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Jackie Mead Oct 2017
Start of the holiday
Off to find some sun
On our way to zante the Greek island of fun

Leaving Bristol airport
Weaving across the English Channel
Over France and Germany flying
At 35000ft
Looking out the window at all that is below

The Dolomites mountains sprawling in front and below
Their peaks capped in glorious snow
Sun swathed villages sit nestling at their feet
Huge lakes of water glistening like gold
How I wonder what life is like 35000ft below

What do the villagers do for jobs?
How do they get by?
Do they drive cattle or cars?
Or do they ride a pony or horse?
Do they work the land, toil with their hands?
Do they drive to the supermarket buy everything they need?
Or do they grow their vegetables starting from seed?
Do their children go to school or do they run in packs, learning the skills of life, learning how to track.

Is their life a simple one, unfamiliar to you and I?
Do they see planes and wish that they could fly?
Do they dream of being doctors, nurses, politicians and the like.
Do they dream of traveling by car, plane, road or bike?

Do they dream of travelling to places far and wide, experiencing adventures new?
Or are they happy nestling at the feet of the Dolomites simply enjoying life - as you and I should do.
Written at 35000ft the view of the Dolomites was absolutely breathtaking
Jackie Mead Mar 2018
We are strong and in love, I love everything you do
You pull me to your side, put your arms around my waist
Kiss me on the lips so tenderly and sweet
Take off my shoes and massage my feet
You make me laugh when I am down, working hard to remove that frown

We are strong and in love, I love everything you do
You wake me up with your kisses all over my face
Let me know that you want me the minute you're awake
Fill me with your love, in bed it’s give and take
You show me your love and support every day, in all that you do and all that you say 

We are strong and in love, I love everything we do
We raised three children to be good not bad
Had lots of laughter and our fair share of sad
Young grandparents at just 45 but holding little Tansy bought such joy to our lives

We are strong and in love, I love everything we do
Fabulous holidays to the South of France
Romantic Meals followed by a dance
Days out to the beach and the Park, parties in the garden until after dark
Holidays to the Caribbean and the USA
Along the way loved ones fallen but memories remain
Talking about our losses keeps the mind sane

We are strong and in love, I love everything we do
Now we step back into our roles as husband and wife but
most importantly lovers for life
Hold my hand baby and let's go
the whole world awaits for us to roam

We are strong and in love, I love everything we do
Love for our family will never end but now is our time my dearest best friend
So let's live our life, enjoy the ride, taking each day in our stride
Forever together and by each others side

It's been 36 years since we said I do
36 years of loving you
I wrote this for my husband but he says I can share it with you.
Jackie Mead Mar 2018
Saturday afternoon at about half past three
I would settle down in front of the tv
My Gran and Grandad in their chairs watching Lucille Ball Show or Fred Astair
At 17 45 the football scores would be read
My Grandad checking them off one by one
Chasing 24 points the top score, fingers crossed for a score draw, eight of them would set you right
Ah this week its out of sight, better luck next week, we'll try again
My Gran would always  bake, buns or a cake
Coffee was my choice of drink with Coffeemate instead of milk I was posh I would think
A slice of sponge to go along I can hear my Gran say "are you going to have a slice today"
Then she would always add" there's 3 eggs in there"
I would smile and say please Gran after all It was Saturday and all was right with the world.
Loved my Grandparents this is all so true, happy happy memories
Jackie Mead Jan 2018
Up with the larks
People rushing in the dark
Quickly, quickly from A to B
Where are they going?  
what will they see?
People watching, eyes alert
Do people notice if others are hurt?
Are they too busy to ever see the
hidden secrets of you and me?
Modern day life, everyone busy, busy, busy, only time to focus on self.
Waiting to get on shuttle bus thus morning started 2nd in queue, ended  up last overwhelmed by tourists from other countries, so being English and not wanting to give bad impression said nothing but it made me think, not  for the first time, that we now live in a very selfish society.
Jackie Mead Jan 2020
Its colour is a pale red, like a blush.
It's as if an artist had taken its brush.
And painted the sky tonight.
Hung it up high for everyone to see.
And said there you go a present for you, from me!
Well thank you dear artist, whoever you maybe.
It was the greatest present I ever did see!
Jackie Mead Feb 2018
The sky was bright blue
The clouds were white
The sun was shining gold
But not a bit of warmth came from the sun it was still bitterly cold

You dressed in a winter coat, a scarf around your throat, gloves upon your hands
Still the wind came blowing and chilled your bones, your face and ears and even your toes

Walking brisk and quickly the sun began to get stronger and you began to warm
Soon your removing your scarf and gloves as the wind drops and the sun shines and you begin to glow

It's a beautiful day, a classic winter day with the
Sky bright blue
The clouds bright white
The sun shining gold
And now you've warmed up the wind has dropped and your headed for home
Inspired by my walk today,  it really was beautiful out but freezing at the same time
Jackie Mead Jul 2017
Where does the sunshine on a sunny day?  
Where do people come out to play?
Where can you ride your bike, skate on your board, have a pint at the pub and watch the world go by?
Where can you picnic or barbeque, learn to kayak or canoe?
Where can you be all alone or part of the crowd if you please?
Where can you play Rugby, Football, Basketball or Frisbee , young or old, small or tall?
Where can you run, let time stand still and be free?
Where can you see children playing in the park, splashing in puddles, people barbequing after dark?
Where can you cross Millennium Bridge overlooking the weir?
Where can you climb a wall, indoors or out, play music on a radio, dance and laugh and shout?
Where can you express yourself in Grafitti on a wall, play with your mates, run and kick a ball?
Where can you see flowers growing free, ducks and swans swimming with their families.
All of this you can see for free any day of the year down by the Quay.
We live by The Canal in Exeter and all of this can be found in a single day
Jackie Mead Aug 2019
With my husband by my side, I sit and reflect
Upon my image in the stream
At wonder in the changes of my being
The weather warm but windy, with oft a gentle spray of rain
I feel lively, lightness appears to be my gain

Sat at a spot of such beauty, it takes your breath away
Appreciating the silence, as you give thanks for the day
In front of you great Lakes of Water some world-famous being sailed or swam side to side
Behind you in contrast high Peaks and Mountains, waiting to be climbed
There are paths to be walked, Roman Forts to be found
Cruises to be taken, bikes to ride, hidden gems all around
Ice creams to be bought, footsteps to be walked
Pubs, Cafes, and Restaurants by the Water sought
There is history to be lived amongst the many Villages
There is romance to be read in Poetry of old
Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey Poets of pure gold
Their stories and Poems, their legacies, forever being told

Dear Poet, pick up your Pen and paint a picture with your words
Tell the world your thoughts, let your voice be heard
Be it Romance or Nature that lets your mind wander free
I am your reader, paint your picture solely for me
I promise to take great care with it, treat it respectfully

Here’s thanks to all Poets new and old
Poets of great treasure with stories yet to be told
Do your best as Wordsworth, Byron and Coleridge, truly did
Be inspired light your candle, and be truly glad you lived

Thank you for being my inspiration Poets\Poetess’s
Keith and I spent the day in the Lake District yesterday, not long enough but I came away inspired to write something about my day. It got me thinking about what I see and what inspires me including other Poets, old and new. I hope you like this Poem, which I am struggling for a title, so far it is called a Day in the Lake District, if anyone can think of anything that fits the Poem better please comment below, I always appreciate your feedback.
Jackie Mead Jul 2017
Dog walkers come from far and wide, to walk their dogs by their side.
They come by car, with dog, lead, and toys; dogs barking for joy as they arrive.
The door is opened, the dogs jump out, barking getting louder, as their owners shout!
Wait a minute boy, don't pull on the lead, not long now you can soon run free.
Not a care in the world, the dog runs and runs fetching the ball for its owner with pride, dropping it neatly at their side, looking up with big wide eyes; waiting and longing for another surprise.
Where will it get thrown next they look wonderingly, trusting their owner dutifully.
The owner pats their loyal dog on its head and rewards it with a treat.
The dog pays the owner back by falling at its feet.
Dog tired and ready to return back home, it climbs back in the car.
Settles down, no barking now, it's time to get some sleep.
A dog's life is a free life and one without care.
A simple life, no thrills or flare, a good life I do declare.
I am not a dog owner but inspired today on a walk around our quay. Sometimes a simple life is all we ask.
Jackie Mead Sep 2017
What do they really mean?
Can they change the way you see your self?
When you look in the mirror and recite your chant, does it really have such an impact?
Does it make you stronger, help you find your way?
Do you need to rehearse internally what you should already say?
Do they help you clear you mind, stay on track?
Are they helping you find  your way back?
Who uses affirmations every day, their new to me I have to say but my PT says they are the way.
By talking in the mirror will it make me more confident in my work or as a poet?
I don't know if that's a fact but happy to have a daily chat, where the person I'm talking to doesn't talk back.
This is new to me but always willing to try new methods, I'm constantly looking to improve my self in all areas of my life - I'd love to know your experiences of daily affirmations
Jackie Mead Apr 2018
There was a lady ghost, from the past.
Who liked to scare people, just for a blast.
She lived in a cottage by the sea and liked to frighten people, like you and me.
The lady ghost went by the initials LJG.
One day feeling brave, I decided to seek her out
Talk to her, see if she would reveal
What kept her at the cottage every day, why she would always scream and shout
See if I could encourage her to stop, see how she would feel if I decided to turn the wheel
I had a plan in mind, you see
To wait behind the bush in the garden, for the ghost to appear
Whilst waiting, I may crack open a beer
Then without warning I would run out, start waving my arms and scream and shout
Wailing loudly, I would say, “hello LJG and how are you today?”
The lady would stop and take a breath, then reply
“I’m peachy my friend why do you ask?”
“I’m here having my usual blast, what are you doing imitating me? I’m the ghost LJG, there is only
one and that’s not you, it’s me!”
To my surprise the Lady ghost did not appear, I waited all day and all night
I was getting very worried that she may have found somewhere else to cast her fright
I went back again the next day, and waited my time once more
I spent several hours feeling bored and decided to step out from the bush to explore
First, I decided I would run around the back, see if the ghost had left any tracks
I tiptoed sneakily, keeping in shade, so I would not cast a shadow on my parade
Nothing to show, nothing to see, I would change my tack
Go Indoors, sneak, creep, climb up the stairs, to see if other plans could be made
Upstairs I found a handkerchief, it had frayed at the edges and tear stains of love soaked into it
I put it in my pocket and started to walk away
When a very small voice asked “why are you taking away, my heart and soul of yesterday?
I halted, I did not expect the lady ghost to show herself
I was ready to give up, retire,
fade away, put my dreams back on the shelf
At last I thought, here was my chance, would she recognise I was once her forbidden romance
"Lovely Joy Golden it is me, look deeply into my eyes, tell me who you see?"
The lady ghost could not believe what she saw before her
Her first and only love, denied by her father
The one she cried for day and night, her pain causing passers-by such a terrible fright
" Pierre my love come set me free, we'll be together now for all eternity "
"No more crying for you my love, I can now be your Prince Charming and you my sweet love"
Jackie Mead May 2018
I am trying to recall, a ghostly apparition I once saw.

My brother and I were exploring one day, an old cottage that had been left to rot away.
It had no windows and no doors, which made it easy for us to access and explore.

It was a clear, sunny day, the birds were in full song and children were out to play.
I must have been about six, when I watched a young girl of a ghostly appearance, walk through a wall of bricks.

My brother had left me on my own, whilst he was roaming up the stairs.
I had gone into the Kitchen, taking a break I sat upon a chair.

I had been there for just five minutes when the apparition appeared.
Through the bricks the young ghost transitioned, to follow would be an impossible mission.
It was over in a flash, the apparition made a dash and just as suddenly disappeared.

I was not in fear and I ran to fetch my brother, see if we could entice the ghost to appear again.
Alas, my brother didn’t believe in ghosts and said I was insane.

At half-past three, after having afternoon tea, I returned, with cake, which I had taken from my plate.
It was a delicious cherry bake, that my Mother had baked.

The friendly ghost appeared again, this time she talked.
Over slices of delicious cake, that my mum had baked that day, we talked about her tragedy and she invited me for a walk.

We appeared to walk around in circles for a while before finding ourselves down by the lake.

"I had heard a story once upon a time, of a young girl who had fallen into the lake, her life had been taken, indeed forsaken at such an early age.
This girl I heard had been playing hide and seek by the lake and tracking her brothers.
She lost her footing and fell in, the young girl, unfortunately, could not swim.
Her brothers ran quickly to fetch their Mum and Dad, but it ended in tragedy and was all very sad".

This young apparition began to tell me a story, about a young girl who fell into the lake and now after many years was lonely and in need of a friend.
She asked if I would join her but of course, it would mean my life on earth would end.

I felt very sorry for the young ghost lost and all alone but knew that I could not forsake, my Brother, my Mum and Dad and indeed Mum’s delicious cherry bake.

I never saw the ghost again although I went back many times.
I hope she has found happiness on the other side without committing any crimes.
Jackie Mead Jul 2018
A Ghostly tale
Of a Girly Ghost
Who lived in a house where once her Mother would host,
the most wonderful parties you would ever find.
The table decorations and chandeliers would blow your mind.
She invited people of a higher class, fed them shrimp on a plate and champagne in a glass.
They would dance in each other's arms, to a 3 piece band and all their charms.
The party would start at half past eight and run into the night until very late.
Everyone wanted a ticket to this ball, they would pay the full cost of the ticket, and barter to pay more.
It was elegant and a bit of a bore, but the Ghostly Girl would have loved one more.
The girl was just sixteen and her Mum used to say she was too young to join in, send her on her way, to her room.  
The Ghostly Girl did recall, a time she was in her room one of these nights when a very loud noise gave her such a fright.
She rose up from her bed and decided to explore.
She was on the landing looking down when,
she saw several persons dressed as a clown,
Moving around where they shouldn't have been,
unaware they had been seen.
The clowns were getting drunk, being raucous, having a laugh.
They were spinning on the dance floor, falling to the ground.
Not caring for a minute if anyone was around.
They were telling jokes and poking fun, spraying water with a plastic gun.
They had on bright colour clothes and makeup on their faces.
Their shoes were 7 feet long and done up with bright coloured laces.
They were light and cheery and lots of fun.
They saw the girl and invited her to join in, took her arm and gave her a spin.
The girl threw back her head and laughed and laughed, she was feeling light, heady and giddy dancing to Duran Duran and P Diddy.
She tasted hot dogs in a bun, sprayed water from the plastic gun, danced upon the wooden floor.
It was everything she wanted and so much more.
The clowns, just before midnight sent her on her way.
Back in the present, she was wondering if her Mum had thrown a party recently and how it went.
She was a Girly Ghost it was no use to pretend.
The Girly Ghost would always be sixteen, always remain,
with blonde hair and lean.
She would always remain a child at heart and would miss her Mum's party's for evermore, looking down at them made her feel glum.
Hovering over the bed that once was hers, she remembered again the time with the Clowns, glad she had that memory too.
Forever she would miss her Mum and Dad, thinking of them made her sad, thinking of the Clowns made the pain go away, at least until the next day.
Little did the Ghostly Girl know her Mum and Dad were unable to stay in the house the Girl lived and moved away.
The Ghostly Girl continued to roam the old house night and day waiting for someone familiar to come her way, one day she knew they would all be reunited and the parties then would make her delighted.
To be back in the arms of her Mum and Dad she would be happy,  no longer be sad.
For now, though she roams, alone in the house, only kept company by some spiders and a mouse.
Just a bit of fun
Jackie Mead Feb 3
We all know what we should do!
Eat little
Eat often
Eat green
Eat three meals a day and nothing in-between.

Portion your
Vegetables and
On a small sectional dinner plate.
Designed for your ease, alerting you to how much you ate!

A smorgasbord it is not!

It's restrictive and brings no joy. It is not the equivalent of a board game, book, or toy.

One night out with friends, and the plan is forgotten.
I will have garlic mushrooms and cheesy bread to start.
We order a bottle of sauvignon blanc.
For mains, of course, it's has to be battered fish and chips for me.
Ooh, and that chocolate cake is looking too temptingly.

As friends, we are in this together, and we all agree it's just this one time, as we order another bottle of wine.

The next morning, I step on the scale and wail. "How did that happen? It was just one time. One piece of cake, one glass of wine."

Vowing to myself to get back on track.
I open up my food app.
I record my
Fats and Proteins
Determined to become slender and lean.
Make myself fit into that new pair of jeans.
Today begins a new day.
And that is pretty much all I have to say.
Healthy habits are hard to obtain and easy to break. An amusing look at sticking to a diet.
Jackie Mead Mar 2020
The heart whispers,
Silently it speaks
Its rhythm and beat solely mine; unique

Crafted from experiences over time.
Of love, respect and friendship
Of giving and sharing
Of tenderness and caring
I hold my heart tenderly, it’s mine alone, to give.

Strengthened with ties.
Binding me to you;
no matter how far you travel, or where life takes you.
My heart is throbbing almost bursting with love;
I will hand you my heart,  cautiously, to hold with kitten glove.

The heart whispers.
In bed for the first time, tenderly we hit our peak.
“I love you” the heart silently squeaks.

The heart whispers,
Silently it speaks
Its rhythm and beat no longer solely mine;
we now lay in bed as one; mind, body, and soul entwined.
I feel the change; my heart is yours and yours is mine.

No longer scared to listen to my heart;
I tell you “I love you”, confidently as I should have from the start.
“I love you too” my heart and mind hear, my heart bursting with pride,
knowing I will always have you by my side.
Taking care of my heart as you promised; til death do we part.
Loving each other is easy, once you get past the start.
reading too many romance novels :)
Jackie Mead Oct 2017
To my dearest darling Joe

I had to let you know of fun that we have had on our latest holiday, I know you would get such a kick out of the tales we have to tell.  

It was a last minute all inclusive deal, we set out with Sue and Steve for some late autumn sun to Zante the Greek island of fun.

Oh Joe I cannot tell you the colour of the seas,  so clear so blue I can't do them justice, if you could see a picture it may be a start but in theses seas you can see to the bottom and the sand is  white and dark.  

No seaweed in sight nor turtles too, it's too late this time of year but olive trees and lemon, lime, oranges and grapefruit are everywhere and handy for a bite, that's right I put my hand up and plucked an orange from the tree, oh Joe your mouth would explode, it tasted so divine.

The people are oh so friendly and they make it very clear that the sun in the sky is unusual at this time of year.

We hired a car and drove into the mountains and dropped down to a port, hired a boat and they took us to shipwreck cove, where some years ago a boat had shipwrecked and it's cargo cleared the sea, we swam and dived in the clear blue sea underneath clear blue sky, oh and some people were tightroping across the ravine, I'm afraid I didn't have the courage to join them in the sky but I lied down and watched them heroically cross from end to end.

We've eaten traditional food and drank traditional ***** and used the traditional loos, do you remember the ones in the south of France that mum and I refused to use, we'll these were exactly the same. We've laughed and cried recanting tales of days goneby.

It really has been delightful a holiday to remember, one I wish I could tell you all about, I know you would sit and laugh with me as I retell the fabulous holiday we have had to catch some sun on the Greek island of fun, Zante.

I love you Joe **
Always called my dad Joe, it's not disrespectful he encouraged it. Everyone I know knew him as Joe.
Jackie Mead Oct 2019
On the darkest night of the year.
I was alone at home, quivering with fear.
I started remembering the year before; I had a fright.
Just as the day was fading to night.

I recounted the encounter which gave me such a fright.
On the scariest, darkest of nights.

Walking home, alone, I pulled my coat tight; I was chilled to the bone.
First a shiver ran down my spine.
Then “many” long arms wrapped around me, tightly squeezing, like a creeping vine.
I couldn’t move, I was paralysed with fear.
Then I heard the voices of “many” whispers in my ear.

Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum
We like All Hallows Eve fun

I opened my eyes to look the “many” up and down
It was as if I had stumbled into a Ghost Town.
The “many” wore clothes tattered and torn.
Their har thin, and like a sheep, shorn.
Their skin hanging from their skeletal frames.
The “many” started to play their games.

First, they took some rope from their pocket.
Then they took a picture out of a gold locket.
They used the roped to bind my hands.
Then they huddled in a circle to finalise their plans.

They stood me up and spun me around.
I was giddy and almost fell to the ground.
They showed the picture to me, it was one I held dear.
Me as a child, before I knew fear.

They said they would set the picture alight.
Showing fear would not help my plight.
As the picture burned it would take my soul; deliver it to the devil.
I began to twist my hands; I began to scream and wrestle.

I did not want to live below, where the fire is intensely hot.
Where the devil chooses someone each day to scare and tie that person in knots.
The “many” closed in and took me by my bound hands, led me away.
To a pit they had dug that very same day.

The pit was 6 feet deep and lined in red.
The first thing to do was to bury me standing, up to my head.
The “many” stood me in the pit and picked up their shovels.
They quickened their pace and filled the pit on the double.

I stood once again paralysed with fear.
I felt my cheeks wet, with the tracks of my tears.
The “many” took the picture and held it high over my head.
Laughing, shouting in my face “had I wet my bed”

I knew there would be no turning around from this, tonight would be my last.
I grew calm and waited for the final blow, shot or blast.

I had my eyes shut tight.
But...nothing happened, nothing came, the picture did not ignite.
I was still trembling though feeling terrified.
I couldn’t move, my hands were still tied.
I prayed to heaven; I did not want to die.

Then a bit of luck perchance; I did a little happy dance.
I wriggled my hands and pulled them in tight, the rope began to loosen.
Just maybe I would remain on this earth, remain human.

My hands broke free and pushed away the earth; set myself free.
I looked at the time on my watch, saved by the bell, 01:01, last admittances to hell.

When the clock had struck 0100hrs, All Hallows Eve Fun was over.
Saved for another year, but to be on the safe side I will remain indoors this year.
Before the evening is over a spooky tale for your delight.
Jackie Mead Jan 2020
I’m up with the Larks and witness the Sun rise
The Sun sitting low in the sky
Casting a glow of pale yellow
Giving you a feeling of warm and mellow
The perfect start to the day

In the middle of the morning
There is a fog or mist still hanging around
Cloaking the landscape in mystery from sky to ground
With mixtures of grey from dark to light
Tinged with a touch of wispy white
The mist rolling over fields and hills
Clinging to nature where it stands still
A cold wind blowing, lowering the temperature, bringing a chill

Around midday the Sun gains its strength
The fog or mist give up the fight
Fading away with the strength of the Sun’s light
Blue clear skies appear, the Sun has finally come out to play
Giving a warmth to the remainder of the winter day

At the end of the day the sun does set
Showing colours of burnt orange and red
As darkness begins its slow descent
The day transitions into night
The Sun is replaced by the crescent of a Moon
Casting its pale light
The end of the day has come so soon
Jackie Mead Jul 2018
I wonder if I  truly am a poet?
I put pen to paper and write some verse.
Whatever comes into my headfirst.

Does that make me a Poet, I ponder?

I consider what i write and what does it mean?
Am i truly any good i wonder, is that still to be seen?

I write about things I see, try to capture it well, if possible a little story I tell.
I write about my feelings for my loved ones present and past.
About my marriage, children and grandchildren and how we have a blast.

Does this make me a Poet I wonder?

I write about daily happenings in the news, some horrific stories, some written to amuse.

Am I truly a Poet?

What makes a Poet good?

Is it clarity of verse
Putting others not you first
Is it being able to write short burts, Haiku style
Long stories that make people forget for a while

I guess what i am trying to say
Is, do you put pen to paper to have your say?
Write some lines in a journal every day?
Write some verse, no matter how short?
Do the lines rhyme, of a sort?

Then welcome my friend

You are a Poet

You should celebrate and let everyone know it.
A question i have been pondering for a while, as i struggle to write anything good.
Jackie Mead Apr 2019
Amongst us they walk
Mostly unseen
Once in a while you may hear them talk
Once in a while they appear in front of you; as if in a dream

These are not friends
They are not colleagues
Their life on earth came to an end
They are walking towards you one thing on their mind; to bring you into their fold and within the depths of their league

They appear ghostly but not just a two dimensional figure
They have clothes, hair and skin
Their skin has patches missing and is covered in fissures
They walk stiffly as rigor mortis has set in

By day they reside in their graves in the ground
As midnight strikes you will find them walking around
Arms held out in front as they walk towards you
Don't lose sight of them as you back away; keep your eyes glued, keep danger at bay

In a dream like state they continue to roam
Rampaging streets and destroying homes
Dont give them food or water
Lock up your sons and daughters

When the sun begins to rise
and the light hits their eyes
They will return to their graves below ground
Another day over they will remain in prose; until the dark descends and once again they rise as an army to fight their foes

Amongst us they walk
Mostly unseen
Once in a while you may hear them talk
Once in a while they appear in front of you; as if in a dream

Around and around the walking dead jog
Like a day of zombie ground hog
it's a project i'm working on
I have a book of Vampires, Ghosts & Knights and i'm working on updating it with a few new poems

Don't have nightmares :)
Jackie Mead Oct 2019
At the start of another Autumnal day.
When the sun has not yet risen and the suns heat is still weak.
The fog comes out; hanging in the sky coating everything in a dense hazy mist.
Chimney pots on top of houses, usually can be seen, as well as hillsides in the distance usually a bright verdant green.

The fog swirls and thickens, dims the natural light.
Hiding tops of trees, chimney pots and hillsides of green from your sight.

Slowly the sun begins to rise and cast a welcome glow.
The white clouds become tinged a pale orangey yellow.
The sun begins to find its warmth burning its way through the haze.
The fog is losing the battle, the sun is winning today.

The bright red sun is shining through.
And is such a wonderful sight at the start of another wonderful Autumnal day.
A beautiful sight on my way to work on Tuesday.
The sun was rising late, I had to stop and take pictures.
I love nature.
Jackie Mead Oct 2018
As the sun sets on another glorious day.
All the colours of fire, come out to play.
Red, yellow and orange light up the sky.
Creating patterns to delight your eye.
Sitting, relaxing, drink in hand.
As the sunsets on these gorgeous sands.
Beautiful sunsets in Aruba
Jackie Mead Mar 2018
Who do you see when you decide to search internally?

Do you see someone wise, or do you see a fool?

Do you see someone with a light heart or do you see someone still looking for their glow?

Do you see someone who feels deep, or do you see someone scared to take the leap?

Do you see someone who likes to show they care, or do you see someone who really does not want to be there?

Do you see someone who is frivolous and funny, or do you see someone who is perfectly happy being lonely?

Do you like what you see, Dear Poet please do tell, do you like what you write, what you try to sell?

Do you feel confined or free, are you happy with what you see, when you look internally?
Well what do you see?
Jackie Mead Oct 2017
falls to the ground
It's colour is a standout yellow in a carpet of brown
This leaf represents life not yet complete
Still resplendant in colour as it falls at your feet
Life not over still holding on
Life to be cherished for however long
Jackie Mead Feb 2019
As I was walking along the bank of the Canal, fog covering the ground like a cloak
I thought I heard the jolly sound of a Frog croak
The Canal usually bright blue of colour
Was an unusually dark eerie, discolour.
I carried on walking towards St David’s Station, my destination
Whilst composing a Poem with my imagination
In front, I could not see more than 10feet ahead
But I swear a saw the wings of an albatross, overhead.

To the left as I walked, green open fields
I suddenly heard the sound of a Swan squeal
To my right, the Canal cast a dark and dreary backdrop
The banks of the Canal usually lined with Trees, you could barely see their tops.

Fifteen minutes in and I began to feel the warmth of the sun, hitting my heels
The path ahead lit by the warm soft glow of the sun, giving the start of the day an ethereal feel
Twenty minutes and now the fog begins to lift
My spirits are beginning to change, uplift.

Twenty-five minutes have now gone by and I have almost arrived, it usually takes me twenty-three
The fog has lifted and now I can see, exactly was happening around me
I could see people walking their dogs, walkers walking and runners jog
The Trees on the banks of the Canal have burst through the fog.

I could see People at the start of their day, some stop you and say, “good morning what a nice day”,
Some just smile as you pass them, on your way
Some pass you by, phones to their ears, never catching your eye
Some smile sweetly, a little shy.

When the fog lifts and the Sun cast its rays
You hope it’s going to be the start of a beautiful day
Hope grows therein
Hope for better, warm days, beautiful spring flower displays
The hope for warm sunny days begins.
My walk this morning
Jackie Mead Oct 2017
Skies of bright blue
Seas of Emerald Green
All the colours of the rainbow in between

Blue and White upon their flag
Bright purple flowers on sandstone coloured walls
The sands are white and dark in places
The fields are green and brown in traces

The sun shines gold on the streets
The music plays a very light beat
People lounging on the sands
Goats free to run around

Markets in the mountains selling products homemade
Monastries look as though their falling down, needing to be saved
Cash is the currency,  please don't offer card
Locals don't trust banks as to remove their cash can be very hard

Harbour renting boats out to Shipwreck Cove for the day
Put on your Captains Hat it's yours for the day
Or let someone else take you, let them take the strain
As you sit and sail basking in the sunshine admiring the blue caves
When you return to Port use the sun loungers, snorkel in the bay, the perfect end to another perfect day

Bars and restaurants and pubs all in a strip
Offering traditional food and drink, some offer Greek Music and Dancing with Fire
Some offer Sports on TV's at the bar
You can guarantee you won't need the car, 10 minutes walk from your Hotel and you will see a plethora of choice to satisfy your belly, whilst singing karaoke or watching the Tele

Whatever your choices, the Greek's love to welcome you and see you happy
So have fun drink lots, eat lots and be merry
I was completely won over by Zakynthos Island, the colours of the Ionian Sea were amazing, the people very friendly and I would love to go back again one day
Jackie Mead Sep 2020
At the end of a working day; To refresh my mind I walk and watch nature at play.

Water rippling, leaves rustling bring calm and tranquillity.
A balm to my mind and mobility.

A beautiful evening for a walk.
Listening to the sounds of the birds in the trees.
Puts my mind and body at ease.

Walking, watching children feeding  ducks on the pond.
To me is like a fairy waving her magic wand.

The end of September, we are lucky, still has some warmth at the end of the day.
No need for a coat as I catch the last of the days rays.
Early evening walking leaves my mind in a happy haze.
Jackie Mead Apr 2022
Went through a spate
Of staying up particularly late
She said, she found peace at night
Peace was a girl with curly hair
Who lived in a shoe box under the stairs
Silly poems, if your having a bad day, I hope they bring you some cheer
Jackie Mead Sep 2017
Autumn, I love this time of year
Not quite Winter and still some sunny days
But the leaves they are a turning
Changing colours from green to red, yellow and brown
Trees shredding their leaves all about you on the ground
Autumn, I love this time year
I have always wanted to see fall in New England I imagine it is stunning, one day i will get there
Jackie Mead Mar 2018
I've been on this earth such a very long time, 500 years have gone.
I've seen many Kings and Queens come and go, it's been so very long.

I have a disposition to culture human blood, lovely thick and warm.
One bite of an elegant ladies neck will stand me in good stead.
One litre of a royals blue blood will give me life, rise me from the dead.

By day I live in a wooden box, I like to call my bed.
It's lined with silk and fits me well from side to side and length as well.
I like my room to be cold not hot, I'm not too keen on fire.
One touch of that hot flame and my bed becomes a wooden pyre.

I lie in bed dreaming of what's to come, of the night ahead.
Who will I party with tonight, will they serve a pigs head upon an apple bed.

I'm not too keen on garlic, it makes me run away.
But I'm happy feasting on calves liver or maybe a lambs leg, a delicious beef steak, all of course must be served rare no other way will do.
Rare with lots of blood oozing on the plate.
Makes me very happy, makes me shiver and shake.

For cake perhaps Red Velvet with Blood Orange sauce, served with coffee in a cup and a dish of petit fours.

Most of all I hope some warm thick blood will be on offer.
I must get my fix before I head back to the safety of my wooden coffer.

If I'm lucky tonight will be carefree no one chasing after me.
Stakes and Crosses in their hand determined to banish me from their land.
For everyone knows to **** a Vampire a stake through the heart will do.
To be honest that would **** anyone, even the human called you.

So to finish my story I bid you farewell and hope our paths do not cross.
For that will surely mean that I nip your neck and then you will be no more.
Just another notch on my bedpost where I keep the score.
A little night time story, hope you enjoy
Jackie Mead Apr 2018
A young lad only fifteen, lived a hard life, grew up to be mean.
One day the lad being hard, got into a scrap in the schoolyard.

He was taken at once to the Headmasters room.
He was left alone to sit and reflect, awaiting his doom.

He began to ponder and wonder about his behaviour.
He thought, If I am always getting into fights, will anything ever come right.?
Will everyone I meet, walking down the   street, stare and pass me by, too scared to even say 'Hi'

The Headmaster took his seat and told the boy to stand.
He asked the boy why he was always so mean? Did he think it made him a man?

The boy took a while to think, took a breath and replied "i'm sorry for the trouble I cause, I've had a hard life but I can turn it around, if you can take a chance, find it in your heart to give me a new start".

The Headmaster was taken by surprise, looked into the boys  eyes and replied
"if as you say you will change your ways from today, then I will let you go on your way"
"should I hear any reports of you being mean and unkind, any reports of you crossing the line then you will be expelled, feel sure it's the truth that I tell"
"now be on your way don't let me see you again today"

The boy relieved ran out the room and went to every class until every exam he did pass.

His life turned out pretty good
, he got a job as a mechanic working under the hood.
His reputation grew far and wide, he worked hard and with lots of pride.

Then one night working late, a beautiful young girl brought in her car, and plucking up courage he asked her on a date.

Two months later down on one knee he asked her to be his wife, thankful for the second chance he was given to turn around his life.

Five years further down the line, now  Father himself to two.
The Headmasters car had broken down. The boy now a man, towed his car into the garage.
He told the Headmaster of his marriage, how he owned his own home and ran his own garage.

The Headmaster puffed full of pride, glad the lad had turned his life around, and was living a life that was now sound.

You see that day Five years past was to be the Headmasters very last, he was feeling happy and carefree.

Between you and me, he did relate to the boys state, having lived a hard life too.

In his early days the Headmaster's life had been saved when someone gave him a chance.

With this in mind and feeling generous of spirit he gave the boy a chance to prove, the boy took it as he had nothing to lose.

Doesn't everyone deserves a second chance?
A story about second chances
Jackie Mead May 2018
There was a youn lady called Pru
Who declared she had nothing to do

So she set about putting it right
And got into a bit of a fight

You see she wanted to make it clear
That she had nothing to hide and nothing to fear

She was incredibly rude and loud
What she said hung in the air like a heavy cloud

She wanted to set up a stall, selling buttons to one and all
She seemed to have found her call

But she said to a woman who purchased six small ducks
That the woman was bang out of luck

For small was not her size
From her hips to her big blue eyes

She continued with her speech
That made it clear, small was out of the woman's  reach

The woman began to cry
Pru began to sigh

People began to gather
Everyone got in a bit of a lather

A gentleman happened by
And asked Pru why?

Why did she feel the need, to put the woman down?
Pru began to consider and began to frown

That was not her intention, she was misunderstood
She had just meant that small was no good for the woman's hood

Pru and the woman shook hands
The council provided a band

Someone brought scones and jam for afternoon tea
And everyone sat down to eat at about half past three

Now Pru and the woman are friends
And this short story is soon to end

But first I just wanted to say
Thanks for reading, have a good day
Trouble sleeping
Jackie Mead Apr 2018
As I lay engulfed in pain, codeine, paracetamol ibuprofen and voltarol my best friends by my side.
I am grateful for the things in life that bring me the greatest joy.

My family cheer me up each and every day.
Just passing by for a cuppa they all say.
Deep down they surely know how much it means to me, thirty minutes of  the day my mind and body are carefree.

A warm bath, radox in, heat patches upon my skin.
The warm water is high, covers my body, the muscle soak leaves my limbs loose and my mind woolly.
Like a drug induced high I feel relaxed and elated, the pain temporarily sedated.

Cushions piled high behind my back, in one position they can't remain.
Move them repeatedly, change their formation searching, searching for the right mix.
Then get it just right and keep it fixed.

Go the walk-in centre people say, meaning well but not today.
I can't walk to the walk-in centre is the only reply I can say.

Looking around whilst on my bed, words flowing through my head.
I am grateful for all that I've got, grateful for my lot.

I've had this before and I'll have it again, whilst it's here the pain drives me insane BUT it's only temporary, it will go away and therefore I can honestly say for that I am truly grateful.
Probably brought from a combination of Running and picking up the grandchildren, neither of which I am willing to give up just yet, so likelihood is it will happen again.
Jackie Mead Sep 2017
It's September and the sun is in the sky
No need for jumpers or coats as the sun blesses us with warmth from its rays on this beautiful balmy day
The Quay is busy today, people living different lives mixing with each other side by side
Children in their pushchairs being pushed by their mums
Children, men and woman in kayaks making the most of the late sun
Shops and cafes open, tables and chairs outdoors full
Birds flying in the sky and on the River, swans pigeons and gulls
A homeless man with all his worldly goods feeds the birds by his side with the last of  his food
Cyclists enjoying the sun whilst out for a ride
Elderly people out walking with their family by their side
People saying 'hello' , 'good afternoon'  'it's a pleasure to see you' 'let's meet up again soon'
It was a pleasure to be a part of the balmy day by the quay
Jackie Mead Aug 2017
A man of mystery
A man of talent
A man who makes you think,
A man who makes you wonder what's right, what's wrong, when you thought you knew all along.
Is Banksy man or myth?

We know so little of this man who can paint with brush or spray can.
He remains hidden, unseen, unknown, a mystery.

Signing his Tag on bridges and walls,
Mocking figures of justice, highlighting the worthy cause.

His paintings are worth thousands of pounds, not all remain in tact, some get recovered and that's a fact.
Councils who do not like the message displayed, white them out in a matter of days.

None the less his fame has grown, his pictures displayed and shown in museums around the world.

Yet no one can put their hand on their heart and say I've known this man from the start.

That's why Banksy remains an enigma.
A man of mystery
A man of talent
A man who makes you think,
A man who makes you wonder what's right, what's wrong, when you thought you knew all along.
Is Banksy man or myth?

Anyone know?
I love street art and when on holiday in Amsterdam was very lucky to stumble across a Banksy and Dali exhibition, two very intriguing artists. Banksy is as good on canvas as he is on walls.
Jackie Mead Aug 2019
The heat beats, upon the ground
I feel it is going to be a beautiful day
As I welcome the warmth of the Sun’s rays
The Sun's power; to illuminate all around
Flowers tilt their heads to the sky, in worship of the growth the Sun brings
Birds flying in the sky, rejoicing, sweetly sing
The warmth the Sun generates brings a smile to one’s eyes
It stays there a while, welcoming people passing by
As children play by the Sea, making new friends
Gardeners in their gardens, flowers, and plants they tend
Yesterday was the day of Rain
Today brings the Sun and Summer in a day, again
another Poem about the weather, for us Brits its a favourite topic as it is so changeable hour by hour, day by day
Jackie Mead Feb 2018
Beauty is all around
It knows no limits or bounds
It is not hidden just waiting to be found

Beauty is all around
It shows itself by the sun in the sky
It shows itself in the colour of your eyes

Beauty is all around
It reveals itself in new blossom and blooms
It reveals itself in life new from new born lambs to a new born you

Beauty is all around
It displays itself like a rainbow in the sky
It displays itself with different people of every shape and size

Beauty is all around
It shouts about it loud and clear when the thunder rumbles and the lightning strikes
It shouts about it loud and clear when you see on TV a Lion chasing down his prey or a baby Tiger at play

Beauty is all around
It shows itself off with Blue SuperMoons and Solar Eclipses
It shows itself off Volcanoes, Mountains and Geysers

Beauty is all around, take a look and see what you found
Jackie Mead Feb 2018
Because I'm Happy
I'm not Heavy but Light
I'm Day not Night

Because I'm Happy
I'm Freedom not Fright
I'm Colour not Black and White

Because I'm Happy
I'm Thankful not ungrateful
I'm Whole not Shattered

Because I'm Happy
I'm Fearless not Rrefrain
I'm Sun not Rain

Because I'm Happy
I'm Tough not Fragile
I'm Smooth not Rile

Because I'm Happy
I'm Warmth not Cold
I'm Heart and Soul

Because I'm Happy
I'm Love and Life
I'm Lover and Wife

Because I'm Happy
I'm Smile not Frown
I'm Up not Down

Because I'm Happy
I'm Fast not Slow
I'm Glow not Dull

Because I'm Happy
I'm Sparkle and Shine
I'm Yours and Mine

Because I'm Happy
Passing a van this morning he had these three words emblazoned across his rear window, got me thinking, what does it really mean.
Jackie Mead Jan 2018
Back in the day a boy would run away
Feeling very bold, he would head towards a dock, stow away in the hold.  

After 5 days at sea and feeling very hungry he would show himself to the crew.

First he would get a beating then he would get some tea, finally he would be put to work out upon the sea.

The boy would become a man, sailing the seven Seas.
Eventually being given a boat that he has full command.

He and his crew would become very tight and have each others back should they get in a fight.

They set course on a map, no technology or Sat nav to send them on their way.

They used the Stars and Planets as their guide, using the Milky Way or Pluto and Saturn to chart the destination of their ride.

2 days now until they reach shore who knows what awaits them when their feet hit the ground.

Hard to tell what lies await what new vegetable or fruit will be their fate.

Will it be potatoes or tobacco this time, who will be around to tell them of it's name, is the island inhabited does it have a name?

Are the locals friendly will they offer food or will they be unfriendly and threaten to raid the boat.

Strip the Sailors of their food, their wordly possessions and their coat.

Tis for sure being a Sailor back in the day, was not fun it has to be said but definitely turned you from boy to man.

When you returned to your home land after many years at sea, it most likely seemed very foreign and even unfriendly.

The journey from boy to man to sailor now complete what is there left to do but sit back, get your pipe out, rest up your feet.
Inspired by Lior Gavra's new book Bittersweet well done Lior I love it.
Jackie Mead Nov 2020
My name is simply, Bee.
I am a honeybee and live in a colony, serving our most royal Queen Bee.
I am long in body, stripy black and gold in colour, a pair of transparent wings at my side.
I buzz around woodlands and meadows nearby, pollinating flora as I fly.
Producing lavender honey; lavender plants are found in abundance where I live.
Hovering, dipping inside, collecting the nectar before returning to the beehive.
I lay the nectar in a honeycomb, inside my beehive home.
Providing nourishment for the apiary, I am a remarkably busy honeybee.

Busy, Busy
Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing
Queen Bee, Worker Bee, Bumble bees, Honeybees.
Harvesting, pollinating, nesting.
Producing Wax and Honey.

Frog and I have many adventures together with our dear friend Mr. Mouse.
Mr. Mouse who has a house on the River Louse.
I hope one day soon you will read about our adventures in a book.
Penned by a dear human friend Jacqueline Mead, we hope you find it an exceedingly good read.
Jackie Mead Mar 2018
Turn up, participate, connect
That's the key to being me
Turn up and show people that im there and I truly care
Show them that i see and surely they will see all of me
Participate fully in everything i do, don't gives less just give my best
Taking part is the start and the key to being all that is me
Connect with friends and family, even those that drive you round the bend.
Listen to what they have to say and you will have a truly spectacular day
For when you show yourself at your best, when it's easy and not a test
People will truly see the person that you are and that should be more than enough for you and them and indeed me.
Someone I know once said, you don't need to be more than you are, just be all that you are and that's more than enough.
Jackie Mead Sep 2018
I'll be there in the morning when the sun rises
I'll be there throughtout lifes little surprises
I'll be there in your darkest of hours
I'll be there at times when life turns sour
I'll be there as our children grow
I'll be there to reap the love from the seeds we have sown
I'll be there as we grow older together
I'll be there by your side, my love, forever and ever
Jackie Mead May 2020
The water flew down the flume
Childrens laughter, lifted the gloom

The bride smiled at the groom
Time to get ready for the honeymoon

A golden watch, a beloved heirloom
Its loud tick tock filling the room

The guard stands outside the stateroom
On his head, a hat made with filoplumes

Closing the door of the catacomb
Removing myself from the gloom

Children sitting in the classroom
Come alive when the Teacher hits "Zoom"
Eager now to consume

A pharaohs body entombed
In a pyramid in Khartoum
Known only by a non de plume

Flowers sit in a vase, abloom
Their subtle scent filling the room
No need for extra perfume

I applied for my job with my resume
Perfect for the job I assume
Now working all day in a storeroom

Found my way to the bar room
Whisky, *****, ***, this is my favourite playroom
Now a jukebox to play some tunes
Nothing too serious, I set myself a little project to make mini poems rhyming with the word Boom.  I've tried also not to repeat too often. Given it a go, let's see your efforts. With Boom or another word of your choice.
Jackie Mead Nov 2018
Growing up in a whirl
Not sure if I’m boy or girl
Playing with *****, bikes and bats
Doing what is expected by my Mum and Dad
Waiting for the day I can make them proud
Make the change, grow my wings and fly
Change my appearance, set myself free
Live a new life, just being me.

From an early age, being picked on daily by other boys
Pulling my hair, kicking, taking my toys
Calling me names, designed to hurt
Spiting in my face, spraying hateful name tags on my shirt
Fighting with my parents, begging them to set me free
Let me live my life, let me be me

People judge who they see, without getting to know the real me
I don’t fit the normal mode
I don’t act as I am told
Some people consider me brave and bold
Others consider me outside the mould

Here I sit, fifteen years old
Waiting for the seasons to change from warm to cold
Slashing my wrists, marking my arms, using a knife to self-harm
Waiting for Winter to become Spring
Waiting for a new age to begin, a life of choices, a life fulfilling
Only then will I be free to spread my wings and fly
Transforming from caterpillar to a living breathing, happy, Butterfly
Watching a series called Butterfly about a young boy who feels strongly that he should be a girl.
Growing up is hard, children are hurtful when they don't understand.
Anyone who is different for any reason knows how hard it can be.
The poem is inspired by the series.
Jackie Mead Jun 2020
Do you ever wonder, what why, who you see?
When you cast your eyes heavenly.
By night when the stars shine bright.
Like fires burning in the skies.
Do you ever wonder who you see twinkling before your eyes?
Do you ever wonder who has joined you that night?
Is it a popstar, politician, inventor or wisely sage?
From a time so long ago, you cannot remember their exact age.
Clinging to their last song, speech or invention.
Letting go, never their desire or intention.
Or is it a lost loved one?
Letting you know they are near.
Listen very closely what do you hear?
“Hi, its smee, I know you think of me all the time, I just wanted you to know, I did not go far, I am right here!”
Taking in the stars is a game we all love to play.
Breath in
Breath out
Take a minute
Take Five
Take a moment to feel alive
Connection made now you can rest.
Relieve the pressure from your chest.
Sleep tight without longing.
Knowing you can see your loved one again tomorrow.
Brings a small amount of peace and joy, helps to dim the sorrow.
Dedicated to all lost loved ones, in particular Dad, Pete, Shane, Oskar and Ted.
Always missed, never forgotten. Keep shining brightly, we see you.

3 years ago, Grenfell Tower happened and many people lost loved ones and some lost many loved ones.  This is dedicated to anyone who lost and still misses a loved one.
Jackie Mead Sep 2017
There is a bridge  where I live, I pass it every day.
It carries people to the station perhaps for a getaway.
What's their destination, where will they end up?
Are they meeting lovers, clandestine or not?
Are they suits paid for by the day?
Parents taking their children on their first holiday.
Does it hold secrets of the present, future past?
Has it been there long how much longer will it last?
I wish the bridge could tells us the secret of peoples travels.
Maybe it holds the secret key to a mystery unravel.
Maybe we will never know where each day these people go.
But the bridge is the key to each one's destiny.
Not completely happy with the poem, especially the ending but will continue thinking about it as I continue to cross the bridge and may update it one day.
Jackie Mead Feb 2019
Captain of your Ship

I have good health of that I am sure.
I have some wealth, by that I mean I am not poor.

I get up each day with a smile on my face.
I am grateful for the home we call “our place”.

I love the man with whom I share my life.
I am happy to wear his ring and be called his Wife.

I am honest, fun and kind to be with.
I am grateful for the life I live.

I have not had to struggle because “I am white”.
I have not defended someone’s political cause or plight.

I have not smoked *****, **** or popped pills.
I have not sold jewellery to pay the bills.

I have not been stopped by the Police in the street.
Although I have received a ticket for exceeding speed.

I have not competed at sports with the best.
I have not taken part in a Cricket Test.

I have smoked cigarettes.
Failed at what sometimes seemed like the simplest of tests.

I like a drink or maybe two, of wine, beer, white *** and gin.
I like romantic novels heroes with muscles and a **** grin.

I love music of all types, rock and roll, country, jazz and blues.
Most mornings I awake and hit the alarm button to snooze.

I like to run but I’m not very fast.
I get the job done and, in a race, I have never been placed last.

I like to write Poems of the environment I observe.
I like a meal that is proceeded by Hors D’oerves.

I have not been sentenced to time inside.
I have not had to change my hair colour, wear a wig or hide.

I have learnt that life comes in all shapes and sizes.
Life comes in many different forms and guises.

The wisest one is the one that sees.
It’s fine to make mistakes, it’s fine to be me.

I am the sum of all my parts.
As long as I remain faithful to what is held in my heart.

Life the life you want.
Be the person you want to be.

Life is a gift and it is never too late.
Take your life in your hands be the master of your own fate.

Do not look back with regrets, look forward with hope and cheer.
Take your life in your hand, you have the power to change, the power to learn, the power to steer.

Be the Captain of your own Ship.
Be the Captain of your own Sea.
Be the Captain of your own destiny.
Penned after reading Benjamin Zephaniah - the Life and Rhymes, what a life that man has lived.
Jackie Mead Jan 2020
In the midst of the night
When silence surrounds
A terrible tragedy was waiting to be found

Tom, a small child, sat up in his bed
Pulling the duvet up over his head
He silently shook
Scared to speak out
Not knowing what the rumbling noise outside was about

Tom slowly rose from his bed
He went to find his parents room
They would know what to do

When Tom reached the room he sought
The number of Parents it contained, was nought
Quietly Tom tiptoed down the stairs
Careful not to bump into any chairs

Still, any adults he couldn’t find
Home Alone the movie, sprang to mind
He searched for the switch on the wall
From which a glowing light would fall

Tom shed some light upon the floor
And lit the path to the back door
Bravely he turned the handle
And quietly walking in his sandals
Took a sneaky peek outside
He couldn’t believe what he saw
His eyes stretched very wide

The biggest tree Tom had ever seen, in his very short life, had fallen down!
And all the adults Tom had sought plus others, were standing in a circle looking at the tree
They were trying to devise a plan, they could all agree

“How did it happen?” Tom heard someone say
“I know,” said Tom who was very bright
“Maybe I can shed some light”
“I heard a man on the news say, climate change is happening not tomorrow but today”
Tom continued “very soon the Planet as we know it, will be changed, from excessive heat and excessive rain”
“But today where we live in the Forest, men are cutting down the trees”
“to allow progress and build roads for cars, we are taking away the Earth’s lungs to breathe”
The adults listened to what Tom had to say and all agreed with the young lad.
But what to do about it, if they did nothing, then very soon
There would be no green areas for the children to play, and this made the group very sad.

The group decided to raise a petition and present it to the Top
Cutting down healthy trees must now stop
For every tree we cut down, new ground for seedlings must be found
As a Town, we could do more
No more plastic bags, something we should explore
Recycling our waste, we must unite
Let’s start thinking about our carbon footprint tonight
Make a change to our electricity and our gas, someone explained
We could purchase energy that is made 100% from wind sun and rain.

Tom couldn’t believe what he was seeing and hearing
Here in his back garden, a council meeting was taking place
Agendas were being made

It was only a small step in Toms world but all the same
If this was happening over and over in other Towns around the world, there would be bigger rewards to gain
And not just in Toms world either but all around the Globe
Fishes would live longer no plastic bags to get caught in their gills or small plastic pellets to ingest
This would be one change they could immediately put to the test.
They would have a plastic bag amnesty; people could return their old plastic bags and get a town embossed shopping bag made from 100% cotton thread
The adults were elated with the changes they were to make
They were hoping to see the changes make a difference where they lived
It was only a little effort but it showed such promise to give

Tom was excited and tired
Retreated back to bed
He could rest now, his Town was in safe hands
His Mum and Dad plus others stayed outside to make their plans

Sometimes it takes a small person to pick up a big fight
This started out as a different Poem altogether, it was going to be full of angst and mystery. Turns out I don't write angst and mystery very well.
As I started writing the poem and it was obvious which direction I was taking the poem I realised people would automatically think of Greta Thunberg and the wonderful job that young lady is doing but for me, this poem is about all the young people at school primary, secondary, colleges who are engaged in environmental days and projects.
Most children these days either through news or school or home know what climate change is and that has to be a good thing, doesn't it?
Jackie Mead Oct 2017
Seasons they come and go

Winter is long and cold
Log fires burning to warm your bones
Children singing carols in front of altars
Chestnuts cooked over open fires
Christmas Day comes then into New Year, slowly bringing optimism and cheer for the following year

Slowly Winter changes to Spring
Eternally hopeful with all that it brings
Lambs being born in open fields
Cattle outdoors grazing, milk and beef is their yield
Flowers starting to open up, daffodils, tulips, and buttercups
Brightening the landscape for all to see, days warming up nicely

Along comes summer
The sun is strong and days last ten hours long,
Children have no summer school, playing outdoors is the rule, splashing in pools, playing in the park, allowed to stay out until almost dark
Barbeques in the garden with friends and family, day trips to the beach and splashing in the sea.

Slowly, slowly the season changes to Autumn
Leaves change colours, dropping to the floor
Animals go in hibernation finding safe places to store; food for them and their young
Now the days are shorter we don't see much sun
Days shortening, darkness ascending upon us all too soon as the sun disappears to be replaced by the moon.

Soon it will be Winter again, central heating, heavy duvets, thick jumpers, raincoats and hot chocolate drinks, movies on Netflix all good reasons to stay indoors, snuggle up to a loved one and wait again for the Sun.
This is very typical of the English four seasons
Jackie Mead Mar 2020
If you are reading chapter 9 you will be familiar with the characters of mine.

There is Mouse, of course, he has a house on the River Louse, his Wife Hilda and 11 Sons and a Daughter.

Frog and Bee, they live on a log in the middle of a bog, happy and free.

The Fly with one eye and his friend dear, that is, of course, the Elf with one Ear.

The Horse and his Master, from the town of Cry.

A Dolly called Molly and her dear friends Ferret the Cat, and a Dog named Mouse, who all live nearby.

In the nearby town of Cry there live a Mayor and Mayoress, a pair of beautiful, graceful Swans.

Mr Mayor has such an air of authority, when he talked people listened, what he was saying took priority.

The Mayoress walked around with such a hypnotising grace, people would stare at her, stuck , unable to move, paralysed in one place.

Together they held people’s attention, lest the Mayor or Mayoress would think to give them a mention.

One day,  it was a warm sunny day on the River Louse and the Mouse with a house on the River Louse was sunning himself in his pretty garden, whilst Bee was buzzing closely by.

The mouse with a house on the River Louse would soon need to go indoors and get ready, he was expecting to see not only Frog and Bee but also his other friends; the Elf with one ear and the Fly with one eye.

They saw each other most days especially now the sun was in the sky and it was warm outside.

They were free to wander wherever they chose; sometimes swimming in the river, sometimes lazing on the bank, closing their eyes, having a doze.

The days passed swiftly when they were all together, no need for advice on social distancing or where to travel or indeed no need for a bellwether.

One fateful day this would all change the dear friends were soon to become estranged.

The Mouse with a house on the River Louse noticed it first; he had seen it on the news, he didn’t believe it affected him, surely he would not be affected by something started in Wan-hu.

That day the Mayor and Mayoress were visiting house to house when they came upon the house that was home to the Mouse with a house on the River Louse.

“Come in, come in” the mouse began to say but the Mayor interrupted him “I have something important to say!”

“Today we have been advised by the Prime Minister that we are no longer to have parties in the sun, a measure called social distancing has begun”

The Mayor continued to say “there is to be no more socialising with your friends until I announce these measures have come to an end”

“Most importantly he continued to say “ “you must wash your hands regularly each day with soap and hot water, pass that on to anyone within your home, your Wife your Sons and Daughter”

“now I must hasten on my way and wish you and your family a good day”

Mouse was beside himself, for once he did not know what to say, he wouldn’t see his friends anymore and the Mayor had implored him to stay indoors.

What was he now to do; who would he pass the time with if not his friends, his whole world was coming to an end.

Hilda his Wife was not so downhearted

“There are tasks indoors you could complete if you don’t want to spend the time downbeat.”

“First there is painting to be done, starting in the boys' bedrooms I was thinking wheatsheaf yellow, you know the colour of the Sun!”

“Next I am sure your Daughter would like you to take her for a ride on her new bike,  around the living room, I think the size of that room is the best.”
“by the time restrictions are lifted she will be ready for her cycle proficiency test”

“We could play a game of chess, monopoly or trivial pursuit, drink grapefruit juice or a glass of wine made from arrowroot.

“There are TV shows that have got the boys excited; like Marvel revisited and Iron Man and Hulk reunited”.

“as for you and me, we can put the children to bed, have a romantic meal, soup of carrot and a main meal of chickpea”

“Does any of this sound appealing to you?”

“Have a think and let us know what you want to do”

The Mouse didn’t have to think or take up with an alcoholic drink, he knew what he wanted to say.

“My dear wife, Hilda, you are quite right, we have each other and that’s alright”  
“if when restrictions come to an end, I will, of course, love to see all my friends, they seem like family too at times”

“For now, though I just need you, my sons and daughters and plenty of soap to wash my feet together with hot water!”

His wife and children began to laugh, they had thought the world had come to an end when Mouse was told not to see his friends.

Instead, now life had just begun, a different life to one he had once known but that was alright because he had his health, children, and wife and that meant he was not alone.

A pandemic had caused the social distancing now in place, travel had been stopped to places far and wide.  

It seemed Humans were the worse affected, but the illness had transcended from animals in the first place, the restrictions, therefore, were needed to protect all animals nationwide.

Restrictions would be in place for the foreseeable time but when lifted the whole village would celebrate with a posh ball and dance to the music of Five in a Pen.  

A posh ball so big, it would include mouse, frog and bee, molly the dolly, elf with one ear, fly with one eye , butterfly and Mayor and Mayoress, ducks of all names, squirrels and snakes, badgers and moles and all manner of creatures would attend this very posh ball.

Creatures would come from far and wide and mouse would have his children and wife by his side and would puff out his chest showing his pride.

As long as his family and friends made it out of restrictions without illness then the plan the Mayor had put in place would seem flawless.

The Mouse with a house on the River Louse knew that times were changing, the after-effects of the pandemic would be long-ranging.

That was a choice he was willing to make for his wife and his children’s sake.
If you are in isolation then my thoughts are with you and I hope you get well soon.
I wrote this to go alongside my other Poems of the Mouse with a house on the River Louse and his friends>
You are the first to read it, I hope you enjoy it and take it for what it is a light relief at this time.
Please I have not mistyped WU-Han, it is an intended difference.
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