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Feb 2021 · 145
Elaine Yu Feb 2021
The street light in front of the house is on
Looking out the empty long street
One by one, the figures walking closer and away
Listen to the footsteps carefully
Who is it, the most brisk melody

The floor lamp by the sofa is on
With a reclining body
A gloomy sea of ​​moonlight
Flood all the mess during the day
Hold a paper boat and slide towards the moon shadow in the heart of the wave

The lamp beside the vanity mirror is on
Before going to bed, wash away the dust
Vaguely see
Someone once combed your hair front of  the mirror
And the sudden joy emerging

The stars in the night sky are bright
Are you on your way back yet

Sep 2020 · 127
Elaine Yu Sep 2020
Lost in the forest
Where no tree leads me to an exit
Passed one after another
They just stand there, pointing to the sky
But I can’t fly

Lost in the sea
Without a target or boundary
Sailing on the wind
Follow the sunset glow
No one can tell you the calendar of tomorrow

Lost in the crowds
seeing my shadow under the sun
And waves of walking by
rushing to the next direction
Only birds are singing day by day

Lost in my soul
So that God can occupy and tell me how
Sep 2020 · 125
Deep in my soul
Elaine Yu Sep 2020
Deep in my soul
I have a prayer
Please send my prayer with the driving wind
To high in heaven

Deep in my soul
I have a song
Please send my song with the drifting bottle
To other side of ocean

Deep in my soul
I have a poem
Please send my poem with unending thoughts
To comfort him somewhere in my heart
Aug 2020 · 129
For only a moment
Elaine Yu Aug 2020
For only a moment
I want to stay with you
Without thinking of tomorrow

For only a moment
I want to follow my heart
Without hearing others’ advice

For only a moment
I want to hug you
For so long
Aug 2020 · 119
See you again
Elaine Yu Aug 2020
See you again
On that street
You didn’t change, a sense of joy and childish

See you again
By the ocean
You once said you liked to stay with the ocean
We walked under sunset and twilight sky.

See you again
In the dream
You just stand there without saying anything
I know what you want to say
but I can’t, and just let you go farther away.
Aug 2020 · 169
When I see you smile
Elaine Yu Aug 2020
When I see you smile
I see the glory of God in your eyes
You are his pride and love

When I see you smile
I see a pure heart full of joy
And you become the joy of mine

When I see you smile
I see the blooming flower and gentle moonlight
So I can sleep without tears

When I see you smile
Aug 2020 · 100
With you
Elaine Yu Aug 2020
With you I want to fly
Fly to the end of the sky
To see the ocean blue
To hear the roaring wind

With you i want to run
Run to the exit of the forest
To see the tree growing
To hear the leaf rustling

With you i want to stay
Stay at the dawn till dust
To see the beauty of the world
To hear the calling from the heaven
Aug 2020 · 102
Part of life
Elaine Yu Aug 2020
Part of life lives in current moment
The wind
The tree
The earth
For hearts to feel

Part of life doesn’t know where to go
What’s the next life will bring you
Could be a garden
Could be a heaven
You could never expect

Part of life has no end
It goes on with its soul
Like clouds turn into rain
Rain turn into a lake
And a lake turn into clouds
The soul, the water never ends
Jul 2020 · 160
Promise to heart
Elaine Yu Jul 2020
What can I promise
The rain out of the window
Or the cloud in the sky

What can I promise
The beauty of a flower
Or the firework at night

They all come and go
Leave my dream alone
All I can promise is
God's eternal love
For what I have felt
The serenity and joy
Unlike others
He comes and never say bye
Jun 2020 · 115
Summer Romance
Elaine Yu Jun 2020
In the summer evening
Crowds recede
Tides rise
A crescent moon hangs on a branch

A pair of mandarin ducks
Take off from the ground at the same time
One after the other
Flying towards the lake at dusk
Rippling the calm lake

Swans slide towards the center of the lake
Dancing in a beautiful waltz
Willow beats with the rhythm
Breezes send the scent of flowers

The night opens the curtain
with all little stars shining upon
Cheer for all holy livings
The calm lake lets the elves rise and fall
Jun 2020 · 97
Ocean blue
Elaine Yu Jun 2020
Pure blue ocean
Always fascinating

On the peaceful sea surface
Who raised the sail
Riding the wind and waves
And who is wandering on the beach

On the golden beach
Who picked up a drift bottle
Discovering a hidden secret across the sea
And who turned a blind eye
letting the wind blows away all those footprints

On the shore at dusk
A child builds his own sandcastle
Even if it is short-lived
At least had his own fairy tale
Who passed by the castle
Stepping over
Without noticing a moment of sadness in the child's eyes

Pure blue ocean
Please take away all the blue
Buried in deep seabed
Listen to Ocean Blue
Jun 2020 · 124
Peace is now
Elaine Yu Jun 2020
Peace is now
After a long day
by myself alone
Need nothing
Care about nothing

Only thoughts
Flow with the finger
Only breeze
Flow through the hair
Only leaves
whisper of their opinion

Only now
I lay down everything
Pray for peace
Listen to “Peace is now”
Jun 2020 · 130
Rember spring
Elaine Yu Jun 2020
The grass remembers spring
the touch of warm wind and gentle rain

The sky remembers spring
the colour of crystal blue without gloom

The earth remembers spring
the seeds breaking out with all their strength

The tree remembers spring
the tender shoots moisturizing the yellow branches

The forest remembers spring
the dancing creek, and the singing bird

I remember spring
the world waiting with sacrifice and hope
Listen to "i remember spring"
Jun 2020 · 110
The day I lost her
Elaine Yu Jun 2020
I never really lost her or him
They are all in my memory
Collected like shining stars so I can count at night sky

My dear grandpas and grandmas
Come to visit me in my dream time by time
My dear parents
Waiting for me on the other side of ocean
My dear friends
Bother me sometimes like the day we met
My beloved ones
Surround me like sun and star

If one day I lost them
It must be the day I lost myself in my memory.
Like the rainy days
I can no longer see the sky
It must be the end of the world
But not today or someday
Listen to “the day I lost her”
Jun 2020 · 121
Rays of love
Elaine Yu Jun 2020
Rays of love
Piercing the dark sky of the universe
Direct to earth

Rays of love
Extending all the way
Cross eath
From north pole to south pole
Illuminates all skin tones
Illuminate all life
Make the gloom disappear

Rays of love
Breakthrough the day and night cycle
Four seasons replacement
Let the darkness of night and winter hide nowhere
Let the dawn and sunrise are always with you

Rays of love
Never end
Listen to "Rays of love" by Mehdi
Jun 2020 · 174
Elaine Yu Jun 2020
I am a child in wildness
open the ignorant eyes
see the endless plain
with green grass
and rolling mountains
A blue river
flows through

There is
no panic
no bullying
no dispute
only life
May 2020 · 157
My Angel
Elaine Yu May 2020
How are you?
You are my sunshine
Always warming my heart

You are the rain in spring
Sending me sweetest words

You are the bud flower
Expecting a beautiful bloom

You are the jumping creek
Giving me endless joy

You are the road ahead
Long and far

You are the rainbow after rain
Reminding me God's promise and his love

You are a little fish in the ocean
Swimming upstream just for fun

You are a little bird in the sky
Flying high is your instinct

You are a round big apple
You are a blinking little star
You are a dancing angel
You are everything beautiful
Thank you for coming to my life
My angel
Listen to My Angel(Piano theme 2019)
May 2020 · 325
Temple of light
Elaine Yu May 2020
How can I save
a beam of light
open it secretly in darkness
throughout haze

You always advance
Light speed
How can I catch
the afterglow of yesterday

I always want to stay
Unwilling to see
petal falling
snow becoming mud

I just want to stay
Under the temple of light
regardless of world vicissitudes

You stand there
Looking back suddenly
The light of setting sun has infused into your smiling face
From then, my every night dream is living in the temple of light
Listening to the music of "Temple of light" by Electus
May 2020 · 211
Elaine Yu May 2020
From my window
I saw Casa Loma stand still under sunshine
surrounded by forest of trees
green, pink, yellow
like a fairytale

I heard a whisper
"The princess has been saved out of the castle,
and sit beside me now"
I turned to you
you are smiling like sunshine
May 2020 · 490
When we are young
Elaine Yu May 2020
When we are young
We want nothing but love
The moon can sing
The star can dance
We can sit together
and watch them till dawn
in silence

When we are grown
We want everything but love
The moon and star is still singing and dancing
But we can no longer see or hear
I took a picture for only a second
and share with everyone
Hope someone will ask for something
but silence

Our world become crowded
I lost that evening for so long
May 2020 · 222
Elaine Yu May 2020
Spring has gone
Summer has come
My heart is still in winter
The freezing wind made me chill,
and froze the memory
so i can search for

Time stopped in this winter
Everyone repeated same scene every day
Everything become static
like pictures in google image
so  i can search for

My steps are slower
but my heart is kept searching
starting from this freezing winter
will go on and on.
May 2020 · 567
Elaine Yu May 2020
Fall / by Elaine Yu

i know why it is called “fall”
Like a piece of heaven fall
Wait for us and never fade
Not until your laughter echoed in the valley
Not until the mud splashed on our shoes
Not until you conquered the hill and creek
Not until you gave me your precious self-made hiking stick
Not until you played enough in this fall

That year an angle fall
Ignite my world with a smile
And love I fall into
Never fall apart
Written on my son’s 14 year’s old birthday

— The End —