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 Sep 2023 HOPE
 Sep 2023 HOPE
If the sun could burn as intensely and as bright as you do,
the Earth would never see another night;
in a too-often dim world that is tired and blue,
you - for so many - offer the shining light.
 Sep 2023 HOPE
 Sep 2023 HOPE
you never know how much
you truly suffer

until you’ve caused your
own sufferings
 Sep 2023 HOPE
 Sep 2023 HOPE
mint gum makes my nose tickle

mint toothpaste makes my eyes water

mint ice cream makes my teeth hurt

just like you hurt me
i thought you were bae...
turns out you're just fam.
 Aug 2023 HOPE
Randy Johnson
Christians aren't supposed to get revenge, they're supposed to forgive.
And Christians are supposed to do that for all of the days that they live.
If you do a Christian wrong, he or she isn't supposed to get back at you.
A true Christian will know that getting revenge is the wrong thing to do.
God doesn't want people to get revenge, he wants us to forgive others.
And God wants people to love one another.
 Aug 2023 HOPE
Taylor Swift
 Aug 2023 HOPE
im still in daze
are you my love story?
or just
another picture to burn?
 Aug 2023 HOPE
A M Ryder
The mind, divine
Through the vine
Of time
Tangled, entwined
In some
Grand design
Of marvelous form
And numberless prime
A nothingness enshrined

All the light
We cannot see
Lovely, dark,
Soundless and deep
Figures shift, restless
In the mist
A maskless mayhem
Patiently waits
 Aug 2023 HOPE
Intervention, calling it out,
bring attention to.
Hoping for change.
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