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MisfitOfSociety May 2019
Hair stands upon jolted skin folds.
You never could eat a salad.
You look pregnant with a fat pig!
Large enough to eclipse the sun!
Large enough to cause nuclear winter for everyone!
Grass ceases to grow with every step that you take!
The earth weighs a percent more whenever you ingest!
Your rolls could warm the Eskimos!
An orchestra of clapping flesh fills the room with every movement you make!

You don't seem to care about the people you run over when rolling in the street.
You say it is their fault for getting in the way.
They all look like Indiana Jones trying to outrun a boulder.
Too many happy meals can make a lot of people unhappy.
Man sized pancakes dot the side walks that we all used to tread.
Skinny people no longer exist, they are all dead. You mistook them for French fries.

You are just as imperfect as me,
So who are you to point a chunky finger.
You think you are so big behind that screen. Lecturing me about body standards when you look like you washed up on the beach this morning.
Stop crushing your high horse and come down just a little bit.
Time for you to get a serving of your own medicine.
Gape those ears wide and give a listen:
I don't live to look good for some fat ***, greasy, disgusting pig on the internet, jerking off to ******* **** while his mother makes microwave pizzas upstairs!
So jam that finger up you ***!
char May 2019
grating leg bark
blinding and smooth
my hair snow is ugly but

my burning pierces your pupils
i comply and i deceive
make my mind up
every night
a different hue you must shine

"you look stunning"
yet i feel like a puzzle
i slot my imperfections into the middle
so he won't see me until he tastes me

get teased
until you pick up three-hundred degrees
as YOU tease until you like who you see

why can he be anything
but i have to recalibrate
before i can celebrate

i will never reach my final form
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2019
busy busy bee
now you like it
now you're running from-
what are you running from?
their standards wallpapered
over your raw skin
why do you wear it?
you've never liked
the color yellow
you know you can't
fly through water
busy busy bee
ardnaxela Feb 2019
I wanna see you fly.
Not because you have wings
but rather,
all the ones who said
you'd never do such a thing.
tempest Jan 2019
i think it's safe to say that there are things we wish we’d known
facts on life or happiness, obtained before we’d grown

a lot of us can say relating to our moms and dads
that we weren’t taught to love ourselves or cope with being sad

and maybe those two things are linked to how we feel constrained
by social norms and expectations, taught to be the same

girls are told to cover up the things that make us weird
beat your face or trim your waist to look good in the mirror

course don't get it twisted,
we’re not to look good for ourselves

our looks are all to get a man,
gain love from someone else

to top it off, what do we do when things just go awry?
after all, teenage dating is really quite the lie
see, that vital lesson is one i guess will not be taught
leaving girls with broken hearts and feeling so distraught

and i can’t say i've managed to avoid this deadly trap
opening my heart despite feeling like utter crap

searching every nook and cranny on this giant earth
cause i've been taught a boys opinion is what proves my worth
Justyn Huang Jan 2019
I have a micropenis...
And it really doesn't ****
As much as I thought it would
Mainly cause no girl wants
An imaginary ***** going anywhere
Near them, I mean they have ******
For that.

So I'm suing every ***** company
For making products that promote
A false sense of self worth and an
Incredibly over-inflated beauty standard
That is all but impossible to ever live up
To: basically anything larger than 0.5cm
is up for grabs.
(Except mine-- which is never grabbed)

Wanna hear a sexist double standard?
Girls have the "itty bitty ***** committee"
But guys have no "teeny weeny peeny task force"
Le sigh~ ***** to ****
Or to never at all
An inside joke between me and my friend that I'm not taking overboard XD
Anna Jan 2019
The lie that everyone believes.
Yet it is this lie we basically breath.

How can one be honest, when the world tells us not to be?
How can one lie, when the world tells us to be honest?

There is a double standard in this world.
One that tells us too much honesty is evil, but to little is insidious.
How can we adhere to the demands of the world?
The answer is,
We can’t.

We lie to be honest, but to be honest is to lie.
Honestly, we should all just hope that these double standards die.
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