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Jaxey Feb 2019
he always took
her breath away
and he still does
just now
it involves his fingers
around her throat
Sarah Feb 2019
the world has wronged me today.
it seems to do that a lot,
maybe i am truly hated by the fates.
the world has made me angry today.
i have faced faces that do not face me,
in hopes that i will sooth my seething anger,
and not lash out with everything i have
pointed towards them in hatred.
the world has made me angry today.
i had been given hope, by the ease
of the past days, that today would be good.
but now, my teeth are set on edge,
and i lean forward in my seat,
holding myself back from hurting.
i wish to lunge at anyone and everything
that tips me over the edge. i wish to
use my bare hands to break theirs,
the only strength behind my actions
being the pure malevolence that
oozes through my blood like the poison it is.
the world has made me angry today.
i have had my prey laid out before me,
avoiding my malice-filled eyes,
in fear they will see just what they
have done to me. i have the opportunity
for revenge sitting right in front of me,
and i am not allowed to take that chance.
it has been ripped cruelly from me,
like the feasts that scurried from Tantalus.
(am i Tantalus in this story?
have i recreated his horrendous wrongs?
who plays Pelopa in this version?)
my revenge has been dangled right in front of me,
like cheese on a string in the face of a hungry cat.
my own mouth is opened wide, ready to swallow it up.
the world has wronged me today.

a world of hurt
Chris Feb 2019
The difference:
The stupid turn to violence, because they know nothing else.
The desperate turn to violence, because they tried everyyhing else.
I turned to violence, because I was born deranged with a ****** up frontal lobe.
This I think makes me an Idol for the stupid and the desperate.
From a point of view of a deranged criminal, not personal experience, not too far from it, I am non-violent because I get some often enough.
Chris Feb 2019
Not a builder.sculptor.mason etc.
The only thing they're good for then is
bashing someone in the head.
Really,really, really hard.
Somehow, all things you cannot comprehend,
are good at least for this.
Or eating, or jamming up your lower parts.
Be creative.
With courage and stupidity there are no borders.
Just tall buildings.
Chris Feb 2019
I'm an *******,and a liar,
but I set your soul on fire.
I'm a cheater, beater, awful man,
And you'd fall for me again.
Jade Feb 2019
Do you love me?
The hand print on my arm say you do
Do you love me?
The bruises on my body say you do
Do you love me?
The loss of air as you squeeze my throat means that you truely love me, right?
The black eyes means you love me
The death threats do as well
The namecalling and insulting means you love me, right?

Which means you love her too
So when you touched her,
I didn’t move
As you hit her
I didn’t flinch
As she bled
I didn’t falter
As she choked through breaths
I stood still, stayed silent
And as the life from her eyes left
I walked away.

Because that’s just what love is...
Chris Feb 2019
A vicious *******, in the dark, alone.
Soon a supper, perhaps.
Nice tasting ***** around the bones,
First, a need to chew through that.

A vicious *******, in the cafe, beside you,
Near the window, near the door,
Wants to put something inside you,
leave you bleeding on the floor.

A vicious ******* in the office,
Near the cube, near the booth,
Offering to bring you coffee,
Stick his **** in, break the tooth.

Vicious bastars all of them,
Waiting, polishing their guns,
Some are family, some are friends,
All are close, and you should run.
A pesimistic outlook on life where you're surrounded by people who mean to use you on every step.
Chris Feb 2019
Why do we need PG?
It's an ******* reality.
What will a child see?
*** and violence on TV?
There's *** and violence plenty more,
In schools, in alleys behind the store.
So let your children know the ropes,
So that you don't raise a corpse.
Let your children see ******* and killing, because it's natural. And kids, go, ****, don't wait until marriage, married *** ***** ***.
David Feb 2019
Waking up.
Cannot see.
Ords of skeletons
Guided to hell.
Cain kills Abel.
Pure children of white drenched and torn of red leaviathans.
A whole humanity slashed by blazing blood splattering.
Gatlings trespassing skulls and brains.
Nothing more.
Nothing more.
Young died.
Nothing more.
Nothing more.
Black sky
Drenched-by-venom eyes.
Your flag triturating bodies for metal shards.
I cannot see.
Nothing more.
Nothing more.
This is a poem about war, for my great-grandfather,
He fought in First World War.
Most of the people who survived the War were mutilated or crazy,
My great-grandpa was depressed,
When he came back home with his family
He didn't eat anything anymore and decided to suicide himself in that way, dying slowly.
Lottie White Jan 2019
blood for blood,
and bone for bone,
the shrapnel of their hearts
scattered on the wind
as useless wars are waged.

young boys parading as men
fall like flies,
laying down their lives
for something,
they don't know.
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