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Jon G M Feb 2015
Stop stop
Can't breathe
It's getting dark
I'm buried in black dirt
Why did I perish
In this violence
I was to young
I had so much to live for
Sarah Gammon Feb 2015
I can't say I don't want a drink when I think of you
because already I am itching for a shot, or two.
I can't hear your name without turning a red hue;
my fists ball in anger with the mentioning, too.

How could you do the things that you did to me?
How could I have let those things come to be?
Now every day I am haunted by your evil memory,
remembering over again, your fists coming at me.

My hands are shaking; I need to take these shots,
tequila to the brain is how I stop the thoughts.
I wish I had done something so you got caught,
but a lack of courage means I never fought.

If I could **** one person in this great big land
and not get in trouble for having had it planned,
without a second thought, you'd be under my hand,
and when I'm done with you, you would not stand.

No one should be allowed to do what you've done,
and laugh about it, like it was the most fun.
You made me scared, so all I did eventually, was run,
which leaves you out there, free, so basically, you won.

I am empathetic beyond reason, because I felt for you,
understanding rage was a disease that controlled you.
I wanted to help, to save and redeem your soul, too,
but you aren't just sick with rage, you enjoy it; it's true.

I may have ****** up and not reported your ***,
and drive myself to drink to forget this past,
but let it be known, I'm normally as still as glass,
but if I ever see you again, that moment will be your last.
Copyright Sarah Gammon 2015
I will love you
in the worst ways possible

I will take you slowly at first
then all at once like a sudden storm

The small light touches

A gale of laughter

Secret smiles
Like the sun playing hide and seek
on a particularly cloudy day

I will rip you apart and settle into your bones

Love you like you've never felt it before
As if there was no one but Me

I will tear you into bits
And open out the auricles
and ventricles of my heart

Tell you it's necessary
And leave
In a sudden storm

I will say it was for you
So you could move on  
Find someone better

Love someone the Right way
I'm too much of a mess,
I'll tell you

And when I leave
You'll beg me on your knees
To stay

I will say it is necessary
and go away
Say that one day,
looking back,
You'll see why

But my lightning
Will reside in your lungs and breath
Even as I make you burn

You'll never see why

But you know I wouldn't stay
I can't stay, I always say

I will apologise
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry


Maybe I really needed to go
before you sunk into my bones
became my lightning
and took me by surprise

I will make you taste blood in your mouth
I'll be your biggest fan
When you write raving about my misdeeds
and coldness

I will see your writing grow exponentially
In oceans and mountains

I will love you love you love you
The only way I've known how

- from a distance.

this is how I've survived.
walking in someone's shoes
Gul e Dawoodi Feb 2015
Bombs and guns are just toys,
The signs of bravery for boys
Immature brains with violence fed to them,
Make them all completely numb
But what about the country men?
You see them crying now and then
Does that make you immune to violence?
Well, that just describes your height of ignorance.
We are so mean.
And that's what kills the strength of a nation.
Brittany Wynn Feb 2015

They met at a dance recital.

His eerie blue eyes watched her, stalked her,
riveted by sinewy skin and the way her legs stretched and parted
skillfully, seductively: she knew how to captivate her audience.

They had mutual friends.

Her curiosity thirsted for more, for she had been taken
over by an empty lust, broken by another, but the way he spoke:
she felt as pretty as his charms sounded.

They went on a date.

He kissed her, pinched her, and spread those legs
that comprised his fantasies, not caring about the bruises he left
when he took off her lacey coverings, pinning her to the floor.

They learned more about each other.

She saw the empty, carnal look in his eyes, but her pleas
and shoves were not enough to lessen the weight of him, to push
his hands or his hips away, as he broke her over and over again.

They ended the night with a kiss.

He grabbed her face like a starving man grabs his first meal,
forcing an intimacy she could never get back, but he said,
“You liked it, didn’t you.”

They kept in touch.

She tried blocking his calls, his messages, asking her if she’d
come over to his place. Like the continuous force he prodded her with,
the pounding in her head beat out a thumping heart-line of no’s.
Kelsey Greene Feb 2015
Flags hanging at half staff
Children laying half dead
Goose  bumps invading my unwilling  skin
Soldiers invading an unwilling country

A girl telling her mother no
A woman begging him to stop
A little boy crying over his broken toy
A girl sobbing, her body and soul broken

Water gushing from a fall
Blood gushing from an innocent bystander
Grade school students protesting their weekend homework
Girls protesting for their right to go to school.

The juxtaposition of life.
Arnav Sharma Feb 2015
for most of the scholars, the future is the stressor
SATs, ACTs, grades, extracurriculars, college apps, jobs
when given notice, anyone can prepare for and deal with a challenge
when one's worries consist only of the future, one is blessed, not cursed
when life is "how can I get through this" instead of "how will I get through that"
it's a problem.

best math student in the school, but he still can't solve the everyday problem
mom dad divorce boyfriend alcoholism violence lawsuits counseling
too many terms, it's unfactorable, it's unfair, this wasn't in the textbook now it's on the test and I can't get a 100
I thought being perfect was the only way?
the title is a bit of wordplay on present tense and tension (in the home).
basically the poem is me expressing frustration about what goes on at home. more poems to come I guess.
Dallas Hogue Feb 2015
When you walk like you have 12 gage shotguns for lungs,
Your very breath is a weapon.

When you walk like you have pistols for hands,
Your very touch is deadly.

We did not ask for such a violent biology.
But we were born in the tide of oppression and forged in discrimination.
We did not ask for this.
This skin is a painting we do not get to wash away.
This story does not end when we wake up.

We live with the audacity to think we belong, knowing.
This was never out fate
A little something about what it means to be colored
A mass pushing into me like a great lorry
The leather jacket, the smell of the dead
The skin so shiny like a glass filled with milk,
White and whole and fattening, filling you up

But not full yet, one final blow to come
And the covering of the legs like netting,
Rips apart, an opening to another world,
Begging me, asking for it, shaking with knowing

Had you not picked the fruit from that tree,
Tasting its seeking, desperate sweetness
Perhaps i would not feel your weight as I did
And you would fall down like an infantile bundle of feathers

The epidermis, the subcutaneous layer, the blood
Moving quickly then slowly then quickly
Are you still there? I shouldn’t care
A button falls from your breast, a trickle down your cheek

The eyes, the eyes! They follow me, the train,
Moves slower as it pulls into the station
And makes one final sound, a signal,
I’d rip their eyes out and let them bounce onto the tracks like marbles

So many stains of blood and war and toil
Lie across the carriages and out onto the moors,
I wouldn’t worry,
I’ll make it clean with disinfectant and run smooth again with oil
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