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Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Are you a victim of your time , must you live
       With your mistakes, and suffer ?
Really it’s time we wake up n smell the coffee
Every problem has solution,so let’s start today

You need not to put it off or procrastinate .
Oh I know it’s easy said , so best get o’t a bed
Unless you ever wish to live with a mistake

And identify the faults, without delay.

Verify with me , in the best way to identify
In a poetic form an A to Z of your mistakes.
Can I start with A the abandonment
The abandonment of self-surrendering
I next target B for Bacchanalia nights
Melancholic days getting over a hangover

On to The Cacodemon of an evil spirit
Found in our home , a most malignant person

Yes and Depreciation of the value of our
        assets usually by the Bankers we trusted.
Oh to have the benefits of fiscal hindsight
Understanding E as extenuating circumstance
Reason then becomes the excuse for failure.

Together with F the F word so commonly used
In emphasis to any topic or discussions
Migrating to G , not mistaking God or life alone
Ethereal spirits surround us n help us choose

Methodically H the mistake that you made
Unwittingly you ignore Holy Spirit of God
Sympathetically I now carry the spirit with me
The change to my life is now monumental.

Yes up to J for the justice that you mistake
On the times when you are it’s sad victim.
Understandably K for Karma of getting out of

Life , whatever you put in.You are punished too
In reaching L for Life. Well the mistake is plain
Virtually you spend a lifetime getting to grips
Engage with M for the mistakes you made

With each one made , don’t cry , learn from it.
In a section for N then note daily five blessings
That you have , it is a mistake not to care.
Having an Opinion is fine but it’s a big mistake

Yes to be opinionated or dogmatic with others
O is followed by P for Procrastination of time
Uselessness , putting off what’s needed today
Reaching the Q the queue that you got into

Mistakenly got into as more haste less speed
Indicative of R for recapitulation of all mistakes
Some simple and some massive and correct
To sequester an S for sententiousness
And pompous moralising must be avoided
Knowing the T of toutological mistakes
Even though it looks good in a poetry scan
So to the U. For understanding when a mistake

And a small mistake can have repercussions
Now to  Virtually every mistake has a price
Do you admit to it and face the consequences

Simplicity of the W to weather to own up
Unless you admit it and show grace n humility
Fortunately the Xanadu is not achieved now
For all the mistakes made have a huge price.
Eventually the Y n Z. Are the yardstick to
Reluctantly measure your path on to Zion.
Written by Philip.
November 28th 2018.
Are you a victim of your time, must you live with your mistakes and suffer ?
While I was collapsed on the schools' bathroom floor,
Crying into my sweater sleeve.
I found out you should never mix not eating all day, and sobbing,
As I leaned towards the toilet gagging.
I dragged my body up off the floor,
Everything was spinning.
People in the hallways asked "Are you okay?"
I said I was,
Even though my shirt was still twisted sideways,
And the bottom of my backpack was still wet from the ground of the parking lot.
Not even death could fix how much this hurts.
It's happened again
Amber Drake Jul 2014
Lively bright buds
Blossom towards the sun.
Frayed ends-
Of silk pedals
Hug the stem.
Saturated hues of orange,
Capture the eye’s glance.
Marigolds dancing;
Falling from the sky.
As I put a flower in your hair-
The extenuating orange
Shows your glowing face.
Marigolds of love,
Twirling in a fit of ecstasy.
Raining beside lover’s feet.
Luminous colors,
Paint true love
On a canvas of grass;
Creating natural beauty.
Marigolds dance;
As your intoxicating being-
Walks gracefully by.
I want to make love to you,
On a bed of dancing marigolds.
Fragrant smells of spring;
Soothing soft pedals
Protect our entwined bodies,
In a sea of grass, marigolds and skin.
Sweet, passionate, bright love
Is as bold and sweet,
As the golden marigolds.
Keith W Fletcher Dec 2015
If you take a chance and glance
           Beyond that which is called
            Extenuating circumstance.
You may see that the powers that be.  
Seek justice ..but only for a system
         That they rely on to maintain
              . ......A  status quo
          A stagnant pool of nepotism
                    Slash latent schism
                       Where division...
                ....Trumps any decision
    Where progress might find a foothold
       Where justice demands they trust US
               To control a destiny
              Once promised on paper
        That has been perverted
           Until it is now a point of such
                      Vehement derision
That stagnation seems so ingrained
          That it's acceptance
               Is as routine
          As the gavels banging
    Or the detention door clanging
                 That it should rattle
                     To the very core
                        Any citizen
            Who believes in the idea of
                Freedom ,human rights
        And the pursuit of happiness
     Reality is often a hard pill to swallow
  Especially when the acidic water
                  Of the shrinking pool
              That we all inhabit.. has...
                  ...Stopped breathing
                   And is slowly dying
      While some keep denying
           That anything is wrong
                     No need to believe
                      That  trouble looms
                         On the horizon
                  So choked with smoke
     That the sun struggles to deliver
          Any promise --dusk or  dawn
         And troubled waters rise up
            In rebellious consternation
        Spilling into unfamiliar places
                             As it chases
       Destitution onto higher ground
                          Of desperation
                              And alienation
          Revelations will soon dictate
    Maybe way ..way ..too late
 That hesitation is becoming as absolute
As inspired introspection is becoming obsolete
        The status quo is all they know
              Those who have the power
      To pull the world together
         But haven't got the will power
               To do anything
                   That might cause them
          To take a chance and glance
               Beyond that which we call
         An extenuating circumstance.
Onoma Feb 2015
Abandon's  clay roiled, doubled what pulse
of tune and out of.
Pathological music derived from music...
ecstasy--whose recompense is a sound
loss of selves.
Multiform unto archetypal gods--Dionysus
first among, Apollo last among...eviscerated,
trophied, slathered upon these rotund
Grecian ladies and gentleman.
Hallowed names depart the incontinent
circle, forgone the synoptical scarlet lettering
of name...transcendence.
Torrent upon torrent of ambrosia down the
throat...skyward runoff of chins...scribbled
down the primordial bloom of ******.
O sylvan gathering, crowns of laurel graduate
thee from materiality...a shuddering
beauteousness--broke shafts of light clash
lovingly from luminous head to head.
Here...the extenuating circumstance of
consciousness appropriated quoad sacra.
ekaj revae Jun 2013
I roll through these scenes
with impulsive magnificence.
Sometimes its rolling,
sometimes I flip.
Sometimes I find myself
extenuating the struggle
through catapulted
decades of
"Oh God, no, not another shallow rhymer,
fitting each word to its neat little place.
Oh God, no, not another painterly composition
with planal directions going round and around or leading that way and this.
They did that in the past; get to the new.
Make sure the reader or viewer knows that the masterful
knows more than than the masterful lets t/h/r/o/u/g/h/  out.
Disdain extenuating weakenings caused by straining for clarity
or unnecessary exertions in expressions of cohesion.
Words, though plain, arouse astonished wonder by nonchalant impenetrable shufflings.
Be clued-in, be bold, be tough and show it when you sculpt the clay.
When shaped, use your trowel to scratch the surface, evoking even more obscurity.
Toss it off in broad strokes of masterful negligence.  
Be above the miniscule.
By these means show in shadowy hints the profundity that winks beyond merely ordinary restrictions.
Break the barriers, fly the constructive. Those old shackles lie about the world.
Show you ain't no conforming *****.  
Display in impatient referenceless strokes
Your forceful awareness of the world as known."

A world which evidences no form and structure in living creatures;
no eons of effortful evolution;
Forests have no ecology, and laws of nature aren't for binding.
Mind never happened, spirit's a farce,
unions only expedient plottings.
Lessons of history describe the disruptive;
it's what you grab and who you club;
others are only take or be taken.
Show 'em who's boss,
stash it away,
it's dog eat dog until there's nothing.
Shake it all up and break it all up.
It's only entropy."
By Roberta SchulbergGoro
Written March 6, 2008
Revised 6-7-09
Carlo C Gomez Oct 2019
When it comes to time,
many of us are fair-weathered friends.

In one brief moment we can save it
then turn right around and **** it.

Still, time is a thief,
so I guess we're even.
Toby Lucas Apr 2016
When you change the colour of the view,
The world takes on a different hue.
Writing's both a window and a mirror,
You can see life and yourself clearer.
This stained glass window labelled a poem,
Different phrases, different colours, different gems.
The scales of glass in an iron frame,
My words must fit the form.
Each word a different shard on the palette,
A poetic mosaic, not quite transparent.

A translucent lens.

I will you see creation through it
Extenuating before you in a piquant pigment.
In a tint I can show you joy,
In a separate, pane. Tainted.
Yellow, blue, red and green,
And a thousand nuances yet unseen.
You can't read all of it, nor look through every colour,
But perhaps the icon on the window can be discerned
When they tessellate together, the person I am trying to show, the bigger picture, the grand design.
Summer 2015
seems to be
the cure
for my suffering;
My anxiety and sadness.
Even if it's brief
or last long extenuating exhausting
The best hours
can spend in bed
Besides sleep.

It's a light in the dark.
A serum of energy.
A light mixed with darkness.
Or the opposite of darkness.
My choice over water.

The famous Mary
The cure to all pain & suffering
These days.
His regular old Camel mixed with ****
It goes hand in hand with love, alcohol & ***.

It is said to relax and take away
Excruciating Pain or any illness,
internaly and externally, intentionally or not.
It heals your soul.
Hide your scars
and numbs your mind
Giving  you new hopes in life
envolved in it's mystical phsycodelic fog.
Maybe that's a different drug.
But **** should be legal and a medicine to trust.

Love, Alcohol, & ***;
It seems be the magical pill
For this matrix type of world.
For this life I live in.
But like all,
There's always a price to pay.
Love, Alchol, & ****
is something you should never trust.
I am in favor of Marihuana for medicinal purpose not for recreational use. I do not use it. This is just a poem. So don't judge.
lmnsinner Jul 2017
he arrives around 10:30am,
after the morning rushers
and multiple malingerers
have surrendered to the orange clocker's
rocket red glare stare,
that little dictator of time that
rules lands far and wide,
well before the hoped for lunch crush,
every restauranteur's faraway *******

most days, to the last counter stool,
he beelines,
the least desirable seat in all of diner-land,
adjacent to the noise of kitchen,
and its higher risk perilous,
two way swinging door "entera-ance,"
a residence to be avoided most studiously
though hardly a corner to go unnoticed,
by virtue of its iffy existence,
unless one likes the increased chance of
being a victim of a crashing accident

Mr. Condiment Man
goes in and out,
silently unremarked
in our land of spacious skies
and amber waves of plastic

customarily any "regular" is
happily accorded a
rousing Sousa welcome,
but that mistake now twice made,
a historical hurry up-to-be-please-be-forgotten incident,
the Condiment Man's invisibility
second only to the
Famous Cinema Actors
seeking breakfast
amidst the common people

no words are passed,
no pleasantries are planted,
the rule of incommunicado silence,
for both sides now,
most happily observed,
like a UN peacekeeping boundary

quick appears Cream of Tomato soup
accompanied by  ever multiplying handfuls
of packages of Nabisco crackered packets,
with a ketchup Heinz handy

a soupçon of five iodized salt shakes
into the soup interred,
released from the prototypical
stainless topped, glass shaker
whose universality of usage seems to be
a Federal law o' the land

the meal in silence arrived,
silently but oh-so-slowly-consumed,
it's extenuating circumstances
lengthily enhanced by intermittent deliveries
of additional cracking crackers,
and an unrequited, unacknowledged,
"topping off" soup refillament

this one act play presented daily,
with a free tall glass of water in red plastic
also refillable,
as needed
a play with no official ending,
no white topped, green lined,
ripped from the ubiquitous diner pad,
scribbled, billing ever presented

but the loose change precisely,
scrupulously counted then
upon the counter left,
materializes by the hands
of the Condiment Man,
which is sourced from pockets various,
in places where no pocket belongs

you can set you watch by his timed departure
at five minutes of Twelve,
he is no longer,
the play thus ended,
the audience to feet leaps
relieved and appreciative
of the quiet man's drama
and his most excellent
silent soliloquy

some strange human need satisfied,
sated, and pleased
for all parties concerned,
when the New York Times
revealed that this condo man
left a 50 million dollar estate
to Meals-on-Wheels,
here was no shocked groaning,
only some perfunctory observing
that frugality had a place,
and that this fantastick show,
now closed, would be
sorely missed,
for it had become a condiment itself
in the lives of so many
March 2017
Keith W Fletcher Aug 2017
If you take a chance and glance
           Beyond that which is called
            Extenuating circumstance.
You may see that the powers that be.  
Seek justice ..but only for a system
         That they rely on to maintain
              . ......A  status quo
          A stagnant pool of nepotism
                    Slash latent schism
                       Where division...
                ....Trumps any decision
    Where progress might find a foothold
       Where justice demands they trust US
               To control a destiny
              Once promised on paper
        That has been perverted
           Until it is now a point of such
                      Vehement derision
That stagnation seems so ingrained
          That it's acceptance
               Is as routine
          As the gavels banging
    Or the detention door clanging
                 That it should rattle
                     To the very core
                        Any citizen
            Who believes in the idea of
                Freedom ,human rights
        And the pursuit of happiness
     Reality is often a hard pill to swallow
  Especially when the acidic water
                  Of the shrinking pool
              That we all inhabit.. has...
                  ...Stopped breathing
                   And is slowly dying
      While some keep denying
           That anything is wrong
                     No need to believe
                      That  trouble looms
                         On the horizon
                  So choked with smoke
     That the sun struggles to deliver
          Any promise --dusk or  dawn
         And troubled waters rise up
            In rebellious consternation
        Spilling into unfamiliar places
                             As it chases
       Destitution onto higher ground
                          Of desperation
                              And alienation
          Revelations will soon dictate
    Maybe way ..way ..too late
That hesitation is becoming as absolute
As inspired introspection is becoming obsolete
        The status quo is all they know
              Those who have the power
      To pull the world together
         But haven't got the will power
               To do anything
                   That might cause them
          To take a chance and glance
               Beyond that which we call
         An extenuating circumstance.
ogdiddynash Apr 2017
Mr. Condiment Man

he arrives around 10:30am,
after the morning rushers and multiple malingerers
have surrendered to the clocker's red glare stare,
the little dictator of time that rules lands far and wide,
and the lunch crush is but a restauranteur's faraway dream

most days, to the last counter stool, he beelines,
the most least desirable seat in all of diner-land,
adjacent to the noise of kitchen,
and its associated higher risks perilous,
a two way swinging door "entera-ance,"
a residency to be avoided most studiously

though hardly a corner for one to go unnoticed,
by virtue of its iffy existence,
unless one likes the increased chance of
being a  victim of a crashing accident,
Mr. Condiment Man goes in and out, silently unremarked
but very noticed

in our land of spacious skies and amber waves of plastic,
customarily any "regular" is happily accorded a
rousing Sousa welcome, but that mistake now twice made,
is a historical hurry up-to-be-please-be-forgotten incident,
and the Condiment Man's cloaking invisibility second only to the
NYC's Famous Actors seeking breakfast amidst the common people

no words are passed, no pleasantries are planted,
the rule of incommunicado silence, for both sides now,
most happily observed, like a UN peacekeeping boundary

quick appears Cream of Tomato soup accompanied by
ever multiplying handfuls of packages of Nabisco
crackered packets, freshly fracked, with a ketchup Heinz handy,
a soupçon of five iodized salt shakes in the soup then interred,
salt released from the prototypical glass shaker whose universality usage seems to be a Federal law o' the land

the meal in silence arrives,
silently but oh-so-slowly-consumed,
it's extenuating circumstances lengthily enhanced by intermittent deliveries of additional cracking crackers,
and an occasional lip smacking,
and an unrequited unrequested unremarked
  "topping off" soup refillament,
this one act play presented daily
with a free tall glass of water in red plastic also refillable,
as needed

a play with no official ending,
no white topped, green lined, ripped from the ubiquitous diner pad, scribbled, billing ever presented,
but the loose change precisely, scrupulously counted then
upon the counter left, materializes by the hands
of the unacclaimed Mr.  Condiment Man,
which he sources from pockets various
in places where no pocket rightfully  belongs

you can set you watch by his timed departure
at five minutes of Twelve, he is no longer,
the play thus ended, the audience to feet leaps,
relieved and appreciative of the quiet man's drama
and his most excellent silent soliloquy

some strange human need satisfied and pleased
for all parties concerned, when the New York Times
revealed that this C.C. man left a 50 million dollar estate donated
to Meals-on-Wheels,
a fortune amassed by speculation in
condo's (ha!),

there was no shocked groaning,
only some perfunctory observing that frugality has its place,
and that this fantastick show, now closed, would be
sorely missed, for it had become a
condiment itself
a spice in the lives of so many

Eliana Dec 2013
Dear world,

No, I will not be functional this week.
No, I will not tell you why.
No, I do not expect you to cut me any breaks -
    what I'm pulling right now is not actually acceptable.
No, I do not want you to go looking for a reason -
    assume there are no extenuating circumstances
    and stop being surprised that someone is doing
    what you you seem to expect of everyone
    and taking your **** in silence.
No, I am not okay.
No, I do not want or need your help.

Now, *******.


LOVE while you wait for LIFE

LOVE is a performance without
Rehearsals or practice
Head without thought
Body without growth
Words without sound
Writing without ink

Don't even bother what role
You are given to play in LOVE
World may try to label your relationship
Just know this - that LOVE is all yours

YOU are LOVING your soul-mate
Don't exchange LOVE for anything
Even if someone bargains your LIFE for it

Don't even guess what LOVE is about
Just LOVE with all your being

I can barely keep up with the
Pace of LOVE demands on my soul
One is always ill prepared
For the privileges of LOVE

LOVE does not require improvisation
If LOVE is true - it comes naturally

Even though you trip at every step
Of displaying and showing your LOVE
You can never stop LOVING

Your manners in LOVE look stupid
But your LOVE instincts are true

There is a "LIFE-fright" of
Non-acceptance by the world
Such things insult & humiliate LOVE
Extenuating circumstances of societal norms
Strike LOVERS very cruelly
Yet heart excuses everything to LOVE YOU

LOVE does not carry an umbrella
To protect you from rains and sun-stroke
LOVE results in all that is unexpected
YOU can never count the stars I carry
In my heart while loving you

LOVE is a script that is not rehearsed
A screenplay you have never seen
There are butterflies in your stomach
And your knees go weak

You stand your ground in LOVE
And there are no make-shift places
To hide one self in LOVE

The farthest galaxies are playing music
The cosmos is dancing in your LOVE
Oh, there is no question in anyone's mind
The star-cast isn't there to join you
Yet you are LOVING LOVE


And whatever YOU do in LOVE
Will be forever what every LOVER
Has ever done in TRUE LOVE...

Oliver Philip Jan 2019
Are you a victim of your time , must you live
       With your mistakes, and suffer ?
Really it’s time we wake up n smell the coffee
Every problem has solution,so let’s start today

You need not to put it off or procrastinate .
Oh I know it’s easy said , so best get o’t a bed
Unless you ever wish to live with a mistake

And identify the faults, without delay.

Verify with me , in the best way to identify
In a poetic form an A to Z of your mistakes.
Can I start with A the abandonment
The abandonment of self-surrendering
I next target B for Bacchanalia nights
Melancholic days getting over a hangover

On to The Cacodemon of an evil spirit
Found in our home , a most malignant person

Yes and Depreciation of the value of our
        assets usually by the Bankers we trusted.
Oh to have the benefits of fiscal hindsight
Understanding E as extenuating circumstance
Reason then becomes the excuse for failure.

Together with F the F word so commonly used
In emphasis to any topic or discussions
Migrating to G , not mistaking God or life alone
Ethereal spirits surround us n help us choose

Methodically H the mistake that you made
Unwittingly you could ignore Holy Spirit of God
Sympathetically I now carry the spirit with me
The change to my life is now monumental.

Yes up to J for the justice that you mistake
On the times when you are it’s sad victim.
Understandably K for Karma of getting out of

Life , whatever you put in.You are punished too
In reaching L for Life. Well the mistake is plain
Virtually you spend a lifetime getting to grips
Engage with M for the mistakes you made

With each one made , don’t cry , learn from it.
In a section for N then note daily five blessings
That you have , it is a mistake not to care.
Having an Opinion is fine but it’s a big mistake

Yes to be opinionated or dogmatic with others
O is followed by P for Procrastination of time
Uselessness , putting off what’s needed today
Reaching the Q the queue that you got into

Mistakenly got into as more haste less speed
Indicative of R for recapitulation of all mistakes
Some simple and some massive and correct
To sequester an S for sententiousness
And pompous moralising must be avoided
Knowing the T of toutological mistakes
Even though it looks good in a poetry scan
So to the U. For understanding when a mistake

And a small mistake can have repercussions
Now to  Virtually every mistake has a price
Do you admit to it and face the consequences

Simplicity of the W to weather to own up
Unless you admit it and show grace n humility
Fortunately the Xanadu is not achieved now
For all the mistakes made have a huge price.
Eventually the Y n Z. Are the yardstick to
Reluctantly measure your path on to Zion.
Written by Philip.
November 28th 2018.
Are you a victim of your time?
runningIntheDark Feb 2020
You called me a ***** from my first breath.

Extenuating circumstances were but a detail; extenuating being - nonexistent.

This sheltered child that just wanted love and knew no better.
This sheltered
— gay— ******* girl —
wanted acceptance and found it in her abyss.

Where her quirks were labeled earned her outcast. Lines up her calves. Feelings of something other than the terror that ensued.

Listen to your mother - she’ll tell you your worth - a list of pros and cons - calls to the cops - but is it worth her gaze ?
Moms busy in the bathroom.
Were you ready to be a parent so soon?

They see the lines - they smell the cigarette dreams. Do they see your drowning? Do they hear your screams?
(((Isn’t the answer simple?)))
different season, extenuating

circumstance. hunger

nor poverty a reason.

look for kindness.

i saw them sweeping

the golden, leaving the

vehicle parked badly.

saw the wind change,

sky come clear.

it is mid november,

i drive the same road,

end lessly.

James Lindsay Apr 2019
Be one for all
and there will be no mutiny

Embrace the fall
Disregard extenuating inevitability

Sync up to the sound
the quiet prophecy

We all go around
creeping loss of me
sweating sense of curiosity

coiled up
a minor monstrosity

Detailed manners of speaking
Void of any meaning
Screaming for no reason
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
Are you a victim of your time , must you live
       With your mistakes, and suffer ?
Really it’s time we wake up n smell the coffee
Every problem has solution,so let’s start today

You need not to put it off or procrastinate .
Oh I know it’s easy said , so best get o’t a bed
Unless you ever wish to live with a mistake

And identify the faults, without delay.

Verify with me , in the best way to identify
In a poetic form an A to Z of your mistakes.
Can I start with A the abandonment
The abandonment of self-surrendering
I next target B for Bacchanalia nights
Melancholic days getting over a hangover

On to The Cacodemon of an evil spirit
Found in our home , a most malignant person

Yes and Depreciation of the value of our
        assets usually by the Bankers we trusted.
Oh to have the benefits of fiscal hindsight
Understanding E as extenuating circumstance
Reason then becomes the excuse for failure.

Together with F the F word so commonly used
In emphasis to any topic or discussions
Migrating to G , not mistaking God or life alone
Ethereal spirits surround us n help us choose

Methodically H the mistake that you made
Unwittingly you could ignore Holy Spirit of God
Sympathetically I now carry the spirit with me
The change to my life is now monumental.

Yes up to J for the justice that you mistake
On the times when you are it’s sad victim.
Understandably K for Karma of getting out of

Life , whatever you put in.You are punished too
In reaching L for Life. Well the mistake is plain
Virtually you spend a lifetime getting to grips
Engage with M for the mistakes you made

With each one made , don’t cry , learn from it.
In a section for N then note daily five blessings
That you have , it is a mistake not to care.
Having an Opinion is fine but it’s a big mistake

Yes to be opinionated or dogmatic with others
O is followed by P for Procrastination of time
Uselessness , putting off what’s needed today
Reaching the Q the queue that you got into

Mistakenly got into as more haste less speed
Indicative of R for recapitulation of all mistakes
Some simple and some massive and correct
To sequester an S for sententiousness
And pompous moralising must be avoided
Knowing the T of toutological mistakes
Even though it looks good in a poetry scan
So to the U. For understanding when a mistake

And a small mistake can have repercussions
Now to  Virtually every mistake has a price
Do you admit to it and face the consequences

Simplicity of the W to weather to own up
Unless you admit it and show grace n humility
Fortunately the Xanadu is not achieved now
For all the mistakes made have a huge price.
Eventually the Y n Z. Are the yardstick to
Reluctantly measure your path on to Zion.
Written by Philip.
November 28th 2018.
Are you a victim of your time
(the following extrapolated
     thought thread exercised,
NOT utilized to intimate
     how Fats Domino belied,
and wowed a crowded house as-sized).

as a former ace procrastinator, i abhor
     putting off doing what best ought
     to get immediate attention bar
ring some extenuating dire circumstance,
     sans mishap with flying car

pet case in point being unexpected a bomb
bin able crisis necessitating
     hypothetical individual impossible
     to remain calm

     while in the process
     (assisted with good ole mom)
     to hoist self with one's own petard,
which emergency best warrant a re ward,

otherwise if fate doth NOT
     require one to break
     from ordinary business as usual
     to enlist the "FAKE"
help of a grenadier,

     who doth make
his/her livelihood
     risking their life,
     and limb without quake
     king (obviously compensating bravery
     as he/she doth stake

     out mortal danger with adequate adorn
ing mortal kombat
     with ample legal tender and/
     or promising first born)

for unstinting mettle,
     especially tolerating accompanying
     martial baritone horn
     player screech (like fingernails

     scraping blackboard)
     in close proximity - eliciting a scorn
ing glare from soldier spy
     tinker tailor with a torn
smile while trained

     special ops named Bjorn
incurs deadly hazard from one morn
to the next amidst adversity
     shouldering care worn
Marine's motto semper fidelis,

which unnecessary loss of young life
     predicated on add
age, viz being at the least,
     a day late and dollar short egad
inadvertently dooming

     princely valiant warmonger,
     a mere stripling lad
whose mourning brings
    heavy pallor of sad

ness, which imagined situation - aye
tangentially congruently analogous by
and by to the butterfly effect,
     or sparrow's swan song i.e. die
destiny wrought, when one dost espy

a single occurrence no lie,
(the flickr ring, instagram
     ming, kickstart ting well nigh
linkedin shutterfly of a butterfly)

     say twerks catcher in the rye,
hence no matter how small, thee or thy
can change the course
     of the universe forever,
     no idea how nor why!
JDK Sep 2023
On paper, it seems,
like little more than a non-event.

Sure, I mean, there have been a fair share of extenuating circumstances in the interim. Novel experiences. In-office romances. A plethora of deserved and undeserved advances. Premature deaths.

Hell, maybe I've got it backwards. On paper, it seems much more exciting than it's been.

Truth is, when it's happening in the moment, it just feels like drowning. It's hard to distinguish between which wave is which when each one is just contributing to a collective denial of your next breath.

But I'm breathing now.

It's almost overwhelming.
My lungs are telling me to keep it this way.

But my mind is telling me different. It's saying,
"This is too much. Shut it down."
"Two weeks paid vacation
won't heal the damage done.
I need another one."
- Cold War Kids
Arlene Corwin Feb 2021
This is for all, any or few who use the computer to give, get or find  some kind of comfort or fulfilment.

     The Penny Dropped

This penny dropped minutes ago:
That those who read the po-
                                      etry I write -
Who take the bite by tapping out
A Like or Heart -
Emoji showing taking part -
That they, or she or he
Is somewhere on this round, round globe
Alone and bound
To isolation’s empty ground -
For some a prism in their prison.

Rewarded with a new respect.
In twenty second’s new reaction;
Realization not to share
For any other reason
Than to know that some are there
Under the most extenuating circumstance:
Pandemic’s viruses,
Computer the main avenue
To reaching him, her,  you
(Which may be all they see
Throughout a lonely day)
Makes motive purified,
The ego minimized.

The Penny Dropped 2.13.2021 Revelations Big & Small; Arlene Nover Corwin
the penny dropped*informal, chiefly British used to indicate that someone has finally realized something: I was about to ask Jack who it was, when the penny suddenly dropped.
Caroline Ward Feb 2020
Last night
You passed through
My dreams
A fleeting thought
A spirit, almost
You but translucent.
When I woke,
I felt uneasy
And have felt
Strange ever since.
It seems apparent
To me
That despite the
Extenuating circumstances
My mind doesn't
Want to
Let go of you
Not yet
Not now
Not ever
CJ Sutherland Jul 2024
The Joker who is Batman‘s
Arch enemy and life nemesis
learned of Batman‘s true identity
And started asking real questions

How could a shooter
A seemingly untrained
Young adult without
Obvious motives A boy\man in
a Black Rock commercial

get past seasoned secret service
A calamity of errors Poor planning
A ladder on the side of a building
Bystanders spotting the shooter prior to Trump going on stage Alert, police

A policeman has a confrontation
with the shooter and runs away?
WHY was Trump allowed to go on stage?
The father alerts the police. He’s worried about his son.? Father’s missing gun

The timelines don’t add up
Secret service story changes
I’m sure they’re going to say
extenuating circumstances!
legitimately Will be presented

All Questions will be answered
they claim to have transparency
Pun intended
IT ******* AWAY
The Picture I have in my head;

The intention behind the shooter(s)?
Was for the American people
To watch Donald Trump’s
Head blown off On national television
witnessed by Millions around the world.

Why? what is the reason, the lesson;
Americans know your place!, get in line
The bigger picture It’s not all about Trump
He’s just in the way, We are next
It’s the American people they’re after

“Profane wicked people
Whose day has come
when iniquity shall have an end”
Ezekiel 21:26

That is the extent of their hatred
How do you reconcile
Hate derangement ?
Take a moment to fathom
The Gravity of the situation

News media moguls
Love to parody Trump hatred
The grotesque mockery on cue
Insinuating Character sabotage
“it’s a stunt Trump merely fell,
And had to be carried off stage”

“Trump is using his bandage as a prop”
“He staged The whole thing”
The cesspool of lying through their eyes
Biden’s campaign
Unconscionable rhetoric

ramping up hate
Trump is called a ****
Trump will be a dictator
There will be no more democracy
Trump hates black people

Public figures saying
“someone should take him out”
“The shooter had one job and he missed?”
It doesn’t matter what side you’re on
doesn’t matter what you think of the man

If they could do this to  
a president elect
What do you think
they have planned
for you and me?  

  Biden has stepped down
For  the next round
A change of tactics
The Cat Woman

Inspired by Songs;
1) Orchestra and chorus Batman theme song Neal Hefti
2) Buffalo Springfield song stop children what’s that sound? 1967
3) Crosby stills, Nash and Young “Ohio”
( Kent state shooting) 1970
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Extenuate 7-22-24 to lessen the strength or effect of some thing
The following extrapolated
thought thread exercised,
NOT utilized to intimate
how Fats Domino belied,
and wowed a crowded house ***-sized.

As a former ace procrastinator, I abhor
putting off doing what best ought
to get immediate attention bar
ring some extenuating dire circumstance,
sans mishap with flying carpet
case in point being unexpected a bomb
bin able crisis necessitating
hypothetical individual impossible
to remain calm
while in the process
(assisted with good ole mom)

to hoist self with one's own petard,
which emergency best warrant a reward,
otherwise if fate doth NOT
require one to break
from ordinary business as usual
to enlist the "FAKE"
help of a grenadier,
who doth make his/her livelihood
risking their life,
and limb without quake
king (obviously compensating bravery

as he/she doth stake
out mortal danger with adequate adorn
ing mortal kombat
with ample legal tender and/
or promising first born)
for unstinting mettle,
especially tolerating accompanying
martial baritone horn
player screech (like fingernails
scraping across chalkboard)

in close proximity - eliciting a scorn
ing glare from soldier spy
tinker tailor with a torn
smile while trained
special ops named Bjorn
incurs deadly hazard from one morn
to the next amidst adversity
shouldering care worn
Marines motto semper fidelis,
which unnecessary loss of young life
predicated on add

age, viz being at the least,
a day late and dollar short egad
inadvertently dooming
princely valiant warmonger,
a mere stripling lad
whose mourning brings
heavy pallor of sad
ness, which imagined situation - aye
tangentially congruently analogous by
and by to the butterfly effect,

or sparrow's swan song i.e. die
destiny wrought, when one dost espy
a single occurrence no lie,
(the flickr ring, instagram
ming, kickstart ting well nigh
linkedin shutterfly of a butterfly)
say twerks catcher in the rye,
hence no matter how small, thee or thy
can change the course
of the universe forever,
no idea how nor why.

Unnecessary torturous agonizing stress
wracked psyche throughout mein kampf
beginning in early grade school,
where yours truly adopted counterproductive
time management, note taking, and
prioritization of most to least
important task, which foundering
like a fish out of water besieged
with physiological symptoms
linkedin to haunting nightmares.

— The End —