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unnamed Dec 2017
too close to your radiance that
my artificial wings melted away
into a pool of desperation.
unnamed Dec 2017
read me poetry under the stars,
i'll speak from my heart to you the words of love:
the rawest form of poetry.
illuminated by purity and the tranquil silence of the night,
besieged by faded whispers of nocturnal creatures and
the sweet lullabies of autumn leaves,
it'll just be you and me and the stars, darling,
midnight lovers on a journey to nowhere but here.
unnamed Aug 2017
she shot a floral arrow through his heart
and prickled him with nectar from the divine.
unnamed Aug 2017
it's hard to bury you in my heart
when you were just a few seconds ago
knocking on my door,
stuttering hello,
making a dent right there in my lungs where air should be.

now you're sitting across from me,
just a reach away smiling at,
in love with,
kissing someone that could've been me.
unnamed Aug 2017
inject glitter in me and sprinkle me with stardust;
smother every inch of my body with a brilliant sheen,
maybe then I'll shine just as bright as everyone else.
unnamed Aug 2017
another tear sheds,
another petal wilts.
the decrepitude of the garden
becomes more palpable with each passing day.
unnamed Aug 2017
shooting stars are the tears of the universe.
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