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Nana Mar 2018
I sometimes don't want to talk to people
like everyone just gets so annoying
and I just need some 'me' time
some time alone.

and when you ask to be alone,
people find it rude and they even call you antisocial.

and when you stay amongst people with moody you
they say you're giving them attitude

like what am I supposed to do exactly
what do y'all want exactly?
why is society so freaking confusing and unappreciative
Someone tell me, Someone give me an answer please.
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
We aren't quite done.
We still have to do this one.
Aw, look at those eyes.
They just saw their demise.
Don't be terrified my child.
We are just releasing you into the wild.
Thought I'd try something new compared to what I normally write about. It was early on in my career, but I wasn't quite sure if this writing style suited me. I hung on to this poem though, so I thought it was worth sharing.
frankie Mar 2018
reach out a hand
try and grasp the beams of sun that shine through the window panes
feel the warmth on your skin, soak it all up
fear when the sky goes black, as if a curtain has been pulled over it
hear them call you out, they feast at night
listen to their pleads, their cries, begging for you to come back
try to make yourself visible in the pale moonlight, they can't take you home unless you are surrounded by the darkness
notice as your hands begin to tremble
"i don't want to go back"
watch as bright white dots appear out of nowhere, just like the stars above
close your eyes and tell them you're not afraid of them anymore
try to convince them, try to make them believe the lies you're telling them

open, for it is morning
and the sun feels like heaven on your skin
and you know the night will come soon after
but for now the demons have vanished, and you, you have lived through another fight with the nights sinful ways
Cezar Ybanez Jr Mar 2018
Maybe, we're not entirely scared of Love

maybe we're just scared on the idea
of being vulnerable and weak and dependent.

Freaking out whenever we feel
our walls crumble down
for someone

   - and we can't afford
       to let our adamant walls down
can't, yet
frankie Jan 2018
I will never admit to my faults
i will never admit that sometimes
you seem too much to handle and my brain goes into overdrive
and pounds, oh my god does it pound

louder than my heart against my rib cage when you say my name
harder than a jackhammer hitting concrete
a constant pounding, fuelled by this almost
palpable fear that you're just too good
and good never stays so I am waiting for you to leave
like the rest of them

I'll never admit to you
that I'm terrfied
and that sometimes tears fill my eyes
and my hands shake
and I get cold before I have to see your face
because I am so terrified of these
feelings? I guess they can be called that,
but they feel more like daggers rather than anything else.

they say that infatuation shouldn't feel painful
but my god it is
even writing this my heart is hurting
and that is what i cannot understand

why i have to make something that feels so safe
into a danger zone
in which, i am bound to get hurt
but this time, it feels like I am the perpetrator
of the mass destruction that is to come
and I don't know how to stop it.
Lin Jan 2018
Oh, how easy it would be?
With these evil thoughts
That just seem to overtake.
I know they are lies
Just trying to eat me from the inside
And just trying make me cry.
But, oh, how they make me always think
How easy it would be.
This is a different version of another poem I made. This one is shorter and more of my classic poems, while the other is more of a story.
Lin Dec 2017
Oh. How easy it would be?
To let the world be
Just let it go on without me

Knives in the kitchen
Pills in the cabinet

Oh; How easy it would be?
To just let go
Of all I know
Let the blood flow
As my life goes

No more
No more pain
No more fear
No more anything

Travel downstairs
Thinking how easy it would be
Pass by a door
A closed door
But it is more
Than a door
It hides a young innocent soul
How sad it would be
For her to see me go
She wouldn’t know
Why I wanted to go

I look across from this door
Just to see another door
Again, it is more
Than a door
It holds two wise souls
They’ve seen me grow
Oh. How they don’t know
What has grown inside me
How it makes me want to bleed
They might never know

I look at the stairs
I realize something
I realize others will care
They will cry
Cause I couldn’t even try
To stay alive
You can’t get rid of pain
You just pass it on
And it multiplies

I turn around
Without making a sound
Head straight to bed
Ashamed of the dark
That I had fed
But I still think
‘Oh, how easy would it be?’
Remember that even if it seems like the best option, it never is.
Lin Dec 2017
Can’t move.
Can’t think.


Stand as everyone stares.

Head being squeezed.
Being squeezed more and more.

Eyes water.
Tears make rivers.

No control.
Lost control.

Happened again.


Calm down.

Shake away everyone that crowded around.

“It was nothing.”
“Don’t worry.”

They go away.

Continue the day.

Don’t let anyone know what happened.
That it happened again.
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