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 Feb 2017 Diamond
How come when I know that it'll just hurt, I keep on laughing?

How come when I know it will be only a painful memory for me, but keep on smiling?

How come when I know that you will never love me back, I keep on loving you?

Why do I keep on smearing that fake grin on my face, when I know it's not real?

Goofy me and my goofy acts.

Sad. Despair. Pain. Misery. Tears. Cries. Scars. Anger. Broken.

But I keep on laughing.

hahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahha people laughing is good for your health!!! hahhahahahahahhahaahmerrychristmashahhahahaha(that was random)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Feb 2017 Diamond
No shining star in the distant sky
Nor headlight glaring in your eye
Or a firework after it learns to fly
Can compare to the light in a man's heart
When he kisses his girl for the first time
 Feb 2017 Diamond
 Feb 2017 Diamond
I am drawn apart
Cut in half
Like the sea
Both the color
And the overcast
Reside in me
But do not think
For a second
That they are
The same in me
For they are separate
And aside
On the other side
O*f the other me
Separate, part, whole, inside
 Feb 2017 Diamond
 Feb 2017 Diamond
I'd give all i have
I'd give all i am, all my life and another and then more to be
Where i want to be
Whether it be with her
Whether it be where my mind is sound enough to silence the offbeat of my heart
Whether it be right here
Where i want to be is where i appreciate the moment with all i am
where i want to be is not where i am
I'm in a good place.

NB:terrible realisation, because everything was a lie.
 Feb 2017 Diamond
With a voice, so silent
She screams
Only hearing
To Celebrate the new year. Here's a new poem.
My book "The Dark, Poetic March" Is finally available!
(Can't post links)
on Amazon and Creatspace
 Feb 2017 Diamond
Ellie Belanger
I know your heart,
Only if it is like mine.
And if it is I know your hurt.
I know you hurt for others.
I know you hurt for things untouchable
But that can be felt by all.
You yearn for betterness.
Know of its existence by the dance inside your bones
And the song inside your soul.
And this world is a bad world
For the ones that feel
And think the way we do.
But it isn't time for hatred,
Because hatred has no room for goodness.
Remain vigilant not only in thought
But in action
Love is not the act of ignoring violence,
Bigotry, sexism, war
Love is the act of overcoming.
We shall overcome.
 Feb 2017 Diamond
Ellie Belanger
If I cut you from my life
Like an image from a family photograph
Your absence would still exist
But it would lose your features
Make you into empty space

As nameless and yet as true as the heart
Which beats wildly inside me
As I imagine a new, strange lover's eyes
Meeting mine for the first time

And how
as we share our first drinks,
He'll ask me about you
And I won't remember the words I once said
To describe you
Because how do you explain something
That isn't there
 Jan 2017 Diamond
Brent Kincaid
I want to be where people love each other
Where trust is the way things are.
I want to practice everything I preach;
Learn to love folks for who they are.
I want to get up and be very glad I’m here
That I have food and clothes and shoes.
I want to sing praises for the life I lead
And to replace everything I use.

I want to see all the people that I know
And let them know I cherish all of them.
I want to consider thoroughly before I speak
And not insist people follow my whims.
I want to hear all the music the world plays
And sing along when I know the words.
I want to share with the people I know
Every helpful thing I've ever heard.

I want to laugh every day and not be sad
Unless some poor soul I know is hurt.
I want to contribute to make things better
Even if in the end I lose my shirt.
I want to be strong enough to speak up
If someone is trying to tell lies
To take things from those that own
And the victims don’t even realize.

I’m going to raise my voice and celebrate
When the downtrodden manages to win.
I will applaud and shout “Good for you!”
If they trip, say “Get up and try again!”
I want a world when money is not
The final word in every dispute.
I want to know there is no one who says,
“You must do what I say or I’ill shoot!
 Jan 2017 Diamond
Ouch. It hurts. A scar.
A scar deep in my heart. It stretches from the left to right, all the way around.
It's not on my skin, then why does it hurt? Like some one is pushing a knife through my heart. Like it's ripping apart.
Ow. Ow. There it goes again.
Ouch. That hurts. It hurts a lot.

So Stop it.
Because that's mean.
ow ow ow i cut my hand owowoowwowie
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