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Jackie Mead Sep 2017
The Americans like it with macaroni.

The Welsh like it rarebit, that's on toast to you and me.

The Italians like it Quattro Formagio Pizza topping.

The French like camembert with poached pears of course.

The Brits  like it on cauliflower served with a Sunday roast.

How do you like yours?
I am cooking cauliflower cheese as I write this LOL
Jackie Mead Apr 2018
Chinaski, Chinaski come over here
God Chinaski you stink of beer
Your late again and your work is slow
I should write you up, one more and they will let you go

Chinaski thinks to himself you'll see, I will not conform to who you think I should be
You can stuff your job, the pay is lousy anyway
I have better ways to pass my days

Down to the civic Chinaski did trot
They wrote up his resignation and cut him a cheque
Chinaski took it with great cheer walked down the road and bought a couple bottles of wine and a fifth of ***** and a six pack of beer

He got in his car and off to the track to blow the lot on some halfpenny nag
And to pick up a lady to befriend, maybe get lucky and back to mine, where we can share some bottles of wine

If not so lucky then that's fine by me, I'll get drunk and write my short stories
There's been one constant in my life, longer even than I was married to my wife
That's my typewriter it's special you see
It follows me from room to room, cheers me up when I feel gloom
I put the paper in and turn the carriage and start to write of love and marriage of growing up and moving out, of fights and bars and women and cars.

I write of being on the street of all the women that I meet
I write of work and racing, I write of hardship that I'm facing

I write of the tough life I've had but I don't write it for you to be sad
I write to make you smile and laugh
I write because it helps you see, I write it to cleanse me

If I make you happy along the way then well what really is there left to say

Have a good day, have a Chinaski day
For my American fellow poets, just recently discovered Bukowski, I guess like marmite you either love him or hate him.I can't get enough of him, just finished ham on rye, a brilliant book, really draws you in.  I'm looking for on writing or Hollywood but very expensive on amazon UK and I haven't seem them on the stores I'll keep looking though - have a good day
I probably haven't done him justice but I enjoyed the write.
Jackie Mead Mar 2018
Cities are *****, grimy places
Full of people with interesting faces.

There's dark hair, blonde hair, red hair, white hair and grey ;  imagine all the colours of a rainbow and then add a few.

There's fair skin, dark skin, olive skin and mellow tones too.

There's small eyes, wide eyes, blue eyes, green eyes, grey eyes and brown; some have 20:20 vision, some hide behind glasses, some wear contact lenses to enhance their sight, some have a world of darkness behind their eyes.

There's large noses, small noses, wide noses, button noses, some hold glasses upon their face, some are cumbersome, some full of grace.

There's clear skin, wrinkled skin, acne skin, damaged skin, translucent skin, soft skin, dry skin, sunkissed skin, sunburnt skin.

There's big ears, small ears, pierced ears, cauliflower ears, ears with rings in to make them wide; some people wear hearing aids to enhance what they hear, some live in total silence.

Some people are tall, some are short, some are able to walk, some need assistance every day to be able to walk even a small way.

There are cyclists and runners on every street, roller skaters, walkers your most likely to meet; add in football, cricket and rugby players too, basketball, rounders, netball, tennis and golf, squash, badminton, swimming and diving, there's such diversity in all that we do.

Libraries and Museums open their doors, sshh be quiet, though it's free to explore.

Shops, coffee shops, hairdressers a plenty, though some of the bigger spaces remain empty; cost of rent is exceedingly high and don't even think about the option to buy.

There's leisure parks to walk and have fun with your dogs, parks with swings and roundabouts for your children who are  young.

Some Cities have rivers, some have canals built to let barges through.

Some Cities have harbours, marinas too, look over the Ocean at a sea that's blue.

All Cities have Universities to provide education to those from home or from far and wide.

Spoilt for choice of courses to attend there's professions of course, doctors, dentists, lawyers and nurses, accountants and vets. There's media, dance, English language and literature, geography, history and maths. There's IT, cookery and drama and how to handle a camera. There's business and entertainment, wedding planning and Latin. Any subject of your choice can be found somewhere around.

You can find comedy clubs, poetry readings, chess clubs, scout clubs, lego groups, cookery classes, sewing classes, reading groups, right outside your door, if you took the chance to look around your neighbourhood and the  time to explore.

Don't write off the City though it may look ***** and grimy in places, it is as you can see, full of interesting people and places.
People are interesting don't you think?
Jackie Mead Dec 2018
Clouds you stealthily pass us by.
To where i wonder and know not why.
You quietly move with little noise but lots of grace.
Moving at ease throughout the vast space.
Sometimes you are grey and heavy with rain.
Then you release the water and flood our drains.
Sometimes you are light, fluffy and white.
Combined with an early morning sun and you are quite the sight.
Your form creates patterns in the bright blue sky.
Visible on earth to the human eye.
It is quite breathtaking and makes me smile.
Light, fluffy and white clouds, please hang around for a while.
a beautiful sight this morning as i drove to work.
Jackie Mead Aug 2019
Grey clouds gathering
The day becoming colder
This is our Summer
British Summertime over?
Here's wishing that Summer stays
British Summertime, we all love to talk about the weather in these wonderful British Isles. We've had some lovely days but today is overcast and threatening to rain, hoping the sunny days come back again soon.
Jackie Mead Feb 2018
The Mouse with the house on the River Louse
Now has a family of 12 to feed
A husband and ten smaller mouths all reside with the Mouse in the house on the River Louse

One day the Mouse with the house on the River Louse went outdoors to explore with the intention to find something tasty and fine to feed them all

She walked to the edge of the grounds to the bank of the River Louse, where her friend the Frog, who didn't live in a house but lived on a log in the middle of a bog with his friend Bee, was waiting for his friend to serve her tea

The Frog and The Bee showed the Mouse with a House on the River Louse a table set fit for a Queen with fine China cups, saucers and plates and a tablecloth made of lace

The Mouse with a House on the River Louse was delighted and very excited as the Frog and The Bee said at half past three they would be joined for tea by a new neighbour Miss Molly

According to the Frog and Bee Miss Molly had just moved with her dog and cat, a dog named Mouse and Ferret the Cat

At half past three Miss Molly came to tea and brought with her muffins and cream
The Frog and The Bee brought scones and jam and the Mouse with the house on the River Louse brought some crackers and cheese

The children of the Mouse with a House on the River Louse joined their mother and Miss Molly, the Frog and The Bee the Cat named Ferret and the Dog named Mouse and quickly polished off the delicious tea

The children and the cat and dog all asked if they could play in the bog, the bog where the Frog lived in the middle on a log.

The Mouse with a House on the River Louse agreed and so did Miss Molly and the Frog and Bee

The children, the Cat and Dog all played happily in the middle of the bog

The children, the Cat and Dog found some sticks in the bottom of the bog and began to weave and make a raft, all they needed was a a Sail to catch the draft

One of the children squeeked with excitement  when they found a lily pad on the ground
Quickly the lily pad was hoisted atop and the raft completed and ready to sail in a hop

The children, Ferret the Cat and the Dog named Mouse were playing lovely outside the house, pushing the raft up and down as not a drop of wind was to be found
Then suddenly the wind changed direction and the northerly winds began to blow, they started really slow but the wind got faster and very strong
The children, Cat and Dog couldn't hold on for very long and suddenly they were being taken away from their safe play, being carried down stream and they all did scream

Just like that Dad came home and took out of his pocket a telephone
He called the coastguard to come quick, a raft had drifted and was headed for the slip, soon they would be in the ocean with the bigger ships

Aboard the raft 10 young mice, Ferret the Cat and a Dog named Mouse, all huddled together, to be less afraid, hoping someone would save the day

The coast guard turned up at the house and asked to speak to the Head Mouse
Mother and Father together they spoke, eager to save their children cut afloat on the boat

Then at half past four came a big roar the coastguards had saved the day, the raft had been caught and brought on board just before they got to the edge of the bay and sailed away to the bigger bay

The Mouse who had a House on the River Louse, Dad, Molly the Dolly and Frog and Bee all shouted ecstatically "Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers and sending the men who saved the day and rescued our children from the mouth of the bay"

The Mouse who had a house on the River Louse counted the heads, toes and noses of the children to confirm they were all safe and then said their goodbyes and ushered them all safely inside
The 6th and possibly final chapter of the Mouse with a House on the River Louse
Once again an epic read so thank you to anyone who takes the time to read it
Jackie Mead Sep 2017
Sat in Coffee shop, latte in my hand
Watching people queuing, time turning to sand.
The server takes your order, writes your name upon the cup.
The Barista makes your order, then serves it up.
The server calls your name over a microphone.
Chocolate sprinkles, marshmallows, flake bars and pretty stuff, adorning the top.  
Workmen in their high viz, ordering macchiato to go.
Watching the clock tick tock, tick tock, 15mins is all they've got.
Business women in sharp suits and heels, ordering double espresso.
Watching the clock tick tock, tick tock, 10mins is their lot.
Mothers and their children enjoying babycino.
Watching the clock tick tock, tick tock, waiting for the hour hand to reach the top.
I sit taking it easy, watching the world rush by hoping that something miraculous will catch my curious eye.
Something hot & steamy.
Something with a froth on top.
You never know what you may find in your local coffee shop.
Jackie Mead Apr 2018
I walk the river down one side and travel back the other.
I watch the people walk their dogs and children with their mother.
I see the beauty along the course, birds nesting in the trees,
swans swimming with their young,
the fast running water of the weir,
the blueness of the sky,
the yellowness of the sun.
I see the colours of the earth, surrounding us in nearby fields,
where farmers have ploughed the soil the colour is earthly brown.
The field next to it is a blaze of green,
what the brown field will yield is yet to be seen.
Flowers starting to open their colourful heads, Daffodils, Primroses, Tulips , Bluebells  Snowdrops, Crocuses and Hyacinths, in various shades, of Yellow, Red, Blue and White, it really is a beautiful sight.
The warmth of Spring starting to generate various shades of Red, Blue, White, Yellow and Green
The Palatte of Spring is a riot of colour and truly wonderful to see
Don't you just love Spring
Jackie Mead Mar 2018
The Mouse with the House on the River Louse and Miss Molly the Dolly who lived next door.
Called a meeting one day of all their friends, The Horse and Master who lived round the bend,  Frog who lived on a log in the middle of a bog and The Bee,The Elf with one ear and the Fly with one eye.
It was a Council meeting they did cry, to discuss, with a little fuss, how to maintain  the countryside far and wide.
It was decreed they would meet in the  grounds of Miss Molly's house at half past three, the house next door to the Mouse who had a House on the River Louse.
It was a council meeting they declared, to discuss a problem that had come to light.
A problem they did fear if nothing was done, would grow and grow and their children would not be able to play out in the woods all through the day and into the night.
The problem they had identified was plastic cups dropped to the side, plastic wrappers left on the floor and plastic bags caught up and swept away down river where the children did play.
Fish in the pond had begun to die, when they breathed through their gills and inhaled plastic ties.
Everywhere they began to look was covered in plastic far and wide, it was beginning to disfigure the countryside.
The Humans were trying to do their bit but it was taking time and this did not fit.
They must come up with a plan and start today if the countryside as they know it, we're to be saved.
The Horse and Master spoke up first, "We can serve drinks in glass cups for anyone with a thirst, we can put up posters and implore they purchase their drink at the countrystore".
"The money we take can be used to buy a machine to wash the cups for the next ones to sup".
The Mouse with a House on the River Louse and Miss Molly liked the idea and made a note to have a word with the owner of the countrystore and if necessary to beg and implore that they start with immediate effect.
The Frog who lived on a log in the middle of the bog and The Bee did confer and the Frog and Bee did then rise. "We would like to say" said the Frog and Bee "we would like to make some signs to put around and advise people to be plastic wise and not to litter it on the ground"
"The signs would be painted on paper of course and the Master and the Horse could help" "The signs would say"
"People who come by this way today, please be aware that we don't want your plastic left behind!"
"Please be friendly and take your plastic home, don't leave it on the ground for the Fish or our children to swallow and die, you wouldn't like it and nor do I"
"Please take your plastic home with you and we will welcome you again, our Human friend"
Again the Mouse with a House on the River Louse and Miss Molly the Dolly liked the idea and agreed that posters were in much need. They asked the Frog who lived on a log in the middle of the bog and The Bee to make a start and to ask the Horse and Master to also take part.
Finally the Elf with one Ear and The Fly with one eye wanting to do their bit, they looked at each other and did say, "We would like to make brightly coloured bins that can be seen from far and wide, encouraging people to dispose of their plastic in a bin, on the side they would say "littering the countryside is a sin"
The Fly with one eye said "the coloured bins would assist humans and their children to identify the bins from afar and when they dropped their litter inside a loud noise would play indicating to children and those who struggled to hear, like the Elf with only one ear, that they had found the bin and their litter went within and not on the ground"
The Mouse with a House on the River Louse and Miss Molly the Dolly agreed and said "we have all been very inventive and were all agreed on the following  main action points to start right away.
The list was made to save the day and it looked like this:
Action1 bring in glass cups
Action 2 Implore the countrystore to supply drinks to the passerby
Action 3 make posters of paper and paint put them up on tree trunks, fences and gates
Action 4 Make wooden bins painted bright for people to fill with all their might
The Mouse with a House on the River Louse and Miss Molly went off to the store, to request and implore they stocked glasses for the folk who liked a drink this would encourage them to stop and think.
The Frog who lived on a log in the middle of the bog and The Bee together with their friend the Horse and Master who lived around the River bend set about making posters with paper and paint
The Fly with one eye and the Elf with one ear together made wooden bins covered in bright paints, which had a voice within when fed with litter did say 'thank you very much, have a nice day'

They all came together the very next day when Council met again and were very pleased with all that had be done, to keep the countryside spotless and still fun.
They agreed to take a week and then to resume again and discuss if the action points had been a success.
A few days later the friends decided to going swimming in the River Louse where the Mouse had a House and Miss Molly the Dolly lived next door.
The Mouse was pleased to see that all the children were swimming freely, they were not  tangled and tied by the river side with plastic ties.
It seems the glass cups, posters and bins had got the message across:

It's a very long read and I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read this story. The use of Plastics is a hot topic at the moment here in the UK and I'm sure it's the same wherever you live, try buying anything that's not plastic wrapped for freshness.
Jackie Mead Apr 2022
Was stone-deaf
He Owned a restaurant and was also Head Chef.
He always said, too many cooks spoil the broth.
The broth was mucky, never clear.
Best drunk with a pint of beer.
Jackie Mead Mar 2018
I ask myself a question, deep within my soul
Not sure if I'm wanting the answer to know.

It's a question others have asked themselves in time.
The answer can go two ways, it can cut you, finish you, break your soul - end your life in sixty seconds, just like that with the edge of a sharp knife.

The other option is that somewhere deep within, reflexes happen, safeguards kick-in.
Your body and soul reawake, for you another day to take.

It depends of course upon your mind and when you search it, what you find.

Is it your choice of another day more time to laugh and play, dance and sway.
Another chance at happines, another chance to live.

Or is your choice to slip away, quietly without goodbyes, no longer here to play on earth, your physical home where your mother gave birth.

What is your choice, what do you do, is there anyone around, worth fighting for, ask yourself this question first, I implore.

For once the blade has done its job you cannot turn back, your choice is made and the cut of a blade has taken your life and that's a fact.
Different style for me
Jackie Mead Oct 2020
Dads grab hold of your heart
And never let go, even when you are apart

When they leave you to take their seat up above.
Its like they still hold you within their mighty glove.

No feelings can describe how bereft I still feel.
Like a mouse spinning in their playwheel

Feelings bubbling just surface deep
Then bam!
Back they come, consuming me.

I thought i was stronger than I am
When I think about my Dad, that special man.
My strength just breaks 💔
Feeling low today, my sister in law lost her dad and it brought back 4yrs ago x
Thank you for reading
Jackie Mead Mar 2019
Dew topped  Yellow flowers
Appear, vibrant
Fragrant and
Full of hope that Spring is here
Ornate, tall ,long green stems
Decorating our river ways, fields, hills
Inspirational sight as they appear
Looking delightful as they display
Spring has definitely sprung
Jackie Mead Jun 2019
Daisies a flash of white in a field of green
One of the most beautiful sights you ever will see
The daisy spreads itself far and wide
Fastly covering the countryside
Butterflies and Bees hover by
You even attract the common fly
Strength in numbers, you grow and give;
Your nectar for other insects to live
The Daisies wanting nothing in return
They just ask you show some discern
As your child runs through the fields; making daisy chains
Ensure when they leave, some daisies remain
Had a little walk with my grandson Roman today and the park was full of daisies, buttercups and the canal had really small brightly coloured fish and dragonflies, which were bright blue. It was really energising to see, I wish I could post a picture for you.
Jackie Mead Apr 2018
Mysterious, Sinful
Evoking, Freeing, Wicked
The darkness moves you towards the light
Flowing, Framing, Brightening
Illuminous, Ethereal
Jackie Mead Jul 2018
Darkness cloaks the evening
Like a welcome friend
Bringing the bright daytime
To its natural end

Time to rejuvenate and repair
Energy, bones, skin and hair
Time to slumber a deep sleep
Time to recall memories held deep

Memories of the day gone past
New memories created, what a blast
Memories of the days of childhood
Happy memories that still stood

Sometimes the night is invaded, by dreams we don't know
Taking us to places hidden deep within our soul

What's the meaning of these dreams, that keep us awake
But in the morning we don't remember, for heaven sake

Night with all its mysteries
Is a welcome part of the day
Remember always that night comes before day

So I embrace the darkness, soak up the beauty of the night
Don't let it capture you with fright

Don't let night-time get in the way
Embrace it, use it to rejuvenate, anticipate, the start of another beautiful day
A bit of a theme
Jackie Mead Jul 2018
Darkness envelopes you like a cloak
Sometimes it catches you by the throat
Like a big, warm, furry coat, pulled tight
Sometimes it hugs you  like a summer vest, breezy and light

Darkness comes whether welcome or not
Darkness comes if it's cold or hot

If Darkness is not welcome at your door
Take the time to know yourself, explore

There maybe stress in your life that keeps you seeking the light
But make the time to form a routine
And suddenly you will be able to see

That Darkness comes before the light
Rests your body and mind
Just search for a haven and you will find
A friend in Darkness when it descends
A friend to greet you when the day ends
I think we all struggle with sleeping at times whether it's work, family, finances
I sleep a lot better these days and writing helps with that but also I have a better work life balance, I no longer have a stressful job and I'm not constantly rushing somewhere.
Jackie Mead Mar 2018
Oh Dark Rose of England, your not the pale colour you usually find in the English countryside.

Oh Dark Rose of England, your beauty is more than just your colour, you display such beauty and elegance, your the envy of all other flowers

Your petals are dark red the colour of blood, I wonder what it is you feed upon.

Are you fed from below by the blood found deep beneath the ground.

Are your roots buried deep within, a graveyard previously used for sin, ****** by the first degree or people slaughtered ritually.

Your stalks ramble and roam over the land, covering it in a prickly hand.

Ready to ***** someone in a flash, should anyway get too close, defending yourself, making a stand.

You invade spaces, wrapping your shoots around objects in the way, then carry on rambling, nothing gets in your way.

The only way to stop you in your track, is to take a pair of shears and begin to hack.

Hacking away at your limbs, bringing you to your knees, pruning away the dead wood and leaves.

It will not rid you permanently, one thing is for certain, you'll be back again next year we'll never bring down the curtain.
Jackie Mead Apr 2021
A woman full of love comes home.
On the large dining room table, she places her bag, a book and her house keys.
She adds the warmth of the sun, the sound of the sea, the wind whistling through the trees and the voice of her dad saying “Hi, it’s smee!”
She takes off her shoe and empties sand and seaweed, stubbed toes, marmite sandwiches and a surf board.
From her jacket pockets she adds a child’s dummy, a pocket hanky a Frog and Toad.
On the table she places a wine glass, very gently and a bottle of fine red.  A pizza of Jamaican **** chicken to keep her well-fed.
The table is large and there is room for more. She scoops a child’s drum from the floor and places it on top too.
The scrapping sound of a child’s chair.  Also gets placed on top with such love and care.
Looking around for more items to include she adds memories of her family young and old.  Stories which have yet to be written or indeed told.
An image of a young girl playing roly poly down the hill.  A Queens Jubilee commemorative five-pound bill.
The table bears the weight well, it stands tall and upright. The woman she will sleep well tonight.
Thank you, table, for always being there. For the load you carry, your unwavering support. Throughout the years you have witnessed much joy and tears.
Jackie Mead Sep 2017
Comes to us all.
You are born to live, then you live to die.
Enjoy your journey, feel the ride. Preferably with someone you love by your side.
Missing my dad, he would have loved this journey I'm on.
Jackie Mead Jan 2018
The physical wall holds up the River and stops it flooding the roads
Heavy weather unusual rainfall has taken its toll
The river can no longer hold back, the water bursts through flooding the track
No houses in site, thank goodness we say and pray that the weather will dry up
Nature will be left to clear up the mess

The inner walls crumble and finally fall
A river of emotion comes tumbling out
It's starts off slow and tumbles and turns, picking up speed as it goes
Churning up emotions until they no longer hold tight
I push and push with all my might
The wall gives way and
Finally the tears they come aplenty and cleanse my face, body and mind
Who's around to clear up my mess?
Out for a walk yesterday and the canal banks had burst, I was stopped in my tracks and had to take another route.  It got me thinking about defence walls both physical and inner more virtual walls

This poem is as a result of that walk, I hope you like
Jackie Mead Mar 2019
Is it true to say that before I loved you, I lived another day?

I am not so sure, when I saw you standing on the shore, time stood still.

The first time I saw you, you wore no shoes on your feet, paddling in the water just a few inches deep.
I was swept away by your ordinariness and could not wait to meet.

You see, they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I beheld you and could think of no other.

You had long dark hair that hung to your shoulders.
When you turned towards me, I met your eyes blue, with a look of smoulder.

You had a tiny waist, curvy hips, and long legs.
I was powerless to ignore you and got down on one knee to beg.

I begged your company, a walk along the shoreline.
During the short walk I determined to make you mine.

We spent a week in each others company.
Night and day proving our love in every way.

We made a promise not to lose touch.
We craved each others closeness and tender touch.

Our last night together I knew what to do.
I got down on one knee to offer my shoe.

My shoe a symbol of the first day we met.
It was a gamble and I hoped I would not lose the bet.

The last forty years have gone by in a flash.
But my beautiful wife awaits and now I must dash.

You see I declare;

Love does indeed come from nothing, first there was nothing, then there was my lovely wife.
No other person has ever had such an impact on my life.
That fateful day, my heart was stolen.
My life fulfilled and blessed with many children
Watching Descendants  with George Clooney on the flight from London to New York and one line in the film inspired this poem.
I hope you enjoy
Jackie Mead Jul 2018
Hi D Raven here again
Remember me, I’m the Vampire people would love to slain.
But 500 years I’ve now had and 500 more I’m destined for.
I’m going to tell you a short tale but be warned it will make your face pale.
So before you turn the page, let me first check your worldly age?
You must of course be twenty one to be included in the fun.
Come children gather closely now, while I stand up and take a bow.
Let the story begin.......

One day whilst at home, cutting chicken off the bone.
In an effort to impress, a lady emporess.
It was getting rather late but after all this was considered a date.
The lady hearing of my good looks, made a phone call and the night was booked.

So here I am all alone, cutting chicken off the bone, when the lights begin to trigger and I hear a womanly voice snigger.
The woman’s voice then says all light and airy, "welcome to your bad fairy".
Thinking I had been set up and someone was playing a trick, again the lights began to flick.
I slowly crept about the room, searching for a weapon, I found a broom.
I waited for the lights to settle just then I heard the whistling of a kettle.
Distracted, I turned around then, I heard another sound, this time it came from the room above, from the Cote where I kept my Pet Dove.

I headed up the stairs steep, to where my Dove I did keep.
I found feathers on the ground, my Dove was nowhere to be found.
My heart was beating out of my chest, until I found my Dove I could not rest.

I ran a few ideas through my mind, trying to forge a plan to find, my Dove.

        MY DOVE, MY DOVE, MY PET  

I ran from room to room, searching high and low but still could not find the Dove that was on my mind.

Returning back to the Kitchen, I found the surfaces all covered in Lichen.
Someone had covered all the surfaces in bright green.
It was a mess like no other I had seen.

Then I heard a womanly giggle and ran towards the sound.
My feet began to slip and slide, I fell to the floor and slid right into the kitchen door.

The woman giggled once again and I wiggled on my belly towards the sound coming from the room with the tele.
What do you think I found?


Sitting on the remote control, turning channels nice and slow.
Hopping from foot to foot, laughing as he does, free from restraints of the Cote above.

What about the green slime, I hear you ask?

Well the Dove had tried a simple task of making some Jelly to eat before the tele.  
It ended up on the floor then I slipped and head butted the door.

I called the Lady Emporess and apologised to her but I had to break our date.
It simply was not within our fate to have this late night date.

Now I am running late for another date, I have a Kitchen to clean, a meal to make and an evening in front of the tele just me my Pet Dove, my best mate.

Well that's all folks for now, I bid you goodnight and take my bow.
Jackie Mead May 2018
Draven – D-Raven is my name
I’m well known of course, I have found fame, I am written of in novels and poetry, everyone knows my name.

Over time I have had many different names Vlad and Dracula the most popular by far.
My face is pale white and from time to time I have gotten in fights, my face shows the scars.

I long to roam on my own but from time to time I gather in a brood, we drink and smoke, jump out on folk and generally get up to no good.

D-Raven, I am also d-riven, see what I did?
I am driven to culture the blood from any Human R.I.P’d.

The Human body must be warm, of course, cold blood just won’t do!
Be careful stay out of my way, the next victim could be you!

I nip the neck with my Fangs, that’s teeth to you, they are particularly long and sharp and pierce right through the skin, to the large artery within, which the blood flows.
Watching the victim go pallid and weak, gives me a very warm glow.

By day I sit high up in the sky in trees and buildings, legs slung over the ledge.
Looking for the next victim, whom to make my pledge.

Watching the Humans down below playing and toiling, making their own pledge, trading their souls for a few pennies more.
To buy food, clothes, shoes, maybe purchase a car.

They do not know I exist amongst them, and I like to keep it that way.
They won’t even know before they die, I never look them in the eye.
From the back I approach, hand around their throat.
It’s only afterwards that I stand back, look at them, take them in and gloat.

Sometimes I see beauty, staring back at me, and I take the time to admire; but mostly I see ugliness and I’m glad they have expired.
If I ever thought that perfection existed, I would quickly exit out of this business.
Alas Humans strive for perfection, but it is not a winning aim, so for now there is no end to my killing game.

I continue to roam this earth, day and night, every now and then I reveal myself, in a prank to cause fright (it’s how I entertain myself).
People see and immediately flee, screaming and running away from me, I chuckle and laugh at the fuss I have caused, it lightens the load that I carry, makes me feel.

Have I said I’m handsome of face, at least so I am told, I am also charming, witty and very bold.
I married once, a lady, I met the same day we wed, our marriage did not get old.
She told a tale of lies to get me in her bed, then my one love, my only desire fell head first into a fire.
I’ll never make that mistake again, single I will stay, no one else to think about, I like it that way.

People assume that I can’t be happy but all I can do is laugh and sigh, then calmly reply “500 years and I want more, I love this business of blood and gore.

Pen and Paper will ensure I exist for all eternity, written into stories and poems that rhyme, my name will change, of course, from time to time.
Essentially it is true, that I am through and through a Vampire, who exists to consume the living, think of it as my way of giving, back to society, maybe you should consider me hired, taking the blood of the less desired.

I long for someone to hold my hand, tell me stories of love and desire, if I found someone who could love me for who I am, I would happily retire.
I would take a home down in the depths below the ground, where the Devil stokes the fire.

For now, though, D-Raven is my name, Vampiring is my game (and I’m quite good at it)
Completes a trilogy, A Vampires Life, Walking on the Darkside and D Raven is my name.
Hope you enjoy
Jackie Mead May 2018
Two lanes traffic, moving oh so slow
Close to home now, not much further to go
Sun still shining bright
Casting it's warmth and beautiful light
Springsteen playing on the radio, boom, boom, boom, boom
Matey in the next lane, wanting extra room
Sun still shining bright
Casting it's warmth and beautiful light
All around the sky is a beautiful bright blue with occasional wisps of pale white
It lifts your heart and mind, makes everything feel right
Sun still shining bright
Casting it's warmth and beautiful light
As I drive, in the distance as far as I can see
Is the beautiful hue of glorious verdant green trees
Sun still shining bright
Casting it's warmth and beautiful light
Dip down the hill to the bridge that crosses the canal
Nearly home now, the rest of the journey is a bit more banal
Sun still shining bright
Casting it's warmth and beautiful light
Home now, walk in the door
Hubby hands a glass of wine
Sat in the garden, relaxing, recline
Who could ask for anything more
Sun still shining bright
Casting it's warmth and beautiful light
7pm and the Sun has finally gone for another day
Let's hope tomorrow it can come back out to play
This was last nights drive home, tonight, greyer and colder, got to live nature :)
Jackie Mead Aug 2018
The River Exe flexes and flows, as the water meanders sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

It opens it's arms and stretches wide, wriggles its toes and opens it's eyes, to greet a brand new day.

It glistens and gleams on a bright sunny day as it tumbles slowly from A to B, everyone smiling at how it flows so freely, making them stop and take some time, helping them find peace, become free of mind.

On an overcast day it appears angry and dark, it sounds so loud, like thunder it roars, making each of us aware of its presence, it can bring down trees and power cables, making us feel very unstable.

The rains fall heavy and the River Table rises, we have done our maths there are no surprises, we have built Canals, Reservoirs and Weirs to contain the extra additional fallen rain.

Still this may not be enough, the River Bank is Mr Tough, it will burst it's banks without a care, leaving us in it's wake, no prisoners it will take.

But the path it flows is lucious and green, it's a beautiful spot very serene, birds and fish swim in its waters, flowers and trees grow by it's side, adults and children play in kayaks and canoes, it's somewhere to go where there are lots of things to do.

As the River Exe Ebbs and Flows sometimes fast and sometimes slow, mimicking the pace of life, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, we all need a place to go, where we can feel peace of mind, relax, sitback and unwind - where do you go to find your peace of mind?
Jackie Mead Jan 2018
There was a handsome man named Elvis
Who had a wriggly pelvis
He shook, rattled and rolled and lo and behold
The man with loose hips became famous
Big Elvis fan, on way to Memphis tomorrow 4 nights at Gracelands on 8th January and then onto New Orleans, sooooo excited
Jackie Mead Apr 2018
Running high today
A funeral today
Two years not gone by yet
Still raw
Missing you
Memories invading, taking over
Wanting a hug
Wanting you to pick up the phone and say "" hi smee"
Missing you today and every day
Just for this website. Where I know I'm amongst friends x
Jackie Mead Mar 2018
Your are mine sweet friend
And only mine to the bitter end

I have loved you all my days
Through darkness and hazy days

I have loved you with all my heart
Till the end, from the very start

I have loved you with all my soul
Once I hooked you, i vowed never to let you go

I have loved you with all the blood in my veins
At times your love is the only thing, that's kept me sane

I have loved you from the tip of my head to my toes
The warmth of your touch, gives me an ethereal glow

I have loved you as well as anyone could do
I did all of that and I did it for you

I would not have had it any other way
I'm glad your my lover, my husband and friend
Together forever until the very end
My husband and I are married 36 years on Tuesday, couldn't imagine loving anyone else.
Jackie Mead Nov 2018
Autumnal colours vibrant and strong.
Framing the Landscape, broad and long.
Trees of different type and colour.
Various combinations to discover.
Leaves of Red, Orange, Yellow, Brown and Green.
Combining to create a wonderfully, warming scene.
Deciduous trees, shedding their leaves.
Decorating the floor, treasures left for children to explore.
The days darken, the heat lessens, the wind and rain set in.
This can only mean one thing,  Winter is keen to begin.
Jackie Mead Aug 2017
Eyes to the left
Eyes to the right
Looking to read you with all their might
Looking deep under your skin
Studying to work out where you begin

Eyes to the left
Eyes to the right
Learning your inner secrets and keeping them tight
Learning how you think; with the slightest nod, wink, and blink.

Eyes to the left
Eyes to the right
Looking deep through to your soul
Reflecting the feelings of your inner portal

Eyes to the left
Eyes to the right
Never letting you out of their sight
With you to the very end, keeping your secrets like your very best friend
inspired by street art
Jackie Mead Jul 2017
Eyes Wide Open, I stand and stare
Looking around, being there
What is that I do declare
It's a big wide world for all to share

Eyes Wide Open, I stand and stare
I am present whilst you are there
Do you see me when I see thee?
Do you stand and stare because I am there?

Eyes Wide Open, I stand and stare
You look like someone I used to know
Do I move forward or shall I go?
Shall I turn and say hello?

Eyes Wide Open, I stand and stare
Do I belong with you there?
Do I have a future here?
Shall I stay or should I fear?

Eyes Wide Open, I stand and stare
Looking around at all that's here
I'm glad I stayed and worked it out
I no longer fear what's about

Eyes Wide Open, I stand and stare
Looking around, being there
What is that I do declare
It's a big wide world I no longer fear
Jackie Mead Jun 2020
As I walk a meandering path
Through woodlands thoughts running through my mind.
This is my time,  to reflect, think, smile even laugh.
Halfway to home, down a small trail; I spy a circle of stones.
They appear to be hidden beneath a pile of leaves, under a big oak tree.
And I begin to wonder is this where a family of fairies live.

By day, you may not see them whilst you are walking.
The fairies keep themselves hidden from sight and you would not hear them talking.
But when the sun goes in and the moon comes out; myth has it the fairies play by the pale moon light.

I waited patiently until light turned to darkness.
I was rewarded as I witnessed the most spectacular show;
hidden from view, the fairies did not know.
Three fairies in total, all in sparkly fairy dresses;
their hair fell down their backs in long, tumbling tresses.
The fairies had glorious wings, painted the brightest of colours.
I heard them say their names were Darling, Petunia and Honour.
The eldest one I heard call Darling she had a beautiful voice; you should have heard her sing.
The fairy called Petunia was the pale faced beauty of Exetonia.
Finally, Honour appeared a tomboy with short hair and plenty of dirt on her.

All three of them were very tiny as one would expect.
Can you imagine if I told you they were no bigger than a *******?
I watched as they sat in a circle, legs crossed, whispering and giggling.
Then suddenly they clapped their heels,  flapped their wings, and took off to the skies.
The three fairies flew so high, suddenly to my eye they looked like three dragonflies.
They glided and swooped, they dived and hovered.
They flew under branches and over treetops.
They raced each other, 1,2,3 go.
Petunia I think was the youngest and she was quite slow.
The fairies continued flying until the moon went in and the sun came out.
Then they flew down to the ground and went back to their home.
Under the leaves, in a circle of stone.

Now when I am out walking.
And a dragonfly flutters by.
I wonder if this is really Darling, Petunia  or Honour.
I wonder if the fairies, knew that I had spied upon their manor.

The next time a dragonfly passes you by just give a little wave and say hi – you never know it may be one of the fairies or indeed all three.
On a walk in Woodlands  I saw a fairy garden and it got me thinking.
Hope you enjoy.
Jackie Mead Sep 2019
In New England, a sight; like no other
Created by Natures very own Mother
A sight so dazzling, brightening the Autumnal skies
Creating a pleasurable scene, delighting our eyes
Leaves of many varieties, of strong and vibrant colours
Turning from Green to Yellow, Orange, Red and Brown
Before they slip form the branches and
Laying a coat of many colours down
For us to walk, jump, and run through, upon the ground
Jackie Mead Jun 2022
A day of joy.
We see our children, girls and boys.
They bring our grandchildren and we get out the toys.
Love and laughter fills the room.
Then when everyone's gone, my spirits descend into gloom.
There is just one person missing, and that is my dad.
One special person I miss every day but the worst time of all is Father's Day.

Happy Fathers Day, Joe, wherever you are. ❤️
Still difficult, 6 years later.
Jackie Mead Jun 2018
Its Fathers Day and everyone is celebrating
Fathers receiving pressies from their kin
Fathers being taken to lunch, menus that have them salivating
Fathers cards lovingly written and given

This year it has hit me hard noone to buy a present or card
The cards have been in stores for a few weeks
They call me to them and I start to seek
Then I remember my Dads no longer here
Noone to wish Happy Fathers day cheer

My Dad, was fun, loving and kind
My Dad was intelligent of mind
My Dad was sporting, table tennis, football and cricket  
My Dad was this girls winning ticket
My Dad loved classics, music and books
My Dad had film star good looks
My Dad was my best friend and I loved him to the very end

So instead of a card or a pressie, this year
I will lift a glass of alcohol cheer
Raise my glass and thank the universe for my Dad
He was the best a girl ever had

Dads are a special gift to cherish all year
So raise your glasses and ring out the cheers
Happy Fathers Day to all Dads including those no longer here.
It has been 2 years but this year has been particularly hard, I keep seeing cards and presents in all the shops and then remember I don't have anyone to buy for, it's hard.
Jackie Mead Jun 2022
The sound of the sea, a thunderous roar, as it crashes and breaks upon the shore.

The wave has travelled from afar, tossing and turning, gathering speed.
Unaware it will be the cause of a feeding frenzy.

Sat on the beach, enjoying the sun, children playing, having fun.
Above all other noise, a loud squawking can be heard, this, the sound of the Seagull bird.

High in numbers, flying high in the sky, they hover, occasionally they swoop and dive, excited for the crest of the wave, with each rise.

Within the foam, a treasure is found, small fishes are the feast of kings for this scavenging bird.

I sit on the beach enjoying the sun, and all around a feeding frenzy has begun.
The gulls feast on their fishes and children feast on ice cream, both meals considered fit for kings and queens.
Jackie Mead Apr 2018
Comes in many disguises
For some it's hard to find
It often leaves before one realises
And sometimes it is left behind

Has different meanings to some
To me it is very clear
To some it is the Freedom to explore and roam
To me Freedom of speech is dear

Should be everyone's right
Though it often is denied
Everyone should be free to live without fear or fright
Freedom is a precious commodity which should be everyone's pride

Can be brutally taken
Governments are often the cause
It leaves the mind devastated and clearly shaken
Governments should rethink their  clauses and rewrite the laws

To ensure that everyone has the Freedom they had at birth
The Freedom they were born with upon this earth
Jackie Mead Apr 2018
Saying No is a right
You shouldn't have to put up a fight
Your eight years old you have the right to run in the sun, play in the park, ride on a bike, climb a tree, fall and scrape your knee, drink coca cola, eat pizza, play games with your friends, learn to swim, collect shells on the beach, reach for the stars they shouldn't be out of reach.

At eight years old you should not know ****
At eight years old you should not be murdered
You should still be loved and cherished and running carefree
A child not a political pawn, what has humanity spawned.

India is getting the blame for it was there that little Asifa, lost her flame.

The reasons for this happening is not entirely clear.
But let's not pretend that bad
things don't happen here

We have a duty to our young ones, to watch them very close.
Protect them the best we can, and if we see bad things happening help them to make a stand.
Jackie Mead Nov 2017
Choose your friends and hold them tight
Squeeze them, hug them, with all your might
Appreciate them, confide in them, don't let them go, encourage them to stretch and grow
They will be there still when others have retreated, the best friends are those that remain seated.

One day you will truly see how good Friendships can truly be
When your feeling lost and down, searching for something to replace your frown
Reach for your closest of Friends, a bottle of wine and some chips and dips, let the gossip flow free from your lips

Diss the trends of today, Big up your assets and that of your friends, whilst eating chocolate and giggling silly, you will begin to see the world much differently

By the end of the evening, laughing and wheezing you will see how truly amazing Friendships can be.

Give your best friend a hug today
Friendship, i am lucky to have known my best friend for 40 years and we know each other inside out
Jackie Mead Jul 2017
04 July 2017

Frustration is a curious thing.
Really it is absurd.
Underneath the layers, it lurks
Striking when your at your lowest
Taking over when your not paying attention
Reaching past your barriers and invading your emotions
Attacking from within
Torturing you in everything you do.
Insisting that you keep failing but yet that you keep trying
Owning your actions
Needing the frustration to progress past the obstacle

As I say Frustration is a curious thing, you can't live without you can only get better with.
I've spent the last 4 weeks recovering from a road traffic accident, I feel I know frustration well.
Jackie Mead Mar 2018
Oh no I hear you cry
Is it contagious just walk on by
I can't imagine how it must be
To have to eat my food Gluten Free

It must be horrid, it can't taste nice
Do you live by just eating rice
I think i'll give it a miss if you don't mind
I like my bread as you see not made with Xantham as its Gluten Free

So keep your GF and I'll raise you some wheat
Here have some wholemeal bread it's my treat
How about some pasta with sauce let's put you to the test, I'll just add some spice or lemon zest
I bet its not real, she won't be able to tell
It surely won't harm her if I make hers the same as mine

Oh dear why are you in such pain, I felt sure you wouldn't notice when I put you to the test
I'm very sorry my lovely I'm sure it will soon pass by
Next time we'll eat GF when you next come by

In the meantime let's raise a glass of cheer I bought your favourite glass of beer
This is my dearest friend and neighbour she means we'll but can't understand the meaning/ idea of eating GF. I've recently developed an intolerance and eating GF really does help for me it's now a lifestyle, she'll get used to it eventually
Jackie Mead Mar 2019
He runs, he jumps
He splishes and he splashes
He falls, he looks up
He smiles and he rolls
He is Granny's brave little soul
He gets to his feet
He rinses and repeats
He runs, he jumps
He splishes and he splashes
My 2 and a half grandson makes me smile
Jackie Mead Oct 2017
Is back..
It gives you a smile a mile wide to see Gypsy John is back

Gypsy John with cart, horse and dog by his side
People call from far and wide to deliver parcels of food for Gypsy John and his crew.

Gypsy John sets up camp in the middle of the road, on what's called a roundabout.

Gypsy John is getting old and sits around a camp fire to warm his cold bones and cook his food.

Gypsy John does not like favours and takes his food begrudgingly, instead he will work all day for his pay, locals find him work indoors.

When one cold winter came, locals crowd funded to buy him a new cart, his horse was retired as very old, £12000 was raised to keep Gypsy John and his animals well.

Gypsy John comes with the change of season as summer turns to fall.
Gypsy John is a reminder and reason to us all to keep going work hard and live long.

Long live Gypsy John.
More a story than a poem, all true gypsy John is a legend around these parts and it warms your heart to see him every year.
Jackie Mead Jul 2019
Secreted behind these four walls
Palace under siege
Is it death or freedom for me?
to compliment Old Fashioned Sanctuary
Jackie Mead Jun 2018
Oh what a scene
Cricket being played on a field of green
Eleven players per team all dressed in whites
What a fabulous, glorious sight
Bowlers bowl, Batsmen bat
Umpires keep the score, was he out, "howzat"
Bowlers aim not too high, not too low
Bowlers bowl not too fast and not too slow
Batsmen notching up the runs
Receiving the ball at full speed, hitting the ball to the boundary for a four
If their lucky they will hit it for six, over the boundary bar
A coin is tossed for who bats first, the losing team defending
Six ***** per over, 50 overs per inning
Who scores the most is the team that is winning
A few rules to abide
Keep your leg to the side, dont get caught leg before wicket
Bowlers of pace, try to keep the ball away from the batsmans face
If you are caught out before you score, a duck will appear on the scoreboard
A century is of course one hundred runs, simply known as a ton
Then comes a break for afternoon tea, sandwiches and cakes all freshly baked
The second team step up to the mark
For this typically English game in the park
Families attend from far and wide to watch the battles of the two cricket sides
Battling it out on a field of green, halcyon days continuing
Inspired by tonight's evening walk, field full of cricketers, Love cricket, it is so typically English, the only game I know that supplies an afternoon tea of cakes, quiche, sandwiches, teas and coffee for the players as well as spectators, brings back very happy memories.
Jackie Mead Apr 2018
We walk hand-in-hand
Across the beautiful soft sand
The silence is comforting, our love is deafening
We don't say a word, there's nothing to be heard
We walk hand-in-hand
Across the beautiful soft sand
I had a wobble of confidence when I thought the poem was not good enough and deleted it.
Thank you Khaliyah Keedah and TSPoetry for liking it as it was, I've put it back up again now
Jackie Mead Jun 2018
Eyes bright
Heart drumming
Walking light
Fingers strumming

Mouth smiling
Hair gleaming
Looks striking
Demeanor pleasing

Muscles loosen
Nails trim
Skin translucent
Confidence brim

Long legs, striding long
Whistling your favourite tune
Head held high, showing you belong
Walking at night, by the light of the moon

Hand in each others hand
Walking, talking, laughing,
Together as you walk across the sand
Kissing, smooching, dancing
Jackie Mead Dec 2018
Happy New Year to you all.
May your dreams and wishes come true, for each and everyone of you.

May your family roll in a wealth of happiness.
May you shine your light and let love in.
May you flourish in all you strive to do.
May 2019 be good to you.

Say goodbye to 2018.
It was mostly good and not too mean.
It was one of the better, recent one, that has been.

So raise your glasses and with me give cheers and thanks for another, coming, year.

Happy 2019
Happy New Year everyone, i hope you and your families are blessed with a good one.
Jackie Mead Jan 2018
Happy New Year to one and all as we wait to see how the cards fall
Our journey begins for 365 days, make sure you connect the dots along the way
Each day is a page for you to write your story
Let your dreams unfold in all their glory
So Poets I cannot wait to read what you Pen individually.
There remains only one thing left to say
Happy New Year, Happy 365 days.

Let's write **
Next page