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fiachra breac Jun 2018
midnight cries for help go unheeded,
***** little secrets remain unchecked.
regret, misery, disgust -
at what i have done
and who i have become
(who have i become?)
Paris Apr 2018
I’ve never truly been diagnosed
But I have some troubles
Some ability to scare the living **** out of myself with my mind every single night

Can never fully sleep without something happening
Shall it be scratching, moaning, pounding on the walls
Shadows, demons, or just my own self getting me
Maybe voices or images, the thought of disasters
A nightmare, body pains, or just my own mind not wanting me to sleep

Pains in my chest that hurt worse with every beat
Or maybe the sense of a presence looking over me
I haven’t got a clue for the cause of these nighttime fiascos
but it’s something every night
The only source of release is when I turn on my phone to see a text from the person I love
And even so, though it feels like a boundaries around me, I know something is out there waiting for me to turn off the lit screen and be face to face with the  terrors that keep me awake at night
Brokewench Oct 2017
Night lights
Casting light in the shadows
Minimizing the hiding places for monsters and negative thoughts
Providing a false sense of security
As though if I could see the danger coming, I could protect myself from it
Weather it was monsters or hearing that voice inside my head telling me I'm not quite good enough.
Did you protect yourself?
Did you learn how it felt before you dreamed a reality that left you of short of breath on the edge of falling into the abyss?
As though the monster had ****** up all the air in the room and was holding it captive just out of reach
Just far enough where you are not brave enough to walk
Did you ever wake up from the terror thankful for it to be over just to realize as the second passed that the monster still held you in his grips?
Hand pressed over your throat, stifling your screams dragging you back in, as your fingertips bleed from scraping at air, trying to pull away
Waking up, scarce of breath, trembling like the knees of a girl who is fragile and weak, begging for a rush of air
Did his face pressed against yours and his hands caressing your skin vanquish the monster and fill your lungs?
Did he make you feel safe?
As the nights drag on and the night light persists when will enough be enough
When will the darkness envelope me in comfort instead of anxiety
Will it always be a constant battle of needing sleep but not wanting to dream?
Childhood covered in night terrors and sweat.
My Fears took root in the darkness, thriving on my constant thoughts and well wishes.
Soaking up my confidence and using it as a weapon
I am not scared of sleep I am scared of what hides in my mind as I drift off.
What new version of hell could my mind construct
Night lights make waking up less of a mental battle.
Night lights help make me realize that the fear and danger is no match for reality
Night lights help pull me out of the abyss and bring me back to you.
But if I believed that light always conquered dark then wouldn't the dreams have stopped?
Miriam Marcus Aug 2017
I see the shadow of a long dead girl, gun in the arms,
cradled and braced at her face. I drip sweat, as these
four walls light up with images. Viscous memories
want my attention, and they won't ask at all for all
they take. Past is over. All girls are dead girls. I'm a
woman, now. Finger pulled back, bullet to the skull
of a native in a native's land, made strange with loud
strangers' demands, blood blown back decorates my
young hands, my masters lift me up an echelon.

A portal opens in my bedroom that leads to the
bathroom sink, where I swallow pink pills.
Swallow white pills.
Swallow blue pills.
Swallow my pills
Colzz MacDonald Apr 2017
All your friends are demons, I think I know
The past won’t let you settle as you grow
You don’t feel you can make life-changing moves
Half your life to fighting terrors you lose
There’s little you can do to take control
Put your smile hidden in a pigeonhole
Your emotions decline into freefall
Let’s give your heart and soul an overhaul
I can give you all the tools you will need
The hunger that dwells inside I will feed

I can give you love and trust hereafter
I can turn the pain and tears to laughter
I’ll help reach in to find the real you
Harmonizing with congenial you
We will fight, we’ll curse, we’ll scream, we will cry
In this war it’s only the past will die
Now and then, when they rear their ugly head
I’ll be there to put those demons to bed
When you say maybe I don’t understand
I will simply be there to hold your hand
~ You are not alone ~
Tony Luna Feb 2017
I wasn't always sleeping when you were gone.
At times when I heard the door shut, I rose.
You see I was terrified of John,
He crept up in my room; lightly stepping on his toes.

Not knowing if he was mad he'd say "come here!"
Always listened, for I heard the cries at night.
The house was drenched in fear.
Twenty one years have gone by and I still recall the fight.

Blood dripping from her shoulder.
Tears falling from her cheek.
That is when I built up anger! (aaaahhh)
My brother and I weren't strong enough to take on his physique.

All we could do was stare as he desperately tried to bring her down.
She used the wall as leverage.
John all while losing stamina for the takedown.
My mum stood her ground and tired the beast with unforeseen courage!
I've heard a lot of "kids wont remember a thing as they get older". Even with the crash that I was in, I still recall a few terrors.
the lost girl Oct 2016
running in the dark
away from the night
away from the silence
looking for the light
looking for your eyes

stars are crying for you
ashes of them rain
got lost in the sounds of my pain

my train's out of its rail
it's going down the hell
tomorrow or today
it won't ever change
I'm the lost one
you're already gone
some how, some way
some where in some day
you and I
we were in love
when you were already gone
when the one you love is gone all you can do is to get lost in your mind.
the more you think the worse it gets.
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