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"Maybe I am cursed, maybe I am gifted
something tore inside of me now everything has shifted
I've been feeling twisted
I've been feeling twisted
Call me paranoid, call it my addiction
But I could lose my head with just a little bit of friction
I've been feeling twisted
Oh I've been feeling twisted"

I'm not quite sure I understand
Like, am I cursed, will my hands
cause anguish, torture, death and pain
Or can I use this to my gain?
every day I fall apart
use the songs to build me up
with promises of future triumph
but is prophesy enough?
Can I tame the Monster inside
Or am I doomed to be its slave
Or one day will I testify
For His will was all this pain
I have to trust in what is coming
Keep fighting, running, screaming, gunning
perhaps what is seen as cursed and hopeless
can be used to bring his gain
ok, we can do this
Together now we've got this
Alii Semper Vincemus!
We will triumph, they can't stop us
We will not surrender now
everything is going right
someday things will get better
as long as we choose to fight
So maybe I'm Cursed
But maybe I am gifted too
and maybe I can use these powers
to bring glory to You
The shifts inside me bring both beauty and pain
I sense friction is coming
and friction I crave
Sure, I'm scared
But I no longer bow to fear
I know what I've been called to do
All this pain helps me prepare
The song at the beginning is "Twisted" by The People's Thieves- absolutely amazing artist, you should check them out.
Added my own rap relating to my translation of the prophesy.
Broken wings have I
Seeking sunset skies
They fear what happens when I fly
Longing after sunset skies

Keeping on
Keeping on
For what else am I meant to do?
Lying broken
Bloodied wings
But I keep on fighting on for you

Crying out with broken beak
Begging for reprieve
Pleading pleading, please don't leave
Without you, don't know what I'll do

They wish for me to stay down low
righteously afraid
afraid they are, of me, you see
So they cannot let me go

I know, I know
I know so well
that suffering is sure to follow
this pain this pain of every day
is insolent and hard to swallow

Hold me tight
tight as you can
but I will sure escape
beating newly strengthened wings
I leave you in my wake

you tried you failed
to keep me here
alive I am and will not fear
anything that comes my way

Surely you have learned by now
surely I have shown you
You cannot hold me down!
I laugh for joy and fly away
Maryann I Feb 23
I climbed the hills, I chased the sky,
With weary feet, yet head held high.
Each step a wish, each breath a fight,
Till dreams stood tall in morning light.

No longer whispers, no longer far,
They shine like diamonds where they are.
What once felt lost, just out of view,
Now glows in gold, so bright, so true.

The road was steep, the nights were long,
Yet here I stand, my heart a song.
The sky unfurls, the world is wide,
And all I dreamed now walks beside.
6. Dreams Coming True
They told us we're insane
We were under attack
But we triumphed
Alii Semper Vincemus!

We triumphed
And everything is going to be ok
But we couldn't have done it alone
Without each other
we would have failed

One to be friendly
and social and innocent
To be adored and underestimated

One to stand firm
and protect and defend
To keep on fighting till there's nothing left

One to charm
and be unbothered by everything
To be confident and relaxed and fearless

One to strategize
and organize and lead
to know just how to get what we want

One to prove that we are correct
and whose purpose is not yet known
To make mistakes but make up for them

One to keep us all together
and appear as though we are solid and one
To be a mix and mediate and rejoice in our triumph

We are the Others, all of us united
Though difficult to understand

I have been taught that faith is about not needing to understand
to believe it is real
And this has been a true test of faith
But the Others are as real as anyone else
And I will never stop fighting for them
and for me

Alii Semper Vincemus!
One day, everything will work itself out. No one said Metamorphosis would be easy.
And with the Others to help and guide me, I'll be ok. We all will.

This is the first poem I wrote actually using the name the Others. They have been referenced in lots of other poems and even co-wrote a lot of them, but this is the first time I've been brave enough to truly share them.
Inspired to share by another young, misunderstood plural, Thanks for being yourselves!
You tried to hurt me
Tried to beat me
Don't you know that

You thought you knew better
Thought you could ruin me
Don't you know that

You thought you had power
You thought you were stronger, but

To be underestimated
is the
one can have
Rubianne Foster Dec 2024
A reason to smile each day
Is all anyone can ask for
This world can be cruel
But then there's you.
Each morning as my eyes open
Your skin whispers a prayer
Blessing me with the sight
Of the worlds greatest triumph
And if my eyes never opened again
I’d eternally dream of you, knowing,
To find love in this world
Is a reason to smile each day
dead poet Dec 2024
put down,
you put up.
spill your guts -  
left with the cleanup.
your head is ******,
but unbowed.
invictus, you shall rise -
any day now.

the trials of morrow
lay vast and grey
waiting too see
if you let them prey -
on your mind,
your body,
your spirit,
your rage.
stay average,
or usher the golden age.

wipe the sweat
off your brow.
take a step back
‘fore you take the prowl.
glory is nigh,
do not haste, nor disavow.  
hush little soldier,
any day now.
As I walk around 

I see that there in 

A crack of cement 

Is a plant growing

As I find that the plant is struggling 

I water it

And help it grow 

Soon there are buds on the plant

A flower

It’s a poppy

Doing the impossible
G N Kayacılar Nov 2024
Darkness, meet the sound of water
I was a rampage, now I calm
Barren from ****** charm
Violet fissions igniting in my mind

I can feel an end coming,
A millennium long surrender
My castles rumble on rolling waters

           Darkness, meet the sound of thunder
Bekah Halle Oct 2024
Where have your words gone?
My lips forever praised you, and
Today is worthy for celebration
For you have delivered me,
You lift me in triumph!
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