The Unknown Tower
Quiet & deserted.
A way to the top
The elevator hums, rising.
I step out.
I open the door, enigmatic.
I close the door,
Turn the kn⁰b…
The cold metal snaps in my hand!
I am locked out.
A voice
Deep Inside !
"Have a glance."
Down, down,
Down, down…
I peer over the edge—
Acrophobia strikes!
A war ignites between me
& my unknown ‘Someone.’
I hear the voice again
It is not mine.
Or is it?
I scramble, trying to fix the kn⁰b,
But that 'Someone'—
Powerful, cunning—
A puppet master, a gaslighter,
A shadow pulling the strings.
I can’t think anymore!
Thoughts crumble like shredded paper!
Or did ‘Someone’ crush them for me?
"Do a high dive to nowhere!
Do a high dive to nowhere!
Do a high dive to nowhere!"
The voice pounds like a drum.
Drive, drive, drive, drive,
Drive, drive,
"My bébé, drive."
Once again,
The table is yours.
The table is yours.
Step forward.
Hesitation wanders, the fear of loss.
Look down.
No acrophobia!
The tower does not end.
The fall never stops.
I turn
& there is no door.
Will you die to find yourself?
The battle between the self & an unknown force whether it’s internal doubt or an external manipulator.
What do you think it is?