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Breeze-Mist Nov 2016
Now it is finally the moment I truth
As citizens enter the voting booth
In response, I'd just like to quote a comic based on this election here:
"Vote like youyou'll have to explain yourself in twenty years"
Brent Kincaid Sep 2016
Lumpy Dump and Denso Pence
Decided to run for President
Even though, they neither had
An idea what that title meant.
So Lumpy Dump and Denso Pence
Both thought it would be lots of fun
Dump because of the money he'd make
And Pence for fame when they had won.

Lumpy Dump seemed to think
The title made him King of the Earth
Denso Pence hoped to show
Exactly what he was really worth.
Neither one of them realized
They'd have to follow all the rules
Which they were not a mind to do
Because they were both such fools.

Lumpy Dump strung words together
He didn't make all that much sense
But he felt he was doing just fine, as
He sounded brighter than Denso Pence.
Lumpy Dump thought he was slim
Not dumpy like a big ******* of fat.
Denso Pence thought he was bright.
That shows where these to were at.

Let's all hope this is all we hear
Of these two unfunny circus clowns
After Hillary kicks their *****
And runs them both out of town.
We have already had such bad times
And need good times to commence
Which will not happen unless we nix
Lumpy Dump and that idiot Denso Pence.
Alan Brown Jul 2016
A serious danger threatens the
Stability of our country;
Democracy dangles upon a thread
& oscillates to every poll.
Today we wait at the crossing
Of two paths; which way will we go?

Will we pursue spite and ignorance?

Our way of life hinges upon
The prudence of our countrymen.
Will they rise to the occasion
Or flounder at the voting booth?
One or two impetuous votes
Could change the course of history.

Will we be on the right side of history?

The tortuous months soon to come
Will shape our fragile destiny.
So many important questions
Remain unanswered as of now,
But I can only hope that we
Will avert a catastrophe.
PFL Jul 2016
Defying the consensus of complacency,
And the enantiomorphic political practicality,
Candidates embrace their vacillating indexicality.
Spouting thrift store self reliance sapientiality,
Telling lores of cultural compatibility.
Hope filled promises of economic suitability,
Aligned with institutional feasibility.
Packaged in over-inclusive catchall empty signifiers
Strewn across all media screens, communal utilitarian plan flyers.
Requesting no need for responsiveness,
For a vote no longer dictates precedence,
   In the age of social media endemic presence relevance.
PFL Jun 2016
A voter’s pair of  eyes
Must see through the lulling guise of:
Envy, desire, uncontrolled lust.
Greed does not bluff,
Ego’s fueled  flames
Burn everyone's trust.
Censored is shame,
Constant the need for more stuff!
Ruining relations, while nations go bust.
Confronted, greed has nothing to say,
Actions from the master of so many slaves
Em Apr 2016
Killing fields in Texas are no place for a pull over love affair,
Even if you're thinking about voting for the Zodiac Killer in this election.
Velvet skin against corn husks that look like the birds nesting on Trump's head -
It's no wonder they're so painful, but it doesn't hurt as much when you're loving a man who has more experience than Bernie has years;
No one has to know about this, baby, just as long as you promise to always love me and never send me any emails.
I know this is risky but I tend to like you, politics, and ****** mysteries.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
Because of the allegations that have come out against Hillary Clinton, she's a person who I don't trust.
Hillary supporters don't want me to tell you this but I must.
Because of these allegations, I can't and won't trust her to run this country.
If I was a politician who was facing such allegations, people wouldn't vote for me.
I don't trust Hillary to be in The Oval Office.
She shouldn't be elected, I firmly believe this.
If you're going to vote for her, you have that right but what I've said had to be mentioned.
I don't think that Hillary Clinton is trustworthy and I have to bring that to people's attention.
Ann M Johnson Feb 2016
Too many choices it makes it tough to choose
Don't want to make the wrong move in the game of political chess
We the people are the ones who have the most to lose in the political games
Regardless of the candidate's name
There every decision impacts us in some way
It will be that time of the year soon to be bombarded with seemly endless campaign Ads
I hate the negative ads that seem to  list a litany of their opponents sins
it does not even have to be true for them to publish them
They seem to have a desperate theme as they seem to scream, vote for me
I wish the politicians would have more Soul instead of cutting someone else down to get ahead in the polls
I wish they would display more compassion
I wish they had a poet's passion
I wish their words were more like Lincoln
I wish their speeches had more distinction
I wish they would more accurately represent the people, they are supposed to represent ( not everyone is a doctor or lawyer or a business major).
Perhaps it's time for a new political flavor ( politics can sure leave a bad taste in your mouth)
Do you see a blue collar worker or poor politician in office?
I wish I could vote for you fellow Poets
Poets wear their emotions on their sleeve
Poets should be less likely to deceive
I believe in you poet friends
On my next voting ballot, should I write you in?

Edit poem
Brent Kincaid Oct 2015
I have a wish
Though it seems unlikely
Hey Liley, Liley, Lo.
Arresting the GOP
Going on nightly,
Hey Liley, Liley, Lo.
It’s a lovely dream
It can’t start to early
Pick them up
By their short and culies.

I don’t know,
But I’ve been told
Republican pockets
Are stuffed with gold!
Sound off!
One two.
Sound off!
Three, four!
Kick their butts out,
One, two,

Hey Liley, Liley, Liley
They are most likely ******.
Living the life of Riley
Don’t go to dollar stores.
Most likely smiling slyly
They want to win again.
Hey Liley, Lilely, Liley
Finish off the working man.

I don’t know,
If you have heard.
The GOP are
Great big turds.
Sound off!
One two.
Sound off!
Three, four!
Send them back home!
One, two,
Got Guanxi Apr 2015
Nobody** keeps their promises.

Nobody cares about you.

Nobody will help the poor.

Nobody tells the truth.

Whether true or not,
we can't make change without a voice.
Democracy is beautiful in the right hands.

Please register to vote today.;_medium=social&utm;_term=English&utm;_content=0&utm;_campaign=bite-the-ballot-social
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