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Parker Aug 2020
i am cherry red lipstick
i am 6 shots of whiskey and loud words
i am soft fairy lights
i am the day and the night, simultaneously
i am my mothers daughter and then some
i am unashamed, bare faced
i am artist
i am writer
i am being

thank you
weird, free verse
Void Aug 2020
Being Kind

Being Assertive

Being Harsh

There are fine lines

When you're kind, you get used- abused

When you're assertive
You're an *******

When you're harsh
It pushes others away

But no matter what you are...
No one ever wants you in their lives
So now what?
Aseel Aug 2020
أرى بوضوح
أشلاء قصائدي
رماد وجهي
و بقايا كوبي الخزفي الأزرق
على أرض غرفة تجمعني بك

ترى بوضوح
أطراف أصابعك ملويّة
ندمك في زبدية مع الحليب
أقلام الرصاص المكسورة
على أرض غرفة تجمعك بي

لكنّنا لا زلنا نُصرّ على دخولها
Kaumal Borah Jul 2020
Isnt it strange to expect
that someone would understand
looking at you for a second
the sting  in ur eyes
or the glee in ur smile
But there's nothing to assert on this aspect
Its all about just being too weird to interpret.
It is just not possible to understand someone just by looking at them..sometimes we expect that to remain silent is better as we feel that they will understand just by looking at us but its not true.. I feel like its just a expectation which is quite weird ..
Pseudonymous S Jul 2020
I'm trying to learn that it's alright for people to find me

So often I am met with remarks of:

"I wish I could be as confident as you."
"I can't believe you're not scared to wear that."
"You didn't really say that to him...right?"

I don't feel confident.
I am scared.
I did say it.

I've regretted it since.

Oddities are a novelty until they surpass an acceptable monthly quota.


I've found that habitual marijuana usage and
pretty white lines
can be a valid excuse for
strange behavior.

Each joint shared
Each liquor bottle opened
Increases the monthly quota by one.

You're allowed to be:


If you're a substance abuser.

It's actually
at times.

If I act too normal, I'll get
such as:

"Wow, I forgot you do drugs."
"Do you not need your meds anymore?"
"Have you thought your mania is just from all the ***?"

I didn't forget.
I do need them. I often don't take them.
And, sometimes.

But then I'll soberly proclaim to be the next Van Gogh and that my **** are nicer than
Mia Khalifa's.

(They're not.)

you can write off absurd behavior
if it occurs while

I learned that younger
than I

It's harder to refute the confused glances
whispered jokes
when your head is
but your
is foggy.

"Let us know if [  ] scares you in the group chat;
you'll get used to her eventually."

"I hope we don't have to have this conversation again."

"She's hot, but she's kind of

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
Kai Jul 2020
s t  r   e    t     c      h       i         n       g
long corrrrrridors
ache with those
who once

 T                   l
   H                     k
      E                      e
         M                      d

can you hear their echoes coming back?

from so             F A R              away

                    these mirrored halls?
that distorted the truth
                           and their reality?
thinking about the distortion from the TMA podcast...
Aseel Jul 2020
I know you are there
Today, your existence
I will share

Hello calm girl
Music lover
Lost in art
Like a river
but full of treasures

Hello old man
On the side of the window
Screaming in peace
What happened!
I don’t want to die

Hello miss poet
Red hair
Red lips
And a cigarette
Dreaming of what
You’ll never get

Hello crazy man
Smelling walls
Counting hair
Screaming loud

hello everyone used to live in me
Hello to those I’ve killed inside
To live, I pretend I’m a one person
To keep breathing, to myself I lied.
Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2020
Sometimes wish I was normal but what does that even mean?
Nobody privately is as normal as they seem
Some of us hide behind a false veil of protection
Others wear mistakes as armor for protection
I own what I have done so no one can give me ****
Impossible to understand if they haven't lived through it
Everyone struggles
We all feel pain
I never judge those whose choices aren't the same
I hope I grow to find happiness once more
Along with freedom I harbored before
How long until efforts prevail?
Progressing at a pace slower than a snail
I hate myself because I am weak
Expectations way too high to meet
Falling centimeters short of each goal
Cannot fall asleep but can fall into these holes
Every time I strive it's in vain
Can hear the taunts of success i can't attain
I love seeing people smile
Maybe some joy will rub off as they pass
I hate being the way I am
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