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Summer chauvinist,

autumnal aspirations

moments warmest

Present celebrations

No supremacy

Only admirations

No constant lies

oft healthy life

Love exists

If our heart insists.

© Sylvia Frances Chan
Copyright Protected
AD. Wednesday the 17th January 2018.
@ 18.41 hrs P.M. West-European Time
Stanzas a few times read  
and I must tell you I have become a tad sad

I regard it is as if you are talking to God
and you are ****** correct on the right spot

I know you uttering the most devotional prolific prayer
retrieving tranquillity balm of a blissful joy.
you are gracious and humbling in your devotion
you exhaled fresh divine air in our community.

Your stanzas are a great pleasurable read
and the Blessings in Abundance be upon us all

thank you so much that I may be here to see you praying
to make my dreams come true and be forgiving
I do hope you would follow too,
then happiness would come to us so true

in creating this sweet reality nowhere but
now here….

© Sylvia Frances Chan
Copyright Protected
AD. Wednesday the 17th of January 2018.
@ 21.45 hrs.P.M. West-European Time
Being born, you are just there
constantly crying for eating, or for everything in the air
you are constantly loved and cared for,
but you do not need to do the self

being in life, you have grown a lot, gained a bit
earning money, traveling to everywhere, talking bulsh-t
making you wealthy and famous a bit
but at a certain point in life you have to stop, just drop it.

mine poetry I love so much is of all kind
you may like it, love it all this bulsh-t
you may stop reading if too lengthy, just stop it
or pause a while,
then at any momentum, you may rewind
all the words that you have in mind
yeah, mine poetry is of this kind
adorable, many minuses and yet sublime

how simple the words, is oft thought-provoking
thinking about those words causes mind aching
mine poetry is for pleasure to treasure
and never for heartbreaking

who says if I say simple words
that you regard them simple too, that´s absurd
since these simple words in mine poetry
are seldom a brevity but oft a lengthy
lengthy makes most thought-provoking
added,  some with a wit and some with a tragedy
© Sylvia Frances Chan
Copyright Protected

AD. Friday 22nd December 2017@
@ 8.54 hrs A.M. W.E.Time
It flies amongst the stars.
Flashes for a moment.
Despite the left scars.
Holds a place close, yet far.

It carries the fallen.
From mistaken paths.
To reaches impossible.
And develops new plans.

It creates new countries.
Raises dead soldiers.
Stamps unsung heroes.
With a feeling of free.

Hear its silent sound.
Open up your eyes.
Place it in your heart.
Elevate from the ground.

It helps us climb.
Better than rope.
Do you see its shape?
It is hope.
The tree of hearts
Branching out love
A colour red ,deep
One mine and one yours to keep

Together all hearts
A Beautiful piece of art
In the faith of love
We all live and reap

The tree of love
Nourished and replenished
Stands tall, evergreen
Rooted deep
Wrote this for a dear friend , she is an artist
Shared her paper craft photo ,suggested I write something.
Gently you patted my cheek,
with a tenderness piquant,
not  known hitherto to us both.
Those quivering long fingers
exude motherliness,I miss ever after,
my mom has gone to her last pilgrimage,
And I crave for at moments of pain intense.

From the layers of memory darkened
by distance,I recover that feeling,
to place you instantly at a level higher,
than that of a sultry lover to whom
desire than anything higher binds together.

In to my lackluster eyes, you peer,
see the ineptly hidden drop of tear,
in the corner shivering plaintively
before rolling down to lose forever,
it's in the memory of my mother,
who rhythmically tapped my back,
led me to the cozy cloud of sleep,
when outside raged the rain storm,
I now gather, to a women I owe
when, time after time she takes
another avatar, of my mother,
momentarily, at times,when earth slips,
from under the feet
                         You did see the storm raging
inside and the child looking for solace.

You hold me close to your *****,
and I travel to a world gone by again
even when wolves howl refusing to sleep.
and let me doze off to wake up in another world!
Up on a bright bloom,
a transparent dragon fly.
Live cosmic pulses, this!
In and out
Like the glittering tide
Of an endless aqua ocean
Rolling into the beaches side
Kissing the salty sands
With a quietly familiar sound
Slowly and softly retreating back
When relief is found

In and out
This is how I know I'm alive
The feeling of the mountain top
Soaring on a glorious high
As the sun sets bright
In the willingness of my eyes
I live only for this moment
"I'm alive" I breathlessly cry

In and out
Panic setting sail
Rasping at great speed
Silently I start to wail
Torturously out of control
Every second is a million years
Stuck in this icey cave
Filled with all my deepest fears
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