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  Aug 2014 Twinkle
Amitav Radiance
Minds infested with lies
There is no reason to start a conversation
Every word a figment of sinister plan
Heady cocktail inebriating the sane mind
Muddled heart and mind in a state of stupor
Reasons not enough to not believe the unreasonable
Twinkle Aug 2014
Why am I sad?
Why am I bad?
Why does depression
bite off my head

Every ponder to wonder
Some days are bright
Some days are dark
If its not cyclic and then
tell me what I lack.

I want to stop my enemy
Dead in his tracks
A foe so deadly
I could have lost my life
Why should I give up
On his altar of shame
Why am I victim of his
depressing game

So I thought I'd dig deeper
Play my enemy at his game
Get the tactical advantage
While the sun still shines
For sooner will it it set
Then he's made my mind.

When he's inside my head
I can't think
A simple, fun loving person
Runs to the shrink.
So get going when he's far off
I got the advantage now to stop.

So I got down to doing what I do best
Looking for information on the internet
From all what I've gathered
I thought I'd share
Friends it's not so easy, the world is bare!

It began with ruthless lifestyles
The throwing away of values
The desecration of sacraments held so pure
Families in ruin, children in shambles
Sensitive young minds, had no supply
But to seek out love or run on empty

You see I've dug and found gold
But it's not a gold I'd like to behold
For in it I see a mirror of the world's ills
Fallen on young and innocent wills

I'd could go on and it'd never be over
But the crux of the matter is what needs to be told
My friend, the world's running on empty
Each one needs to find his/her worth
But there's nothing left in society
That'll made you feel worthy

This vicious cycle needs to be broken
The Master of lies, is seeking his victims deep
His hatred planted in broken minds
His sword has struck steep.
His rage bellowing, that know no bounds
Cut and destroy before his victim can flound

It runs from generations to generations
And is labelled hereditary
But friends, hatred beget hatred
There's no rocket science in it to detect
The genius liar, spurious angel of light
Knows, what it takes to make men fall.

If ever by chance, his victims learn to love or forgive
His vicious cycle will be broken and the cage set free
Then all his victims with love will see.
That the world is beautiful,
when each one loves thee.

Give away of yourself free,
learn to heal and forgive
And change your destiny.
Stop the growelling on empty,
pick up the mantle of care
Adorn it your best and accept your test

Say to yourself, what's happened is in the past.
I forgive and choose to live,
cause I cannot change what's lost.
Stop the hurting and make your peace.
Stop the enemy in his tracks.
He's never given you worth
All his tricks and ploy,
All the lies and games
will only succeed in bring you shame.
Look not for worth in un-fulfilling things
The empty promises are not his to keep.
Look inside your heart where the well of love overflows
Open it wider, let it glow and grow.
So full and majestic and reaching high
Till it sweeps us all in it's tide.

So the lesson is out there for you and me
*Love one another and I've Loved you..
Recently I found out that what we are is deeply dictated by our experiences.
  Aug 2014 Twinkle
purple orchid
White paint peels off to leave the walls bare,
naked and exposed to
Much like her soul.
Starved of love and affection,
accepted but not wanted.
The sun casts her shadows on those
she frowns upon,
leaving winding roads to spiral out of control.
Time shifts her world from
it's axis as it progresses,
it doesn't heal,
it doesn't lessen,
It just is.
Echoes of your voice ricochets
to find her heart,
carrying the exact weight they
did the second they fled your tongue,
never shedding an ounce of momentum

"The waves of pain
that had only lapped at her
before now
reared up high and pulled her under .."
  Aug 2014 Twinkle
eunsung aka Silas
divine creator, I thirst after you
because I have known the dryness of
trying to fill my thirst with worldly clamors

my thirsty soul cannot be filled with liquid spirits,
but by the life flowing and giving Spirit

help me lord to see clearly
and to love you more deeply,
so my love of you is not only in thought or
empty words.

help me to be honest and see that my
love is lacking when I hate even one
of your many children,
including myself

may your outpouring love
begin in me, so I may
share your life giving water
with those still
My heart was filled with desire to open my heart a little more, and then this prayer/poem took form.
Twinkle Aug 2014
I hear His voice in the stillness of the night.
I feel His love like a blanket thick.
Warm and caring
Like the brightest sun
Like the coolest breeze
His love so tender so pure
So unassuming

He knows your deepest fears
He knows your darkest thoughts
He knows your story and all the gory
He knows why you are you.

Yet He judges not
Son of God who loves you like crazy
Has only stars in His eyes
When He looks at His beloved lady$.
His love the same
Never changing and fading
His hands stretched wide
Arms welcoming.
Never closed and accusing.

Look people of the world
Like a passionate lover
With LOVE brimming over.
Yearning and searing, like you do for another
He waits..
His unwavering love
An answer to all above
Your grief and pain
Will never be over
But they will be sweeter
He assures
Cause His love will bear the sting
When His hand your holding.
Joy abounds
Tears cease
Griefs gone
The dark night lasts no longer
The blanket is lifted
You only need to walk further
To meet your Lord and Saviour.

*(He loves everyone)
After a long long time...I woke up to this and wrote.
Twinkle Aug 2014
Is God around us
Is he external
Can he feel for me when he is outside of me?
That answers it.
No He is not around us?
No He is not an outsider
He is within us.
Deep inside us
One with us.

Because when we close our eyes
And shut out the world
When we shut out the din
And hear that inner voice
It is HIM
It is home coming.
I hear his voice in the stillness of the night. I feel his love like a blanket thick.
  Aug 2014 Twinkle
Amitav Radiance
Life is worthwhile when you see the sunrise
Listening to the chirpy birds making merry
Glinting dewdrops are nature’s solitaire
Pirouetting on the edges with nimble feet
Sun rays kissing life into all the half sleepy heart
Waking up to the fresh aroma of pristine dawn
Walking on bare grass to get a strong foothold
Feeling one with nature embracing me tight
It’s a symphony of the grandest orchestra
Starting our day with a pledge in our heart
In making this day all the more worthwhile
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