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Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
If there ever comes a day
when we can't be together,
keep me in your heart
and I'll stay there forever.
ThatBrokenOne Dec 2018

We went through ups and downs, we did it together.
When you were down, or I, we did it together.
We would cheer each other up, we did it together.


When you were laughing, so did I, we did it together.
When you got in a fight, so did I, we did it together.
When you were sad, so was I, we did it together.


When you would go to your horse I came along, we did it together.
When you went to the store I came along, we did it together.
When you just wanted to walk around I came along, we did it together.


When you said you wanted to break up, I did not, but still we did it together.
You went home, so did I. But now we were all a lone.
I got home, there was no one to talk to, I have to do it all a lone.
I think about you, I miss you, I have to do it all a lone.
I have to do it all a lone now.
Fathur Abinaya Dec 2018
Sunshine will always shine if you are mine.
Mister J Dec 2018
We're stuck in a fragile state
Hanging by a thinning thread
Standing on a melting winter lake
Struggling on a sinking ship

I'm pulling and you're pushing
In a discreetly vicious tug-of-war
We bare our emotions for each other
Yet we both end up getting hurt being together

Every night you're in my thoughts
Every day I'm on your mind
Insomniacs in an endless cycle
Worrying and doubting over their budding love

Is this the end?
Dancing slowly and cautiously as the music fades away
Do we let it end?
Even if the feelings pull us closer by the minute?

Why are we still at it?
Even if we're both bleeding
Injuries caused by each other
Yet I still choose to love you?

We're drifting in an uncertain stage
Taking a shot at love against odds
Even if the odds are us ourselves
I choose to be with you still

How about you?
Will you stay here?
And bleed together with me?
Or leave me bleed by myself?
Rushed.. Emotions overflowing.. Needed an outlet.

Hey guys! Happy reading!

David Hutton Dec 2018
It was hard for you to say "Goodbye",
Easy for you to turn a blind eye.
Things we did together,
Things you didn't treasure.
Our time as one was a fateful demise.
Poetic T Dec 2018
Do not judge
I,m the same as you.
Values that we hold
Every day we show
Respect for our
Sisters & our brothers.
I would treat another, 
The way I want to be treated.
You and I are the same inside.
Where all difrent but all similar
E B K Dec 2018
I know that
you will never talk to me
But I imagine us together
In order to fall asleep
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