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Stranger Blue Sep 2016
She touches me and knows not why and that frightens her.
She's the only one that can make me cry, so she wonders.
How can I let her know I'm no threat just an admirer.
I only wish to touch her kaleidoscope heart as when friends confer.
Yet she watches me from a distance and that distance she keeps.
The longer she stays away the harder my battered soul weeps.
I have no dark motive nor any sinister plans.
Even if I desired, I could never be what she demands.
I guess convincing her of this is completely out of my hands.
So in the darkess corner of her mind is where I'll where I'll stand.
Sky Mar 2016
We are the hopeless
We are the lost
We are the ones who fight the hardest
Then fall and drown in our own blood
We are the ones with hearts made of steel
Icy cold and burning hot,
Either way, you can’t melt the part of us
That is dark

You cannot find us,
Because we are dark
You cannot save us,
Because we are dark
(Darkness is the air we breathe,
Darkess is a smothering sea)
We are all dark hearts,
And we feel nothing but this pain

When we walk, it is with heavy footsteps
When we talk, it is with
Voices barely there
We are the poor souls
Caught in the landslide
And no one can us scream
“Help me!”
And we give up our last breath and fade
Into the dark

You cannot find us,
Because we are dark
You cannot save us,
Because we are dark
(Darkness is the air we breathe,
Darkess is a smothering sea)
We are all dark hearts,
And we feel nothing but this pain

Don’t try to prove to us that there is love
Don’t show us a world that is absent of pain
Don’t try to tell us that we are okay
Don’t you understand,
We can’t take your hand
The darkness is contagious
The darkness is contagious

You cannot find us,
Because we are dark
You cannot save us,
Because we are dark
(Darkness is the air we breathe,
Darkess is a smothering sea)
We are all dark hearts,
And we feel nothing but this pain

We feel nothing but this pain
Weighing us down
Tarnishing our souls
Don’t ever try to tell us that we
Are anything but
I wrote another song! It’s weird, because normally I **** at songwriting. I can never come up with a tune. But, like with “Like-Minded Soul”, I already have a basic melody for this, and I’m hoping to build on it.
In case anyone is wondering: my current inspiration is the band Bring Me the Horizon. FANTASTIC band, absolutely incredible. I’ve been listening to a bunch of their songs lately, which is churning my own songwriting gears. :)
Dark n Beautiful Apr 2010
Heart of darkness
transcend some light
you confused the body and soul.

Heart of darkness
your youthful years
were gracious and gleaming
you loved with gregariousness.

Heart of darkness
blindsided by *******
it saturated the body and soul

Heart of darkness
forgive and forget
ratify a truce with love,
Let love in.

Heart of darkness
bruises heal in time
in love there is fear
however, perfect love
casts aside doubt.

Heart of darkness
sadness interferes with hope
we were saved in this hope
hope that is seen is not hope
leaving only trust.

Heart of darkess
the essence of hope
the secret to victorious living
lies in seeing good
in every situation that comes into our lives

Heart of darkness
Let love in....
the theme here is  ..Love verses the heart of darkness
By Dark@beautiful/darknlovely
copywrite W.lander
Ellyn k Thaiden May 2013
Dolls and Damns
Drunkards and Drifts
Dimples and Darkess
Dank and Dreamy

I am trying to set free
Devil's Poet Apr 2021
We seek out a new world
explore what we can
Find to creatures in the land
whether you be a woman or man
You dive headfirst into the challenge
Not prepared for what might happen

To find what was lost
and bring back home
just to study the unknown

Suppiles is limited so use it wisely
Time is percious
but don't rush

Be aware of what lurks in the dark
animals like we've never seen before
hidden deep with the ground

Some may hide out of fear
of what could be there
But in your mind
you say

"You never know until you get there"
living by your words

Even if it means
travelling to the darkess city
or a lost forest
even a cave no one has ever seen.

You do it for the fun
and for the rush
It's like a new adventure every day

"What's next?"
is what you'd say
todd kellison Nov 2012
The darkness consumes my every thought dragging me to the corners of my mind.
There I find the memories of days gone by, hurt that was forgotten and joy never known.
My silent torment remains silent as the screams for help echo in the hollwness of the memories I store.
why won't they help me? Cant they hear me cry for someone to save me from myself, from that monster that haunts when I am unguarded and weak. That monster that stole my innocence that stole my childhood, and it wasn't alone as most monster aren't. God help the child trapped in this wretched soul for it is damaged and broken.
To repair a soul, a mind is almost impossible for you can't recover what was lost in a sea of darkess and fear. Forgivness would be a start to finding peace ost would say, but that is an elusive response to the evil that lurks in my memories, and futile to seek that which does not come.
I know the Lord has forgiven me for my past and sin, but I am not so easily persuaded to forive such hurt and betrayal of innocenece. The monster that brought the evil upon me is the worste some would say, but I beg to differ seeing the unknowing accomplice (those with the power to help but not the courage) the worste evil of them all and never worthy of forgivenenss.
adeline Jun 2017
Introducing you to the metal that I use to paint
But everytime I use this; I always faint
I'm carving it to my skin like a masterpiece
And everytime I do this it reminds me of broken pieces

I am the red artist in the dark night
The artist who lost her will to fight
So here am I trying to make an art
To my skin and to add bleeding to my heart

My works are not even worthy
They are calling it ******
But seeing my blood in my skin
I am an artist through thick and thin

You are judging me from what you saw
Not even knowing what's behind of my flaws
The best artist that people never noticed
Is now fighting with words as a poetess

The red blood on the floor
Symbolizes that I will now close the door
Of the darkess which I live in
And to my dear self, for how long since it has been?
Jolene Perron Jan 2011
I'm walking down the street,
cars passing by.
As I think of the days,
the times you were mine.

Don't you realize,
how much I miss you ?
Wishing you were here with me,
in all that I do.

Maybe, just maybe,
I want you to talk to me.
Make an effort to be here,
don't you see?

I've fallen like a fool,
for you, my dear.
Oh darling, why can't you,
be around to gather my tears.

As I walk down the street,
in compelete darkess it seems.
I'm alone, I'm alone,
falling apart at the seams.

I'm spiraling into a world unknown,
unlike those before.
You say we're friends, but hunny,
I can't help wanting more.
Eve K Oct 2017
I see a darkness in you.
The same darkness I see in me.
I also see a ray of light,
Reflecting, shining, a brilliance not many people have.
I'm messed up, my head down the gutter.
And I run. I run from the hollowness and I run from the dark.
And I'll keep running until I'm shown the light shines from me.
You saw the light,
The light I could not see.
You showed me that I too have a light,
A light that refracts like a diamonds, shining colours and splitting, allowing others to see and feel the warmth.

Though I still see the darkness, though it only mimics what once was.
you have shown me a light that I can make shine bright.
You helped show me thatI am more than the hole which tears my heart apart.
You helped show me that I too can be brilliant and I too can shine like a bursting star.
I could destroy galaxies and planets and be something so destructive.
But instead, you turned me int a light that shines so bright I keep other planets alive.

You'll never see or understand how much you've done for me.
How much you've shared or how your kindness has brought meinto the light.

I was a destroyer
I thought I was the darkness
But you've shown me that I am better.
Now I am the light.
Now I can be brilliant.
I know what you've given me.
And I am so eternally grateful.

But the darkess still seeps in. It still stays.
It creeps in at night when I'm feeling low.
Sometimes i miss the dark because it was so easy.
But I hold onto the light because the light shines through the darkness.
My final say. The way I loved you was a way I love no other. I am so grateful for you having been in my life.
Phoebe Caitlin Jun 2016
I could have kissed you

In the garden, with cold hands and muddled stars

My fingertips tracing patterns in the semi darkess - you trace back , you reciprocate

(do you feel the same? can I ever know you?)

I push back baby hairs, kiss your forehead
Night makes kings and fools of all of us

Staring in the quiet, numb fingers pull on yours

(you reciprocate)

(you are like me, but you say so many words, words to make trivial a kiss, yet words to make heavy this night)

Past faces and wandering hands come into view
I loved her, yet what she did was not love

Is this different? 

Are you different?

And I could have kissed you ( I should have kissed you ) but a sober heart keeps you not quite close.

I have loved, and I could love again

The future, hold my heart, not missing a beat.
tom krutilla Jul 2015
winter winds upon this land
clawing me clamy hands
the recluse in me , stems the tides
of emotions cultivated deep inside

such sentiments had warmed my soul
of future days and times of old
shall I scratch this itch, a thousand times more
or let sleeping dogs lie, never to be told

shall I stand poised on this joist
debating the reasons for choice
and hear that familiar voice
"how far is heaven" and the ultimate rejoice

no, i will let the winter winds claw at me
let it's darkess cold once again teach
that the recluse in me and all it brings
warm my soul, anticipating a new spring
Solaces Dec 2013
It seem wicked and unnatural..
Something from another realm..
Yet the music it played was coming from me..
So I knew I was somewhat of the source..

I could feel it wanting my thoughts..
I could feel it becoming happy..
Darkness was smiling..
Darkness was alive also..

With any light I cast this shadow..
It plays for me music of darkness..
Notes and melodies of the shade..
I yearned to play the music inside of me for so long it awoke this musical blackness..

I became friends with it..
I gave it more and more everyday..
And at the right angle I could cast more and more shadows adding more instruments of umbra to my songs..

The best songs come from the shadows cast from candlelight..
The natural flame creates the darkess of shadows..
One is standing in front of me now playing the violin..
And another behind me playing the guitar..
While I sing the lyrics to this music of darkness..
River Feb 2019
There was a time in my life
When I was beaten down, broken, lost
and left for dead.
All those who I thought were my friends
left me when I needed them most.
But before they left,
they blamed me for my suffering.
I was all alone,
abandoned and bleeding on the side of the road
I thought that this was it.
I thought I was taking my last dying breath.

But something happened.
A person I couldn't identify in my wounded state
picked me up off the hot asphalt
I lost consciousness in this stranger's arms
And when I came to
I was in a cabin
On a leather sofa
In front of a roaring fire.
The stranger came over to me
and offered me water.
When I took the glass from his hand
I saw there were round wounds on both of his hands
As my vision unclouded gradually
I noticed that his face had terrible welts
leading down to his neck.
"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned
He laughed endearingly
and said to me:
"Yes, dear. This is the price I paid for all of humanity."
I am confused yet intrigued,
and I ask him to expound on what he's said.
He looks into my eyes,
and there is a split moment in which I experience
this deep sense of recognition,
But my cognitive mind
is having trouble piecing together
these nebulous inklings.
He begins: "You are not alone in your experience
of being scorned, abused, abandoned and wrongly accused."
I look at him puzzled,
for he is merely a altruistic stranger
Who has quite literally saved my life.
But I begin to feel anxious,
wondering how he could possibly know so much about me.
He continues: "I too have experienced all this. I was sent to earth from Heaven by my Father to teach people what unconditional love really is. Since humans are marred by sin, they are incapable of expressing God's kind of love in its purest form. This is why my Father sent me. To embody this Love and liberate people with the Truth of this Love."
"But there were many who hated me for delivering Love and Truth to a dying world. I disrupted the status quo. All these people who had been seeking God religiously rejected God when he came to them in the flesh."
"This all culminated with one of my closest friends deceiving me and delivering me into the hands of my enemies. I was innocent, absolutely blameless, yet they found fault in my purity. They found fault in my refusal to bow down to and conform myself to their customs of *******. I see this spirit in you also. I see this unwillingness to conform and follow along mindlessly with everyone else. You are wise for this. But the world also hates you for exactly this reason."
Tears well up in my eyes,
And I can't keep myself from wailing.
No one has ever known me so well.
But this is a stranger.
I ask him: "Tell me, who are you? What is your name?"
He responds: "I am the Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth.
I know your suffering intimately,
For I was wounded for your transgressions
I was bruised for your iniquities
So that by my stripes you are healed.
I was a blameless man
Who took on myself
The entire punishment of this fallen world
So that you, a wretched sinner,
Can become blameless in the eyes of God
and be set free
from the consequences of sin
which is death.
Though you've been abandoned and left for dead
By this fallen and corrupt world
Keep your focus entirely on God.
Laugh in the face of your every trial,
For what power do dire circumstances have over God?
God will supply you with
His joy, courage and love
in abundance,
Equipping you to spread the seeds
Of this revolutionary truth
about God's unconditional love
to a love-starved world.
Just as I have overcome death,
I have made you an overcomer as well.
Where there is an abundance of light
there can be no trace of darkess.
The darkness of this world
Was overcome by my light.
Chose to accept this legacy of light
and follow in my footsteps."
Minyeon Nov 2020
Let 'em look for a brighter one
As you prepare yourself to be one
that will light the way
to someones darkess day anyway
You won't notice until
they told you about
why you're the brightest star they've seen
Michael ayodeji Mar 2018
Man of no race
Beast of no forest
Animal of no species

In the middle of the day
Serves as man's saviour
Always dotting,nursing man's wound
But at the darkess hour
As vampires , ******* on man's blood
Is that your appetizer?

Man rest for him not to die
Only for him to wake up and see...
Blood...A deluge of blood
Flowing beneath him
And this marks his journey to the great beyond
Beast of no nation
Man of no birth
Turns the nation into a bogaboo
Streets flowing with blood not waters
The earth dance in agony
Whenever the digger hits it
It is the entry of another innocent soul

Pots filled with man flesh
Hands as breakfast, feet's as lunch,
Dinner Comes with blood
Coffin as dinning table
Is that what you need to quench your hunger?

Man of no race
Beast of no forest
Animal of no species
Homeless beast

Ayodeji Lawson LAWMYK
If I found myself in the darkest room
Love in all forms brushing by
As soon as my body heart and soul
Brushed by you I'd know not to deny

Your very aura electrifies me ever so
And does things to me here I'd not tell
Spins me around has me walk on air
Takes me to places I'd love to dwell

Your very eromer it drives me wild  
As your very kisses does so seductively
To be only an inch from you it does too
Creates an abandon deeply within me

But even in the dark I'd know that spark
Electrical vibrations that live so within
And all of which we two create pure heaven
Would never in eternity call it any form of sin

Angels would leave heaven to as if ever know
What we have that so many'd call pure perfection
And only feeding on every pearl of love from you
Would steal the hearts of any form of inspection

I live and I'd die for one last taste all you are to me
All of which has my very soul simply thrive
Regardless of the darkess if I brushed by you
I'd thanl all of creation for my being so alive

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Unknown stranger Mar 2020
How beautiful you are,
And your lies?
Ah, they are more beautiful!
Everytime they take me to a different world,
And after hearing one
My soul cries for more...
Say that we will always be together,
Even if it's a lie ,
But please say you will be with me forever.
Say that you will never make me cry
And our heart will find a way of truth ,
Say it , even if it's a lie.
And I never feel regret
Nor my eyes cry
Because it's your lies,
Which keep me alive
Otherwise the darkess truth had already make me to die..
Please tell me one last beautiful lie,
I promise I will believe
Say that you love me
And will never leave
whatever the situation may be.
R Catherine Oct 2020
I talked and you listened....
leaving your fingerprint smudges
on the pages of my soul.

Those pages erased as you
pushed me out of the door.
Choosing instead the lonliness
of your darkess and fear of what could be.

You left me blank, unwritten.
With only a title remaining.
I must now pick up the pen
and rewrite myself.

I must brave the ink stains that
will bleed into me....
I will be the author of a  new
version of my soul.

How will I know the right words?
They will come as all do for this
wordsmith of emotion.

Through pain and heartache,
my tears black as night.
But I will not succumb to the
darkness like you did.

Though my words stained in
inky black, my story will be life.
You made me want to feel for the
first time... in that single breath.

But I'll make myself want to feel for a lifetime.

— The End —