
Pressed together, reveling in his mantastically sexalicous majesty
Hankering to vocalize each letter of his unapproachable exalted name
Be his luscious, sweet-smelling bombshell to caress and savor
Arch into his unstoppable suave hotness like a shot

Drink him into my existence like ***** on the rocks
Listen to his hauntingly heavy and hypnotic voice
He holds and controls my showy, glowing homoness
Makes me moan dope rainbow poetry when I behold his bedroom eyes
When he romantically dances and showcases his engagingness

I pine to bite into his delightful powerhouse frame
Go down on his untameable titanic pipe
Let it dwell in the back of my throat as I float in paradise
**** on his crash-hot chocolate cobblers
Fall deeply into his ****, naked web of rampant black magic

I wanna share the most hot-off-the-fire love language with him
Strike head-on with his mighty inviting machoness
Sink into every inch of his increasingly elusive and rude beauteousness
Feel his warm wet mouth against mine, our worlds locked together
We share delicious, sensuous, and lingering kisses

His wildly passionate and splashtacular rapturousness
Confounds me in the most profound and unimaginable way
His masculinity is as hard as fantastically razor-sharp and long nails
As heavy, rigid, and magnificent brick, the illest litness that thrills me
I wanna eat him heartily, take joy in his lurid notorious gloriousness
Travis Green Aug 2022
Impossibly tall, enthralling, and ardent Romeo
Your bulky ***** muscles give me a buzz
Sinewy smooth beauty
I want to knock on the doors
Of your gloriousness
Seep into the wicked killer heat within
At the centrality of your sensuality
Lapse into your flame and smoke

Showstopping saffron ****
I long to venture into your heart
Marvel at your wonderment
Such seamless stupendous strength
Bewitching city slicker
Athletically refreshing and intellectual spectacle

**** jelly bean pink lips
Mesmerizing mountain slate blue eyes
Dark, curly, and alluring hair
Your hotness blazes my innerness
Puts the cuffs on my gayness
Has my pleasant, seductive face
Buried in your magical moist masterpiece
My tongue glides all over your fragrant loving body hair

I gape at your indescribable and satisfying appearance
Such a hypnotizingly mystifying delight
Drench me in your high-level ***-hungry hotness
Take charge, ravish me hard
Give me your fiery, powerful verve
Burn me fervently, lock me in your untamed stream of excitement
So vulnerable to your mesmeric velvet enchantment
Saturate me in your succulent tender hunkiness
Travis Green Sep 2022
I submerge into your immersiveness
Mellow electric yellow Romeo
You are infinitely shimmery and succulent
Like banana buttercup ice cream
Like a whipped cream caramel cake
I crave to taste your absorbing artful allurement
Wallow in your inexorable flourishing soil
Of marvelously mandorable and treasurable lover boy

I want to be your swirling sweet rainbow lollipop
Feel your enormous downpour of gloriousness
Fall upon my pleasant silken body
Moist, supple, and tantalizingly enticing brightness
You are a source of fascination to my foundation
You pull me into your blazing hot
And taut maze where your oiled olive skin
Glistens in proximity to my femininity

I want to go off at a tangent
Sink into your extravagantly infatuating mantasticness
Undecipherable devouring wildness
Killingly aesthetic and kinetic spectacle
You boggle the mind of my homoness
Render me with legs like jelly
As I gape into your breathtaking maple sugar brown eyes
With a bold and poetic voice that engrosses me
Affectionate, smooth, and chalk pink lips
Drown into your striking sound station
Emanating with the highest and flamboyant quality
Of unconquerable adrenaline-charged sauciness

— The End —