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Selena Naomi Feb 2013
Strobe lights
Flashing different colors
Every which way I look
They catch the texture of my dress
As I shimmy beside you
We are a strange couple
You with your pale skin
Me with my sweet caramel twist shade
The song changes
This more upbeat
The florescent lights flash faster
The bass thrums in my heart
My body starts to feel the music.
I let go and allow my body to do the rest
I feel a tap on my shoulder
This boy
I declined
Because of an age difference
He bows and asks for a dance..
I consider
I look at my date
With a stern look upon his child-like face he nods his head at me
He doesn't like this newcomer
He let's go of my hand as if to say
"It'll be okay for one dace"
I go take this newcomers hand
And dance a slow dance during a fast paced song
The song is over as fast as it started
The guest thanks me
and sends me back on my way
back to the boy awkwardly waiting for his mistress to return
A smile immediately illuminates his face
"We are just friends," I think
"We must be..."
As the night progresses it is soon time to leave
He kisses me on the cheek as another once once did and goes off on his way
As I do mine
I see the visitor once more but I decide to evade him
For he is not worth my time
He does not notice me
I am off
Off to sleep
Now safe in my bed
Perfect way
To end my night.
Infamous one Feb 2013
My 1st piercing was my ears
I pierced one brow but it fell out
Then I got my other brow pierced
I thought it would be cool
The cartilage on my ears
I holes in my face
The needles pierce my skin
Another added character to my ****** features
It's a rush it separated me from the bunch
Not trying to be normal
Dace so unique makes you think
Wonder who and what I'm about
I doubt you know
Only ppl I trust I show
Let the in my heart
Find out what I'm truly about
yellow soul Apr 2019
How she moved so carelessly
when touched by the evening breeze
she sparkled like the light ***** in the night sky
however, I heard the anguish in her laugh
she consistently kissed me like it was her last kiss
danced as if it was her last dace
lived as if it was her last night
fascinated by everything
but I was only fascinated by her
how tiny her fingers were around her cigarette
how her bones looked like
they were about to leave her body
I never understood
But as she took off
Her bones became stardust
longing to get home
now I understand
that she never was supposed to be here with me
god had other plans for my angel
Voici le trou, voici l'échelle. Descendez.
Tandis qu'au corps de garde en face on joue aux dés
En riant sous le nez des matrones bourrues,
Laissez le crieur rauque, assourdissant les rues,
Proclamer le numide ou le dace aux abois,
Et, groupés sous l'auvent des échoppes de bois,
Les savetiers romains et les marchandes d'herbes
De la Minerve étrusque échanger les proverbes ;

Vous voilà dans un lieu monstrueux.
Enfer d'ombre et de boue aux porches tortueux,
Où les murs ont la lèpre, où, parmi les pustules,
Glissent les scorpions mêlés aux tarentules.
Morne abîme !

Au-dessus de ce plafond fangeux,
Dans les cieux, dans le cirque immense et plein de jeux,
Sur les pavés sabins, dallages centenaires,
Roulent les chars, les bruits, les vents et les tonnerres ;
Le peuple gronde ou rit dans le forum sacré ;
Le navire d'Ostie au port est amarré,
L'arc triomphal rayonne, et sur la borne agraire
Tettent, nus et divins, Rémus avec son frère
Romulus, louveteaux de la louve d'airain ;
Non ****, le fleuve Tibre épand son flot serein,
Et la vache au flanc roux y vient boire, et les buffles
Laissent en fils d'argent l'eau tomber de leurs mufles.

Le hideux souterrain s'étend dans tous les sens ;
Il ouvre par endroits sous les pieds des passants
Ses soupiraux infects et flairés par les truies ;
Cette cave se change en fleuve au temps des pluies
Vers midi, tout au bord du soupirail vermeil,
Les durs barreaux de fer découpent le soleil,
Et le mur apparaît semblable au dos des zèbres
Tout le reste est miasme, obscurité, ténèbres
Par places le pavé, comme chez les tueurs,
Paraît sanglant ; la pierre a d'affreuses sueurs
Ici l'oubli, la peste et la nuit font leurs œuvres
Le rat heurte en courant la taupe ; les couleuvres
Serpentent sur le mur comme de noirs éclairs ;
Les tessons, les haillons, les piliers aux pieds verts,
Les reptiles laissant des traces de salives,
La toile d'araignée accrochée aux solives,
Des mares dans les coins, effroyables miroirs,
Où nagent on ne sait quels êtres lents et noirs,
Font un fourmillement horrible dans ces ombres.
La vieille hydre chaos rampe sous ces décombres.
On voit des animaux accroupis et mangeant ;
La moisissure rose aux écailles d'argent
Fait sur l'obscur bourbier luire ses mosaïques
L'odeur du lieu mettrait en fuite des stoïques
Le sol partout se creuse en gouffres empestés
Et les chauves-souris volent de tous côtés
Comme au milieu des fleurs s'ébattent les colombes.
On croit, dans cette brume et dans ces catacombes,
Entendre bougonner la mégère Atropos ;
Le pied sent dans la nuit le dos mou des crapauds ;
L'eau pleure ; par moments quelque escalier livide
Plonge lugubrement ses marches dans le vide.
Tout est fétide, informe, abject, terrible à voir.
Le charnier, le gibet, le ruisseau, le lavoir,
Les vieux parfums rancis dans les fioles persanes,
Le lavabo vidé des pâles courtisanes,
L'eau lustrale épandue aux pieds des dieux menteurs,
Le sang des confesseurs et des gladiateurs,
Les meurtres, les festins, les luxures hardies,
Le chaudron renversé des noires Canidies,
Ce que Trimalcion ***** sur le chemin,
Tous les vices de Rome, égout du genre humain,
Suintent, comme en un crible, à travers cette voûte,
Et l'immonde univers y filtre goutte à goutte.
Là-haut, on vit, on teint ses lèvres de carmin,
On a le lierre au front et la coupe à la main,
Le peuple sous les fleurs cache sa plaie impure
Et chante ; et c'est ici que l'ulcère suppure.
Ceci, c'est le cloaque, effrayant, vil, glacé.
Et Rome tout entière avec tout son passé,
Joyeuse, souveraine, esclave, criminelle,
Dans ce marais sans fond croupit, fange éternelle.
C'est le noir rendez-vous de l'immense néant ;
Toute ordure aboutit à ce gouffre béant ;
La vieille au chef branlant qui gronde et qui soupire
Y vide son panier, et le monde l'empire.
L'horreur emplit cet antre, infâme vision.
Toute l'impureté de la création
Tombe et vient échouer sur cette sombre rive.
Au fond, on entrevoit, dans une ombre où n'arrive
Pas un reflet de jour, pas un souffle de vent,
Quelque chose d'affreux qui fut jadis vivant,
Des mâchoires, des yeux, des ventres, des entrailles,
Des carcasses qui font des taches aux murailles
On approche, et longtemps on reste l'œil fixé
Sur ce tas monstrueux, dans la bourbe enfoncé,
Jeté là par un trou redouté des ivrognes,
Sans pouvoir distinguer si ces mornes charognes
Ont une forme encor visible en leurs débris,
Et sont des chiens crevés ou des césars pourris.

Jersey, le 30 avril 1853.
Seul Décébale et nul Autre, me dis-tu, pourrait de sa dague d'eau bénite
Eteindre le feu qui couve sous ta carapace douce et soyeuse!
Décébale le Dace seul aurait la fougue et le courage nécessaires
Pour te faire tournoyer
Et tu dis encore que toi et Décébale ne font quasiment qu'un.

Je ne suis pas jaloux !
A Décébale ce qui appartient à Décébale
A Nul Autre ce qui appartient à Nul Autre.

Moi, comme Nul Autre pareil
Je veux juste apaiser ton feu
L'apprivoiser, l'amadouer
Pour qu'il ne te brûle pas.
Pour cela il faut que je me muscle :
Affronter le feu de Décébale n 'est pas rien,
Décébale c'est dix hommes à la fois.
Je pourrais, s'il le fallait, convoquer dix diablotins,
Dix chats-huants pour me porter assistance
Et défier Décébale en combat singulier.
Sur l'échiquier de ton corps
Mais ce serait tricher
Et tricher n'est pas jouer.
Et à vaincre sans péril on triomphe sans gloire

En conclusion :
Je cède en vertu du droit d'aînesse
A Décébale le feu. A moi le sirocco, la glace !
Pistache, coco et rhum raisins si tu le permets !

Vois-tu ce sont tes lacs glacés que je veux réchauffer,
Tes pics et tes pitons enneigés que je veux faire fondre
A petit feu sous mon vent de braise
Et que la chevauchée prenne des lustres à se consommer
Je veux que partout où tu es
Tu saches
Que je suis là au fond de toi !

Je nage comme un saumon ivre dans tes eaux glacées.
C'est seulement dans ces criques et ces fjords que j'arrive à nager
Je fais du crawl, de la brasse, du ski nautique, du paddle.
Je suis casse-cou dans tes eaux
Comme jamais je ne l'ai été.

Je fais même du surf, du plongeon
et du water polo.
Tant que tu joues avec moi
Je flotte sans bouée
Tant que tu es généreuse
Je dérive
Tant que tu te donnes sans compter
Dans notre nage synchronisée
J'existe de figures en figures.

Et pendant que je te dis tout ça
Voila que ce fieffé diablotin lève la tête,
Bombe le torse,
Et se prend pour Décébale.
Ce n'est qu'un petit pétrel diablotin,
Un simple et infime cottous à peine sorti du nid
Mais j'ai beau lui dire
Qu'il n'est pas multiple de quatre
Il se prend pour Décébale
"Tu n'es pas Dace ",
Lui ai-je pourtant dit cent fois ce matin
Mais il persiste et signe.
Il chante même à tue-tête l'hymne :
Je suis Dacien, voila ma gloire, mon espérance et mon soutien
Denise Werntz Jan 2013
I'm alive and happy.

This today, I breathe its hopes for tomorrow.

As I dance in these moments,
I allow the past to float in like a familiar scent.
Bringing me goose bumps,
like a walk in the sun when your skin is still cool.

Lets us live in the now moments.
Making something new each day we are blessed to have.
Every moment we can be with the ones we love
suffocate yourself in it,
in family,
in the happiness, even if at first we don't see it,
every day brings this.
These are our gifts,
use them fully.

Wipe the sleep from your eyes,
allow the haze to clear.
Fill your mind with wonderful thoughts of you...
Because when you are knocked down ,
it's your own hand that will help you up.
Dont be afraid to be alone.
it is not a lonely time.
It is a time of reflection.
Of happiness,
and humor.
If you are not your best friend,
you cannot expect anyone else to want the job either.

Happiness and love can build what is broken,
and you alone have all the power in the world.
Life is fantastic
lets dace in all the spaces in between.
The sticklebacks make fast tracks darting
here,everywhere but there's big fish
in this lake, who take
no prisoners.
Jack pike and perch like you
would not believe,bream and dace but
what seems out of place is the shark.
I know a shark in a lake in a park is quite rare
but it's there all the same.
A game fish indeed just itching to feed
on the small fry.
Paul Hardwick Aug 2012
it was a great party
and as always
i ended up on the dace floor
the woman took me up into her arms
as i was quit drunk
it was quit ferm holding me tall
but we danced the night out
till the morn
then after all those hours
i looked at her
and she me
we had to agree
there would be no wedding or flowers
for i felt like death warmed up
and she had to agree
so people of this earth
sing this song with me.
Had to add more regards paul
You militate my mind
And Rehabilitate
My heart back into normal pace
You're a Rainbow Fish, I'm a Dace
Outcast put in his place
He now wants to go face to face
With what is stipulating his
Progress as a human
His furnace is fuming
You are the one subsuming
His mind when he's angry
Now the anger is dwindling
He thinks of cherry blossoms and her smile
He's content for awhile
While alone
If he heard you on the phone
He'd be out of all zones
Not a single hint of drone
In his behavior
You put him in his best
Your name is lightly engraved into his chest
Only you may know about it
Since it's not tatooed there
He'd rather stare
Into your eyes
Instead of tell you lies
He'll hate himself
If he betrayed your trust
You're gold to him
When he thinks he's rust.
Commuter Poet Oct 2016







1st October 2016
H I Kabo May 2019
I listen as she calls my name,
It slips and falls as soft as mane.
Her voice so sweet and none but tame,
And strong enough to fight all bane.

She steps so light into my space,
And glides her grace into a pace.
Her walk is noble and hard to face,
For she is mightier than even The Dace.

Contorted in worry, her face so glum.
When I am sick, she's none but numb.
My tears are streaks of painful grum,
'Cause if I'm not well, in sadness she dwells.

Love and care is all she gives,
If she's not there, then there's no being.
A greatness that shines through all that lives, she mother.
Mothers are everything
Safana Feb 2022
Da, da ce
Jiya ma jiya ce
Gobe fa mece ce?
Allah ne zai ce
Yadda yau ita ce
Tayi kyau ta dace
Kamar ace na face
Hanci na ne yace
Na wuce a kaikaice
Kamar naji zan ****
Ta gefena a karkace
Ashe abin karya ce
Wasu sun ce dabi'a ce
Ga yan Adam yaudara ce
Hakikani kaddara ce
Shugabanci, baiwa ce
A baka tama kima ce
Talauci wai musifa ce
An manta komai baiwace
Safana Oct 2024
Ina son ki
Ina kaunar ki
...Tamkar ki
Ni banda kamar ki
Ni zan dauke ki
In dora ki a doki

Ke ce hasken haske
Hasken daya haska haske
A zuciya ba wata sai ke
Ga hannu na sai ki rike
A gari sai zancen mu ake
Wai bani da kowa sai ke

Ba wani wai zancen haka ne
Ba ni da kowa tabbas haka ne
Ke ce daya tilo na gane
Kannan ki a guri na kanne ne
Yayyen ki a guri na yayye ne
Kowan ki guri na kowa ne

Ina son ki
Ina son sunan ki
Inkiyar ki
Da asalin sunan ki
Murmushin ki
Wanda yake kuncin ki
Maganar ki
Ita ce furicin ki
A harshen ki
Har cikin zuciyar ki
Sun dace da siffar ki

Sunan ki, ga kawa
Ya kan birge kowa
Ke! Har yan adawa
In sun ji suna tafawa

Siffar ki, aminiya
Rayuwar ki sam babu hayaniya.

Amina Husnah
We Are Stories Dec 2023
I lie down in a meadow’s grove
lay down my roots and bloom
I grow tall in a cozy home
laying roots down beside roots.
all around are the forest folk
with their fur and whiskered smiles
a gentle breeze does this forest blow
bringing bees like pollen filled isles.

all is well that ends well
and this ship ain’t ending soon
a sunset dawns and the day awaits
for the sleeping of the full sized moon.

I awake to more rustled steps
and the sound of life’s new tune
a dozen days lead into months,
it’s now years since I had just moved.
all around are the forest folk
with their love and out stretched arms
a gentle breeze does this forest blow
and the nights fill our heads with stars

all is well that ends well
and this ship ain’t ending soon
a sunset dawns and the day awaits
for the sleeping of the full sized moon.

decades pass and I open my eyes
to gaze at this empty grove
no trees are left beside my roots
no friends to call my home.
I miss the day when all the forest folk
ran under my arms and smiled,
now a wind so fierce does this forest blow
bringing dread, fear, and things most vile.

all is well that ends well
but this ship sailed way too soon
a sunset dawns and yet I’m still awake-
a cloud blocks back the light of the moon.

The Watchmen look from their tower above
and take pity on my withered leaves
the three of them take powerful arms
and finally uproot this tree-
I am taken for miles a day a times
far from that old withering state
and as I open my eyes again
I look upon many a familiar face-

all is well that ends well
as I end up in their arms
forest folk, trees, and so many more,
dace for joy in the light of our moon.

-I’m just glad I got to be with you-
-I’m just glad I ended up with you-
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2024
I just stumbled onto a line of romantic poetry you wont find him in them but he deserves to be somewhere not every one can capture the heart of the prettier girls in town and keep her for a life time of course  a summer wedding and then a dash to a far city a new job excitement boundless a strange place that seems magical after small town like  the country song city lights do carry fascination love is new and grows and grows with each waking day tender hearts render bold climes that are hard to define just simple touch ignites desire that is rich and full what wonder explodes a look a kiss what smoldering desires do transfix mortal souls a door was opened unk0wingly this magic holding place where the stars and moon dace freely and so do two souls tear through the night skies like meteors in flight and thrills unknown before leaving neighbors to wonder what all the shouting is about ha ha come on people you cant be that stupid and then with the passing of time home begins it tender call and before long your homeward bound you make a pit stop in an apartment while you search for your real home you never new when you turned the corner on birch that your life time home lie just ahead here your three children would be born happiness there did abound for wonderful good years until in the magic winter when tragedy struck your son louis went for a ride on a sled being pulled by his friend and it whiplashed him into a pole he ended losing his life an angel that was so loved left earth for heaven but left a hell of grief that almost consumed this family time and God alone allowed them to carry on his memory blazes as strong as his life once held such sway and wonder grief replaced with tender knowing of a treasure now lost was waiting for them on the other shore the years passed father returned from hospital to get through such great loss now after seventy years of a good life and beu1tful wife who never lost any of her looks was ever with him until a long illness set him free for the angels to take him home  to reunite with his beloved son once love begins it never ends I should know god bless you  lovely Eileen
Safana Oct 2024
Gona ta
Da na gaje ta
A gurin baban ta
Da babar ta

Kyakkyawa ce
Me haske ce
Me yalwa ce
Da yawan dace

Ciyawa tata ai tsanwa ce
Kai ka ce aljanna ta ce
Don kyawu nata an ce
Mayya ce

Furanni a ciki nata sai kamshi
In na kalla, ido na sai lamshi
In na taba su ko sai laushi
In na shake su zuciya tayi taushi

Justin A Chu Jul 2020
Looking into the night sky. to see The beauty that shines in the darkness. To remind my mind and heart. I too can see light into this depression hole. That I can tear through to have peace.... then there is you my star in the night sky. That shows me the way. I can see some of the beauty of this world holds. You bring the smiles out of me. You  have me fascinated with everything. You make my heat beat following  to new adventures that I wasenr able to push my self to do. I know I'll folow you to the end of my beating heart. You are  the flames of my camp fire! You give me light to scare away the voices in my head. To see there not real. You give me warmth of a warm hug. The feeling im not alone. That I have somone who cares. You bring security to my life. That has been gone for so long.i can stare into the stars into the fire and see the wildness the fun the care the safe Ness. You give me hope everyday my heart beats. You are the wind that flows. You give me the reason to breath you give me life. You have been the only one to reach me. I have always be closed off and hidden. You break through with life. You are in everything you are in my thoughts in my heart. To me you are my light in darkness. You are my air. You give me hope. You breatg love into me. Without you I'd be lifeless wondering around in the darkness. You ar a the pure music that flows. So sweet so mesmerizing. You have me running to be by ur side. U have me wanting to give all i can to see u smile and happiness like u give me. My heart will always be urs. My life is urs. Id gladly dace into the darkness with ur sweet sound and thoughts of u in my mind. U in my heart. My life can always feel worth living as long as u r there. People misuse love and people. Life is not like it used to be. To me love is pure. Its a feeling u can't describe but u know when it happens. No one should be misused even if feeling ant returned the same. Love wouldn't  allow it. Ud want and need them in ur life to make sure they r happy that they smile that u r there to pull them up like they do for u when they don't even know they do. Everyone is diffrent minds run diffrent hearts beat diffrent we all care and love differently. So the love and care I rain will always be there no matter what I don't run from somone I love i stand till the end no matter what demons come u will always outshine  any darkness in my life u will always bring my life warmth u will always give me air in my lungs u will alqays have my heart beating so.i will listen and be there till the end my sweet precious light life is just another sweet adventure with u there by ur side life will always have a sweet reason to see the next day ur the melody that plays in my mind that inspires the words that are said and the courage that beats in my heart
I didn't know what to call it
Betty H May 2020
Red, plump, juicy, sweet, a bit prickly
a wee green flower sits atop
I tiptoe carefully through
tiny earth paths between rows of bright red

I pick strawberries
when school is finished
and the hot sun reaches its peak
trees are heavy with leaves
some branches almost reach the ground

My basket is always full
well, not quite
eat one, throw one in the bucket
I smear my lips and tongue bright red
a mess on my freckled dace
I lick my lips, afraid to lose a morsel

My grandma bakes strawberry pies
I stuff my mouth
globs of whipped cream

okay, ready for more!
Gracia Inc Dec 2011
Oh, that we were in a simpler day,
When I could kidnap you and play.
Without regard to who might see,
Us back together like it should be.
I'd swoop you up quick in a flash,
When you walk outside to take out the trash
A secret shared between just us two,
Back in my favorite place called you.
Together we'd travel to the sea,
With crashing waves you'd dance with me.
Out on the pier while our song play's,
Just you and I and all else fades,
Gazing deeply in your eyes where I found a soul without disguise,
Gazing back in my eyes too, you find my soul un-disguised for you.
We both smile, because we both know that this is not a dance for show,
Not people, not worry, not tomorrow, just then,
A moment captured that won't come again.
And even if we had the chance, the desire, and the will,
Nothing could not every recreate that dace,
Or the moment's full of passion after,
The "Biscuit's", and "Gravy",
The "O" and "Ham"
The bedroom full of our playful laughter.
Like that night you walked through Frick's door
I saw you and I needed more
October twenty eight,
Nineteen ninety four,
Exactly seven minutes past ten,
Was the very moment our story begins.
Our eyes met from across the yard,
It was over we both fell hard.
Those days are gone and long since passed,
Life moves us on and does it fast
In those moments the smallest parts of me reside
Forever treasured kept deep inside,
Cherished forever are the precious memories,
Of the time you ran away to the sea.
Of the night we broke all the rules,
And did not care because we were fools.
Not stupid, or dumb just reckless and fun,
Like this poem has become.
From me to you, to make you smile,
Because I have not thought about you for a while.
But trust in this a million lifetimes could pass,
But my memories of you "O" will forever last...
This is one of those days when all my thoughts are poetry. My HS girlfriend wished me happy birthday last week, and it just came out, all in good fun, oh did i mention my current girlfriend broke up with me the day before my birthday, so maybe emotions were running a little

— The End —