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Em 17h
what a blessing for a writer,
to suffer.

adds validity,
better to speak
from experience
than imagination.
see, fiction writers
write to escape.
us poets?
we write
to release.

ink allows us
to bleed
perfect plain paper pages,
our true canvas.
a ‘healthier’
to bleed.

it’s because
they don’t see
the wounds words leave.
never experienced
that punch to the
gut, i’m sure,

does that make them lucky?
i’m unsure.
perhaps it suggests
they’ve never
been that
as to where words
are their only friends.
on the other hand,
they’ve never known
the pure
that is
sweet, sour

those of us
that have experienced
we long to feel it
so we write,
to understand ourselves,
and hopefully,
help others do the same.
i couldn't really sleep when i was in your arms. for a moment, i don't want sunrise to be the first witness of your departure, and your shadow will soon chase after you. i can't plead your ghost to stay and keep the bed haunted. i will wake up with all the familiar feelings all at once and alone, and this runs like a clockwork.

you told me to count sheep in my head, so i count:
count how many sleepless sighs we have had in a week.
count how many sleepy mornings we have taken for granted.
when you are taking count,
have we made it count?"
A poet doesn't lift their pen daily,
It's better to write nothing,
Than force something out.

As well for the fact,
Some things are best left unsaid,
This world is a rocky streambed.
Sometimes you just gotta put the pen down and try again tomorrow.
I've got a real honker,
Of a vocabulary.
Many ****** words,
Hairy statements,
Merry installations.
Whacking through words,
Like it's chopping wood.
She wants to read my personals,
The ones I don't ever post.
All the dusty notebooks,
All the hard years and burning memories.
You can read them bb,
But only if you are ready,
To learn history hurts.
Piles of pocketbooks locked away in a wooden chest.  Each cover sealed by tears
In my left ear,
Mozart on two times speed,
In my right,
The full Bible read in Chinese.
The strange writers in my mind,
Will take inspiration from anything.
So here is a sentiment in Chinese
heard she met a boy with eyes determined like a man.
messy quiff hair, warm fuzzy feelings like a snuggly bear.
soft like her lips, hard like his will.
twin water signs, as if stars aligned.

heard he read her off like an open book,
along the line, somewhere between the lines,
he always knows where she places a piece of herself,
every nook and cranny, familiar traces like the back of her hand.

now there they go,
the faith she would carry and the book he would marry,
becomes the last greatest tale that is now theirs,
to write and tell,

and for me to read.
Who invited the instigators?
I didn't,
Did you?
They don't work,
They don't write,
Unless it's a comment made out of spite.
Social medias were built to throw around blame,
If you like spreading rumors, may I suggest Facebook?
Wherever you do it,
Don't do it here,
You're one poem,
Can't be a line attacking people you've never met.
I'm sick of all the strays,
If you come here, come for art,
Come to write.
I am so sick of all the random no post accounts leaving angry untrue comments on posts, just stop you're not getting anywhere with this.
I just found out,
Hp lost a good one today.
Their account is a 404,
Page not found.
It was all good work,
Until it was all gone.
This one's for Billy, dunno what happened but I loved his work.
How do I beat writers block?
How do I scale a wall,
Google won't give me answers at all.

How do I fix a broken star?
How do I mend a shattered dream,
Is the answer hidden in the stream?
Suffering writer's block rn
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