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Valerie valiere Jul 2012
Ode to food . 

Barbecue Ribs ; 
I Swear If Youu Were a person  youu'd Have a Crown . 
You'd Be The Queen of your town . 
Youu make Other Foods Envy Youu Because of your delicious Barbeque  Sauce And Your Juicy Meat . 
Youu got fans because Your who their mouth wants to meet . 

Ice cream ; 
Your cold , 
But you never get old . 
Everyone Loves Youu ,Your Like Your Heaven sent .
Everyone Loves you Exept For the lactose - intolerant .   
You come in different flavors , 
Your served in different Dishes , 
You have different Toppings , 
The one thing people Is Scared To do to youu is dropping . 
Youu melt down people's Throat , 
Filling them with joy . 
Youu make babys Wanna leave their favorite toy . 

Chips ; 
Crunchy , 
Munchy . 
Who Dosnt Eat Youu ? 
Like , I mean everyone Likes you new . 
Your so fly . 
Not literaly Fly . 
Thats Apparently a lie , 
Its Obvious  you cant fly . 
Your different . 
Youu Come differently .. 
Your so good they clone youu Continuesly . 

Chicken ; 
Youu had to die 
To Satisfy . 
Youu do Good to my stomach , 
Make Me Feel good . 
Your so good . 
Youu Can even be barbequed , 
Your so good i wanna play a harp for youu .
You Can Be Boiled Too . 
But I Dont Like you like that , Eww .

Candy ; 
Your so dandy . 
You Come In Different Varieties . 
Skittles , M&MS; Even Jelly beans . 
Who dont love youu , i mean Youu That Babie . 
Everyone love youu Exept People with Diabetes . 

This Is My Ode Too Food . 
Food That Taste M-m-m Good .
Deana Luna Oct 2013
you say it is disgusting for me to be naked.
you. you who opens up redtube as soon as you walk into your room.
you say that i should wear a bra to cover up. that no one would want to see the outline of my *******.
when you get hard thinking about taking off my shirt.
you tell me to put on a sweater so my bra straps don't show.
because you want to be the only one to see them. selfish you are. you.
you tell me i am a **** for sleeping with anyone i want.
then tell your friends all the ***** things i'll do once you **** me since i'm so "experienced".
you will never get to **** me.
you. you *******, pissfuck, wretched, privileged, puny COCKroach.
you tell me to calm down after you shove my head onto your lap and say "****"
you ask why i am so uptight. why i don't get that it was just a joke.

you who creates the danger in my life then laughs when i take note of it.
you who creates threats to my safety and sanity then questions why i do not simply comply.
you who creates hostility. dismissal.
you who creates a life-threatening culture around the sacks of fat i have on my chest and the hole i have between my legs.
you mock me for gripping my keys walking next to you.

i was born naked. i will walk the streets naked. exept for the stilettos i will wear to punch a hole through your patriarchal *******.
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
I can't hear anything
Exept your voice
I can't see anything
exept your face
I can't feel anything
Except your body
I'm going crazy
Lock me in a padded room
Dope me up and lay me down
I miss you too much
I love you too much
My love, you are my world
I've given up so much for you
My life has changed for ever
And I couldn't be happier
But not being with you
Not talking to you
It's making me go crazy
So again
Lock me up
Dope me up
And lay me down
So I can go crazy
With love
My heart is a padded room
Love is my dope
And you are what's making me go crazy
I love you
Olliver May 2018
I want to remind you of all the times we shared.

When I helped you stand in an elevator at 8 years old because you were too drunk to stand yourself.

When you missed my last band concert because getting high and crying over him was more important.

When you told me I treat you like a dog, but I get anxiety whenever I'm around you.

When you told my brother he should have never been born. A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts, you know.

When you said I was too immature to decide if I should stay at your house or not.

When you stopped being my safe place.

When you tried to make me feel guilty for not coming out to you sooner. It made you mad that even though you have been calling it a phase for a year that I didn't think you'd exept me.

How about the time I tried to put my younger brother to sleep and you yelled at me for asking you not to distract him while cleaning; he would never get to sleep that way. But I was "scoulding you".

Don't forget when I was 4 years old and you came to visit me and promised me a new booksgelf for all my moovies, and didn't even remember the next time I saw you (a month later).

And I've been told plenty of time of when you left me with my grandma to go get some food, and came back about 4 days later for your child.

I was sick once and I remember throwing up, wishing my mom was there to hold my hair, but I figured I hadn't seen her in so long that maybe if I prayed she would hear me up in hevan?

When you dropped me off without saying I love you, even though I said it three times and I was mad.

Now pick those out in perfect chronological order. Tell me what was the old you. Tell me you changed. Lie to me. Im already used to it.

Now you might understand why I'm counting down the days until I live with my father.
Alena Apr 2021
Might think I'm ******* crazy,
'Cause I'm only circling in my little room,
I said "**** the exams", but truly say I'm scared.
I don't have any plan in life, I'm only baby,
But my mind is ready to war, and it's gonna boom,
I only want to break free and move to New York, but that's feard...

My sister says that she believes in me,
But I know that I'll make her blue,
Because I'm stupid little lost bee,
So I answer only "I believe in me too".
I know that this is hilarious to see,
But I really don't have a clue.
It seems like I had a glue,
But I lost someone who I even don't knew,
I wish I could say to her some things, just a few,
'Cause even my angel-protector left me, that's a blue.

My dearest friend once said "Your poetry is really awesome",
She didn't know that I'm only clown, but she's flawsome,
I really appreciate her words, but I can't make myself believe in it,
Because I think that I bring someone down and for that I need a hit.

Today I thought I was well done,
But when the sun goes down,
I think again about being gone,
Like I want to take a gun,
And take me brains out.

Outside I'm so cold skin,
But inside of me is an emotional bin,
You don't want to feel and see the things i've seen,
You don't want to know through what I've been,
It wasn't really a high quality scene,
'Cause now I want to feel
Anything else exept the fear.

I find my solace in my lyrics,
So that's how I talk to my friends,
But they don't give a **** about me,
And it makes me want to concentrate on the cheap beer,
Maybe that's how people will hear,
Because I'm tired of feeling ******* crazy,
I was born in the wrong time and place, I want ready,
So I'm just waiting to go to Father on the up,
Just to tell him about all the things that bring me on the top
To him.

And I can't stop writing this,
'Cause I want to cry, but I keep resist,
Feel like I'm in the cell, I'm beast,
Everybody watchs me, that's a ****.
yash siddhartha Jul 2014
if you can keep ur head when all about you
when all losers blaming on u
if u can trust urself where everyone douts,
make allowence to those douts
if u can dream,not make dreams master
to serve you turn after long
exept the will which says them 'hold on!'
yash siddhartha
K Balachandran Apr 2019
Tip toeing spring, hoists her electrifying colors again,
All round, with the attendent scents and sounds sublime!
I find myself mulling over the words my dad uttered,
Etched deep in my psyche, when we were still tiny tots!

"It's each one of us that makes them do it,
The birds on these trees around us, sing"

He made it mysterious, but it rang a bell, revealed things,
We realized each little deed of us, did impact the world.
I see the honeybees in the beehive are a cosmos themselves,
Their hum, cosmic  "Aum" reminds :'You are the universe'
Mom goes out and fills all water containers to the full,
She does this every now and then, very dutifully, I can see
We watch with content, birds making a bee line to each
Fly down and drink water to their fill, day in and day out.
My sister goes around the courtyard sprinkling grains,
In plenty, for all the birds regular and new to our farm.
She keeps crumbs, grains, seeds left overs in open containers
At the places they freequent, convenient for avians to partake.
What we in this farm has to offer, whenever they are here.
All for love , exept for the hope of sonorous moments they gift!
On the patio, all of us sit, together,  our inner ears open,
As if to listen a serenade, just for us,under the open skies,
The pure silence in the begining, gets sweeter by the minute,
The calves run out of the cow pen mirthfully springing
Seeking their mothers' udder, as they graze out on the green.
The mynahs, together in a tone, affectionate, begin
To chat, about the delights they find in our farmsted, I guess.
The bulbuls and sparrows in a similer mood, quickly join in,
Sing aloud the paeans, perrhaps, who knows, all of us.
Nothing new to us, just routine, followed each season.
Yet we sit as if it's a first, soaking in it's incessent rain,
Moments ethereal, full of nature's soulful music!
Melting in a meditative trance we take it all in,
Oh! how sublime is your music, that envalop us like light.
Big jack fruits, ripened on  tall leafy trees,
Exude a dainty scent, most appitizing, it wafts in the air
Hoards of grey squrrirals, it attracts, noisily they descend
As dextrous they are in food finding expeditions on trees ,
Studiously they drill open the big pulpy fruit that hangs heavily,
Skillfully from all sides, as if seking a grand prize hidden in.
Happy chirps, tweets and songs of early birds become
More ecstatic and loud, as time goes by and more join in.
They flit around us, as if to greet and cheer us, becoming bold
As we huddle together feeling closer than ever in their presence.
Our eyes wide open, gleaming bright, hearts full of light,
Grandma who briskly walked past ninety summers,
Happy tears glistenening in her eyes,
Now starts to sing, a lark on her wings..we are overwhelmed!
Transcending joys of many kind, we felt the magic,
Beyond the limits of mind to an intense spot,
A feeling as if we all are gently  holding hands,
Floating on the air, sans wings...
Then again I hear the chant, the words my dad uttered,
Who'd never come back again to put us under his spell.
"Spread love around, you'll be fine and the world"
Every bird joined in the chorus, as if to hail his golden words.
Memories from a childhood spent in a farmstead, speak...
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i was abandoned in the cold. i grew psychotic as i grew. dont cross my back cause ill go completely insane on you. i run free from a society that is messed up with corruped ideas. every one follows social media exept i go down a new rout antie social freedom. im not a mean person but i am vary SHY. i will disappear to stay away from you finding me. i want to stay away from people who post **** about me. im not crazy

BUT IM SHY AND KINDA INSANE i am not mean but i dont want to get mixed in the wrong crowed if you know what i mean.

i dont need friends i never seen before i live in this world with a cold place in my heart away from the wrong crowed that tryes to **** me away i live a life that is cold and dark away from social media that tears lives apart
im so shy and careful to stay away from the wrong crowdes
Rune amergin May 2010
have you ever been in
a situation where
you see someone
wearing something BIZZARE cant help
but stare?
you eventualy find the words
"i really like that"
coming from your lips.
i have also been on the
other side of this scenario
where i wear something
thats a fashion risk and
get compliments from
random people.
while i smile and exept it
i want to correct them with
"no, you mean, you like the fact
i had the ***** to wear it
and somewhat pull it off".
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i feel like every breath i take when i am angry fill with smoke that takes my soul away.
every mistake i have made brings me and you closer. i want answer's that will tell me the truth.  why do i have a demonic life with smoke that fills my lungs! how angry do you have to make me till i lose control and go on a rampage. how long before i can get my own soul back.i am a demonic being that will take a life and rote it to death. i stand alone with anger that spits all your ******* lies out. im going to lose control and show this world what life with out a soul will be like when all you breath smoke in your lungs that destroy you life roting your mind away wiht only


smoke filling my lungs with only anger and *******.
i dont stand along with the crowd i stand alone away from societys ***** triks.

my demonic life has nothing but darkness that writes my life storie of what its like to be in hell.

smoke fills my lungs cause thats whats going to happen when you trade your soul for what ever greed needs

so trace my foot steps ill dissapear like the sun dose every day.

smoke fills my lungs cause i'm just a broken soul that has no where to go exept rain hell onto those whoe made my life misrable enstead
like is so pissy with every one so sufficating when yo have to work on a project for school
Jessica Jul 2013
Whispering hope and fate
I cried for help
Trapped in a maze of world
As the dark upon me
Begin to rise

Searching for a love
All have fade and dissapeard
With no left exept me
None of these people were a friends
I'm alone in this difficult world

That moment when you're come
Whispering comforting words
Cover my hands with a gentle warmth

I watch for a breaking of day
When the sun rises in beautiful light
Between the mountain I see
A hope for me
For my future and destiny

But it won't last for long
Now it's the time
When you have to go

Tears from my eyes
Falling as I watch the sunsets
But I know I have to wait
Till' the raises of the sun

I don' care anymore
Nothing can stop me this time
I grab yout hads and run
To excape down in to the sea

I know I'll drown
I know you'll be too
Once I doing this
I can' go back anymore

God, I know
We can't be separate
Even by the death
It's the time for us to leave
Even now we're not exist
Our soul will stay together
I write this, for the broken hearted one, I hope you like it ♥♡♥
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
you push me on to the stage
with all those bright lights
shining on me my fear of what words being wispered
i start to choke up feeling anxiety that starys making me shake
all the people just looking threw me
all i can do is  feeling my heart racing with my mind following behind
my hands start to shake when i feel like i m going to puke
i feel like i cant breath when every ones face turned blank
i feel like im going to pass out even if push me to far
the mike is listening as the day turned round
all that you havee done is turn my life upside down when
i couldnt speak
look at the entire crowed just making you fear for what they think you want to say

all i feel i can do is feel my heart and mind racing behind
you took my confidence away from me you took my breath my tears away that lead nothing

you broke me and tour me apart.

theres nothing exept my trust that u broke

all i can hear is my spoken poetry that hides deep in side me

scared my anxiety is out of control i want to to puke on the floor i feel shaky and cant talk im frozen in my spot

my trust be gain to freez  

my anxiety diggs it claws threw the back save me cause the stage fright is making me a wreak  alive

stage fright has taken my life to hollow me out
i cant publicly speak with out feeling anxiety till it shuts my down
CA Oct 2013
I'm drinking
And I've spend all night thinking
About you
And i don't know that much has changed
exept you went from 70%
To 90 proof and i don't think you'll ever return

One hundred years will pass
I will still believe you deserve another chance
I'm sorry that I'm not what you deserve
You could apologize for being more
But I'm almost at the bottom of my glass
And the closer i get

The further you are
Zay Bliss Mar 2014
Lost in someone elses melodie
going to the beat of their drum, like im stuck in their head awake and sound asleep.
Wonderland on a cliff,
Somewhere unknown in the back of my mind, yet I still might find home.
Dorthy got her wish,
Im still stuck flashing in a rave, an echoe in the mist.
Im lost and im found.
World shapeless, Well my minds round.
Its like a dream, I feel like a fish, like a meteor burnt to crisp.
What it may seem, Im lost in someone elses melodie
The pain is taking over everything
Its like a fantasy
Exept its called reality...
I had a weird dream..
Vladimir s Krebs Jan 2016
i have been with you my life. but what i have said some day u will see me again.

you have been my life but my road never ends of journies and stories of the untold.
i promised you i would find you. when your cryes have reached the full moon and water rivers. your crys have benn there to my promise

we have drifted to long and when i see the roses in your hair i dont even know what t say.

we both have words we havent even spoke of exept your arms around me

your wisper i have found my savior
i would stop this world to find u
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
what a night with friends just partying with no sence of time or tiredness. every night you go out and try new things that will throw you out when you find your self waking up with no memore. you feel great with no reziliance of the angers that will take your  moral confedens. you just feel free and a rebel to your parents. every night you are out all night with just images that bring laughter and giggels. evr night you find your self with a  new thing writen on your body lipstick  kisss all over the white shirt.  but that one night you feel this thought that thought frezzes every thing. is this real. nothing makes sence and it is all clear you have became the person that you promised to not let out.
all the thrills grow but your mind is to ******* over to even realize that this isnt you.

your girl friend is scared to death about you. yeah

yeah life's thrills have turned you into a mess. your girlfriend finds you passed out on her front stoop with a note you wrote please save me?

life;s thrills is all fun and games before you get that thought every one who loved you are extreamly scared for you.

love is one thing but pushing away that and going insane leves another lie tht you said this wont ever be me.



LIFE"S THRILLS have taken my life and flipped it up side down.
your addictions to the little things have made you look like ****.

no sleep exept sitting on your bed agenst the wall with questions of what happened all those nights/
this was me and i rebeled against all pople that society was a trap and that was a lie people knew it was addiction and a mess so i quit going out and no im really really trying to unfog my mi nd what happened
Run away with me
Please i beg of u
This life not worth living
U dont know what u put me through

Please marry me soon
I know not right now
If it were up to me i would
But theres alot of factors involved

U r my only
I cant take the pain
Of not being with u
Being to far away

my insides are burning
My mind is numb
Im always dead
Exept when im with my love

I am devoted to u forever
I will never let go
It hurts so,so much
I want u to know

I need to hold
To love and be held
If it hurts when i fall
As much as when i fell

Until my saving grace
Came and took me away
To a land where im free
A land WITHOUT pain

I need you so much
More than u know
So hug me tight now
And dont ever go


Life is too short to be stuck in one place, i need u more than i need my life, i cant exist without u, dead or alive, i have to be blessed with your eternal affection with leagality before our life is lost to another life that was never our desiny

I want u
I need u
I love u

And i feel so vulnerable
There is no "note" to be expressed on this page, nor will there be any tags, the entire raw truth lies within the poem, and will not be saturated with any additional thought, i meant everyword about it 100%, nothing more, nothing less
Majd Abbas Jan 2018
I release a frosty sigh..steam rushes through my lungs..
As I witness the Christmas massacre..
Blood-stained snow..melting snow-men..
The silent carols of the dead tremble my entity..
Bodies stench of cinnamon..chocolate and snow..
Dying flames in the fireplace..burning Christmas trees..
The frozen night wind blows on my face..
Slaping me back to reality..

To my terror..I see you..among the carcasses..
Bathed in moonlight..
White as ever..cold as melting snowflake..
I remember our stolen lisses under the mistletoe..
How my icy fingertips turn to heat at your touch..
And I try to find sorrow in my heart..
But you would not feel bitter sadness..
If you never tasted the sweetness of joy..

I suddenly see a fat figure.. Wielding an axe..dressed in crimson red..
Surrounded with reindeer ghosts..feeding blood to his axe..
The damp darkness of the night shines his white beard..
So I hard as my legs allow..
Leaving my snowflake behind..
Cold freezes my joints..devours my bones with its killing pain..
And I see a glimpse of a star..the day Christ was born..
I pray to give me back my snowflake..
To bring back the flame to the broken fireplace..
Nothing answers..exept for the howling wind of December..
Gasping for air..I slip on the icy edge of the church floor..
Inside I see the joyful carols of Christmas..
Turn to screaming..blood..tears and snow..
I see the fat shadow approaching me..raising his blood-thirsty axe..
His beard smeared in the blood of my snowflake..
Tears turn to crystal in my sockets..
Heaven's light shines above..
Jingle bells..Jingle bells..
Screaming: ** ** **!
I died on a Christmas..with sticky blood-stained snow..
Niels Land Mar 2017
**** y'all.                                                                                              

Everythin's spining.                                                                                                
Leaves flying.                                                                                    
Round and round.                                                                            
Sadness floating.                                                                                          
Still here.

**** good it was.
Real lucky I was.
Now scares me.
Forget it !
Remember the funky happy song!
What are you waiting for ?

******* all off, and just leave me alone.
Trumpets are singing.
Time to be sad.
Someone ? A Dagger please ! I'd like to stab my belly.
Maybe that way this feeling will fade away ?

An eraser for the past ?
The asylum is over there dude.
What about you, always looking towards the future ?
Hug it.
I know !! I know I should.
But Past is pulling me back.

That **** ******* feeling.
Don't need it to survive.
But is the salt of existence.
The burger of the life.
Give me the pepper would ya' ?
(the audience is invited to laugh.)

How did she move on ?
A guess ?
Wisdom ?
Or perhaps early Alzheimer.
Just kidding.

Maybe she didn't move on.
Managing only to close her eyes.
Oh come on shut up will ya' ??
Of course she moved on !
What did you expect exept Schwepps ??

Snow falling.
Negative things ramping.
Sun rising.
Positive things shining.
You don't live all year with snow.
Unless you're from Saskatoon. Or maybe Siberia too.

The burger, waiting for salt, increasingly covered by falling snow, got pepper instead.
Lol are you mad ?
Of course not ? And you ?
Neither am I. And what about the other guy over there, with the black hat ?
Dunnow. Looks like he's looking for salt.
Yeah, but seems he doesn't know how to catch it.
Yeah, he thinks snow is falling upon him, but it's salt.
Poor him. What he is looking for is all around him.

**** it.
Thanks for reading ! Any thoughts ? :-)
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
the darkness begains to spread like sickness i have never wanted to see. people turning in to savage animals when the riots begain fire breaks out so dose blood shed. the one peace full small sleepy town has became the place where you cant hide anywhere. the ones who are traped is me ad my life. this madness grows bigger and bigger. swat teams start to come from every direction hellicopters heavey armered vhicles even tanks. what was once a place for peace has broken out in to blood shed with no escape. all you hear is guns  and screaming all around. me and tho oness who have hidden deep in the shadows of the buildings just watch as the anger spreads. who even knowes if any of your parents have even survived. what was once started cant be stop'd by force alone. no matter what shows is only blood pools lining the street. only 2 nights there were no blood shed but just watching threw your hide aways you just see the people who was taken to violence ending something so corrupt that it will only take the ons who follow in the shadows to take down the danger of threat. what was once a simple sleepy place now is complete ruins. theres no place safe to step out in to the light exept for us to follow the plan to fight with no violence but psychological taking down each part slowly. even if it means if e grow anger? but thats how the sickness spreads slowly turning people in to vishious animals. what me and my friends who hid in shadows the image is to grusim ****** dead bodies lay all around .

this sickness spreads when you turn anger in anger corrupts and the darkness begains to take its place in its down fall. th only darkness in me is when i dont know what to do expet turn evil in for revenge

the darkness turned in to and epidemic taing my nerves. i may be a show creature but  i know when darkness corrupys and spreads like a wild fire
such as riots bring out violence!

what was once a small place has been destroyed by a corrupt rummer.


only the ones who escapt and working to take down the spread to make peace again
tired tired tired
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
my limits have no fear
cause under my skin i scream
what do i do when some one took my only hope
all i can do is scream is when my own life flashes
is there any thing i can do
expet ponder for half and hour
will i be alon to fight this world alone
how many days o silence do i have to take
where do i stand when i feel like im drowning threw my or stereo
whats next exept the memories of shadows horriblal
life has limits of silence

i dont know here i stand since all i can do is scream ponder for hours of something great.

am i alone
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
you see the boy at high school you send wispers all around tearing him up inside. he say nothing as you just push him around. every day he is scilent and never even makes a sound. that loaner is me. i just watch the world go bye. i dont have any thing to say expet i am going down the road of life solatuid shunning away people. that boy you watch every day he grows moe quiet but has a weapon of his choice. his words that shoots like bullets hitting tarkets with kinds solam words that lighten the impact. that boy who alawys walked home alone every day. he has no words exept (his big blue)eyes that make the statmenst that keept him sane.
idk this is what my life is
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
all the feelings of night wasting away from parting and waking up the next morning with some one who you don't actually remember what the **** happened.

you memorie is erases so you cant even find out what happen last night.

all your friends lok like **** even your life is filled with regrets.
doing things making the night glow and grow more intense with insanity with no limits.

no one wants to say any thing when one of us has to speak with the person who took our souls along with us.

every night being away parting lifting spirets away with good times and giggels that haunt us forever.

there isnt any were to turn exept trying t know what actually happened to me.

life is full of mistory and questions of what the **** happened to all of us no memorie of what happened no idea who the hell where i have ended up
mistakes i made
Khoisan Jun 2018
When we fall asleep at night
There is no control
Over what happens in the interim
exept for the glorious entity
Who wakes us up
To a brand new day
Sleep well
Fynn Dec 2017
I walk underneath darkened sky
heavy steps, boots full of mire
A ***** ***** lays over my shoulder
and in my eyes shines a fire

Tombstones grow from tormented soil
like broken teeth they protude from the ground
flickering shadows from the light of my lantern
and exept my steps, not a single sound

But then it starts, and my steps die away
a whisper of doom and a sudden wheeze
light voices from all around
a cold wind and a steady breeze

I start to dig a grave, ***** for *****
I dig a hole into the ground
Ignoring those voices, in my head
that tell me to stop and turn around

I know all those voices, I've heard them before
every time. when I step on this yard
I learned to ignore them, and to stick to my work
And to dig the graves, part for part

inside those cemetery walls,
where I started walking
you just have to be quiet
to hear dead men talking

And as a gravedigger
I heard many tales
This is far more profounding than it might seem. Im looking forward if you can find the core of this poem. Think about it take your time..and let me know what you thoughs were. Positive or negative. I want to know
LylexRose Apr 2018
Here we go ahh

I act like you don't ******* care, but I'm still here for you, even if you had no choice but I'd still do the things I do

And you still come back again and again, even though I don't know when, again and again, told lies through our friends

Maybe I can set things right, if we steal a flight, and head east, we'll find peace in a place far away from here.
Buts that's how things go.

So let's step back and start from the beginning, but you dunno what I been doing exept been sinning, but I ain't speaking about that Satan and lucifer ****, now hold the noose, and we'll get loose and just vanish for a bit.

But while you've been gone I've been working the figures, and blowing up bigger and all because you said the word.....

Don't forget to blame me for everything you've done wrong, you know me Mr Don't give a ****, I'll only hit the ****.

And to the big bloated blameworthy blasphemous *****, gave me the boot cause you take me for a snitch. So shut your mouth babbling ***** but I'll beware what's bothering your boisterous brain, so I'll say a lil prayer and I'll feel now pain.

Alright that's enough B's for now, I only need the one,  and you pushed me to follow this **** and to become myself but that's how I won.
Niels Land Mar 2017
**** y'all.                                                           ­                                   

Everythin's spining.                                                         ­                                       
Leaves flying.                                                          ­                          
Round and round.                                                           ­                 
Sadness floating.                                                        ­                                  
Still here.

**** good it was.
Real lucky I was.
Now scares me.
Forget it !
Remember the funky happy song!
What are you waiting for ?

******* all off, and just leave me alone.
Trumpets are singing.
Time to be sad.
Someone ? A Dagger please ! I'd like to stab my belly.
Maybe that way this feeling will fade away ?

An eraser for the past ?
The asylum is over there dude.
What about you, always looking towards the future ?
Hug it.
I know !! I know I should.
But Past is pulling me back.

That **** ******* feeling.
Don't need it to survive.
But is the salt of existence.
The burger of the life.
Give me the pepper would ya' ?
(the audience is invited to laugh.)

How did she move on ?
A guess ?
Wisdom ?
Or perhaps early Alzheimer.
Just kidding.

Maybe she didn't move on.
Managing only to close her eyes.
Oh come on shut up will ya' ??
Of course she moved on !
What did you expect exept Schwepps ??

Snow falling.
Negative things ramping.
Sun rising.
Positive things shining.
You don't live all year with snow.
Unless you're from Saskatoon. Or maybe Siberia too.

The burger, waiting for salt, increasingly covered by falling snow, got pepper instead.
Lol are you mad ?
Of course not ? And you ?
Neither am I. And what about the other guy over there, with the black hat ?
Dunnow. Looks like he's looking for salt.
Yeah, but seems he doesn't know how to catch it.
Yeah, he thinks snow is falling upon him, but it's salt.
Poor him. What he is looking for is all around him.

**** it.
My dads room was often dusty.
He had...things in there.
Things that would strike a childs curiosity.
It wasnt my curiosity.
He got home from work
Us kids were home alone.
He saw little fingerprints on his dresser.
I was called up to his room
He snatched my hand
Pulled my thumb
And planted a print right next to the crime scene.
My thumb matched the other one.
I pleaded with him that it wasnt me.
And it wasnt.
But he hit me
And told me i was lying
He told me he wouldn't stop until i admitted it
So i lied.
I told him i did it
I didn't.
I was treated like a dog
Had nothing to do with the situation
Just his way of ******* my head.
Made me lie
About a truth
That was easy to tell.
I didnt go up there
Someone else did
But like always
I fell for the crime i didnt commit.
Who the **** lies and says he did something that he didn't.
It happened all the time.
I was
I am
A truthful person.
But he made me lie
About being a liar.
And thats how he kept it.
Not a poem but i wanted to share how things are. I need to sorry. It's bad i know
Jace Albine Mar 2021
It was never lost on me,
When I wasn’t looking for it. . .
And don’t get me started on the “M”
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i cant keep going when i end up broken minded when i let my open mind slip.
i don't know how far i can go but i don't have any thing exept silence.
i dont know what you want from me.
attention when you lose your mind.
how far can i go.
i just feel tired of being lied to.
from all your games.
i tire of every thing when it all changes to fast.
i cant keep holding on to false hope you give me every time we go out.
im tired of being lied to for your games that i just want to truth about whats your mind  ***** around.
i wish i could help but your lies make me want to just stop caring.
my mind is breaking cause i cant keep up with your mind.
i dont know how to say thing but my mind has been broken to from your lies that made my life confused .
idk what to say this poem or short stanza im really having writers block
Nova Born Dec 2017
Once, there was a dragon in her cave,
a different universe, a different day-
her wings, they said, were from the darkness in witch she was bred.
Her eyes, they said, were from all the ones that venture in her cave, and take
A coin, a spear, a necklace, a books page,
but in her fire rage,
she captured there souls, and once again put her lonely head, on the gold wished upon by the ones now dead, she basks in the villages dread.
But once, a maid, force to flee, came to the dragon and asked of she, for a tiny gold coin, a desperate plea, and the dragon nodded her head,
For just because they said, does not make it true, so let me say the truth for you:
the dragon's name was not one of distain, and her wings were not darkness of doom, but peaceful of night, her eyes not from lost souls, exept maybe her own-
She does not mind those who ask, only ones who ask in vain, and, yes, I will say her name -
But don't worry, its not a name of doom.
Kaley Dec 2016
I am.a person
With DNA
In a world
Of Technology
Here to find you in every way

Track you.down
Number your soul
know where you are
You call that Smart..

In a land of artificial intellegence
Always taking the easy ways out..
To Tell You  Who you are to them
An catorgize you in a place in this world

Don't be racist
Exept gays
Dont be critical
You don't get a say

Meanwhile in this system put up
In a day money wont rule everything,

Gold and silver, bronze, Iron an clay
it will be swept up by the wind in a day,

A Divided kindom
partly strong
partly brittle

Money was our currency
"Now we the people," are Just a mixture

We will not remain united
Forming alligences as this is..

All the paín and All the blood shed
All the sacrifice and All the Decite

Their will be a kindom
Of prosparity an crush
those of Other kings
Day Oct 2015
i never really noticed that there were no colors here exept for red.
i guess that makes sense,
we all bleed out our feelings into words.
our innermost thoughts intermixing with logic and meaning,
creating something beautiful.

— The End —