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Julie Grenness Feb 2017
Years ago, I wed a mechanic,
A token marriage, quite symbolic,
Saturday arvos, really shambolic,
I gawped at him, gazing at his dipstick,
Still working on who was  the dipstick,
Checking under the hood,
was supposed to be good,
So, that is what is really symbolic,
Dipstick gazing at a dipstick, gazing at his dipstick,
Yah! Symbolism of the futile past symbolic............
Feedback welcome.
Julia Aug 2017
My knuckles look like coke and roses
The winter bit them hard; they cracked
I **** on them; they bleed their noses
I fear they are forever chapped

My knuckles look like milk and lipstick
Dressed in cream and Vaseline
I'm oiled up so says the dipstick
With pink supreme silk gasoline

My knuckles look like wine and diamonds
I deck them out most everyday
They never mind the crime and violence
I keep them moist with Tanqueray

My knuckles look like snow and crowbar
They finally just had enough
I tried to run; I didn't go far
My knuckles, unlike me, are rough
I got into a fight with the curb on which I cry.
Ann Beaver Jul 2013
red lipstick
Oil dripping off a dipstick
Lick quick
The chocolate off my blood stream
Colored dream
Of all nightmares
Floating away.
These things gather
Or scatter, rather,
Across the expanse of my memory.
Please remedy:
A needle, a pill, a potion, a lotion
Not to see
Whatever has become of me.
Geno Cattouse May 2013
Suspended at the beginning of the end. At the end of the beginnning.
Neither rising nor falling.the wolf trots across twinkling white powder.
Frosty breath like a steam driven piston. She is neither hungry nor on patrol.

In her element. Little Red beware.

A calm.before the storm..listen to the blood swish in your veins.
Bass drum pounding behind your ears.

A sigh of relief the dipstick was.negative
Slack tide.

Anticpation & dissipation
Slack tide

The moon pulls and releases. Clutch moment the oceans
Fall and rise. In the mean time. The between time.
We live in slack tide.
Julie Grenness Sep 2016
A life of doublespeak,
I think you're weak,
Never mind, (you're a dipstick),
Means 'I don't give a blip',
Blip happens,
Means, 'You're crapping',
Do stop moaning,
And all your groaning,
Dull contemplation,
Of ex manipulation.
Yes, doublespeak,
Means I think you're weak,
'Have a good day,' so long,
Who cares why the ex carries on?
Feedback welcome.
Julie Grenness May 2017
I guess this is a funny tale,
I still reflect, silent wail,
There I was, giving birth,
Snicker for what it's worth,
"Excuse me, sister, I'm having a contraction!"
Did that cause a nurse reaction!
They must have thought I was a dipstick,
Laughing away in their lipsticks!
Feedback welcome.
Graff1980 Feb 2021
Say goodnight
to that psychopathic
narcistic guy.

You all used to say
you were about to make
America great.

So, say goodbye
to that uncouth
wanna cause
a violent coup
dipstick dude
who many of you
were following
through to

Must be a
hard pill to swallow
cause you haven’t taken
the medicine
of getting rid of him
and accepting
the election.

Such a bad *******
for the fool who
won’t move on
fast enough.
Instead, he is
getting everyone
riled up
and stealing money.

It’s not even funny,
how he hurt so many.
It’s a cold chilly January
as he tries to dismember
that capitol with his fans.
Then throws them
under the bus.

This is how he uses
and abuses his stooges,
just ask Mike Pence.

So, forth hence
say farewell
to the ne’er-do-well.
He might not be
going to hell,
but if we are lucky,
he will be going to jail.
David W Clare Feb 2015
It's so bizarre no matter where you go, near or afar
There's always a bad Apple in the candy jar

Some ******* clown dipstick loud mouth jackyl has to berate, wants to hassle and **** on the town parade

I love Frank Sinatra Junior
I paid 200 a dollar ticket then some asinine clown drunk jicket yells out to ruin the show

****, no matter where I go
There's that horse fly in the ointment

Like a sad appointment set in stone
Always one school yard bully
To wreck the fun

Chase the girls away
Try again another day...

D. Clare
Opinions vary...
Alan S Bailey Nov 2017
Where the road ends and meets the future
I shall be here at the burnt out screen cross point,
Even when all breaks apart and you have no one
I will be there to keep a well lit joint!
If you are somewhere else and this is bothering you
Somehow, that I am OK with ****, grow up dipstick,
It's past the year 2015,
It's lately been OK with that stuff now.
Growing up fast on this big kid playground,
You throw a stick and it lands a gun on the ground,
Where it's totally uncool to be part of BLM,
But confederate flags, statues, Dukes,
And "privileged" are the new trend.
That's just how we all grew up fast all around!
On this endlessly changing, re-arranging
Educating, violent, strange place Mom, Dad, you-and-I roam,
This special little USA place full of haters we all call home.
Midnight Jul 2018
you popped the hood
and ran your fingers
over the engine
stroking the piston
smoothing the dipstick
feeling the carburetor
and for once
i felt jealous
of a honda civic
Micheal Wolf Feb 2017
Netflix tonight!
The man of the house said
She said "Lets watch a chick flick"
  But he wasn't having that.

"Let's watch Brando it's a classic"
was his next idea,
Last Tango in Paris!
Have you never seen it my dear?

They sat together watching with smart price popcorn and cheap wine
Then came the scene where the old boy grabbed the butter and suddenly it was all in the gutter

Engrosed and engorged or a mix of the two, he shouted get some butter,
"I'll try that with you"

It looked fun at first till she got to his fridge
She opend the door and no butter could she see.
Smart price lard was all that was there, this wasn't Chester oh what a mess

We have none she said in a voice of relief
And headed for bed without a buttered rear seat

Half an hour later then came the shock
The cook came to bed with dripping on his ****
Naked and ****** and wanting a bunk
She fled the bedroom before he could mount

In a nighty like a wigwam caught in the breeze and her funbags unbridled
Down to her knees

She screamed to the neighbours he's trying to **** me with a lard coverd **** and an oversize belly

The police came quick, just like he did
They couldn't stop laughing at his melted dipstick
Take him away the Sgt said
That's the last Tango in Noctorum
He'll have with her!!
Jonny Angel Feb 2014
My dipstick shows me
your lubricant is getting low
& that's not good for your engine,
it'll make your pistons slower.

But don't you fret yet little beauty,
I have some mechanical-skills
that will thrill you,
get you tuned up
to optimal performance,
they almost seem romantic.

In order to keep
your motor running smoothly,
I'll have to poke my head
up under your hood,
adjust your wiring,
check your plugs,
fill you up
with some more fluid.

Then, I'll place you
high on the rack,
look at your suspension,
make sure your wheels
spin uninhibited,
before I release some
drivetrain tension.

Hey listen to me fast-momma,
you'll have to schedule
an appointment soon,
'cause I'm getting full here.

O please hurry
& come quick,
I'm not sure how long
I can hold onto my tool
before I break free.
As par and parcel of being
    alive wire impossible aye
to maintain totally tubularly
     literarily celibate by and bye
with parochial restraint antiseptic dry
as dust poetic refrains
     asper this healthy older guy
devoid of physical whim zee

     unlike a inscrutable ****** hi
there dear reader experienced
     by this self contrived Zen
minded nonestablishmentarian outlier,
     whose nonconformist yen
tries to steer clear of controversy,
     heresy, prurient wen
unless one happened

     to be eunuchized,
     i.e. sexless as a cold oven,
but similar to generic men
     this writerly hen  
pecked husband dully
     drumming, droning, and
     dribbling as a lix spittle
     aged chap housed within

     Schwenksville, Pennsylvania bailiwick
though far less inclined
     to whet ma lil atrophied dipstick
than some young buck
     at the peak of his ****** prowess
every now and again viz,

     aye feel a much slighter sensation
drubbing, crackling, and
     buckling mine body electric
and attempt to record
     re: font ten blue type
     boldface and/or Italic
such infrequently occurring
     fleeting Johnson magic

speculating why the
     hoo ha regarding mystic
spell binding codas,
     dogmas, and enigmas,

     an integral component naturalistic
within the calculus of life,
     when human species
     (parenthetically), naturally, inherently,
     and biologically opportunistic
akin to other organisms whose quixotic
antics allow NON GMO,

     MSG, and gluten free,
     and uncensored discussion
asper reproductive habits rhapsodic
with floral and/or faunal symphonic

emanations donning each their own
     "NON FAKE" trumpeting
spectacular humbly modest
     rubric, yet...universalistic
as being linkedin
     within the cosmic whirled wide web.
Julie Grenness Mar 2017
I pondered, alone, not lonely, like a cloud,
Is positivity still allowed?
I spied upon a distant hill,
A man who was a dipstick dill,
My kind of guy, I suggest,
I feel this poem does regress,
I keep feeding him, none the less,
I ponder on what is a man,
Not the end of the world, to him no hand,
I ponder, alone, not lonely, like a cloud,
Yes, other magic is still allowed.......
Feedback welcome.
Lawrence Hall Oct 2017
Lawrence Hall

(This poem may be considered as a dyptich / diptych / dipstick with "The Dreariness of Dawn")

                                   The Dreariness of Dusk

Anticipated no victories today
Expected no letters to be answered
Or packages of life to be delivered
Not given even the hope of a hope


But, no, the weary hours were unrelieved
The weary, dreary hours of near-despair
Plodding like a mule harnessed to the past
And given only the ghost of a ghost

As was expected, the teapot was warm -
“Yes, but there ain’t going to be no tea” 1

1 Katherine Mansfield
since maintaining a diet
of exercise heeding "yo dude"
(you look like a lady)
the inner fitness maven against
the temptation of high caloric junk food

and nightly snack king
on a flexible fitness routine,
this LIX aged body electric feels good
these myopic eyes and

well-calibrated hands measure less dense hood-
winking *****, that if I feigned being
a "bared naked lady" -
as per this chest lewd

city in reference to "man *****"
that seemed to materialize overnight
now appear to decrease as well
that unwanted "love handle,

this chap more inclined
tubby in a greater mood
to parade around
this non crowded house shirtless
AND definitely NOT in public,
BUT no weigh Jose
would this generic guy go completely ****
cuz being self-consciousness of my physique
might prompt outsiders

to consider me a *****
and even during closed bedroom door
****** exploits deter me tibia rude
fellow (with average go daddy long legs)
and my dangling dipstick smallish
(concluding biology *******)
a chap worthy tube he more endowed,

though gratitude proffered
to same divine cosmic consciousness
but as the year's pile up appreciation
of functional faculties alter matts' at tee 'tude
accepting physical characteristics
more or less static
*** ping believe mass elf ya wood.
Strawberry blonde hair yeah she dont care
As the air catches her beauty wicked duty
I gotta put in works love the way shes waves her squirt
Like a flag see me drag
Flows to her earlobes spinning globes of thoughts
I was bought into this world without a ticket
Entry only mahogany black as an ebony tipsy
From liquors selected Southside resurrected
Still throwing styles that cant be rejected
Fools don't wanna go one on one heir to Solomon
So i was made a don birth certs stocks n bonds
Much love to the few and only chosen
As the ozem grows longer than a nile
River haters quiver mad cuz they cant deliver
The dopeness it's hard to cope this float this
Up **** creek where the wicked feeds reaps
They dont get no sleeps I smoke like creeps
Instincts goosebumps loosen chumps
Call me the drummer boy ghost buster Dan Akryod
Stronger than a steroid so others gotta void

Spaced aged listening to musical dolphins
I was born inside of a live coffin often
Suckas mistake my talking for my walking
Im just tryna recline as my mind incline rewind
Passage a way to the underground gateway
Met up with Gabriel since he showed me hell
Reveals Jesus christ was mean as a glacier of ice
But king pin Satan wasn't hesitating
Had some pigs who ran over a cliff
My spliffs be chunky word to unseen society
Matrix stay playing tricks metaphor mxyzptlk
Spitting licks that'll cross eyes of a chicks
Don't think with my dipstick slick as Rick
Endured adventures greater mentor blenchers
Don't stand a chance that's why they glance
Romance a beat without moving my feet
Slim chance define finance with a pen and pad
Envisions my diaries of mad man like the path of Brad
The following constitutes a rather
twisted as a pretzel SUBTITLE:

I dash with my jiggling ***** in an attempt to escape...
being overrun by teddy bears and beanie babies
while carrying out heavy duty spring cleaning.

Twas the bright idea of zee missus aye air
and dedicate this poem
(yes tis correct, if you bare
lee remember this mister
did formerly she push lee duck clear
addressed said spouse
"my little buttock blaster” endear
ring - for obvious reasons,
and before she begat two 'ere
rip press ably lovely daughters),

anyway thee wife I fear
to publicize contracted a benign
strain sans incurable glare
ring housecleaning malady;
thus far no unpronounceable hair
raising name affixed
to non contagious condition, nevertheless
accursed malady,
whereby to keep her
from auctioning me on eBay,
I squarely hide in root cellar.

She frenziedly scrubbing stubborn stains
from clothes, dishes,
and gamut of hibernating
Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus
horde (nee motley crue)
entrapping scampering dust bunnies
that come breathing alive
nsync with beastie boy
city rollers culture clubbing babes
upon first spring day
engrossed in this, that,

or some other sweeping floor foray
(analogously to Velveteen Rabbit)
shedding fifty shades of gray
winter coat when warmer temperatures arrive,
where humongous fur clumps would lay
comprising sudden empty raft
of shelf space minus a may
zing globules, oh...lemme get on track,
whence frenzied fever
"cleaning bug" nee
major virus afflicting wife,  

would necessitate impossible task
strapping former feisty Norwegian farm gal
in straight jacket livingsocial every
would be no game to play
24/7 daily challenge devious skullduggery
Smokey and the Bandits
an imp posse sub bill
outlaw gang, who lived
like Aristo curr Rats along the quay,    
which unpredictable timeframe

boot tiring and cruel task
of her life Yukon say
thine remaining lifetime,
that's my wife oye vey
would frank lee zapping
every last oomph of mine
if able twin door remaining with spouse
meanwhile 'till she obviously
plucks persistent sprouting stranded follicle
tiller broad forehead resembles
a minuscule tarmac way.

Though far fetched, not impossible
for me and Joe Six
Pack to become one and the same
since a concerned counterpart
contributes to the mix
cuz, she waves a scolding gold finger
dying with craven craving for sweet licks
to grace tastebuds longing
to savor and dissolve sucrose
in any one of the natural
or synthesized combinations
in an effort whose memory
of a washboard tummy
doth hunger for youth afflicts

recent embarkation since maintaining a diet
of exercise no more pesky heeding "yo dude"  
(you look like a lady),
the inner fitness maven against
temptation of high caloric junk food
and nightly snack king
on a flexible fitness routine,
this lxiv aged body electric feels good
these myopic eyes and
well-calibrated hands measure less dense hood-

winking *****, that if I feigned being
a "bared naked lady" -
asper this chest lewd
city in reference to "man *****"
that seemed to materialize overnight
now appear to decrease as well
that unwanted "love handle,
this chap more inclined
tubby in a greater mood
to parade around

this non-crowded house shirtless
AND definitely NOT in public,
BUT no weigh Jose
would this generic guy go completely ****
cuz being self-consciousness of my physique
might prompt outsiders
to consider me a *****
and even during closed bedroom door
****** exploits deter me tibia rude
fellow (with average go daddy long legs)

and my dangling dipstick smallish
(concluding biology *******)
a chap worthy tube he more endowed,
though gratitude proffered
to same divine cosmic consciousness
but as the year's pile up appreciation
of functional faculties alter matts' at tee 'tude
accepting physical characteristics
more or less static
*** ping believe mass elf ya wood.
Heres another wu banger watch the danger jaw arranger
Stranger than fiction pass jurisdiction Christen
Minds from the ointment of a nine shine deeply confined
Cause chaos like Jack Nick off the shine tingle spines
Every word I spit puts haters in line still smoke pines
Trees enjoy the breeze keep it windy flows Pepsi
Crispy with the flavors I rock check the tick tocks Glocks
Rock craniums perform in sold out stadiums podiums
Held like Bane shook the cane sourdough jack
Along with 14 loaves poisonous darts entered the globes
Dipstick the red ****** cloves replenish the self loathes
Big diamond worn on my clothes see my thoughts glow
Langston Hughes to Van Gogh pictures of a crow
**** what ya know we blow spots whips more *** than Joe yo

Check the baggy steelo fashion statement rate this
My performance like Tyson stinging blue hornets
Charlotte still holding a web watching over the pigs
See the thoughts dig a crazy froth from sizzlin' chicken broths
Souls up for ransom feeling like a new P E anthem
Yo address the state of the union see em in confusion
Master sensei fusion melanin activate cause bruisin'
Cruising with Smokey blazin' Robinson holding guns
See my critics is stun way pass number one my cons
Sitting like stages of Ramadon big fish navigatin' ponds
This is for the lost unseen vagabonds Nathan
Can compare to this dare truths to boost the youths tooth's
Chips over the raw hype see how many brothers sniped
Now they mad cuz the blacks emblems finna unite??
Tension rose the heights of a kite on ground or plain sights
Media picking fights with the black and white stereotypes
Cops infused uninformed old **** flags hold tilted unicorns
Switched from whites sheets with holes now they serving
Bullet holes conserve power at the polls see the gains roll
****** Reservoirs bleeding from America the great *****!!!!
USB is not recognised!
I'm not surprised,
but the computer was
when I put it in.

I have no idea what USB
stands for
and that's just one of the
many things
I have no idea about

once again
someone at the back
Google it you dipstick
I've put him on
my to-do, list.

But not being recognisable
is in some cases acceptable
and sometimes it's
especially if
the 'old bill' want a
word with you.
sandra wyllie Dec 2019
to the same place I always
end up with you. I’m sick of
staying stuck, thinking we’re doing
better when we’re not. I’m sick of

going back to the same old excuses
that we both been using. We’re a bad
habit without the high. It’s time to ask
myself why I’m staying in this. I wear

my anguish like my lipstick – thick
My heartstrings become a dipstick for
measuring the pain. Tears connect like beads
on a chain.  The spell’s been broken a long

time ago. I came back after I let go. It was
a bad decision. They are the only kind I make,
for the sake of keeping the status quo. Why?
Who the **** knows!
That lonely haunting piercing cry of the eagle as it spirals above the canyon.
I'm thinking that it's looking down, shaking its head and thinking. look at that dipstick with his head in the clouds again.

Finding shade in these cathedral canyons is tough, the going rough and water in short supply

I wish I was that guy, that Indiana Jones guy who always has his eye on the way out,

perhaps the eagle is right,
take flight and get the hell out of here.

— The End —