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May 2023 · 2.5k
Myopic Tunnel
Coleman M Lowe May 2023
Through a tunnel I walk.
Stumbling upon the demons I stalk.
Straining to understand their words.
Yet afraid of what their message may hold.
The walls and path are all ablur.
As further along I do blunder.
Stumbling and falling,
To rise once more.
Searching for a magical door.
To release me from this caliginous gambit.
Then the goblins and trepidation omit,
To deliver me anew to the suns bright glare.
And release me once more from the captivity of despair
May 2023 · 1.4k
Coleman M Lowe May 2023
So beautiful,
So ****,
So alluring
She may be.
She'll take it all
Even your soul.
And demand ever more.
Until all are gone.
To her you're just one more.
She'll take your money,
Family and friends.
Your very life.
She'll take it all.
And causes only strife.
She'll **** you dry,
And make you wanna cry.
And leave you empty,
And wishing to die.
And might not know,
The reason why.
These merchants of death.
With her they ply.
Filled with only greed,
They'll not notice,
Or even care,
When you die.
There's plenty more,
To take your place.
You were nothing,
But money,
And a face.
Don't trust her smiling face.
So beautiful and ****,
She might seem.
She will rob,
Your self esteem.
And leave you empty,
And alone.
If you're even alive
I have lost too many friends to her.
When you are truly in pain she is a blessed thing. But at the same time she is the most insidious thing on this planet.
Best beware of the poppy in all her forms.
May 2023 · 158
Lover's Moon
Coleman M Lowe May 2023
It was a lovers moon.
That shone down that night.
And in an alcove,
Away from casual sight.
Two star crossed lovers,
Held each other tight.
It was a lovers moon,
That shone down that night.
Their skin glissened from the silvery light.
They gasped and moaned,
And held each other tight.
It was a lovers moon,
That shone down that night.
As they made love, on into the night.
It was a lovers moon,
That would go away, way too soon.
For all they had was, just this night.
And they made love,
Until it was light.
It was a lovers moon.
Aug 2022 · 302
"Thought Police"
Coleman M Lowe Aug 2022
The thought police are after me,
Cause your mind I would free.
Your thoughts are yours,
And mine, my own.
My mind it roams,
Wherever I please.
Do not tell me I'm wrong.
Or this must cease.
Nor, they  don't belong.
Perhaps to you,
They don't belong.
What's mine is mine.
All day long.
Perhaps this should be a song.
And thousands upon thousands,
Wish to sing along.
Then perhaps you might see.
Individuality and not conformity,
Is the way to be.
And truly set yourself free.
be yourself don't worry about how others perceive you. Don't try to be what you are not just to please those around yoo
Aug 2022 · 228
"Catch Up"
Coleman M Lowe Aug 2022
Why should I care,
How you feel?
If you're policy,
Just isn't fair.
What's good for she,
Should be good for he.
And if good for he,
Then as well for she.
That should be plain to see.
It's as obvious to me,
As the nose on your face.
You need to catch up,
With the human race.
                   by: coleman
fairness and equality should be for all and not just the few or select individuals
Aug 2022 · 296
"Outside Looking In"
Coleman M Lowe Aug 2022
If you're on the outside,
And simply peeking in.
You can never truly know.
What may or may not have been.
You may say:
He shoulda never
She never shoulda been
You don't really know.
If you're on the outside,
You're simply looking in.
Aug 2022 · 318
A Wish For You
Coleman M Lowe Aug 2022
If I could but wish for you
And all those wishes come to fruition.
For all your wishes to come true.
That would be ,
My one ambition.
Aug 2022 · 277
“You Think Maybe”
Coleman M Lowe Aug 2022
You think maybe,
We might could pretend.
For just one night,
We were more than friends?
You think baby,
We might could pretend,
That you were my lady,
And I was your man?
You think baby
We might could pretend,
That our love knew no bounds,
And would never end?
You think maybe,
We might could pretend,
There was none other for you,
Nor for I
You think baby,
We might could pretend,
You were always my girl,
And I your guy?
You think maybe,
We might could pretend,
That this was our honeymoon,
And this night would never end?
You think maybe
We might could pretend?
May 2021 · 276
Coleman M Lowe May 2021
Nothing is as lonesome as the night.
The stars are burning dim,
As the whipporwill calls.
A tear streaks my face,
as his call tears my heart.
As the weight of the moon,
Presses me down to the earth.,
I cry out for help,
With a voice that makes no sound.
The weight of the world,
Keeps me pressed to the ground.
The crickets chirp,
The tree frogs sing.
And above it all,
I hear the whipporwills.....
Plaintive call
Coleman M Lowe Mar 2021
Do you envision,
That I wanted it this way?
That I simply awoke,
And chose to be this way?
To feel lost, broken,
And utterly alone?
To feel the sadness and loneliness,
Cutting to the bone?
To be sad and depressed,
And not know the reason why?
To feel useless,
and wishing to die?
To feel guilty,
For things,
I can never atone?
Or starting to cry,
Never knowing,
The reason why?
Perhaps it's true,
You really do.
This is what,
I want to do.
To be afraid,
To talk on a phone?
Or to enter a room,
When others are there?
Or to doubt,
Each and every move,
Now that,
Really makes you feel smooth.
And never be sure,
Exactly what to do?
Afraid to tell you,
Just how I really feel?
Or afraid,
Of how someone else might feel?
I closed my eyes,
Hoping I could dream,
Something simply awful,
So I could awaken with a scream.
That's exactly what I did.
I planned .
To this way be.
I wouldn't have it,
Any other way.
Or any other day.
Just so I could drive,
All my friends away?
Isn't that,
What you see?
Do you really think,
I wished it,
For me,
To be?
This way?
I wished it to be.
If only you could see,
What it's really like,
To be inside of me.
And viewing the world,
Through my eyes,
And see how things look to me.
                               By : coleman
Feb 2021 · 854
" Every Day"
Coleman M Lowe Feb 2021
Every day for the rest of my life,
You'd be the elixir of my life.
I know it sounds
Like a fantasy life.
To have someone love you,
Without no strife.
Everyday for the rest of my life,
I'd tell you I love you,
And you are my life.
Everyday for the rest of my life,
I'd tell you I loved you.
I'd make you my wife.
Feb 2021 · 219
"Sweetie Pie"
Coleman M Lowe Feb 2021
Would you be my sweetie pie?
I know I'd like to be your guy.
You said once you might could be.
And I think you may well be,
The one for me.
So what do you say?
Do you think,
There may just be a way?
We could get together,
And together we'd stay.
I love you.
But not just one day.
You said once,
You'd be,
The girl for me.
So would you?
Be my sweetie pie?
And you could count on me,
To be your guy.
for christie who I love dearly
Dec 2020 · 108
Coleman M Lowe Dec 2020
I don't believe in labels.
                         Either for me or for you.
                         All too many times.
                         Someone hangs a label on you.
                        Without knowing you,
                        Or even having  clue.
                        How can you judge someone,
                        Without even knowing them?
                        Without any evidence,
                        They have labeled you.
                        So take the time,
                        To listen and learn.
                        Before someone you don't know,
                       You spurn.
                        I can't judge you by color or size,
                        Your shape,
                        Your clothes,
                        Or even your eyes.
                        I could no more hate you if your eyes are blue,
                        Than could I hate you because you are a different hue.
                        Here's what we all need to do.
                        Don't label somone,
                       Get a clue.
                       Before a label is hung on them,
                       Or you.
Coleman M Lowe Nov 2020
The man in the looking glass,
Staring back at me.
The man the who usually,
I can't see.
You can't always see,
What others see.
But when I look into the looking glass,
I see me,
Looking back at me.
I don't know if I like the man,
Looking back at me.
He can be such a terror,
Or oh so kind.
If only I could find,
A middle ground.
And a good me,
Looking back at me.
And then I might like,
The man in the looking glass,
Looking back at me.
Nov 2020 · 118
"Myopic Tunnel"
Coleman M Lowe Nov 2020
"Myopic Tunnel"

Through a myopic tunnel I walk.
Stumbling upon the demons i stalk
Straining to understand their words
Yet afraid of what their message may hold
The walls and path are all ablur
As further along i do blunder
Stumbling and falling
To rise once more
Searching for a magical door
To release me from this caliginous gambit
Then the goblins and trepidation omit
To deliver me anew to the suns bright glare
And release me once more from the captivity of despair

Nov 2020 · 1.5k
"Minds Eye"
Coleman M Lowe Nov 2020
As shadows begin to engulf,
The hues that come from a well lit day.
From the multicolored palette,
Pastels turn to gray.
Shadows are forming ,
It's near the end of day.
But still,
In the eve's half light,
I spy the glimmering ,
A floret of white.
The first to catch the new mornings rays,
And the last to show through the darkening haze.
And so it cycles from light to dark.
The familar becomes unknown,
And place's of refuge,
Are now a gambit to run.
The darkness seems to lessen the gap,
That the dawn had once split wide.
But all's the same
'Cept the loss of light.
And maybe just a tiny fright
From the circuition,
This will pass.
To convert  the obscurity to comprehension.
And so reveal,
It's all a trick of the mind's eye.
Coleman M Lowe Nov 2020
We fought each other,
Yet we fought together.
We are brothers,
That is our right.
To hug or to fight,
Either one still feels right.
He is my brother,
Can't you see.
The right to hit him,
I reserve for me.
Yes we do disagree,
We come to blows,
Him and me,
Yes we fight each other.
Mess with one,
And we fight together.
For my brother Thomas.You are sorely missed .
Nov 2020 · 2.6k
Coleman M Lowe Nov 2020
Angels walk among us,
Each and everyday.
Angels walk among us,
No matter what you say.
The Lord sends them to us,
When he's not ready for us to leave.
Angels walk among us,
Though you may never see.
And there I prayed,
Making peace with the Lord.
When I heard a sound.
The flutter of wings perhaps?
Or, Just the sound of an angel,
As her feet touched the ground.
My prayers were interrupted,
So I snuck a quick peek.
And there standing before me,
My eyes beheld an angel.
Her garb was plain,
And she had raven black hair.
I know now she was an angel,
Who was standing there.
She appeared as normal,
as you and me.
And she asked,
If she could pray for me.
But it was an angel,
Sent there to save me.
I was so very low,
And thought I was ready to go.
But the lord wasn't ready for me to go.
And had sent his angel,
To insure I did not go.
Yes angels walk among us,
In many different ways.
Angels walk among us,
And most will never see.
Yes angels walk among us,
The Lord could choose you,
Or even me.
Yes angels walk among us,
The Lord sends them to us,
In times of our need.
A child had wandered,
Much too far away.
To an unsafe place,
She should never be to play.
Yet the Lord chose a passer by,
Who'd never gone that way.
To spy the young child,
Who was in a dangerous way.
To inform her parents,
Of where, She'd gone to play.
To insure she'd survive,
Yet another day.
Angels walk among us,
Despite what you say.
Angels walk among us,
Pray they never go away.
Angels walk among us,
Though you may never see.
Oh yes,
Angels walk amongst us,
One came and saved me.
Written while hospitalized after a remark by one of the nursing staff with the VA.
Oct 2020 · 88
Coleman M Lowe Oct 2020
I made a promise to you.
And you,
Made promises to me.
I never asked you to keep them.
And, you're totally free.
Perhaps I was wrong,
Not to hold you to them.
Or at least one.
And probably not the one,
You might think.
Not one for me..
But instead,
One for you.
But you made a promise,
That you haven't kept.
One that could take you,
And from my life you'd be swept.
I'll endure, the unendurable.
I'll do whatever it takes.
I'll quit whatever need be.
Can you do the same for me?
Coleman M Lowe Oct 2020
Sometimes I wonder,
If you are foolish like me
The familiar is easy,
That I can see.
The new and unknown,
Can be scary I can see.
Something that fits..
Can be hard to throw away,
Even though it doesn't work the right way.
With trepidation, we fear the unknown.
And cling to what, we have known.
If it's not broken,
Don't throw it away.
Or at least, that's what they say.
But sometimes,
Doesn't that cause,
Us to overlook,
That should cause us to pause?
Oct 2020 · 275
"An Angel Stands Before Me"
Coleman M Lowe Oct 2020
There I was,
in the very depths of despair.
In a place so very dark.
And I no longer cared.
I had closed my eyes,
As I said my final prayers.
I had made up my mind,
I would no longer be there,
I'd be gone,
As soon as I finished my prayer.
But when I opened my eyes,
There was an angel standing there.
She told me how much,
The Lord loved me.
And that he'd never,
Not once,
Forgotten about me
I know not her name. But the Lord sent her to me when i was ready to give up and forfeit my life while in the depths of depression. Thank you.
Oct 2020 · 88
Loving You Still
Coleman M Lowe Oct 2020
My heart is broken
I feel such pain
I look at my face,
It's all tear stained                              
I want to hate you,
But I never can.
No matter what,
You may have done,
I know in my heart,
You're still the one
What is it,?
That I'm to do?
To prove to you,?
That I still love you
Oct 2020 · 276
Can You?
Coleman M Lowe Oct 2020
Can you,
Protect me from my dreams?
That's all I need.
Or sometimes,
That's all it seems.
Can you,
Hold me in your arms?
And keep them at bay,
With your wily charms?
Can you,
Love me for just today?
And make my fears go away?
Jul 2020 · 100
"Nothing But My Heart"
Coleman M Lowe Jul 2020
I have nothing to offer,
I'm sorry to say,
I have nothing left today.
I have nothing to offer
Can't you see?.
Nothing to offer,
But little old me.
No dowry.
Little hope.
Nothing to offer,
But me.
Nothing but my heart.
And I give that
For Free
Jul 2020 · 352
Coleman M Lowe Jul 2020
Nothing is as lonesome as the night.

The stars are burning dim,
As the whippoorwill calls,
From the shadowy twilight's gloom.

A tear streaks my face,
As his call tears at my heart.
And the weight of the moonlight presses,
Me on down onto the earth.

I cry out for help,
With a voice that makes no sound.

The weight of the world,
Keeps me pressed to the ground.

The crickets chirp, and the tree frogs sing.
And above it all,
I hear ,
The whippoorwills,
Plaintive call.
nightime is a lonesome time even if you have someone much less if you are alone
Jul 2020 · 408
"Pure Gold"
Coleman M Lowe Jul 2020
Into this world world will come,
A few,
Very precious souls.
Who  will not fit
Into your cookie cutter molds.
To your ideals,
You try to make them hold.
And never realize,
They may be,
The purest form of gold
I wrote this when I watched the staff in a "mental" ward openly laugh and make fun of someone who was challenged when they attempted to make him the same as almost everyone else.I don't conform either and was quite upset by their actions and treatment of this individual. I simply say that they are "differently enabled" than others and  staff would have used resourse myuch better to find what the person was good at instead of forcing them to comply and making fun.
Jul 2020 · 635
"Burnt Bridge"
Coleman M Lowe Jul 2020
I once crossed a bridge,
That now is burnt.
It seems that behind,
All are hurt.
A word too quick.
Can't be taken back.
My whole world,
Goes to black.
Actions and reactions,
Done in haste.
It all seems,
Such a waste.
Regret, it rears it's ugly head,
and desires to be fed.
But regret, A bridge, can't rebuild
Not when it's very foundations are crumbled.
And covered by the embers,
That used to be a bridge.
Bridges are built on faith and trust.
The strong ones are steel,
And will withstand rust.
But thoughtless words,
Spoken in haste.
Can lay even the strongest,
Bridge to waste.
A reminder to myself, to us all that we should engage our brain before opening ones mouth.
Jul 2020 · 122
"Gods Child"
Coleman M Lowe Jul 2020
You might despise her,
For what she's done.
She's not perfect,
As is no one.
None of us are.
For all time,
There's only been one.
No matter how far,
She might fall.
God loves her,
Despite it all.
Perhaps she has,
Been out running wild.
Don't ever forget,
She is,
No matter what.
Gods child.
Think before you judge or criticize others. We are all children of the Lord and it is up to him judge us not each other.
Coleman M Lowe Jul 2020
She was in an awful state,
Her folks had hurled words of hate.
When he came for her.

And there in her hand she held,
A sharpened bit of cold blue steel,
Honed ever so sharp to the feel.

Twas her pain.
He felt it too,
It was that real.

At once,
He knew that this time,
She not would not cut herself,
Just to feel.
And this time there was a,
**** good chance,
That these wounds,
Might never have the chance to heal.

He peered into,
Her tear stricken eyes.
And a plan it did arise.

With a lump in his throat,
And a trembling voice.
And as the tears streamed from his eyes.

He said,
You're planning to leave me,
I'm afraid I do surmise.
I realize that I can't stop you,
If you truly wish to go.
One thing my dear.
One tiny little thing
For me,
Before you leave to go,
Is that too much to ask,
From someone who loves you so.

May I please,
Hold onto to your sharpened bit,
Of cold blue steel?

Before my one true love,
From me it steals?

Three minutes.
Just three minutes please.

Let me hold it.
Just three short minutes.
I am begging you.

I do implore.
Give to me,
What's in your hand.
I promise to give it back once more.

I have never lied to you.
I am not about to start it now.

I will do exactly as I say I will.
But ,
Please listen to me.
And give it to me now.

Three minutes,
Three tiny little minutes,
Of just you and me,
Before you leave to go.
Three minutes,
And you are free to go.

Could you please,
Give that piece of steel to me?

She unloosened her grasp,
Into his outstretched hand,
It fell.
Her tiny bit,
Of cold blue steel.

He closed his fingers,
At last,
The steel he,
Himself, did grasp.

Flip your timer dear.
Three minutes,
Three scant minutes,
That is our deadline.
That should be all it takes.
Sweet love of mine.

Now you should know before you go.
That I do indeed love you.

Well just how much,
Well that my dear.
You may never know.

Safely in his arms,
On his chest,
Her head did rest.

You do know,
That I love you the best.
Upon her head he placed a kiss.
And gently kissed,
The teardrops from her eyes.

As their eyes locked,
He said,
To me doll,
You're quite the prize.
As he wiped,
The teardrops from his eyes.

He then cast his eyes,
Upon the dwindling sand.
In the tiny hour glass.
Time is short my dear,
We haven't long I fear.

And yes,
It does draw near.


Listen to me,
Hear me well.

You won't go alone,
You'll have me near.
That's how much,
I love you dear.

We will go together dear.
I'll hold your hand,
This will be,
Our very last stand.

He redirected his eyes,
And glanced upon the clepsydra
That depleted hour glass.
The timer was empty,
The sands had all ran out.

He then looked right back at her,
And said,
It's empty.
All the sands have ran out.
And honey,
This is what I am all about.

He unloosened his fingers,
And with an upturned palm.
He revealed to her once more,
Her, cold, blue steel.

This one thing,
I pray you've learned.
And your trust I have earned.

I did not lie to you,
And I never will.
And he held to her,
Her sharpened sliver,
Of cold, blue steel.

Where we go,
From here my dear,
Well you decide.


We are going together dear.
That's for ME,
To decide.

We are going together dear!
Arm in arm,
Side by side.

He closed his eyes,
And they both softly wept.

He felt her fingers,
Retaking her steel.
And imagined,
Just how it might feel.

The bite of,
Her cold, blue steel.

Like the tinkling of a bell,
Came a tiny metallic sound.
That itty-bitty sound.
Twas the sound of the razor,
As it struck the ground.
                                            by: coleman
This was written about an event in my life where a dear friend, who like I am, is a lifelong cutter, I got her to reconsider suicide that night and we are both alive and well, thankfully.

— The End —