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 May 2022 Cecil
Don't lose your mind
even the best road
break sometime
open your eyes
to nightmarish
touch the dewdrops on a
dreamcatchers feather
let the heartbreak bind
stroke your soul
give yourself a hug
and love your mind.
 May 2022 Cecil
I leaned toward it
that is where the road turned me
into a spare wheel
 Nov 2021 Cecil
Ellen said to Steve
the serpent turned into a snake
in the old ring of trees
just look at us honey
we wanted to have followers
and so did he.
 Jul 2021 Cecil
A river runs red
From my knuckles into the sink.
As I stand there,
Hands dripping.
Washing the evidence of loving you,
Scrubbing the remembrance of the flesh.
Draining into pipes are memories of bodies together,
And mouths full of lies.
 Jul 2021 Cecil
Tawny days hanging from the sweet autumn breeze are sheltered in corners of my mind I just can’t dare to go to. I hide from them, never closing my eyes—never looking inward. I open them into another haze, though. The dimmest streetlight in the most darksome alley. But between blinks, my eyes burn in golden, and images of remote places flicker in.

Patches of brown leaves on the ground, fragments of Shakespearean poetry carved on trees, a lonely grove between mountains, and a magic lake by my hiding place…

“You would never understand,” I had said to him after weeks of sleeping under willows and sneaking in the cottage through the window. “You don’t know what’s it like to be chased for crimes you didn’t do!” The soldiers had been drawing nearer to the towns about, and I had been left with no choice but to flee from the fate that being an outsider threw at me. “Don’t go,” he had said before my fears revived in my head, killing all peace.....
hey guys, this is an excerpt from a story I've written.
let me know in the comments what you think of it and if you want to read more of this story.

reviews are much much appreciated.

have a nice day :)
 Jul 2021 Cecil
Your scarred face
Written on it, the name of disgrace
I shed pink tears
Because the ink from your touch smeared
The blank paper I used to be
Now I can see
Inside your eyes lies a storm
Inside your eyes cries behold
Me, another dream
 Mar 2021 Cecil
 Mar 2021 Cecil
A deathless life is not blessing but a curse
With it you'll have the power to witness your love's demise
And hear every infant wailing as they are born
Curse it is! You would see the land erode and the ocean become a desert
Mountains move right before your eyes
My dear, time will never be a luxury for you.
Fire licking the frame of my bed
The sheets are all stained red
My mother’s corpse lying there
Tears streaming down my eyes as I clutch my teddy bear
I huddle in my bed as the fire spreads
Holding my blankets remaining threads
Closing my eyes, I wish it’s all in my head
Looking at my mother, I wished it was me instead
I wish it was me instead
It’s all in my head
Her feet as light as a feather
At her own pace, moving at her leisure
Her toes making ripples in the water
Gliding over the substance as slow as a saunter
She stares at her reflection as it ripples away
She plunges her hand in and the water will obey
Water trickles through the cracks her cupped hand
Everything about it she can understand
Her only friend, companion, that listens to her every demand
Smiling to herself, she feels grand
Sometimes I like to imagine I have superpowers, but it's all just a fantasy.
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