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Nat Lipstadt Feb 2014
Once I was stuck in Acapulco
in the rainy season,
for I didn't check the weather for
that time of year
when in need of a
quick getaway

when it is the rainy season
down Acapulco way,
it rains for a season,
not a day
and the roads are
the rivers unmarked on any map

apparently I was not the only idiot

a hotel full of newly weds  
with nothing to do after,
after doing what newly weds do,
they, these many couples
verily they cruised in D1
around in endless circles on the floor
around the newel post,
of the outdoor lobby,
jailed by the down pouring unceasing

like goldfish in a pond,
I fascinated watched,
expressionless, in motion constant,
speaking not a word to anyone,
even joined in for a splayed day ^

got the hell outta there,
went to Mexico City,
made me another
steve mcqueen quick getaway

had me a fine time there

over thirty yrs later,
the image of the
the fish pond of white humans
swimming in silent circles
still gives me
Pre the internet.  
Whattya mean, there was time when there was no internet?

^. And died immediately
there was a little badger he just love to dive
it gave him so much fun and made feel alive
he went to  Acapulco to join the divers there
diving of the rocks making people scare.

badger loved the thrill so he had a go
with somersaults and flips putting on a show
diving from the cliffs that were very high
badger took a leap and he began to fly.

people down below watched this little chap
doing all his tricks they began to clap
badger he was happy so were the people too
to dive in Acapulco had made his dreams come true.
there was a little badger he just love to dive
it gave him so much fun and made feel alive
he went to  Acapulco to join the divers there
diving of the rocks making people scare
badger loved the thrill so he had a go
with somersaults and flips putting on a show
diving from the cliffs that were very high
badger took a leap and he began to fly
people down below watch this little chap
doing all his tricks they began to clap
badger he was happy so were the people too
to dive in Acapulco had made his dreams come true
Picture this Jun 2015
Acapulco, the 1950's jet set age
of glamour and allure
a bay of high rise flats
edged along the shore

A golden bay of sandy grains
the longest beach it's famed
with glistening lights upon the shore
reflecting window panes

I find a puffer on the beach
and dive for large pink shells
my soul is filled with adoration
for this city gels

At night the city is on fire
with mariachi sounds
silver blue sombrero hats
colourfully spinning round

The soul is beating loud and wild
inside there is pulse
I feel it pressing me inside
true and never false

The colour hits you like a bolt
vibrant in it's treasure
a spicy flavour on my tongue
Acapulco's been a pleasure
Irate Watcher Jul 2014
Tangled by reeds
in the trash-ridden bay
of sunny Acapulco,
I brush your hair.

Dried gel
builds under my nails
and satisfies me.

You dive with me
into the ocean of fire
to wash our hands.

My heart beats red;
Leaking, it soaks
your white playera

It hangs high and dry,
but will never wash clean.
there was a little badger he just love to dive
it gave him so much fun and made him feel alive
he went to  Acapulco to join the divers there
diving of the rocks making people scare.

badger loved the thrill so he had a go
with somersaults and flips putting on a show
diving from the cliffs that were very high
badger took a leap and he began to fly.

people down below watched this little chap
doing all his tricks they began to clap
badger he was happy so were the people too
to dive in Acapulco had made his dreams come true.
Mitchell Jul 2014
The whole
Thing started from dropping
The wrong name
The wrong time.

How do you know

"Who?" She asked, stepping back. A look
Of horror was painted on her already
Heavily painted face.

"Adam...the guy's who's throwing
This party..."

I knew
I had made
An error.

"Who will pay?"
I thought.

"I'm throwing this party," she hissed, "Who
The **** is ADAM?"

I answered instantly.

"The guy manning
The grill with the Acapulco shirt
And yellow pineapple sunglasses. He
Said he organized and is
Running this whole thing..."

If an Australian wolverine mixed with
A Bay area Marina girl combined and birthed
Their rage into a single ball of high-powered,
impenetrable violence, bent only to destroy
Only who had crossed them well, that is what I witnessed
That night.

Her pupils
Became enveloped in a hot rose red.

Her cheeks, which had been
A pretty pink rouge color just a minute before,
Instantly switched into a purplish, slug-like color.

The blood within looked to be

At one point, I swear I saw smoke coming
From her ears while her lips shook so bad I thought
She was going to ***** bile.

I didn't say another word.

I let her pass.

There was nothing I could do.

She put his face
The grill.

What I mean by "in the grill" is
That she whipped the metal grate off barehanded,
Proceeded to grab a very
Surprised Adam, and shoved his face
Into a searing ashy pie of red hot coals.

If it were a pie,
Everyone would have laughed, but because
It was red-hot-coals hotter than fire,
Everyone screamed.

I've never heard a man howl so loud.
It sounded like a million new born babies crying
When he hit the fresh summer grass.

A few girls screeched in fear, but everyone else
Gasped, looked at Aimee (the name of the actual
Thrower of the party), and took a few steps back.

No one was sure what she would do next.
And then,
She did.

****!" she screamed.
Her eyes had washed over
Completely black.

I stood behind the screen door between
A shivering 1st string linemen who played for
The ducks and a pre-law major. Pre-law had
Wet himself at the sight of Adams meeting
With the coals. He didn't even make an
Effort to cover it up.

There was no shame anywhere anymore.


"Hey Aimee, I think
He's really hurt..." her friend
Tried to say. Aimee whipped
Her hand back and
Caught the poor ******* the lip.
It split instantly and she let out a
desperate cry. She whimpered and
Slunk back to whatever corner she
Had come from.


Adam tried to say something, anything, but
All that came out was a slow whimper.
It sounded like 0""

No one dared move.

Then, she kneeled down and got
Very close to him. His face was
The texture of
Cheap, overcooked steak.

Her voice was quiet as
She spoke,

"And if you dare tell the cops
About this," she whispered, "I'll find
You. These are all my friends, you

Adam didn't say anything.
His eyes were locked on the ground.

PIECE BY ******* PIECE!"

She exhaled. She calmed down. Her eyes fluttered
As she threw her hair back, regaining
Her composure.

Then she began again,
"Do you understand?"

"Yeshhh," Adam struggled to say.
A piece of skin
Was hanging off his scorched lip,
Interrupting his speech.

"I didn't quite get that," she said,
Almost apologizing.

She got closer,
Reached for the dangling piece
Of skin, and viciously ripped it clean
From Adam's face
Like a child would a band-aid.

We all yelled.

Adam screeched another
Furies howl and rolled over onto
I UNERSTAND!" He wasn't
Able to pronounce the D, but Aimee
Looked to be letting it slide.

"Good," Aimee said simply, "Now,

A tiny guy in a ducks
beanie and board shorts struggled
To pick Adam up. Adams
Eyes had rolled to the back of his head
And his breathing looked to be
Getting dangerously shallow.

He had ****** himself too.

The tiny guy and what looked to be
His probably now ex-girlfriend got him out
The back gate, onto the street, and into
A car. I don't think they would
Be calling the cops on Aimee.
For their sake, I hoped they told the emergency room
He had tripped and fell into the grill.

Aimee looked around at
All the stunned faces of her party.

She grinned, revealing
A very attractive row
Of perfectly white teeth.

"WHO NEEDS A SHOT!" Aimee screamed.

There was a pause. All
Was as still as the graveyard
Up the street.
That reminded me of a story a friend
Had told me.

He had decided to do mushrooms
After a hard rain. Being high, he
Needed something to do. He went on
A walk and while walking, passed
A graveyard, the graveyard I was thinking of.

He stripped down to his tighties
And bathed in the mud of the graves.
I remembered asking him if he was scared
While he did this. "No," he laughed.
I asked him why and he answered frankly,
"Even the dead need to bath."

Behind the screen door, I instinctively wooed.
It's like a knee-**** reaction. I didn't even really
Want to take a shot. I wanted to leave, badly.

"YOU!" she screeched.
Her dagger finger was pointed
directly at me.


I looked over my shoulder, to the left and
Right of me, but there was no one there.
The spineless **** and pissy-pants leech
Were gone.

Aimee marched toward me. Her eyes
were Enflamed with the intense need
To drown out whatever she had done in the past
With highly toxic amounts of alcohol.

She grabbed me by the arm and
Tossed me in the kitchen.

"Tequila..?" she asked, "Or whiskey?"

I bead of sweat
Slid down my

The answer felt as if it could
The rest
Of my life.

"How bout' both?" I managed to say.

She eyed me down.
I think she thought
I was trying to make fun of her but then,
She saw
I was serious.

"I love you," she said.

"Let's drink," I told her.

And that's how

I met my

Cuando ya todos los héroes
Que con Hidalgo surgieron,
Quedaron frente al «Destino»,
Aprisionados o muertos,
Sólo un tenaz insurgente,
El indomable Guerrero,
Sostuvo entre las montañas
La libertad y el derecho.
Él, desde ochocientos once
Que entró a servir con Morelos,
Asistió a muchos combates
En que demostró su genio.
Y el año de diez y nueve
Fueron tantos sus esfuerzos,
Que alcanzó veinte victorias
Contra el virreinal ejército.
Más tarde cuando Iturbide
Salió para darle encuentro,
Siendo por él derrotado
Del sur en los campamentos,
Se le ofreció por amigo,
Se le entregó como adepto
Y al fin en una entrevista
Celebrada el diez de enero
Del ochocientos ventiuno
De Acatempam en el pueb'o,
Juráronse en un abrazo
Obrar de común acuerdo
Para proclamar muy pronto
La independencia de Méjico.
Guerrero fue como el águila
Altivo, incansable, fiero,
Halló nido en la montaña,
La caza le dio alimento,
Jamás lograron rendirlo
Y cuando en calma le vieron
Era porque ya la presa
Había en sus garras deshecho.
Tal era ei bravo insurgente
Que, por sus brillantes méritos,
Figuró luego en la Patria
Como Jefe del Gobierno;
Dejándonos por memoria,
Y por glorioso recuerdo
La victoria de Tampico
Conquistada en dos sangrientos
Combates, que aniquilaron
Al invasor extranjero.
Fueron Terán y Santa Anna
Quienes con gran ardimiento
Alcanzaron el triunfo
Contra un brigadier ibero
Que vencido y desarmado
Con su flota dejó el puerto.
Cuando ya sin ingerencia
En asuntos del Gobierno
Tranquilo en el sur vivía
El indomable Guerrero,
Por temor a su fiereza
Un crimen se tramó en Méjico.
El general Bustamante
Y sus ministros, creyeron
Oportuno darle muerte
Al soldado de Morelos;
Y hay quien diga que hubo alguno
Que así exclamó en el consejo:
A este suriano terrible
Hay que quitarle de en medio.
No era fácil darle alcance
Ni era posible vencerlo,
Y a un genovés, Picaluga,
Corazón infame y *****,
Como a Judas lo compraron
Para consumar el hecho.
Picaluga tenia surto
Un bergantín en el puerto
De Acapulco y era amigo
Del bravo adalid del pueblo;
Lo convidó una mañana
A principios de febrero
A almorzar en el Colombo,
El héroe asistió al almuerzo
Y en cuanto le tuvo a bordo,
Se dio a la vela ligero,
Y fue a entregarlo en Huatulco
A las fuerzas del Gobierno.
Por aquella negra infamia
Cobró cincuenta mil pesos;
Y nadie supo a qué sitio
Huyó el traidor marinero.
En tanto al héroe suriano,
A Oaxaca lo trajeron,
Lo juzgaron a su antojo
En ridículo consejo;
Mil crímenes le imputaron,
Mil faltas le supusieron,
Y ya sentenciado a muerte,
Lo fusilaron enfermo,
En la villa de Cuilapa
El catorce de febrero
Del año de treinta y uno...
¡Año en nuestra historia *****!!
Cuando en el Almirantazgo
De Génova, conocieron
La infamia de Picaluga,
Publicaron un decreto
Declarándolo ante el mundo
Traidor, villano y artero;
Sentenciándolo a que muera
Por la espalda, sin derecho
A sepultura sagrada,
Ni a luto ni a testamento
Breves pasaron los años
Y el más profundo misterio,
Veló a todos el destino
Del infame marinero.
Contábanse mil consejas
Que amedrentaban al pueblo,
Pero la verdad, lo triste,
Lo horripilante, lo cierto,
Era que el héroe de Tixtla,
El soldado de Morelos,
Gozaba en humilde tumba
Del último de los sueños
Causando duelo a la Patria
Y rubor a su Gobierno.
Cuando cayó Bustamante
Y que los años corrieron,
Uno de sus más adictos
Hombre rico y de provecho,
Hizo un viaje a Tierra Santa,
Pues era cristiano viejo.
Llegado a la Palestina
Fue a visitar el convento
En que moran los trapistas
Pensando ganar el cielo.
Al atravesar un claustro,
Dicen que salió a su encuentro
Un fraile, cuyo semblante
En amplia capucha envuelto
Velaba con blanca barba
Que le bajaba hasta el pecho.
-¿No me conocéis?- le dijo,
-No- respondióle el viajero.
-Pues llevo aquí algunos años
De rogar al Ser Supremo,
Que a Bustamante y sus hombres,
Y a mí, que fui su instrumento,
Nos perdone compasivo
Y nos absuelva en su reino
Del crimen que cometimos
Con el general Guerrero.
Soy Francisco Picaluga...
                    -Humilde siervo
De Dios, a quien lo devora
Un tenaz remordimiento.
Sin decir una palabra
Y de admiración suspenso,
El viajero conmovido
Salió del triste convento,
Y después de algunos años
Al referir el suceso
Temblaba cual si estuviera
Junto al traidor marinero.
Avalon's Respite Dec 2015
Just illusion, a monstrous nightmare vanquished
with a ray of orange sunshine upon the tongue.
Mellowed with God's own gracious herb;
fiery gilded hairs of Acapulco Gold.

Bob, our coarse prophet of peace's dream,
his sallow voice arrived on autumn's dry wind.
Janis sang with sad, painful screams,
lilting ballads of fated, melancholy sin.

Flower children swaying,
moving to a blaring din.
******, naked bodies entwined.
Massing round a roaring flame
projecting the awesome power of love.
Childish hopes, banishing the nightmare of war
to naught but a bard's sorrowful tale.

How might you spill your brother's blood?
Reclined together, ****** by the shore,
watching pink and purple penguins
as they frolic in a rolling sea of split pea soup.
Diving within the shifting colors for treasures of ham.

"Make love, not war!
   Make love, not war!
     Make love, not war!"

We were but children, playing with grand theory.
Alas, lucidity comes with old wisdom.
Our dream was lost to history's dusty files
as warmongers dined within ivory towers.

To think...
such a simple design could end the horror.
One mass of chanting, ****** teens,
color blind, hands embraced as one,
man, woman and child.

Just illusion...
a drug induced fantasy of a dream.

And "The Nightmare" regained
it's baneful power.

© S.Loeding
All Rights Reserved
Matinal escena
de caracol y arena.
Irrepetible accidente natural,
briosa costa musical.
Lejos del Ahualulco,
bahía de Acapulco.
David Nelson Mar 2013
Roach clip Blues

yes I've been left out in the cold

nothing to cover up my head

not even a pinch of Acapulco gold

just cold turkey sandwiches instead

she left me here dry not high

I cannot find my Mary Jane

no word for many days gone by

so hard to cope with all the pain

thoughts of her still linger on

wishing for one last token kiss

cannot accept the fact she's gone

falling deeper down in the abyss

the clasp of my broken heart

so empty without the will to choose

have no idea where to start

to end this tune of roach clip blues

Gomer LePoet...
Terry Collett Apr 2014
Milka and I
my Elvis Presley discs
in my room

on the old
blue record player
on the floor
she sat

on my bed
while I sat
on the floor
changing the discs

as I went along
she held up
one of the LP sleeves
Fun in Acapulco

she said
I like the cover
isn't he cute?
not sure

I’d say cute
I said
I like him
but not in a

cute sense
she read the blurb
at the back
can you play this?

I said
so she handed me
the LP

and I put it on
the player
come sit next to me
she said

so I went
sat next to her
on the bed
and she leaned

against me
her head
on my shoulder
and I put my arm

about her
while Elvis sang
I can tell
you like Elvis

she said
you even comb
your hair like him
and smile like him

I smelt her scent
from her mother
no doubt)

felt the soft cloth
on her flesh
my fingers touching
her arm

where'd you get
the red stockings?
I asked
seeing them clearly

for the first time
they went well
with the green skirt
I thought

Mum got them for me
the other week
do they look ****?
she asked

you're already ****
I  said
she kissed me
and Elvis sang

a Mexican
sounding song
as she did so
I sensed the wetness

of her lips
her tongue poking
between my lips
tongues meeting

her arms
about my waist
my spare hand
on her thigh

Elvis singing
guitars playing
a trumpet blowing
we lay back

on the bed
the blue lampshade overhead
she closed her eyes
lips met

tongues engaged
hands moved
in the background
Elvis grooved.
Roaring waves they came and washed me down
Out of my depth needed to come up for breath
I resurfaced only to be met with a forceful plummet
I remembering thinking if it takes me again
this is me sinking
I swam back up
It took me down
In hopeless state
Panicked now
The waves so strong perhaps heard the song and it wasn't long before I was brushed along ocean bed
beach ahead
I remember that day in Mexico well
Covered in sand
******* Hell!!
Bit embarrassing walking back to the hotel
Wasn't just gritt'in me teeth
Emily McDonald Jul 2015
Perspective is everything darling.

Anything you put work into you begin to hate and anything you put money into you love, so its a constant cycle.

I was a mad independent individual and you broke me down to be a weak dependent among other people.

I loved feeling something new.

The stories I used to respect and look up to were becoming my own, even if they weren't much.

Always put your well being, career, and dreams before any person or thing. Your life comes first and that perfect kind of love comes after.

I hate feeling helpless more than anything in this world. Even in the small moments when your feet dangle while you're riding passenger with a person you don't know very well and you're having to laugh at every awkward topic the driver brings up trying to start a conversation.  'It's polite' is what you've been taught but whatever happened to a deep conversation right off the bat?  Whatever happened to meaning and opinion and stories and not just a casual small talk everywhere you go? I want to be told something that will make me remember you. Tell me about the time you got so drunk you ended up sleeping alone in a field and the stars were the only thing that mattered at that moment, there weren't any other issues to cloud your mind and your bottle of bourbon made the best companion. How you had this unexplainable feeling of living in the moment, like nothing else could ruin your peace.  I don't want to hear who won the most recent game, I don't want to hear about the current event taking over the news channels. I want a story.

Some friendships come together quickly and you wonder how you hadn't known this person earlier. They meet up and get all intertwined with each-other and go crashing like a comet, burst into the ground and destroy everything in sight. Some are gradual friendships, the two can spend time apart but still grow together over time. I call these perennial friendships because they will return every year.

My dad was always a big hairy question mark sitting on the couch. He watched brave-heart, liked old westerns and cheesecake, was an Elvis Presley fan and liked cars. Fast old cars. He loved God and hated Obama and his views were oh-so traditional that sometimes you wished you knew why. You wished you knew his whole story but he kept everything private. That's all I know about him and I grew up in the same house as him. 20 years together and that's all I could tell you. There was apparently a lot in his past and he didn't talk much. When we went out to eat we could have a full meal in silence and it wouldn't feel awkward at all. I was told I took after him in a lot of ways and one of them being that I was an extreme introvert. I called into a radio show when I was 8 on fathers day and they asked what celebrity my dad reminded me of, "John Wayne" I replied. The host sounded surprised to hear an older actor, "and why is that?" he asked. I gasped for some more breath because I was so excited I would hear my voice on the radio, "because, he always says, "thatll be the day"". There was an eruption of laughter on the radio and when they played it I blared the stereo so my dad could hear.

As I got older I sort of hated and loved when I would see patters in personality occur between my mother and I. I used to make fun of her laugh and her hair by calling them witchy, but then I noticed once I was a little older that I had both of those things and that I loved this description at the time. The sound and tone of her voice was another, I made fun of her for being a northerner but never pronouncing a G at the end of her words; "Goin, movin, talking, we'll see without pronouncing the break, so it sounded like well. I would catch myself pronouncing those words in the exact same tone and I'd say to myself *******.

Money is a trap as much as it is a tool of freedom. With money you can do whatever you want as long as you continue to make it, and making money can become a trap within itself. Without the need to make money constantly you can have the freedom to do whatever you like but without that money you are limited with what you can do with that time. So if time itself doesn't slap a pair of cuffs on your hands, money will.

I don't like playing games I like winning them.

I'm talking about defining our own personal generation, if we were to define our generation as a general whole it would be dubstep, iphones, social media, and street-culture wear. But we are an almost underground type of generation, alternative I guess. When the generics of our generation are going to sleep we are rising, with our Acapulco, our records, our high life tall boys, and our ink. The wolves come out at night.

I want to play piano on your black flag tattoo. I want to sit around the fire and watch you howl at the moon. I want to lay my head upon your chest and hear your heartbeat pace I want to sit back in your bed and watch the sun illuminate the place.  

His favorite song was Tom Sawyer by Rush but he reminded me more of a HuckleBerry Finn. Rolled pant legs, straw hat, and barefeet everywhere he went, always on the go, always yelling and dancing and even the way he smoked a cigarette was attractive to me and only me. He had a James Franco look about him when he was cheesing. It was those smile lines around the eyes, it killed me. He ruined the look with a head full of hair he was growing.

Rushing anything is never a good thing, good things take patience.
Causticji May 2015
Early morning flight, you're
in for the long haul but you
toss and you turn and you
just can't get any sleep so you
board the night train and it
keeps you up as it pulls
out way too soon and through
pitch dark you're speedballing you
rock and you roll but you
gather no moss as you
slip and you slide as you
try to find your way across
a barren landscape of black ice

The nomad follows the northern light
hopes against hope for Holland in the night
miles away from home, address unknown
waiting for a sound or sight of heaven

Next thing you know, you're a
quarter down with no will to go on
ordinarily there'll be three more
but you really don't want to carry on
just hold your horses for a little while
reign them in, don't let them
jump the gun and out the coach 'coz
the midnight express is moving fast
now it's the middle of a moonless night
but Saturn casts its ugly shadow
ringing in yet another re-rerun
fashioning the grand return
a shadow on the morning sun

The geek's got prospects in Acapulco,
dabs her pinprick eye and rides her white horse
down the rabbit hole, milestone 24
but still no sound or sight of heaven

So you pull the chain and bring
the runaway train to a grinding halt
and you step outside but it's
not yet dawn as you shiver at the sight
no there's no one in sight except
that widow draped in a white cloth
red lantern in hand at the door of
a room at the far end of platform number one
a light that shines like a beacon it beckons
urging you to embrace the dark side
but it still ain't what you asked for
where are the bright arclights
and the glares of the videocams?

You thought you'd be a lamb but
no one played the guide so you
led yourself to the slaughter, sadly
it ain't no pay-per-view, no
broadcast live world over, HD
you wished to be the voice of
a vociferous generation but you're not
no medallion, no trophy, no Grammy
now you're in permanent rehab
with nothing but a double whammy, you've
neither life nor legacy as you
show up for your great gig in the sky
long before your time has come

Led astray by the northern light
all hope's lost on a brown Persian night
no direction home from milestone 27
guess there never really was a heaven
Freddy S Zalta Jan 2015
I am on the Lower East Side of New York City and there is a fire across from where I live. People are crying and there are others shouting orders back and forth. My uncle is there throwing one person after another down the front of the building where they are caught and clear from danger. My brothers and I are admonished by my mother who screams to us in Arabic to get back inside - that its cold too cold to be outside.

"Its not that cold." I say looking at the man sitting beside me.
"No its nice in here." He pats me on the shoulder and then kisses my cheek. "I love you, pop."

I fade away a lot these days and find myself lost and confused. Some times I remember the people around me and sometimes Its on the tip of my tongue. I know that lady, she is the love of my life. I always remember who she is even in the most confusing times.

There is that shaking again, must be headed to Troy or maybe Virginia Beach. I see a young girl and I ask her a question.
"How did you find us?"
"I know where you live so I came to see you." She also leans in a gives me a kiss on the cheek.

I am surrounded by people, I am sure that I love and know but I truly am unsure who each one is. I fake it, singing and smiling and mimicking them making them smile.

I see my son walking towards me...that is...I forget his name...but I know who he is.
"Where are the kids?" I ask him.
"They are coming, they will be here any minute."
"How are you doing? Do you need anything? You can always ask me I know a lot of things and I can give you advice if you need it."
"I know that - I learned more from watching you than I could ever learn anywhere."
"That's baloney." I say to him, I feel a surge of love and concern for him but I am not sure why.

I close my eyes...I am in a hotel in Acapulco waiting on my nephew to come from the airport. He is flying in from Alabama, no, Albany to spend a week here. The bartender asks me a question.
"What room are you in?"

"What room are you in? I am in room 265."
My daughter answers me, "We are home, you are staying in your room and I am staying in my house."
"I am in room 265, are you near us?"
"Yes I am right down the hall."
There are angels in Acapulco
it might be the night before Christmas,
but I don't really know,
my blood moves like treacle
my thought process
If it is and I'm here
I need to get into gear,
moving on.

The miracle starts at a quarter to four
turning the key in the lock
and closing the door
moving on.

Anyway any day is a good day
Christmas Eve or not for a
tiny tot
of ***,
moving on.

This year,
they painted the snow on
the top of
Mount Kilimanjaro,
global warming
dontya know,
moving on.
Excuse me St. Peter , can I get in ******
Is there a head shop with a storefront of gold
Can I lay beside living waters with a
fat doobie
Does Michael have a stash of hash he
might allow me to trash
If I could bring a blueberry blunt then
brother I'm in like Flynt
A field of Acapulco gold , truly heaven sent*...
Copyright March 5 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Tyler Roberts Aug 2018
I speak hood art
That street poetry
When you hear that bass
Knocking down your street
You know it’s me
That lilheathen
Creeping straight outta Hell
Just to bask up in the smell
Of the ****
Need that Acapulco Gold
Fruit for the soul
Blue dream got me froze
Stuck in a maze through my mind
Stuck in a place I can’t find
Lighters in the skies
Look like
Fire flies in the night
Higher I climb
To the Light
Smoked a bowl full of Dimitri
Just to enlighten my eye
Traveler Nov 2020
Nuclear storm
Clouds of death
When the bell rings
Get under your desk

Pledge allegiance
Recite the prayer
Stand for glory
Cut that hair

Gun safety classes
Learn to submit
Hunting and fishing
Drivers permit

Go to college
Join the force’s
Break you vows
Quick divorces

Rock in roll
Motown soul
Thai stick
Acapulco gold

Good times
Bad times
LSD state of mind
50 years ago
Still I’m doing fine!
Traveler Tim
We're going to reach that point
where all things odd become my equal
the powers that watch over us will demand of us
a sequel and the roller blinds will come down
as sure as
the sun sets

a mill town
where education comes a poor second and
the water's still brown
because the lead pipes are leaking
we think that it's mother
but she'd never dream of giving birth
to poisons in the system
that only delay to destroy us
we're food upon the plate and
they're busy playing with us

I think we reached the point
but we

sailed off all the known charts
and ended up
in Acapulco
breaking our own hearts
over girls that
danced there for us
and we floated in the still air
drinking in the night time madness
where nothing ever moves unless
it's bought and fully paid for
and I don't know why

Northern town still calls me
when the light shifts in the evening
and the shadows that we cast all
pack their bags because they're

I'd better leave here too
but I don't know
do you?
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now Sadly That’s How It Mostly Is...  
IGNORANCE... Is Truly Bliss... !?!
Cos’ When You Choose To THINK...
It Seems To Be LETHAL...
To... IGNORANT People... !!!
Who Switch Like Blades...
On... THINKING Brains...
Who Choose To Relate...
In Less Ignorant Ways... !!!
It’s Clearly Quite RARE...
For Heads To RESPECT...
Mind States Prepared...
To Use... Intelligence...
As Well As Common Sense...
In How They Choose To Express...
What’s Inside of Their Heads...
Instead of ARGUMENTS...
Bred From IGNORANCE... ?!?
To Express Their Views...
In Ways That Are Shrewd...
That Don’t Conclude...
You See Many Are Confused...
So Prefer To Choose...
The IGNORANT Route...
Rather Than To Be COOL... !!!
And Show That Their Schooled...
In Dealing With... TRUTH... !!!
Instead of Choosing To Behave...
In... RIDICULOUS Ways... !?!
Which Is Why IGNORANCE...
Tends To Be Their Best Friend...
And Their... GO TO Vibe... !!!
When It Comes To The Stance...
That They Hide Behind... !!!
Dealing In... LIES...
That They Feed To Themselves...
As If They're The Right Guide...
To Their Minds Being Well... ?!?
So For Some It’s Their Wealth...
And Claiming Of Course...
To Have Knowledge of Self...
That Makes Them Feel PURE... !!!
And Then Of Course PRIDE...
Seems To Be Where They Find...
A Place In Their Mind...
Where They’re ALWAYS RIGHT...
Feeds A PONG of What’s WRONG... !!!
Which Is Just A Disguise...
That DENIES Being Wise...
When Life Is A Ride...
That Can Throw You Curve *****...
Pretty Much... ANY TIME...
Even When You STAND TALL... !!!
Cos’ Pitfalls Are A Force...
That Can Lead To Downfalls... !!!
That Can Cut Your Pride Short.
Like A Judgement In Court...
That Can Suddenly Put...
Your Life In Free Fall...  
When Judgements Are Made...
So Your Standing's ERASED...
And What You Stood For...
Suddenly DOESN'T Look...
As If You’re... Quite As Good...
As You Have Projected...
To Certain Collectives...  
When Your Life’s INSPECTED...
As Well As... DISSECTED... !!!
So I Guess That It Is...
A Place Where Egos Live...
And Where Ignorance Brings...
A Way To... DISMISS...
The TRUTH About Things... !!!
From Being Racist...
BEFORE... Running Talk...
That Just Proves Your Like Mork’... !!!
Down In... ACAPULCO... !!!
Making... IGNORANT Quotes...
That Show That You’re Broke...
DEEP Down In Your SOUL... !!!
With NO Place To Go...
Other Than BRAVADO...
That Just Puts On SHOWS...
That Clearly EXPOSE...
The Holes In Your Roll... !!!
Because Holding Bank Notes...
DOESN’T Prove That You Know...
Anything More Than Dough...
And Making That Paper...
To Make You Feel GREATER...
And YES... THINK About It... !!!
BEFORE Running Your Lips...
And Thinking That You’re Slick...
Due To Your Heritage...
And Historical Links...
Are You Looking At Things...
Like How People NOW Live... ?!?
Vaccinated Like Pigs...
To Act Like Queens And Kings...
Holding Worthless Trinkets...
Rather Than Help Our Kids...
If You Think That’s OKAY...
Then You Should Be ASHAMED... !!!
Which Is Why I Can Say...
These Things And Relate...
That Ignorance Links...
Itself To Some Things...
That Makes Humans Sink...
Into An... ABYSS...
Where Those Who Do THINK...
And Use Thought To UPLIFT...
Are Treated As If...
We're People Who Think...
That We Know Everything... ?!?
When All That We’re Really Trying To Do...
Is To Find..... BETTER ROUTES..... !!!
Than To Act Like Dumb Fools...
Who Are Quick To ABUSE...
When They Hear A TRUTH...
That Simply... BLOWS Their COOL... !!!
Which Is Why This Script’s...
Last Verse Is... THIS... !!!
When It Comes To How People...
Deal With Those Whose Cerebral...
Flies HIGH Like An Eagle... !!!
... “That’s How It Mostly Is”...
As the poem states, It's sadly not always a smooth ride, when you are one who possesses wisdom, and the type of smarts that deal in truth, that offends others.
Staring at the darkness to this the blurred future
Thy hope falls fainted with a floss in a break of breathe
It can’t come no further the much it came
Thus no much to save over what exists not

Acapulco of worries in laments of fear
I can’t find thee that I seek nor get far from owning the lost

Show me the switch to brightness
The shadow lights stronger than the stars
The calm in me hangs for treason with bitter explosions of if nots
Stare into me with a tickle of fresh breathe a little sparkle to charge me over the darkness
Maddy Dec 2020
Thunder and Lightning in Acapulco skies
Divi trees that went on for miles in Aruba
Incredible Prince Edward Island's pristine beauty
The Sistine Chapel and the Vatican
The incredible trip to Carmel California and wanting to rent there two times a year
Oh Monterey what else can I say.
Italy and Switzerland
Florence wants me to finish her museums
Need more than a half day in  Switzerland but we will return
The photo albums remind me that someday Covid will be a horrible memory
The Cloud will once again be filled with pastel colored pages and beautiful times we shared with old friends and new
Until then,Remember

Yenson Jul 2020
You can outsmart great odds

and turn them into dancers in their storms

as they teach you to walk like an Egyptian

you turn them into jivers

doing Street dance

or Street clowns

doing the Rumba

or just sit and direct the crazies

shuffling the Viennese waltz

as the foxtrots

making them all

going loco down in Acapulco

The magic down there is so weak and useless

I baffle them with the Merengue

and dealt the clowns

the Samba with style

got them hip hoping at the moment

madness is lost to the rhythms

they ain't got souls
Yenson Dec 2020
This contract to frustrate that man is so frustrating
we have incurred so much time and expenses
rigged up all kinds of dramas and skits
till some have gone loco in Acapulco
were loco before but now worse
we've not had one like this before
like Linda said to him after
you're just so amazing
now they see him
and get the

— The End —