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Yenson Aug 2018
Welcome to the Alpha cowards who are faceless and their cowardly gangs,
The raggle taggles scums who live in sewers and gutters and crawl out to spew their putrid innards or cast mud as they are wont to do. The stinking Bullies of the West, the fascists and Racists of Modern Politics, Liars and shysters, deluded sickos.  

Hail the Red Loony - Hail the Uber chavs of Chavs-ville, the deluded warriors of Wigan, the ******* pigs of Animal Farm,  the Baldrick's of Blighty, the Prophets and Saviors of the poor Oppressed malcontents, the Asinine Numpty Controller of Heraldry, the bungling vacuous Stalinist thugs, the famed carriers of the famed and ridiculous owners micro-penises and laughable quick shot minute men lovers, with  their Fem-fresh free zone females.

Hail the Bogus Thieving Red Devils and the Psychos Uber Slanderers and Shitegangs of the Western Socialist muppets, to name a few of their inglorious tags. Hail the Shameless Red flag wavers. who sexually harass females members and are only there for what they can get while fooling all they are comrades and for the people.

Now that the Jews have exposed you and shown all that you're the imbecilic Haters of successful and hardworking people, the maggots that you are, you can concentrate more on playing with the mind of that Black Prince, that is putting you and your poor brainwashed and ******* gabble of followers, to shame.

How the mindless can play mind games is of course, an anomaly best understood by the Mindless themselves, but then since when do psychotic, deluded, hallucinating, proven in-adequate and sick fantasists, those education- avoiding, opportunities-shy ( why should we make use of all the opportunities offered to us, why should we try and earn an honest living and make something of ourselves, No! we are the socialist 'working class',

We have the Welfare system created specially for us, we don't pick strawberries or work on the farm like some poor Poles, we don't serve in Hotels and say 'sir' to some ****** Johnny Foreigner, lets leave that to the Jews, Asians, Eastern Europeans and Africans ), we are free hedonistic, drunken louts and yobs and we don't care.

We hate those that believe in hard work and striving to be successful, we do not like clean, honest law-abiding people, we will bring them down to our level, we are all equal, that's democracy. We will campaign against good people and try and drive them mad, we will slander them and give them grief, We Never let the facts and truths get in the way of an asinine campaign against decent people with aspirations and sensibilities. We are mindless and irrationality, envy, jealousy, pettiness and irrational hatred is our game, I dare profess to all you Blue Conservatives.  

So go luxuriate in your mediocrity of mind, body and soul, go do your hating, that's what Haters do, get on with your lies, smears and slander, what else do you have, after all your whole lives are one big facade and you are masters of superficiality, even your mothers wouldn't tell you all the truth to your faces. You are shameless cowards, internationally recognized bullies and pointless anachronisms  in this days and age.    

Why not save your fears, energy, expenses and time before slithering around performing your anodyne 'street theater' and posting various fake profiles, or presenting the fowl putrid nonsensical deluded fantasies,  thinking compound 24 carats fools like you and your ***-wipes, can shape opinions or influence sane minds.  However I do appreciate this fact will be too much to comprehend by deluded psychos and brain washed simpletons, so please continue amusing yourselves and displaying your abject and pitiful ignorance, your vacuous minds needs useless stimulation.

Hail the  Hail the Reds Devils hahaha.....hahaha.....hahahaha...oh...oh....hahaha...Hail the Classic ***** of The Red Devils...hahaha hahaha hahaha. Hail the simplistic sense of power of anodyne oppositions.
Moon zoos zoos on the moon in white man spaceship zoos on moon,
earth chavs chavs on the earth in a burberry chav ship chavs on the earth,
sun ***** ***** on the sun in racist spaceship ***** on the sun.
Yenson Jun 2019
Those cosmopolitan provincials sorts
the chavs, yobs, yobbesses and oiks with semolina for brains
them retro-grade grade-less sub-humans bottom feeders
who think Cardiff is in East Angular and Magaluf is Eden
and Higher Education begins in Borstal or a stint at HM Prisons
found by happenstance a tin of Caviar
something they'd never seen before
with the curiosity of practiced thieves
they proceeded to examine its worth
'its a tin of hair gel says one'
'No, no, no says another, I think its something you eat'
'it says Caviar Royal Beluga, observes another'
'throw it away, anything with a name like that is *******'
'Beluga...some foreign muck, it look dark and oily'
'yea mate, look like ****, throw it away'
One of the dis-advantaged rabble with one O'level in Carpentry
took a closer look  
'look he says, there's sticker on the bottom that reads
Caviar Royal Beluga – 1kg £3,780.00'
Hahahaha they all roared in ceaseless mirth, hahaha
'some joker is having a laugh, pull the other leg, fancy...
a tin of black gunge in some slimy stuff cost three grand,
must think people are born yesterday, Beluga..fuckoffluga'
And with that, they tossed the tin away and walked off
laughing like *******.

Ignorance is a disease, ignorance is bliss
will vandals extol the sheer magnificence of a Constable
or see anything other than a chair in a Chippendale ribbonback chair,
will Barbarians shed a tear on hearing the sensuous notes of Chopin or shiver at the graceful notes of Debussy or melt in sheer
adoration as Tchaikovsky's romance soars in magical resonance.  
Will cosmopolitan heathens gape in mesmerizing wonder on
seeing Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel and praise God for being alive
So who has great expectations of our dear cosmopolitan provincials sorts
those chavs, yobs, yobbesses and oiks with semolina for brains
for in disparaging excellence
and rubbishing  the noble and the exceptional
they make us appreciate more that we are blessed
and privileged
and do not have
semolina for brains

who would like some caviar
HeWhoExplores Feb 2019
Crowds gathered and the noise of disobedience shook the neighbourhood whole. I was in the southern part of the city, where sinners sinned and the practitioners groomed the bars and off licenses solely to quench their thirst for liquor. It was almost midnight and hordes of young and old alike chanted and sung merry making song that rang through city; and what a noise it was. And it was on this night I met a lad who dressed as if the night belonged to him. A tall, slender fellow who hadn’t a care in the world. His Caribbean afro would bob up and down as we giggled to anecdotal stories of the past. We were rebels of the night, breaking away from the fragile unity that was the friendship circle.

A few stragglers in the form of Chavs had joined. Many of them formed bonds with the pretty girls, rivalling us out in the end. Deciding momentarily on what our next plan was, we split away from the group and continued midnight drinking into the Holy Lands. We could hear the barking of neighbourhood dogs tangle with the distant explosions of fireworks in the sky. It was beautifully chaotic. But as midnight sinners it was like music to our ears.

“I’m off mate, take care of yourself.” The fellow said as he guzzled his last remainder of his bottled Budweiser.

“You heading home, aye?” I smirked, clearly egging him on to stay out just a tad longer. But, this was to be it. With a hug and a good luck, he was off, towards the mystic backstreets and towards the Ormeau Road. I never caught the young lad’s name, nor did I ever catch his age. It was a strange meeting between the two of us. As if, for one singular night we knew everything about each other yet knew nothing at all. I recall sitting back down on the sidewalk and smiling, before looking up towards the decorative sparkly night sky. And, what turned out to be a spontaneous and random night ended up as a completed final chapter, to a superb little story.
A little story reminiscing a lovely time long gone.
Yenson Jul 2019
Our Cabral of oiks, hicks, chavs, criminals and Unions of Imbeciles
them professional bullies who gather Momentum with lies
and are conceived in hate as love in hovels do not exist
and pennies do not fall from heaven every mouth is a worry
and the coal mines are closing down and education is one less wage
decides that the Louis the fourteen, with a black face is the enemy
for that sunshine king just shines two ****** much
and his opulence and wealth was food from Scotch Jimmy's mouth
so as one does when soots are even richer than the Chimney-sweep
and live in castle full of earned treasures from the troves of Ivories
the die is cast and we call in the gang for majority rules in Hades
and Chalky and Wally and all chavs and 'Am I bovvereds' unite
that Sun King Soot is human no more, this is revolution as in war
the ******* have taken over and heaven help any traitors.
and I yawned and laughed
and laughed again and again
first world problems of snowflakes
hahaha    hahaha    hahaha....hahaha
they say your Leader ain't fit to rule
they say you hate the jews but why so
Aneurin Bevan and Kerr Hardy are turning in their graves
this wasn't about thugs, Hooligans and Criminals ruling
This was about the rights of decent hard working people
not thieves and charlatans using our party to get laid and
harass and terrorize decent honest hardworking citizen
Nigel Morgan Nov 2012
I walked in the park
To put myself right with the world.
I thought, ‘I’ve worked all day
I owe myself this time.’
Mid August and the late afternoon sun
Was already peering through the trees.
Was already forming lengthy shadows,
I thought, ‘Summer is on the wane
And there’s been so little of it.’
Away across the valley
The city is winding itself up up
For a Saturday night.
Lights twinkle and boom boom
Of the bass bins in the boots
Of the chavs’ motors boom boom.
Then the sirens start and the girls shriek.
Over the hill, past the lake,
And into the Rose Garden
Empty but for an elderly couple
Strolling strolling under the canopies of roses
The shade gloriously dark green
The shade so inviting to sit and watch
The geese launch into their evening flight
To scatter over the chestnut trees and away.
I sit where I’ve sat these many years
Usually alone, and at this hour,
And in this season resting in the perfume
Of Meg Merrilies and Harrison’s Yellow.
And now you’re here! I see you
Walking through the Gate of Two Storks,
Past the glasshouse with its cacti and vines,
To sit beside me with your brightest brightest smile.
I am so full of happiness in this day-time dream.
I am so full of happiness you are sitting here.
Your voice is a real as the rustle of your dress.
You rest your left hand on my right arm
And gently so gently stroke the golden hairs
Towards my fingers oh so gradually.
I hear the sweet breath of you,
I smell the sweet scent of you,
You are my dearest dream
My heart’s companion, my gentle lover,
My dearest dearest friend.
Heavy Hearted Apr 2024
The alarm tolls,
On their rude device-
It's time for work
& yet still, despite
the thousand fascets
of one reality
These Newbrunswickin Chavs
Wouldn't recognize, really,
That Despite
the riddle's answer, Being  E;
& that double decade,
One might have over me,

When direct
go unanswered; The respect
I require
(now unvield)
Off, into the past
Oh, how I  become

The Whip

they crack
The Whip                        
& with
All that I am,

the past, In desperation, I forcefully trick
As the blackness, of my being
Forms a darkness,  spilling thick.
Engulfing light- mind's eye's Unseeing,  
Consumes oneself, like a candles wick -
Illuminating every route (for fleeing)
For me, the lights still on- homesick.

Forcefully, faithfully; to keep on believing, & even

just to keep the pathway lit-  by headlight, sunbeam, or doomscrolling trip-
Understand why might a human being
'S now become The Whip
Anything is possible and Nothing makes sense
In the split of the separateness
enjoyed by the desperate in
their loneliness,
where her highness looks down on them
are the men called the building blocks.
These are the men that roll with the knocks
the men who say, ******* to you.
The navvies,the chavs,the spivs,
they're the lads that raised up this nation,
the ones we owe a due to.

Whitehall wizards.

The chinless and spineless in black suits are mindless
and we gave them carte blanche,
brought down an avalanche on our heads,
these are the saintly who praise me,
lie to and patronise me,
politicians are slimy
they remind me
of worms,
they take like the snakes that they are
and no doubt they'll go far.

We only see them as He Men,because
we've been hypnotised by
the old school ties, which tell even
older lies
I despise them all.

***** Whitehall and the mandate
become the revolution before it's
too late.

Here in the split
I don't give a ****
they can all **** orf
and leave me alone.
Yenson Jan 2019
Hounded by crass

manipulated by bone-heads
Spanish Inquisition by subhumans
subterranean British democracy
Mob and vigilantes in action

people's power

someone, anyone, ....... please tell me a better joke
kirk Jun 2020
A local lady would be nice, to reach my ****** peak
***'s, Gilf's and ****'s, and girls with extra cheek
You don't have to be a model, with an hourglass physique
I'm not concerned about your looks, or if your fat or sleek

If you are a willing female, then I would not hesitate
Entice me with your nakedness, and through your garden gate
Whether you are young and slim, or old and overweight
That doesn't really bother me, when we kiss and copulate

Big birds that need stuffing, old ladies with grey hair
I am not superficial, and I really do not care
Borrow me for favours, take me deep inside your lair
Invite me round I'll be discrete, and you can strip me bare

It wouldn't matter if your a *****, or an ugly looking skunk
Or if your a smoking crack *****, or an alcoholic drunk
As long as we can go *******, and squirt our lovely *****
And you don't mind an average Joe, that's not much of a hunk ?

******, swingers and brash chavs, bent over kitchen sinks
Inhibitions will be lost, after one or two more drinks
Fluids flow but I'd still go, into a hole that stinks
If I went there I would not care, what anybody thinks

If your hygiene is lacking, I'd just think what the hell
A sweating body against mine, with a ***** that works well
Extra **** is always good, when both of us can jell
Our pheromones would be increased, and I really love the smell

I may not be that handsome, or the cream of the crop
But getting older does not mean, these activities should stop
Take me any way you want, doggy or ******* top
Forget about party balloons, because the rubber will go pop

****, oral water sports, they would be such a treat
Especially in the same town, next door or the same street
Young maidens might be succulent, but they'd still have to compete
With the obese and elderly, because their so tasty and sweet

Don't waste time just searching, if you really want a man
Lifes too short to hesitate, lets get it while we can
**** mothers are just fine, as well as your Nan or Gran
And obese cougars are ideal, I'm a fat old woman fan

Large ladies are most welcome, so are haggard drunken tarts
And grannies that are ******, who perform in carnal arts
I wonder should I advertise, in Exchange and Marts ?
With all of the old bangers, and neglected lonely hearts
I was never happy with my short poem Lonely Hearts written in 2017. When I looked at it recently I decided it wasn't good enough so I have completely rewritten and extended it. The original version will remain for reference purposes comparison and dexterity. However it will be removed by the end of the year
nick armbrister Apr 2018
On Camera

My life is like a movie

Seeing that replica Mustang roll in and crash at the airshow

My life is like a movie
Witnessing an ex dealer who'd just been shot in his home

My life is like a movie

Viewing Oldham riots on TV that were five minutes away

My life is like a movie

Gazing down upon Manila Bay at the enduring sunrise from Bataan

My life is like a movie

Observing different people and cultures in a dozen countries

My life is like a movie

Glancing at my thigh as the tattooist inks my goth girl tattoo

My life is like a movie

Noticing the Mancunian drunks fighting on the nightbus home

My life is like a movie

Gaping in desolation at the coffin that contains my mum

My life is like a movie

Watching the mad Irish man loop the Grumman Duck in Murphy's Law

My life is like a movie

Admiring the **** girls I've nailed in the big bakery

My life is like a movie

Scrutinizing the Asians to see if they'll try to assault me

My life is like a movie
Eyeballing my soon to be ex friend who's kissing my girlfriend
My life is like a movie
Focusing on the road ahead as I illegally race the other car
My life is like a movie
Staring at the men lying by the kerb wondering are they dead?
My life is like a movie
Studying the vertical cliff above me to find a way up
My life is like a movie
Peering into the sky to find my dad's ghost that's up there
My life is like a movie
Scanning at my wage slip to see if my pay will cover my beer and bills
My life is like a movie
Regarding my mate who just vomited up his kebab and chips
My life is like a movie
Glimpsing the chavs fighting the teenage couple over the river
My life is like a movie
Right till my last breath and final vision when my Goddess takes me home
Yenson Dec 2021
Its the ways of the defectives
as sure as the missing neurons
and the gaps lost in transmissions
showing  its never all there with misspent minds
a further reach a considered musing
would have logically shown
if destabilizing seeds been potent or possibly effective
the choice is there to abandon ship
and bid goodbye to bad *******
as sanity avoids mine fields

dirges and woe betide
are for mourners and the sorrowful of souls
a regular haunt is a place fearlessly visited
rather like go for daily walks as in a park
to smell the roses
feed the birds
and enjoy nature in its rural seasonal wonders
occasional noticing the pungent whiff of decaying compost
or the dog's **** on a path
or the putrid frozen carcass of a robin now flightless
but nature has beauty and that's what you take

Is man not pleasure seeking pain avoiding
do sane humans lack the choice to avoid what repulses
do all actors read reviews
those sane enough to read
tell us
'its all tomorrows chips wrappers'
the ignorant think they mean something
the wise know they mean nothing
Yenson Feb 2020
Then they look within themselves
and could find nothing of what I am
and even more nothing of who I am
but saw so much of what they could never be
and in great sorrow and defeated anger
and in boiling envy and belittling jealousy
trapped empty minds filled with rancorous angst
how they vent in riotous self loathing at best-est
insignificant in beings they crave attention
seeking to register somehow to make their day
for within they suffer and lack so much
in essence of non-importance without status
other than those mired in cheap resentments
of those that shine and they could never be
those that unwittingly remind them
they are little lots with little graces
their bane to hide in cowardly shame
I stand as a lion and watch sheeps a-baaing
ahhh.­...poor white sheep..baa baa sheep
Arthur Habsburg Apr 2019
On an early Monday morn
Into this world my mother bore me
Although I never asked her to
But still she bore me
Into a hospital
A patient
Out of the train
Onto the station
The light, the air,
The Decompression,
No wonder that my first impression
I can't remember,
My mother thought I had a temper,
The nurses watched my massive member,
They put me down as baby boomer
Yeah, I was born to be consumer
But when I'm in my old age
I hope to be if not the driver,
Then at least the passenger

Aren't we going somewhere?

On holiday, perhaps?
Where birds of paradise dance
In savage colours
And sing in dazzling trance,
Where man's institutions are far away,
Where banks don't feed on our flesh,
Away from roaring trucks with pigs
Set for slaughter,
Away from downtown Bangladesh,
Away from ugly neighbours
And their children,
Away into the sweet fresh air
With no wifi
No zombifying TV,
No bling-bling chavs with one beat one key one theme music,
Where the weather is tolerable
And the scam of social media is no more,
We will leave the choking fumes
And strange wars...
Except we won't,
Cause that isn't where we go.
Let's be realistic,
We like postmodern world
It's lovely masochistic,
It takes out minds off questions
That probe beyond statistics,
Questions we don't even know how to phrase,
But fools are always one step ahead,
Delays make them enraged baboons,
When I am in my old age
I expect to see banners on the moon
And clouds shaped by advertisers,
Robot womanisers
And insect appetisers,
New ways to use fertilisers
On human brains
Making us none the wiser
But great at analysing market value
And levels of offensiveness.
I hope you don't think that I'm implying
That you will have something to do with this.
I know you're all good people here..
It's the corporations, of course.
Those classical psychopaths:
Self interested
Always the best
They prefer not to compete with the rest
Nor accept responsibility,
They suffer no conscience
Feel no remorse
And present superficial versions of themselves
To the world,
To the good people
Who take on their traits
Day by day
Year by year
Generation by generation
Because .. you know ..
Market forces and ..
Hunger .. for .. something..
Progress something !...'s the right way!
So what would you like to change?
Is this really your pimple?
When I am in my old age
I would like to be simple
I'll have my special armchair
That will be the envy of all people,
And I'd like to hope that something will be done
About climate change
But for that Israel needs to cease to exist
As well as all the other countries,
Old and new,
And national symbolism must get relegated
To the domain of underwear, swimming trunks and bathing towels,
Where washing machines will eventually bleach it into oblivion,
And the world must become truly global,
Entering the space age
United under redefined humanity!
When I am in my old age,
I still expect to see insanity on a global scale,
People fishing in empty oceans
Sailing their way to French Polynesia
on raging 20 metre waves
only to find French Polynesia
somehow not there anymore..
I hope not to be a bore in my old age,
I hope nostalgia won't be classed as a
And heavily medicalized.
I hope suicide will be legal like bread
I hope my head won't have the texture
Of a woman's inner thigh,
I hope my neck won't look like an accordion,
I hope I won't be making involuntary noises
Every time I lie down,
And I hope to lie down between women's inner thighs
From to  time,
Yeah, I really hope this can be arranged
When I am in my old age
Even if I smell of old people
I hope the smell of old people will be ****
I guarantee it will get very messy
If they won't let me
Take my pension money out
all at once,
I intend to own the stage
Until my very last breath
When I am in my old age
I hope impending death won't make
Religious, or spiritual,
Whichever's worse..
When I am in my old age
I fully expect hats to be in vogue again
And smoking in airports
And free range drugs
When I am in my old age
Maturity will triumph
Over the teenage bugs
With naked ankles and baseball caps,
And the myth of youth will rightfully collapse,
And I will order and convincing martini,
Drive a convincing car,
Snap a convicting finger at the waiter
To the rhythm of swing played at the bar
Somewhere close to the equator
On some not-too-distant star
I will be my own dictator,
I'll be my own tsar
And all will be jolly!
Apart from all this
I really have no worries.
So let me get drunk and let the world laugh
For there is a remedy for everything
But death
(and burning cathedrals)
And as long as we are laughing
We do not weep
About the roses that we picked
That even the sweetest showers
Won't make grow again.
future senile
Yenson May 2019
A bunch of chavs and disgruntles
each with its own brand of neurosis
mundane and insignificant mediocres'
nowhere minds looking for something nowhere
but now they found a true blue blood on their doorsteps
a nightmare edifice that shows all they can never attain or be
the living threat that reflects their famine minds and inconsequential
so bourgeoisie rank and file maligned by their inferiority complexes
declared class war in their little minds screaming majority always win
solidarity of ignoramus is the weapon of choice, delusions and deceits
the stock'n'trade of our lives for they were starved proper breeding
little education, little comprehension never makes healthy minds
just a marauding gang of savages and simpletons venting
vainglorious idiots in crude and coarse pointless affray
in laughable Quixotic assaults and asinine  campaign
in magical thinking they see pain and suffering
doom and despondency, heartbreak and toil
while their imagined victim, flexible
sane, intelligent, smart and awoke
governed by rational logic and
healthy Emotional Intelligence
sees them for what they are
pitiful discontents looking
to vent frustration,
pathetic envious
neurotic dummies
sociopaths and
Yenson Nov 2020
The ghosts and the carcasses
put on their transparent dramas
in the dreamland of pointless mirages
hollering voiceless choruses from airheads
puking limbless chorography of the dead deads'
in puerile imaginings celebrating emptiness of plasmas  

From my origins comes a saying
deriding an obvious attempt at subterfuge
it states even the drooling fool knows that trick
where you put tasty food in mouth and it disappears
much as our indulgent ghosts and carcasses treading boards
saying they're haunting a  staged love story much ado about nothing

Real senses swing far from the maddening crowd
as those underground can only think dirges and eulogies
in betterment holy ghosts are blessed with glories in paradise
as mad restless ghosts in the repertoires of the ****** damaged
revisiting the festering rages of the wailing servants in dead end toils
mourning that unattainable to them and hating the brilliant rays that
shames and illuminates their cloying darkness
Yenson Jul 2020
Like its my fault
you are amongst the Seventy percent
of the worlds poor and under-privileged mass
but our feral chavs can talk
after-all you're brimming with bacon butties
and full of fish and chips
while you collect welfare money and zoom to
off-licences for *****
be proud you're in the same league table of poors
as Calcutta street beggars
of those from the shantys' in S. Africa or favela
in Brazil or bridge sleepers in Gambia
they don't get welfare or have the hot chippie
or kebab shop round the corner
as for ***** they say we can't even afford food
for belly much less *****
so our western seventy per-centers fighting elites
why not give up the bacon butties
and the pub trips and the weeds and crack smack
and go spend a month in Africa
where the sun will roast you and toughened you up
and street life will learn you to hell
then come back and fight your war against the elites
cos as you are now you're just cannon fodders
with full stomach and useless idles
like all that is my fault, n'est-ce pas ?
nick armbrister May 2020
I’ve known many unsavory characters from my home city of Manchester
There’s the ex-demolition guy who took a great dislike to me
Did he have visions of blowing me up instead of my old car?
He had a trainee apprentice in the wings and had connections

I knew several football hooligans who fought for what?
For England, their home team, themselves, for violence?
Each told me a story of Rah-Rah-Rah Here We Go Lads!
One fought riot cops in Poland and was jailed in a sanatorium
He somehow escaped and was banned from Poland for life
The other was a City fan and battled his opponents in Greece
He was 45 and still loved a good tear up on match days

Drug dealers prominently featured in the city and surrounding towns
One dark night in my home town I saw an ex-dealer shot dead  
I heard then saw the BMW getaway car zoom off
Oddly I thought I heard two gunshots after it had gone
The ex-dealer’s wife asked me to help and I tried to
But there was nothing I could do but call the medics

Chavs are the worst in my town and others
Council House And Violent and ruling the tough estates
With their violence, crime, dealing and other acts
Not going to school or college but sleeping all day
And drinking and smoking **** all night with their underage gals
But when do they have time to do their crimes?

There are the plastic gangsters who think they’re it
Maybe with their mates they can burst a paper bag
Or intimidate innocent law abiding citizens who are meek

Further afield I met a gangster in Liverpool who was alrite
He liked a right tear up and had a job to appear legit
But his real work was in various things like drugs, guns and cash
He offered me a job as a courier because my car was old and gray
I said no for its easy in and never ever out

The English racists were a breed apart who hated all skins
I got on with one who liked metal but we clashed on views
He loathed foreigners and wanted them all out
And insisted that white men stick to white women

Most scary of all I met a killer on the run in Newcastle
We were on the ship disco by the river having fun
This guy had a real flirty wife called Carmen
I danced with her and later talked to her husband
He schitzed out and went mad but not for chatting with his gal
I asked what’s wrong and he admitted to killing a man
And said he didn’t know me from Adam so be quiet!
He was a Londoner and I said you did it for your own reasons
His wife consoled him when he had flashbacks

Ex-servicemen gave me a few problems over the years
I was drinking in my local pub when a para and a marine argued
First with one another and then with me over who was best
They hated the air force and me wearing an Air Force badge
Maybe they needed a war to get their heads blown off?

There were many fighters who lived to fight and cause trouble
Some had a go at me I tried to avoid their skills but heard their stories
Some were nutters but others quite pally and fine lads
There were brawlers, boxers, Martial Artists and more
Near the Mess House pub in Oldham guys die by a single punch

These savory and unsavory characters were the fabric of England
Some I remember and many I forget for right or wrong reasons
Their stories live on here my poem for you to judge
Nick Armbrister
nick armbrister Dec 2018
Layered Cake
I’ve known many unsavory characters from my home city of Manchester
There’s the ex-demolition guy who took a great dislike to me
Did he have visions of blowing me up instead of my old car?
He had a trainee apprentice in the wings and had connections

I knew several football hooligans who fought for what?
For England, their home team, themselves, for violence?
Each told me a story of Rah-Rah-Rah Here We Go Lads!
One fought riot cops in Poland and was jailed in a sanatorium
He somehow escaped and was banned from Poland for life
The other was a City fan and battled his opponents in Greece
He was 45 and still loved a good tear up on match days

Drug dealers prominently featured in the city and surrounding towns
One dark night in my home town I saw an ex-dealer shot dead  
I heard then saw the BMW getaway car zoom off
Oddly I thought I heard two gunshots after it had gone
The ex-dealer’s wife asked me to help and I tried to
But there was nothing I could do but call the medics

Chavs are the worst in my town and others
Council House And Violent and ruling the tough estates
With their violence, crime, dealing and other acts
Not going to school or college but sleeping all day
And drinking and smoking **** all night with their underage gals
But when do they have time to do their crimes?

There are the plastic gangsters who think they’re it
Maybe with their mates they can burst a paper bag
Or intimidate innocent law abiding citizens who are meek

Further afield I met a gangster in Liverpool who was alrite
He liked a right tear up and had a job to appear legit
But his real work was in various things like drugs, guns and cash
He offered me a job as a courier because my car was old and gray
I said no for its easy in and never ever out

The English racists were a breed apart who hated all skins
I got on with one who liked metal but we clashed on views
He loathed foreigners and wanted them all out
And insisted that white men stick to white women

Most scary of all I met a killer on the run in Newcastle
We were on the ship disco by the river having fun
This guy had a real flirty wife called Carmen
I danced with her and later talked to her husband
He schitzed out and went mad but not for chatting with his gal
I asked what’s wrong and he admitted to killing a man
And said he didn’t know me from Adam so be quiet!
He was a Londoner and I said you did it for your own reasons
His wife consoled him when he had flashbacks

Ex-servicemen gave me a few problems over the years
I was drinking in my local pub when a para and a marine argued
First with one another and then with me over who was best
They hated the air force and me wearing an Air Force badge
Maybe they needed a war to get their heads blown off?

There were many fighters who lived to fight and cause trouble
Some had a go at me I tried to avoid their skills but heard their stories
Some were nutters but others quite pally and fine lads
There were brawlers, boxers, Martial Artists and more
Near the Mess House pub in Oldham guys die by a single punch

These savory and unsavory characters were the fabric of England
Some I remember and many I forget for right or wrong reasons
Their stories live on here my poem for you to judge
Ylang Ylang Jun 2018
Meeting and hanging out with friends
Scenes become cartoon like
Every person becomes cartoon like
Druggish visions, 2000's chavs
Smoking dope and loitering
the tower blocks district

Beware when you think about them
                       when you look at them
For they are 18 years
                                         in the past

A newborn of the internet
MTV ruled the popculture
Silent/waiting adolescent society
of tower blocks districts
West leaked through the
       luminous cracks
                 of TV screen.

Rat Queen in labour
foul and swollen
force (remorse! Whitebirds,
Felines of night - mourn.)
            of childbirth
Yenson Dec 2021
So the hi-jacking of the unionized Dum Dum Chavs
became a fish-bone stuck in cheap teas drenched throats
and their asinine anchors broke and sunk without trace
and their demoralizing dirges become the jokes of the day
and their taunts and tormenting parades the idiocy of fools
and their street theatres demonstrates how stupidity works
and their seed planting shows inferiors are seeded to be inferiors
for they cannot read the lay of the land much less understand
the theories of germination
and our soft cell cowards and nounces in snowflakes rags
hide in their caves of Omni shambles with their small penises' mates
red faced and supremely useless
crying revolutionary song ' they have been overcome '
all these not in a Banana Republic but in the mother of democracy
and we laugh and laugh and laugh
this is the tale of the maladroits' maladjusted and mala-nothings
hahaha hahaha hahaha
King Charles III.....
"When I ride through the streets and see, you know, the Common Man staring at me, I'm struck by how little I know of his life, and how little he knows of mine.".
Yenson Apr 2023
And she sings of the Reds
the mediocre of our erstwhile times
mandem simpletons chavs and chavettes
Government assisted underachievers
mired in spite and bile

She lampoons the saps
our home grown moaning brigage
lets blame it on the moon last night ya'all
loonies et dross paroding militancy
simple minds' distractions

She says as Aliens know
shows why misery loves company
know cocktail sausages not good enough
ninety seconds leaves frustrations
whats there to smile about

She's on bout Red Robins
mediocre inadequate lowscalers
acerbic haters full of jealousy envy an spite
our ignoramus Che Guevaras
hating venting fuming an breathing toxicity
small penises enraged
our gangs of cowards and bullies can never
ever be happy and real

Well, I find so much to laugh about and even right now I am laughing,...
Yenson Aug 2019
Remind me of my smartness
how I played plotters of the grid
while planning formation I was yawning silliness
stuck their laughs in throats and made them swallow the bride
show me the bride and I see a dud puppy held in stuck surprise
and the dumdum apple tasters of Eden still think they rule in air

Flowing in delusions and empty dramas
they tarry pointlessly as Eskimos in white snow blindness
too vacant to think, too frustrated in the neurosis of shame
mired in falsehood and mudslinging the eggs hang on ***** faces
no marks playing mind games become mind playing them like fools
the pettiness of petty minds too petty to register for Registrar above

Comprehensives garbage's galore in full fool-dom
reared on ignorance and muck hyping nonsensical illusions
warped mentalities meet hate meet envy stirred in inferiority complex
under the tutelage of thieves and drunk on covert racism shamelessly
says class war from soap-dodgers and failures called anarchist today
go see how foreigners fill yon universities and see your future Rulers

Indulgent petty fries and boiled sausages
yobs chavs in affray dreading the rise of talents and excellence
stop me but there are thousands going places while you stack shelves
anarchy yourselves to beg sicknotes from the Asian doctor classmate
as you limp in all wrinkled and grey aged thirty and six yet in prime
misspent youth full of hate, jealousy and envy now on crutches
where your voices of revolution or are you now Anarchy extinction
Yenson Aug 2023
Inorganic BEETRAYALL is an amatuerish den-brewed beer
a sham concoction by some asinine metro-hicks and chavs

Its so weak and pueril as in made by bleached dregs for dregs
and only one like brainless moonshiners would buy this

Its so frothy and dense and a telling reflection of its Makers
as are all the other products by this Really Useless Group

In anodyne suspended disbelief they coralled some sheep
as propagandists to blah blah BEETRAYAL repeatedly

God knows how many times down the lines they still can't see
WHAT is inorganic is not REAL no matter how many times
you parade denseness and artificially infused BEETRAYALL

And anyway with all your bribery coercions and intimidations
people can tell and see you are nothing but a bunch of fools
peddling hogwash and bleached acidic moonshine

BEETRAYALL my foot, you've betrayed yourselves!!!
What does it mean to be inorganic? not arising from natural growth : artificial, made-up, contrived, a set-up, manifactured and so on and so on...NOT REAL
Yenson May 2021
at your worst
you can marshal packs of puppets
and pawns
and marry them all to all your viscerally
selected demons
thus at your forsaken disposal an army
of ****** miscreants
at your best
you have laid out your rotted innards
and all your disrepute
your vices caramelised in shoddy white gloss
now smelt in gangrene disgrace  
at lest pitifully
you claim your wretched podiums at the
galleries of peons
and all donned your jesters hats proudly
and in fitting ridicules
at your wittering  most
you owned your shamelessness with aplomb
as in muck from muck
in the depraved reunions of thieves, degenerates
low-lives, malcontents and chavs
what's classy about underclasses who will dare throw
the first stone
there is esprit de corps in the salt poor waters
of pond lives
Yenson Apr 2019
Come on chavs
come stop me, stop me quick
I'm so hot...I'm smoking, stop me now
or I'll set your women on fire

indulgent dummies decide
we are going to degrade execellence
we don't like confident people
we hate the strong and secured self assured types
after-all we should all be equal,
its unfair that man has a big **** and intelligent to boot
we must gang up and tear him down
drain his confidence
make him feel weak, insecure, frightened and *******
that's what we cowardly bully do

In your limping dreams, you half baked potatoes
like it my fault you are too stupid to develop and grow
to make use of opportunities, instead of chickening out
and blaming others'oh its because my dad is a dustman'
its because I didn't go to the right school
Its because my leg fell off...*******
you're a bunch of indulgent, weak, efforts adverse spoilt cowards
you don't make the efforts, you can never put yourself out
or make sacrifices or withstand just a bit of pressure

I married one of youse
she thinks I'm too hard because I push her to achieve
to strive, be strong, stop being a ******* snowflake
look at the Indian shopkeeper who opens from 7a.m. till 11 p.m.
when he drives a Roller, you dimwits gets envious
I don't see you busting anything to reach heights
then you think dweeps like you can gang up and turn me into
a brainless weak shallow, dumb, indulgent, nonsense's like you
we are planting seeds of doubts in his mind, yea *** I'm a dope
*** I'm a dumb toe-rags like you
like some immature toddy fool sitting before a PC writing ****
I see you, I laugh at you, you are nothing but pathetic weaklings
Thieving, joyless, weak, underhand backstabbers
Arrogant, lying, false, fake, *****=playing charlatans
Yenson Jul 2023
here's a whisper in your ears
you do know
that the fixation, obsession, unhealthy interest
call it what you like, hahaha
in my estwhile love life
is actually quite natural, predictable and foreseen
you see
they are mostly the dicked and dumped
spending their lives where their choices are
from their pool of the dim-wits, half-wits, limp *****,
men-childs, over-grown kids, wimps, chavs,
mummy's boys, buffoons and apologies-for men
Now tell me
what's exciting or interesting about that
a love-life with dregs in a continuous circle
the unwashed for the unwashed
make babies
absent fathers
start again
they like their cheap thrill
and their cheap entertainments
and how else do you pertuate 'the majority'
but they're madder now as the Government's stepped in
they only pay Child Benefits for two kids
you make more you work or steal for it, knicker-droppers
yeah! so its bull for Red rags and coalition of dicked and dumped
Off course! a solid man with glowing qualities aplenty
intelligent, dependable, trustworthy, clever, smart,
charming, caring, sincere, wise and honourable
is going to stand out like a sore thumb, to them
Oh my God
Such a male is going to put bees in their bonnets
get their knickers in a twist and their flabber truely gasted, hahaha
Obsession, fixation, blue ****** most likely
how can we have
a Prince Charming amongst the dicked and dumped
and expect peace
like Chris the thief said
its throwing the cat among the pigeons
talk about how to manipulate the frustrated
so their fixation is understandable
ain't it so
Hahaha....go on, you tell me.....
Yenson Nov 2021
And they're driving their Kevin paranoid
in their red sunset dreams
but they are confused because there's no
Kevin here of mainstream
and the landed labourers without freehold
hold their tools and scream
locked hate of the locker rooms simmers
their historical hate extreme
in comfort they get their Kevin to do as told
so our eunuchs feel supreme
the mob of half men cry frustrated red tears
its war and we fight as a team
we are going to do Kevin's head in and ****
him up to disesteem
lets watch our civilised clowns do vigilantes
pray laugh not at infantile regime
its psyche warfare of the deluded hooligans
in slipstreams to downstream
I know not the vacant Kevin they want paranoid
I was born respectable with self esteem
the businesses of Chavs Karens and Mr Angry from Ghetto Land
are generally not a feature within my scheme
Yenson Feb 2021
They can't find brains
they were made for groupthink programming
they can't find standards
baa ba sheep are either fat or thin or large or small
they can't find self development
limited minds can only think and do limited things
they can't find intelligence
don't be silly mate I already know all I need to know
they can't find ambition
why should I bother when I can get money from Welfare
they can't find cool
we are chavs and yobs and yobbesses and proud of it mate
they can't find real love
life is too short just footie, drink, ****. make babies and move on
But they Can find Jealousy, Hate and Envy
well why do the Successful well-to-do's have better things than us
they are greedy parasites who think they are better than all us talents
this is a love poem inspire by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Yenson Jul 2021
Well, its going home
to Rome
yip the Azzurros have caned our *****
at least we are still champions at Bullying
experts at conspiracies, taunting and tormenting
and we all agree, in all of Europe
we are World Class Yobs, Chavs and Yobbesses
who say we are good for nothing immature hooligans

So there it goes
we lost on penalties
and guess what its those three black ones
that missed three penalties, can't trust 'em, innit?

Well what do ya expect
you **** them off daily on social media
your racist yobs are daily throwing racial slurs
critizing, abusing, tormenting and trolling them
how do you expect them to now access the confidence needed
when after tearing them apart

You now throw them on expecting miracles
Maybe something in them at that crucial point flared in their brains
'Know what, **** this for a game of soldiers'
yeah, you dishonour us, you never treat us truly fairly
you keep our people down and tear into us
then at this critical hour, you say, 'Go do this for the Nation'
Go **** yourselves, were we heroes when you're tormenting us
on social media

we never encourage absolute confidence
we always see it as arrogance because its not common
amongst the majority, so we tear confidence down
out of envy because we can't be like them
The gifted are always scared to express themselves for fear
they will start tearing me down, calling me arrogant, a show-off
and all kinds of negative labels will rain down
so there you have it
the poor lads bricked it at the crucial moments
now they'll be dreading social media tomorrow
I wished they had it in them to have even for a second considered
my jokey projection above
but I know they don't have that in them, such fire isn't in them
they've been neutered long ago, from day one actually  

No doubt normal services will resume tomorrow on Facebook etc
and the deranged trolls
will be there sending banana emojis and telling them to go climb
a tree

Yip people,
we lost and the Italians have taken Football to Rome!
We know they have the style and the panache
and the men are not routinely castrated
and then sent out to take penalties
Viva la Roma
Hahaha, there's a lot of truth in jest. When we learn to truly and honestly accept each other regardless of race, gender, class, ****** orientation or religion, and stop hating in secret while smiling in public, then, maybe, just maybe, we can reach unattainable heights and do wonderous things together.
My commiseration to my true brits friends who espouse and appreciate talents, skills, honest endeavours, fair play and the brotherhood of men and women. The Glorious future awaits us and football will come to its historical home one day......better luck next time!
To the chavs and yobs....why not try taking a penalty in front of a hundred million screaming people, knowing your Nation expects, rather than hiding behind your stolen computer trolling obvious talents, go do one!
Yenson Jan 2022
All the ***** minds
all the ***** rotten scoundrels
all the murky foul tricks
all the crazies loonies and crackpots
all the chavs and mindless morons
all the snivelling lily-livered cowards
and all the frightened coerced unwashed
could not frustrate one SINGLE man
or drive him insane
or even effect his admission into hospital due to a breakdown
or even at the very least cause a slit wrist as a cry for help
so please
lets call on Clark Kent
we need Superman
and if Superman is too busy dealing with covid
will someone please ask Mr Putin and President Xi Jinping of China
to please send us
The Red Army
Yenson Apr 2022
I said it all along
their leader has been forced
to come out and declare it publically
when we have dullards, dumbos, halt-wits
twits, nincompoops, ignoramuses and dumdums
what do we have but that Sublime Prince laughing at us
how can we have a revolution with these ***** being prized fools
who needs thirty years to drive a single man crazy
what has all the tomfoolery achieved other than make the public
see how senseless incompetent and deluded our chavs are
the twerps are gas lighting each other
and believing their own lies
what a bunch ot twarts
get them to Universities
enough of mindless nonsense
says the ex-leader
who went to Oxford
and is now a multi-millionaire
70% of pupils should go on to higher education, Tony Blair says
More pupils going to HE would raise productivity levels across the UK, the former prime minister said.
A report from the Tony Blair Institute, published this week, says that if 70% of young people completed higher education it would “significantly” raise national productivity levels.

The institute’s analysis said reaching this target would raise economic growth by nearly five per cent over the next generation.
“Far from reaching ‘peak grad’, as some in government argue, we will need many more workers with abilities acquired in HE settings,” the report says.

“We must therefore embark on a multi-parliament drive to raise educational attainment substantially with an eye on the skills our workforce will need not today, but in 20 or 30 years’ time.”

Lord Johnson of Marylebone, the former universities minister and the prime minister’s brother, wrote in the foreword: “We still don’t have enough highly-skilled individuals to fill many vacancies today.”
Yenson Dec 2020
Does it get boring toying with nonentities
is it worth the bother stirring the momentum of chavs
is it even vaguely interesting fencing with half-baked semi-illiterates
I wouldn't know for I am just a man who's  not intimidated
by stupid dumb ghost in misguided neon mirages
and I am not bothered by yelling boo back
at cushion soft white cloaks full of damp air
core-less with no essence and pliable
boo boo oo wooo boo woo
there's nothing real about you
even your mothers can't talk to you
boo woo ghost ever make love or are they too soft....hahaha
come on we need to laugh as the winter nights close in....
Abby Jan 23
I don't understand anyone's reasoning when they pull this ****
Stay friends for six years or more,
Seven the luckiest but dumped in ****, especially in knowing
This is supposed to be the halfway mark to a forever duo.
Who needs a duo when you have a million chavs, million euro credit cards you don't offer to the poor
Dying for parties, dying for fun
Dying for a piece of your love.

More than a question about exams isn't too much to ask for, is it?
Support your business, congratulate you on the sixth kid you'll never look after yourself,
Maybe the seventh'll be more blessed
If it isn't born from a cheated partner, the one you fell out with me for.
Okay lack of morals, shove it up your emotionless *** of our memories
For I won't be licking it anymore.

— The End —