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Bas Aeon Jul 2018
Leaving you behind unwillingly.
I wanted to run back, but i chose not to.
Our relationship was very complicated.
I have to let go of you but i’m still missing you.
The seasons kept changing but we were still together.
I didn’t realize your existence.
But you saw me.
But you never confessed to me.
This was why we were just friends.
But, our hearts were close to each other.
The time was passing too fast,
And i missed my chance to confess to you.
My love for you has made me forget what my dream is about.
Although my dream has set up us apart
You will always be in my heart.
This is a secret deep in my heart.
Loving you from a far.
Bragi May 2018
Can’t sleep.
Lying here.
On my bed.
A bright screen.
No life.
My head
Filled with knives.
I bled.
For a time.
Words unsaid
Steady decline.
Depression fed.
Fault’s mine.
Should’ve fled.
Was a sign
Should’ve read.
Got there fine.
Where it led?
Should’ve said
A bright screen.
Now red.

Not yet.
What’s next
Lying here
On my bed?
Jonny blaze Jan 2017
My life consist of complex inginueity striving to be original but molding to the harshness of what the world is doing to me. Am i wrong for contemplating my lifes decisions. Because this isnt the way things where suppost to come out in my own depiction on the out come of my life. Maybe its my thoughts that are making me insane since i constanly think all i am is trash but theres a saying one persons trash is another treasure not sure if weather to believe it or not because woman come and go i just dont measure up to the dream guy. Maybe its my icebox heart that lets them see the coldness in my eyes gazing into theres filling false hopes of prosper and love each seem to be lies. Just to watch them break down in tears with no remorse when i see them cry since id rather not catch feelings being to scared to see where true love coulf take me honestly i dont know why. Im screaming in rage from the inside like im traped in a four corner room staring at walls hyperventilating unable to get out im balled up  feeling trapped im at a loss. Maybe you the reader cant understand what i mean maybe you can i feel like my life has been a bunch of ups and downs more downs then ups i was just a accidental nut that swam into the womb since my fathers pull out game wasnt fast enough now im stuck with the harsh reality of a cold world that beats me down after i get back up when will enough be enough maybe i need to find love and stop trying to hide the void wheres my diamond in the rough maybe I'm thinking again to much enough is enough
0o Apr 2016
A right of passion or presumptive plea,
Resting a broken head on bended knee,
Seeking a second chance to finish third,
Or some salvation in a prayer misheard,
Atop your graffiti kingdom, shotgun glare,
Choking down that manufactured air,
While men gain strength from all you lack
But grow no taller standing on your back,
And you read them like a burning book,
As home became the stands you took,
Finding shelter beneath the lowest rung,
Or solace on some fool’s gold tongue,
But your compass heart has been misled,
By monsters swirling through your head,
As they tirelessly stoke the fires of doubt,
That weary feet can’t quite stomp out,
But in time, you’ll chase away that blaze,
If you refuse to become your darkest days,
There is always a road from the abyss,
So as I leave you, please remember this:
You are more than what you’ve been,
Embrace each ending, start again.
Laken Cooper Mar 2016
We are the poisoned youth.
Poisoned words, for making someone feel better
Poisoned eyes, for seeing lies but doing nothing
Poisoned ears and mouth, for staying quiet even if we heard something that can make change
Poisoned hands, for doing everything just to be the best even if it's wrong
Poisoned hearts, as we try to love the wrong person and it gives us pain
and poisoned minds, when we believe in lies
Again, we are the *poisoned youth.
Read poisoned youth somewhere and came up with this.
I write a hundreds poems per year
My mind explode in words every day
But still I havn't got the point
The point of the poems I write
Cuz what is point of poetry?

Is it to get followers and be famous ?
Is it for processing your thoughts
Is it to compete with friends who write?
I dont know? I just write, like right now
I just write all my thoughs down everyday
but why?
abs Dec 2015
You were ******* lovely
And then you're not
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