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Issan Op Sep 2016
As the world rotates around our star,

We constantly forget who we all are.

we mask our bodies in plants and rocks

we blanket our minds in lights and thoughts.

to exclude out feelings-

from the desperate days

we smother our lungs with chemical haze.

thoughtful healing.

wishful thinking.

tears fall from these human eyes,

smiles form with the muscles on this face,

carved into the blood filled clay.

sculptural ideation

manifested by the soul

that swarms around itself

that covers this plane

that is the air between us all.

craving happiness

one experiences sadness.

craving fulfillment

one experiences emptiness.

craving communion

one experiences solidarity.

and while craving life

one experiences death.

black and white

both equally as beautiful,

but duality causes anguish

when one fails to view the singularity,

one ultimately causes

ones own distress

“I AM the monarch of all I survey” a great poet once said.
Àŧùl May 2016
Shakespeare, I know not who he is.
But they term him one of the greatest,
They say he was a poet & a playwright.

William, I surely know of him not.
But they often name him the greatest,
He was a poet Stratford-upon-Avon born.

Anne Hathaway, was elder to him.
But still they both exchanged vows,
They say she was over 7 years older.

Hathaway, she had even outlived him.
But I wonder how she survived alone,
They say she had three kids from him.

I think the love for the remaining two kids kept her alive.
My HP Poem #1074
©Atul Kaushal
Ginelle Feb 2016
when i looked into those marvellous, brown eyes
i didn't see that shade of glittering brown;
i saw millions of tiny galaxies
and maybe that's why i adored you so much,
i saw the universe in your eyes
sometimes i think i'm over him.. sometimes i realize i'm not.
Peter Balkus Oct 2015
James Bond is cool
but I'm not sure
the armed guy should be the one
to rule,
to save a belle
from hell.

A man with a gun - it could be anyone,
not only Bond.
But guns are wrong,
and we all know, it won't
make world a better place, oh no.
Violence is not the way.

I'd like to see Prince William as James Bond,
with bunch of flowers in his hands,
instead of gun.
That would be fun.

And Duchess Kate
as real Bond's girl,
always a smile away from her man.

That would be great.
deeplyhollowed Jul 2015
Out of the night that covers me,
      Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
      For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
      I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
      My head is ******, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
      Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
      Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
      How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
      I am the captain of my soul.
One of my favorites! Fell in love with this poem when I was in high school.
Tark Wain Jul 2015
Do you realize how badly I want to be you
how I would **** to be in your position?
to have the responsibilities
that you are so quick to ignore
you are destined, you are divine
you are the chosen one!
a prophecy passed down for centuries
proclaims you to be a demi-god
and you want to **** that all away
you want to run from all of that
and why? because you think you're not good enough?
i'll say it
but here you have a chance to do something
something great and necessary.

I would **** to be you.
Tark Wain Jul 2015
He asks of something great from me
but why me
why have I been chosen?
I am not a great warrior
I do not aspire to be a leader of men
I will follow his path
but if I don't follow him wholeheartedly
will he abandon me when I need him most?
Cori MacNaughton Jun 2015
Bonnie, Bonnie Burning Bright
Patrols the wilds of her yard
Where frogs and lizards live in fear
And fearsome squirrels must ever guard

They shrink from Clydesdale for her size
Though Bonnie is the faster
Perceiving her as less a threat
Unknowing, court disaster

When Bonnie gives in to the chase
A shining blur of black and white
Yet in the sun stretched eyes half-closed
Seems farthest possible from flight

For Bonnie's vices stem entire
From being fully cat
As clearly all her virtues do
And Clydesdale's too, at that

My Bonnie is my wayward child
My friend belonging not to me
For even purring in my lap
Her tyger soul is wild and free

My nod to William Blake, in the form of an homage to my favorite among his poems.
I have read this poem in public on numerous occasions and it first appeared in print and online in Stash Magazine, St. Petersburg, Florida.
CMD Jun 2015
mushrooms to the finger dance

throw **** in the street and change locks....happy 1öö you old ****

                                           im just a vagabond searching for a sweetheart
at sears
typed feb 5th, 2014
AlphaShadowK Feb 2015
If one were to ask
If we were to be
Maybe Shakespeare would shake his head
Or nod calmly as if nothing mattered
Because, it's often quoted
But that doesn't make it true.
Even Will himself
Can't give us an answer
But if I were to guess,
We wouldn't have to ask that question
In the first place
Because I'd already know
That the answer is yes,
It's to be, and it is fated by the stars
From the start, yes I knew
It doesn't have to be complicated
But I suppose if you'd like
We can give it some deeper meaning
Even if it doesn't need one
Because all I know
Is that you're the one,
And it's definitely to be.
Not even sure. But this is quite interesting.
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