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Oculi Nov 2017
Raw thoughts, yeah?
Nah, not today, man
Too bad, I was expecting them
You'll get them, just shut up
It's just noise
They all want me and my noise
But it's all just noise
It scratches
It creaks
It beeps
It boops
It bleeps
It beams
It beckons
It goes on for oh so, so, so, so, so, so, so long
Why do you want it, you disgusting *****?
But it doesn't make sense
None of it does
It's me
It just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on
Why do you want it, tell me that
Who are you to ask my why I want it if I do
I'm tired of this can I just make peace with me
Yes you can
No you can't
Yes you can't
No you can
Yes you are
No we aren't
No I can't can
Who are you?
Anne Molony Nov 2017
he wasn't
what I expected
him to be  

he kept his hair short and messy,
wore funny clothes and enjoyed
comic books, Daft Punk and
of all things
and bless,
he thought his earrings
made him seem tough

In the end, it was
his confidence
that won me over
his smiley eyes
so seamlessly dissolved
my doubts and skepticism
and took with
my heart

the kisses he'd plant on my forehead would
drag me into
his silly world where
wonderfully weird hats were worn seriously  
and music played on our
candy-coloured 2000s cd player
while we read together
on the couch

he offered to massage
my feet and I blushed and thought
that I was falling for him and
he laughed and pulled me
close into his chest
while I wept with joy
for I'd found  
I miss you
Stewie Nov 2017
Isn’t it funny how odd we can be?
As humans, we want to close our souls
like curtains on a window.
Only to show our true selves
in the hollows of the night
enclosed in our safety net.

Isn’t it funny how people will walk away?
Because they say you are too much
and you believe them.
You build this brick wall of defense
trying not to crack a smile
Because you rather someone love you
Than not at all.

You are a beautiful star
glowing in the ever-infinite galaxy.
Let your light shine, my sweet girl
because how dare someone love you
For only the normal parts.

You are a unique snowflake
Dance in the afterglow.
Alien On Earth Nov 2017
i hate when people judge other people on the way they dance. like “*** *** is she doing, she can’t dance” she may not be able to dance but i bet she is having more fun than you, hater.

and to me she looks more beautiful than anyone in here cause she is free
3 years ago
Liz Carlson Oct 2017
we messed this up.
years of knowing you
and we've never really talked.
we're practically strangers
that see each other so often.

we messed this up.
we could have been something
more than this.
but I'm leaving soon
and this game will end.

we really messed this up.
Surya Teja M Oct 2017
I'm lost
In a crowd and busy city
Even after trying very harder.
Thousands of people around me,
But, I know nobody.
They don't pause, they don't smile-
Every moment is for today's or tomorrow's money.
Hundreds of buses around me
But, none takes me to home.
They are to pollute, they are for noise
I can't expect nothing more than that.
I'm lost
In a busy city world
Even after trying very harder.
To depict how busy and weird our lives are
Faan Oct 2017
freshly squeezed from the fruit, your nectar so tasty.
one cup I have drank, and then another, and another.
perfect amount of sweetness, and not the sugar thats man-made,
yet, unlike raw apple, your flavour is so fine.
should I put you back in the fridge now, my beloved?
or keep you with me, in case I thirst later,
walking to the freezer is troublesome work, I do not want
to leave the chair I cherish so much.
ah, ***** it, I'll finish you off, who cares if it's one big bottle?
you make me dry lips moist, my heart beats, and my dopamine release.
if I can go back a million years, only bringin one modern tech with me,
it would be you, my dear apple juice, as you are mankinds best invention.
I love you, marry me, I'll always be loyal to you.
who needs a girlfriend, or ntr? as long as you are with me.
just a joke poem I wrote
MysticRiddleton Oct 2017
Is it the air that breaks out through the sphere of vapor?
Or, does it say they're in to popular music?
What a weird poem
To write today
My head's too dizzy
With eyes, too sleepy.
My weirdest poem ever. Yes, I'm seriously posting this poem.
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