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Life is nothing big
It's all made of small things
Little care, little affection,
Little help and little things.
Grandma's soft hands on your head
Grandpa's smile on the newspaper headlines
Gratitude look on your friend's face;
Little hug from your niece;
Lovely bark sound;
Sorry from your mom on yelling..
Capture them and live.
Life is not so complicated
If you think twice..
There was this girl,
She was known by people
She was perfect
Atleast, in the eyes of everyone.

If she flip her hair
Everyone will love her.
If she smiles
Everyone compliments her.

This girl is the best for me
But I was not the best for her
I fell in love,
We played a game
Then it ended
After I discovered who she really was.

Everything seemed so perfect,
But there was a mistake.
She had nothing but a time she always wants.
And I do have her,
But I do not own the love that I wanted.

I have been asking myself,
Do I have to care for her,
If she keeps hurting me?
Do I have to love her,
If she can't love me back?

My heart is breaking,
My hands are shaking,
I couldn't take it any longer.
My mind was thinking,
But I couldn't explain what I truly feel.
Is it right that she left me?

If she did not love me,
And if I didn't too,
Then we'd just destroy each other.
'Cause we both know,
That none of us deserved each other.

I don't need her now
But I want her back.
So I can sing the songs I have written...
For her,
When I was still in love.

I can't explain what I feel,
And she won't be able to feel it.
Because I forgot all the lyrics,
To the songs I have written for her.
And the lyrics that could've explain that,
We're now burned to dust.
And it was all about you being perfect.
Hidden Message: They were not meant for each other.
I saw you as a picture;
Now i hear, you will be here in real!
come on, i can wait.
I'm not anxious, i'm not an American.
I'm not curious, I'm an Indian
I'm not with butterflies, I'm not in love;
I'm not expecting; I'm not Employer;
But i'm anxious, I'm curious,
I'm with butterflies and expectation;
Because it's who i'm;
A typical girl waiting to see a boy;
I can't wait for us to share our talk;
How do i go again?
Hello or Hi or just silent smile?!
Will you make it easy for me?
Or you're gonna put too much pressure on me!
Will you like me or will you start speaking?
Like it's your love at first sight?
And is it gonna be the beginning of a hundred years ,story of us
A girl eagerly waiting for the arrival of a guy who may be her soulmate!!!
We spend a long time
searching for things that are meant
to fall in our laps.
A thought that I find helps with anxiety about the future
Flames result in something burning into ashes.
The stronger ones, that resist, are not saved from the effects either.
                                                                ­                             They blacken.

And when a fire and passion as strong as ours burns out, one of us is going to be reduced to ashes and the other one is going to carry the weight of the darkest heart around.

I strive to keep us ablaze because somewhere I know that the pain of being reduced to nothingness is much lesser than carrying around a broken piece of what once was.

                                                           ­                     Burnt from all sides.

And I know that I'm the one who's going to resist.
                                                         ­                                         Oh, I fear.
This particular musing is the closest to my heart,
Because it's four years since I wrote it first,
And now my hands are covered in soot.
Is thinking of all the possibilities
And letting it scare you
Into not living your life

Not doing anything
Because of everything that could go wrong

Because You can't risk

Choosing the path in which certainly everything goes wrong.
Anxiety that this was not good enough made me nearly not post this. Until I realized.
I can be so oblivious.
But it is not that good, but I'm posting it because if I don't I'd be a hypocrite :)
You asked me why I like you
But I didn’t want to tell
Some of my reasons are cheesy...
But here is why I fell

I love the way your lips curve
When I make you smile
It makes me want to pull you close
And kiss you for awhile

I love the way your eyes twinkle
When you talk about things you love
I truely believe
You are a gift from above

I love that you are compassionate
You have such a big heart
That was the first thing I noticed
Right from the start

I love the way it feels
When you hold me tight
I finally feel safe
Like I could sleep through the night

I love that you don’t judge me
For my less than perfect self
That is more attractive
Than any amount of wealth

There are so many more reasons
But I’ll start with just this few
Maybe someday
I’ll give this poem to you

I wonder if you dream of me
If you remember me at all
I dream about you sometimes
It´s all I have since you are gone

I dream of us alone
People are so much noise
They distract me from what I want
You smile, your kisses and so much more...

I wonder if you think about me
If you can even think anymore
I think about you often
The cuddling, the hugs, the walks...

And it fills me with memories
Of things that can´t return
I yearn for remedies
For the malady of your loss

Yet what my heart aches
Is nothing compared to yours
I hope you can think of me, my love
As you lay dead on the earth
And you mind on the void...
Well time to honor my pen name with a sad poem, I find that now I just think of verses and try to build the poem around it, before I just felt a jolt of inspiration and poured it onto writting, but now I´m growing more methodical, guess reading as many poems as I do now to seek inspiration does that, regardless of that I hope you fine folk enjoy it nevertheless!
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