When I was young, my mother promised me that tears could wash away my pain.
That no matter how much They brought me down, everything would turn out to be okay.
This lie was planted inside of me and grew roots that were unwilling to let go of my organs.
The tinny seed proceeded to expand across my body, joining in with my blood veins.
It clung on to me so tight, that most nights I spent long hours just trying to catch simple bits of breaths.
Several years passed and despite the consequences, I still choose to believe in this lie.
That I am worth something, That things will only get better, That time heals, and That they are only mean because they are jealous.
As if it were that simple.
Life is merely a deceiving game of those in power and of those in need of it.
Those left behind are consulted by the melody of triumph that they believe is played for them.
If only they knew that life is not that simple.
How can we say that we are more than simply animals, when all we do is loathe the existence of those better than us?
How can we say that we are superior, when all we are filled with is disgust and envy?
But maybe we are not all like that?
And maybe that is why the so-called "lie" continues to spread its roots inside of me.
Maybe there is still Hope for our nation to reunite and stand together as one whole.
I would like to believe in such Hope.
Because maybe this "lie"... will be diminished of its undignified title.